Otherwise, Lin Bo'er would have to "[-]" climb over the wall and enter.

I'm afraid that if it is discovered by then, there will be another disturbance.

"After we find Bai Yuekui and the others, we must rest as soon as possible."

The soldiers guarding the city gates were not strictly checked.

Even Lin Buer, who is dressed in strange clothes.

There wasn't too much checking either.

Entered the magnificent Chaoge City.

It was unexpectedly bustling here.

As far as the eyes can see are houses with more than 2 floors.

Not only is the decoration extremely elegant, but each building is also very grand.

But this is only the outer city.

It is hard to imagine what kind of prosperous scene it is in the imperial city located in the inner city.

Lin Buer restrained his mind.

Start walking towards the most prosperous area.

Along the way, the scents of all kinds of strange beasts kept coming.

There are even many spiritual fruits placed on various stalls.

out of curiosity.

Lin Buer stepped forward and took a look.

"It's really hard to move without money..."

【Congratulations, you have successfully spoken the lines of Monk Wuxin, and your acting speed has increased by 0.5%. 】

Lin Buer shook his head helplessly.

It would be nice to have some money for this system.

No matter how I say it, I can be regarded as a rich second generation.

I couldn't even take out a few taels of silver.

Many viewers saw Lin Buer deflated for the first time.

They left messages in the live broadcast room:

[Hahaha, it’s really hard for a penny to beat a hero! 】

[Although money is something outside of the body, it is absolutely impossible to do without money. 】

[However, in this city of Chaoge, there are even selling exotic animal meat, spiritual fruits, and all kinds of natural and earthly treasures!It's no wonder that spirit spring water is used as a wine pool in the imperial city. 】

[It seems that this hurting world is really amazing, not only does the account stay open at night, but also the business is so developed! 】

[There is a saying that the reason why the Shang Dynasty was called Shang was because of its prosperity in business. 】

Audiences in the live broadcast room, you say what you say.

Lin Shide and his wife in Bailanju, the imperial capital, love their son very much.

The night is also deep.

I can't even eat enough.

It hurts so much for them as parents.

at this time.

The stall owner looked at Lin Buer who stood still.

I was really attracted by Lin Buer's handsome appearance.

If it weren't for this bald head.

Under the darkness of night, she would definitely be recognized as a woman.

"Boy, do you want some food? It's very affordable!"

(After the version 2.0 update, each player will have their own translation field)

Looking at the kind invitation of the bearded uncle.

Lin Buer could only salute with his right palm up.

"Thank you for your kindness."

The stall owner didn't say anything, he nodded with a smile, and continued to yell and sell.

However, Lin Buer was about to leave.

But was stopped by a voice.

When this bone-softening voice sounded.

All the audience, including Lin Buer, knew who was coming.

The leader of Qingqiu Fox!

Thirty-five thousand years old genius fairy fox!

Daji's aunt!

And, the culprit who caused Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui to be separated——

Qingqiu Fairy Fox, Bai Qian!

"Lang Jun, do you want to eat meat? How about going home and eating me?"

Just a sound attracted the attention of everyone within a 10-meter radius.

Everyone wanted to see who the woman with the voice that could make people feel so crisp was.

Who is so lucky to be able to marry such a woman with a voice like the sounds of nature.


"Scared me!"

"Mom! If you don't eat it, it will make me sick!"

"Hey, it's a pity for such a nice voice."

"It's not the same when it's dark, and there's nothing to be picky about if you're like this."

"By the way, why didn't you find such an ugly person just now?"

"I'm afraid only Empress Nuwa can know."

It's not just the people who eat melons on this street.

Even Lin Buer was slightly surprised, and then resumed the smiling expression on the corner of his mouth.

Because Bai Qian changed into a very ugly face.

It really scared a lot of people.

[My mother, I almost scared me to death in the middle of the night! 】

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】

[The data shows that it is correct, it is 35,000 years old, but why does it look like a child of three or five years old? 】

【Could it be that Bai Qian is interested in us God Lin? ......】

[It's possible, I remember that I used to scare my first love like this! 】

[You can wash up and sleep, don't forget, if you can't reach Xitian, Bai Qian will kill Lin Dashen! 】

[I'm afraid of a fart, I'll be back in 30 days, and then I'll be mad at this stinky vixen! 】

"My lady, I just realized now that you are more beautiful than before! Why don't we go back now?"

Lin Buer praised sincerely, and even took the initiative to walk a few steps into Bai Qian.

When Bai Qian heard this, she was a little unhappy.

My wife is so beautiful, don't you brag.

Now that you look like a ghost, you are courting me instead!

Isn't this humiliating me Bai Qian?

[Congratulations, the black belly value has increased!The fullness of the character image is increased by 2%, and the acting degree is increased by 1%! 】

Black belly.

It is also an element of playing the heartless monk.

Now there is still 1% of the performance progress to be raised to 60%.

This kind of acting law is similar to the acting method.

It can keep one's own heart from being completely affected, and can quickly strip out the role after the performance is over.

It's like an actor acting.

Six-year-old children can act out the piercing eyes of Monkey King.

Let people think that Monkey King is like this.

Then he, Lin Buer, can naturally also deduce the character characteristics of the monk Wuxin in three different realms of human, demon and Buddha.


Bai Qian really had the intention to play tricks on Lin Buer.

Who told this monk to be different from his own double cultivation.

If it weren't for this monk, he could take himself to the west to have a look at 1.7.

She had killed this human being a long time ago, and ended her karma.

But I didn't expect this monk to have such a surprising side.

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