[Congratulations, because you have killed three opponents, your magic power has increased, your acting speed has increased by 3%, and the 'Inner Demon' has reached the ninth floor! 】

[Congratulations, because the soul of the dead has been saved, the Buddha-nature has increased, the acting speed has increased by 3%, and the 'Inner Devil' has reached the perfect state! 】

The heart demon of the perfect state!

Lin Buer never thought of it.

These three guys came to the door, and they came to give experience packs.

Lin Buer, who was walking on the road, was uncommonly proud of himself.

Immediately afterwards, the notification sound of the National Games Survival System also rang.

[Hint: You have entered the red list!When encountering a player without a country in the future, the opponent's strength will be increased by 50% in an all-round way!And when you enter within 3 kilometers of the other party, the other party will get an early warning! 】

[Hint: You have entered the red list!After encountering A Sanguo players, the opponent's strength will be increased by 50% in an all-round way!And when you enter within 3 kilometers of the other party, the other party will get an early warning! 】

But Lin Buer smiled lightly.

One more is not much, one less is not more.

"Very good, come one, I'll get one! Come two, I'll get a pair!"

Lin Buer must be happier.

Killing enemy players can improve magic and increase performance.

I was also afraid that no one would dare to shoot me because of the red list.

Now it seems that this 50% ability commission will actually increase the confidence of these people.

Just wait for the experience package to be delivered to your door.

After killing, you can also give a super gift bag.

Earn another wave of performance!

How could he not like this kind of thing?

Lin Buer's evil smile relieved the Xia Kingdom audience who were still worried about Lin Buer.

In most people's eyes.

This is definitely punishment!

But looking at Lin Buer's confident appearance now, Xia Guo's netizens discovered it.

Your own worries are superfluous.

[I'll go, Master Lin is really fierce!Eliminating two countries in one day, what is this monk, this is completely killing gods! 】

【What are you talking about?Those eliminated guys are looking for death on their own. Didn't you see that Lin Dashen is still helping to save? 】

[Hahaha, that's right, these guys know about Pengci, Lin Dashen just gave them a ride, along with free supernatural powers. 】

While everyone was still discussing intensely.

Some more good news -

[Congratulations to Xia Guo's player Lin Buer for obtaining 50% of the abilities of the two players of Ri Wu Guo! 】

[Congratulations to Xia Guo player Lin Boer for obtaining 50% of A San Guo Fan Bugan's ability! 】

[Congratulations to Xia Guo for winning the 50% national fortune reward of Sun Wuguo! 】

at this time.

Sun Wuguo across the sea from Xiaguo!

The people of Japan without a country, who were already miserable, were even worse.

on the live screen.

Lin Buer felt the changes in his body,

"Well, it's okay, three cobblers with one Zhuge Liang on top, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat."

Lin Buer didn't think there was anything wrong with this sentence.

But the people in Xia Kingdom sounded like Versailles.

[I'll go, Zhang Dashen is not only top-notch in murder, but also top-notch in pretense! 】

[Two ninjas, plus a holy son of the Three Kingdoms, do you think this is a mosquito? 】

[Good guy, I'm direct good guy!Can you give me this mosquito meat? 】

Lin Buer hurried on his way in the dark.

Go west all the way to Chaoge.

And Xia Guo Guoyun Survival Special Operations Group also started a review of Lin Buer.

"Little friend Lin is so merciful!" Shaolin Sun Master sighed from the side.

Wu Nian'an nodded, "Indeed, I also helped these three people read a section of sutras for free. I didn't charge these three countries a handling fee, which is already very cheap for them."

Headmaster Sun shook his hand with a smile, and said, "No! I said Lin Xiaoyou's compassion is not because of this incident."

"Oh?" Wu Nian'an became interested and asked the old monk. "What else could it be because of?"

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

I saw Shaolin Master Sun extended three fingers and said slowly:

"Little friend Lin at least gave these three people two chances to survive! It's a pity that these three people have already fallen into a maze and cannot extricate themselves."

Headmaster Sun's hesitation in speaking is really itchy.

The head of the Emei School, Zhou, who was eavesdropping, couldn't take it anymore.

He gave the old bald donkey a hard elbow.

"You old bald donkey, if you have something to say, hurry up and fart!"

Although Headmaster Sun felt that he had lost face, he was his old friend after all, so he smiled and sped up his speech a lot.

"The first time was when Yuichiro Watanabe died. Think about it, how did that little devil die?"

Wu Nian'an immediately said: "I know, he died by cutting his throat!"

Headmaster Sun nodded and continued to ask: "Then please, does Xiaoyou Lin have a knife? No! So among the four people present, who else has a sharp weapon that can cut someone's throat?"

......... 0 ...

The answer is about to come out.

Of course it is Jiro Sasaki who is also a ninja!

Wu Nian'an gave the correct answer, and the head of the Emei School, Zhou, already knew it.

"If you look carefully, you will find that there was already blood on Sasaki Jiro's knife at that time! Unfortunately, just like Lin Xiaoyou said, these three people are too obsessed with the appearance of things and the obsession in their hearts!

So did not find this 1st chance! "

When everyone heard the explanations of the village chiefs, they suddenly realized.

"What about the second time?"

The second time, after Watanabe Yuichiro was injured, Lin Xiaoyou left a life gate in the phantom formation, which was located at Watanabe Yuichiro's position.

Even if one of these two went to the rescue, it would still be able to break the life-threatening Sixteen Heavens Magic Dance Formation! "

After the head of Shaolin, head Sun explained this.

Everyone felt their hairs stand on end.

An indescribable admiration reverberated in my heart for a long time.

Lin Shide and his wife looked at the striding son in the picture with pride in their eyes.

I was still worried.

Will the son really become what many people call a 'demon barrier' because of killing too many people?

Now it seems.

He is acting so resolutely, resolutely, courageously and strategically, and clearly distinguishes between good and evil!

"Our son has really grown up."

Lin Shide looked with relief at Lin Buer who kept heading west with a relaxed smile on his face.

At this moment, he was quite a bit hopeful that his son would become a dragon.

Chapter 110 Five: The World of Mountains and Seas, Enter Chaoge for the First Time!

"Look, Lin Buer has finally arrived in Chaoge City!"

Xia Guo's excited voice woke up many viewers who were standing in front of the live broadcast room.

There are still many people who are paying attention to Boss Bai who has already entered the imperial city.

After hearing the host's voice, I switched channels.

【I'm going, is Lin Dashen finally here?I have to hurry into the city, the activities in the wine pool and meat forest have already begun! 】

【This King Zhou is not as cruel as imagined. 】

[After all, this is another dimensional world, maybe it's not the same person at all. 】

[Master Lin has to go quickly, the wine in the wine pool and meat forest is actually made from spiritual springs! 】

Silent night.

Lin Buer finally came to Chaoge City in a hurry.

"Is this Chaoge City?"

The towering city gate in front of him made Lin Buer really amazed at the wisdom of the ancients.

"Almost forgot, this is not Blue Star."

Fortunately, there is no curfew here.

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