A cheer.

"Great! Lin Buer is fine! But why did Lin Buer appear outside the battlefield? "?"

The doubts of the host are also the doubts of most viewers of this live broadcast.

Lin Buer was clearly at the center of the illusion the whole time.

But why in the blink of an eye.

But stay outside the vortex of the battle?

"There is no appearance of self, no appearance of human beings, no appearance of sentient beings, no appearance of longevity, pink skeletons, white bones and flesh..."

Lin Buer's voice had a hint of ethereal in it.

Echoed for a long time under the silent night sky.

"By the way, where are the players from Ahsan and Japan?"

The host immediately came back to his senses.

The director also switched the screen in time.

Although Lin Buer has nothing to do now.

But the two biggest destabilizing factors have not been ruled out.

The situation is still very urgent.

[What time is it, what scriptures are you still reciting? 】

[That's right, let's run! 】

[Oh, why is little brother Lin so uneasy! 】

[Can you stop BB?The Great God wants you to quarrel here?Just watch it and it's over! 】

As Lin Buer fanned away the dust that blocked people's sight.

The live broadcast room of Sanguo Shengzi Fan quit and Sun Wuguo player Sasaki Jiro finally returned to normal.

In the picture, the head of Shengzi Fan Bugan was cut off.

The brain and blood vessels that are still beating inside are exposed.

But the blood and brains that keep spilling out of it.

It has fully explained the current situation of Shengzi Fan's resignation.

At this time, the Holy Son of Shiva of the Three Kingdoms was kneeling on one knee, still muttering to himself:

"I...I finally killed you...haha..."

Seeing this scene, Ramsit, the leader of the Special Operations Team for Survival of the Three Kingdoms National Games, cried out in fright.

"Oh! My God, damn it! What happened? Switch the channel!"

This scene really scared him a lot.

And besides the palpitations, the doubts in his heart also deepened.

How did Lin Buer do it!

It wasn't just the leader of the Special Operations Team for Survival of the National Games of the Three Kingdoms that was frightened.

There is also Sakata Buren, the leader of the Special Operations Team for the Survival of the Day Without a Country and the National Games.

"Oh, it's disgusting, cut it off! Go find Jiro Sasaki!"

At this time, Sakata Buren had a bad premonition in his heart.

Such a powerful player from the Three Kingdoms has become like this.

Isn't Jiro Sasaki...


Can't think so!

Although I am not capable of fighting against the warriors who have no country.

But the escape is still top notch!

"Baga, I asked you to call up Sasaki's live broadcast, what are you doing!"

Sakata Buren was furious.

These idiots can't even do this well!

"Reporting sir, we can't find the live broadcast of National Luck Survival without a country..."

The voice of the subordinate in charge of the report became lower and lower.

And there was a faint trembling.

"` ‖ Nani!" Sakata Buhito strode forward in a frenzy, and grabbed his subordinate's neck fiercely. "You bastard, say it again!"

The subordinate repeated it with tears and snot running down his nose.

"Report...report sir! We can't find the National Games Survival Live Broadcast Room!"

Hearing this, Sakata Buren felt a 'thump' in his heart!

Did the least expected happen anyway?

Sasaki Jiro-kun died so quietly?

But how is this possible?

Although Sasaki Jiro is not the strongest, if he unites with the holy son of Shiva in Asan Kingdom.

Even if it can't be an enemy with one mechanism.

At least it can be guaranteed to survive!

"It's impossible, it's not..."

The hysterical Sakata has not finished speaking.

The electronic broadcast sound of the National Games Survival System came from the live broadcast room.

[The Japanese player died due to Xia Guolin's illusion and was eliminated! (No good)]

[Competitor Xia Guolin Fuji eliminated two Riwuguo players, so while receiving half of the rewards from Riwuguo players.Xia Guo will receive half of the national game rewards of the Sun Wu Guo! 】

[The two National Games Survival Players from Japan are all eliminated, and the punishment from the National Games Survival System is coming soon!Please pay attention to all citizens of Japan without a country, and get ready to welcome it! 】

Sakata Buren was dumbfounded.

All the citizens of Japan Without a Country were also dumbfounded.

A second ago, he was still eating hot pot and singing songs, and the whole country celebrated the impending death of Lin Buer.

But who knows that the screen will be black in the next second.

First of all, I saw the tragic situation of Fan Qi, a player from the Three Kingdoms.

I almost vomited out what I ate yesterday.

Now I hear such bad news again.

Also eat a fart of hot pot!

Today's Sun Wuguo can no longer dance like before.

Don't talk about barrage.

Even the host who is in charge of hosting the show started running Lu Dian.

The disaster of no country is coming! .

Chapter 110 Three: Level [-] Disaster!sad day without country

Blue Star, a catastrophe is coming!

[Version 2.0 has random punishment measures...Punishment level: Level 8! (The highest level is level 10)]

[Warning: Attention all citizens of Sun Wu Guo, please do not make unnecessary struggles, the punishment measures after version 2.0 will be more precise and comprehensive. 】

Although it says so.

But when the end comes, who is willing to wait for death.

"Baga! It turned out to be an eighth-level disaster! Does this mean that we don't treat our countryless citizens as human beings?"

"Run away, run away, even if you die, you have to be on your back!"

"Fleeing to Xia Guo and bringing the disaster to Xia Guo were all caused by the damned Lin Buer!"

A plane fled quickly.

But it doesn't help.

The 2.0 version has richer rewards, which also means more severe punishments!

The blame can only be blamed for the unlucky Sun Wuguo, who committed suicide.

Airplanes that take to the sky are not blown away by hurricanes.

It just burst into flames and exploded suddenly.

Thunderbolts flashed in the dark sky.

Precisely hit every piece of land in the country without sun.

In the blink of an eye, 80% of the land of the Sunless Country was devastated.

The live broadcast rooms in other countries are interspersed with the situation of no country.

"My God, you can see what a hell scene this is!"

The voice of the host of the beautiful country trembled. 903

I was terrified by this almost extinction scene.

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