[My God, why did Sun Wuguo suddenly lose two contestants? 】

【God, who else could there be except that devil monk Lin Buer?Don't you all pay attention to him now? 】

【Are you talking about the Xia Guo monk who came out of the coffin? 】

All of a sudden, the title of Lin Buer Devil almost spread.

Lin Buer's behavior has been condemned in international forums.

And the instigator behind this is naturally the beautiful country.

The leader of the National Games Survival Special Operations Team in the beautiful country has been replaced by Admiral Tom.

This general is Xia Guo's old opponent.

Eagle-like sharp eyes and a pipe that never leaves his hand have become the hallmarks of General Tom.

"How's the fishing boat doing?"

"Report to the general, this is really a wise decision!"

"Very good! We will unite with other countries tonight. After the communication function is activated tomorrow morning, we will inform the players from all countries to destroy Lin Buer together!

Although I know that it is impossible for everyone to be tied to us, we only need to establish a common imaginary enemy for them.

Then these cowards will make what they think is a real choice! "

The general took two sharp puffs, and the entire battle command was filled with even more smoke.

What a vicious scheme!

A general from a beautiful country actually has such a thorough understanding of Xia's alliances.

As expected of Xia Guo's old opponent!

There is a big move on Meiliguo's side, and Xiaguo's side is naturally too busy.

Imperial Capital Bailanju Villa.

Wu Nian'an once again locked himself in the combat command room.

The phone calls kept ringing, and the top management and the entire National Games Survival Special Operations Group were making plans.

It's only one day.

First, the two players who defeated the Sultan King Beiguo.

This time, the team wiped out the players who have no country in the sun.

And soon.

In the live broadcast of Survival, Shiva of the Asan Kingdom teaches that the holy son Fan is about to die if he does not do it.

The officials of the Three Kingdoms are calling one after another.

And continue to exert pressure.

He threatened to die if Shiva taught Shengzi Brahma not to do it.

Then Lin Buer's parents in Xia Kingdom will be in danger of life!

"I'm going to Nima, dare to threaten our Xia country, you, a country that grew up on cow dung, what qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?"

Wu Nian'an, who was furious, hung up the phone angrily.

The continuous demonstrations in other countries have made him one head and two big.

This time, half of the rewards of Sun Wuguo were transferred to Xiaguo.

It is indeed worthy of congratulations.

But Sun Wuguo is in such a miserable state now.

Not only was 80% of the country's land area destroyed, but more than 70% of the population died directly!

Therefore, many countries are clamoring, 'We must compensate Japan without a country! ', 'Dayless country is innocent' and so on.

"Return? Return what? This is what the system sent us to Dragon Kingdom. If you condemn it, then condemn the system!"

"What? Compensation? What kind of onion are you? Come with me (ajbh) for compensation?"

"Innocent? The little devils in the country of the sun have never been innocent! This is a natural and man-made disaster, and it has nothing to do with our Xia country. If you want to touch porcelain, believe it or not, I will give you two mushrooms to taste!"

Wu Nian'an's attitude was surprisingly tough.

Of course, this is not just the meaning of the upper class.

It is also the meaning of all Xia people.

No compensation, no apology, none of my business.

The whole country of Xia is promoting it with one heart and one mind.

It was Riwuguo and Ah Sanguo who made the first move, and everyone was watching.

From the beginning to the end, our player Lin Buer was always good.


Did the system broadcast Lin Buersha?

Then you go to the system, why are you looking for us?

The eighth-level disaster ushered in by Sun Wuguo lasted for an hour.

The electronic synthesis sound of the system also sounded again.

[This punishment is over, please adjust your mentality to the people of Japan without a country. The update after this morning will start the player supplement, so stay tuned! 】

This announcement echoed in every corner of the world.

Many people cried when they heard this sentence.

It almost turned the whole Sun Wuguo upside down, and now they came over and said, adjust your mentality.

Shrimp pork heart!

With the current population, they still participate in the shitty National Games to survive.

If you send it in now, you probably won't be able to beat even a one-star beast.


At this moment.

Lin Buer recited the scriptures, and walked step by step to the eyes of the holy son of Shiva in the Asan Kingdom.

A wave of hands.

The demon lingering in Fan Bugan's heart finally dissipated.

But at this time, even if he could see the person in front of him clearly, Fan didn't do anything, he couldn't do anything.

Just ask hard:

"You, why aren't you dead yet?"

However, Lin Buer raised his right hand in front of his chest.

Stretch out your left hand and put it on Fan Bugan's skull that had been cut off.

Lin Buer didn't have the ferocity to dislike Vatican and quit.

Instead, he closed his eyes.

With a look of compassion on his face, he answered the wrong question and said:

"There is no image of a self, no image of a person, no image of a living being, an image of a lifeless person, a pink skeleton, white bones, skin and flesh... In this way, there are countless and boundless sentient beings who can be saved. There is no one who can be saved. All appearances are illusory. If When you see all appearances and non-appearances, you will see the Tathagata. Bodhisattvas should live in giving without dwelling in the Dharma. The so-called alms that does not dwell in form, does not dwell in sound, fragrance, and touch the Dharma..."

Everyone who saw this scene was greatly shocked.

Even the people of Asan, who were still excited because of the death of Fanbugan, were infected by Lin Buer's compassionate picture at this moment.

Lin Buer's voice was obviously very small in the live broadcast.

But almost all the viewers who watched the live broadcast.

They all felt a slap in the face.

What's the point of fighting?

Isn't everyone just trying to survive this national destiny?

The leader of Shivaism, after listening to Lin Buer's scriptures, bowed his head devoutly.

Gently said four words in Sanskrit that he had never spoken in his life.


Chapter 110 Four: Improving Playing Speed!Two chances!

Lin Buer couldn't do anything about Blue Star World's fight.


When Lin Buer got up, the Holy Son of Shiva Sect in Ahsan Kingdom had already turned into a handful of loess.

The two of them were deeply trapped in the obsession of Tianmowu~ without knowing it.

If you let go of the obsession in your heart, you won't end up killing each other.

"The three of you have too much obsession in your hearts. It's good to be freed like this. To eliminate demons is to kill the demons of troubles. What should be eliminated is not the external demons, but the demons in the heart."

A player from the Three Kingdoms, Shiva teaches the Holy Son, if Brahma doesn't do it, die!

Looking at the mess of the place, Lin Buer's mood towards Monk Wuxin got closer.

Wuxin embodies the etiquette and obsession of people's desire for goodness.

Usually, the more gentle and kind-hearted the seemingly careless person, once he makes a decision in his heart, he must be more determined than everyone else.

After solving the three of them, Wuxin was about to go west and head to Chaoge.

The first is to play the voice of the system, ringing in the head

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