[Yesterday, the second country in the national sports rankings is the beautiful country, with a total score of 1500 points! 】

[National Games Reward: Disease and pest disasters reduced by 50%! 】

Wu Nian'an was a little uneasy at this moment.

It would be even better if this reward was given to their country!

But put it on the beautiful country.

It changed a little bit.

The previous reward was food growth multiplied by 2.

Now it has reduced the disasters of diseases and insect pests.

It is simply used together.

The effect is rising steadily.

But this reward is not friendly to the citizens of the beautiful country.

[Fack!Is this damn national luck system trying to change our beautiful country into a farming country? 】

[Made, damn monk Wuxin, it's all because of him, the second place reward is "Nine Zero Three" which has always been related to food! 】

[He is too perverted, he abruptly raised my points to 8000!Falk!Will we not only receive food-related rewards in the future? 】

[Mommy Falk!We have no shortage of food and clothing, so what is the use of giving us all these things?We also want to live a few more years! 】

[This system is too targeted at us, did Xia Guo bribe the system? 】

[Are you foreign devils in the beautiful country crazy?Such a good reward is still disgusting? 】

【Hahaha, don't hit them upstairs, they just want to grab money, food, and land. 】

at this time.

The audience rewards of the beautiful country have also arrived.

[Audience Reward: Audience members with the ID name Holy will get the one-star beast hunted and killed by John Xungang, a Guanguan bird! 】

[Reminder: The meat of this strange beast is delicious, but the sound is unpleasant. Wearing its feathers will not be affected by bewitching and illusions! 】

The voice just fell.

A shrub bird fell from Holy's home.

Just under 20 minutes.

This "big turtledove" was made into a barbecue.

[Reward for players: Moonlight Fruit! 】

[Reminder: This moonlight fruit was born in the Moon Palace of the Mountain and Sea World, which can strengthen the body! 】

At this moment.

John Xungang and Smith Egg are running wildly.

I have already received the white fruit rewarded by the National Games system.

There is only one portion of this white fruit.

Quietly appeared in front of the two.

No matter how fast these two people run.

The surface of this moonlight fruit is filled with white mist.

Both kept a relative distance from the two of them.

And the monster with a human face and a fish body was chasing after the two of them.

I also noticed at this time, this moonlight fruit that suddenly appeared!

Immediately felt the abundant spiritual power on the moonlight fruit.

"Hey! If the two of you give me this fruit, I will let you two go, otherwise don't blame me, you are ruthless!"

Even this five-star monster wants to grab the moonlight fruit.

John Xungang and Smith Egg will not let it go.

How can such a good fruit be handed over?

"Fack squid! Eat my fart you, you bloody mermaid monster!"

That word is really difficult to pronounce.

John Xun just thought it was appropriate to call this strange beast that way.

The two beautiful country players who were still running away looked at each other.

It was still taken away by John Xungang, the holy son of the blood clan.

If you talk about the Nine Phantom Grass and the Red Blood Spirit Fruit that you ate before.

It made his stomach feel uncomfortable, like a fire.

Then eat the moonlight fruit now.

It fully fits his own attributes.


In blood clan.

It is an existence like the ancestor Lilith.

Blood clans believe in moonlight.

Pray to the moonlight.

And this moonlight fruit.

Not only does it contain powerful spiritual power.

And it comes from the same vein as the source of power of the blood race.


The effect of this moonlight fruit has been greatly increased.

But in front of the five-star alien beast in front of him.

But still only escape.

The strength between the two is at least inferior to that of a four-star beast!

"Follow me, I'm going to speed up!"

Looking at John Xungang who suddenly accelerated.

The five-star first-level beasts chasing after him lost interest too.

It's just a pity, the moonlight fruit that was eaten just now.

"Hey, what a waste of nature, such a good fruit was eaten by two bats. Forget it, enough fun, today's exercise is up to the standard, go back and find my wife."

The audience in the live broadcast room were still rejoicing that their players escaped successfully.

At this time, he was frightened by this monster with a human face and a fish body.

I have been chasing for so long.

It turned out to be just for fun?

It's too disrespectful.

As for Xia Guo's audience, they booed directly.

That's right, if people want to save face, it would be better if they just slaughtered it.

With the successful escape of John Steel and Smith Egg.

The broadcast of the National Games system is also continuing.

This time the third place is still the heroic country 3......

It seems that the five iron masters will never change.

[Yesterday, the country ranked third in terms of points was the Nation of Bravery, total points: 1203 points! 】

[National Games reward: 30% of national water purification! 】

"It seems that even if the system is updated, the strong are still strong!"

"That's right, the points increase this time is also very large. It seems that even if the number of monsters increases and the difficulty becomes greater, more points will be obtained!"

[It's a pity that the two guys from Russia are only one point away from the heroic country, hey, what a pity. 】

[What a pity this is, I can't get it, I will fight for it next time. 】

[It feels like you and Bai Dashen have such high scores now that they can win while lying down. 】

[Hahaha, is everyone so crazy now?Go straight to see the people behind to fight for the 2nd or 3rd place. 】

[Hey, there is no way, even if you want to keep a low profile. 】

[Speaking of which, after 30 days, when the contestants return, how strong they will be then! 】

[I'm afraid only God knows this. When the time comes to walk in the world, that will be the greatest deterrent! 】

[Will Blue Star undergo earth-shaking changes because of the return of the players? 】


At this moment.

The citizens of the heroic country are very happy.

Because the hair loss situation in their country has been very serious.

It is because of the hard water quality.

Even the noblest prince.

The embarrassing situation of being bald at 30 cannot be avoided.

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