All right now.

The most concerned water quality problem has been solved.

Then the problem of hair loss will definitely not bother them in the future. 1.7

[Audience reward: The audience whose ID is sonofasun won a two-star alien fire beetle that Davis hunted wildly! 】


A burst of space ripples.

A strange beast fell from the spectator's yard.

Then it was soaked in wine.

[Player Reward: Shadow Sand]

[Reminder: This shadow sand comes from Yanshan, a world of mountains and seas, and it has an excellent effect on upgrading equipment! 】

Davis wildly looked at the reward in his hand.

a shrug.

"Oh, my brother, it seems that this prize is still yours, and your equipment needs to be upgraded now."

Gribel is not pretentious either.


He took away the shadow sand and immediately upgraded the equipment.

[Yesterday's rewards have ended, players from all over the world are requested to make persistent efforts and work hard to survive!The countdown to Mountain Sea World is 29 days! 】.

Chapter 120: The six-star alien beast under the thousand-story high platform!

at this time.

All rewards have been distributed.

The first day is finally over.

29 days left.

Then you can escape from the world of mountains and seas and return to Blue Star.

At seven o'clock tomorrow, I will receive a message from Xia Guo.

I don't know what happened to Lan Xing's parents.

Although Lin Bu II's identity as a traverser.

But this common sense remains.

However, now only 20 characters can be communicated with each other.

It's also quite annoying.

If only the phone was still there.

Lin Buer looked at Bai Qian helplessly.

The culprit.

Just because of Bai Zhenhai's words of vixen.

So I smashed my phone.

"Hey, you said Bai Qian has lived 35,000 years, why is she as self-willed as a child?"

Lin Buer was having a headache at the moment.

Why did he bring such a powerful but moody guy by his side.

It's not just a woman.

And she's a willful woman.

And she was a powerful woman who would kill him at any time.

Bai Yuekui pursed her lips and chuckled.

Lin Buer behaved calmly no matter what.

It was the first time I saw him deflated because of Bai Qian.

It's quite interesting.

"09 who knows?"

Lin Buer shook his head helplessly.

"Put away the five-color divine light, there are still many powerful beings in Chaoge City!"

Bai Yuekui was a little confused.

But he still put away the five-color divine light honestly.

Put the five-color divine light in the Naxu ring.

Bai Yuekui understands the principle of not revealing wealth.

But Lin Buer was so cautious for the first time.

It will make Bai Yuekui a little strange.

"Wuxin, you are a little different today."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Buer's mouth.

Asked rhetorically: "Oh, is that so?" I just took the opportunity to take a look.

Blue Star, is there still many places that are different from the earth?

"Are you afraid of heights?"

Lin Buer shook his head and said word by word:

"Have you ever heard of Feng Shen Yan Yi?"

"What." Bai Yuekui frowned, his eyes suspicious.

Even many Xia Guo audiences who originally planned to sleep at this time.

Also raised the spirit.

【Great Lin doesn't drink too much, does he? 】

【I don't know, he just said that suddenly. 】

【How to perform? 】

【...Your empty ears are awesome too... Lin Dashen is talking about Fengshen eye shadow, you know? 】

[Oh, I understand, I understand, thank you for the popular science upstairs! 】

【No, I seem to have heard some gods, who should I make gods?Could it be that there are gods here? 】

The audience in the live broadcast room talked to each other.

Just order the Bailanju Villa in the imperial capital.

Everyone who was about to rest also began to discuss.

"Master Zhao, have you Wudang sect heard of the theory of conferring gods?"

Master Zhao shook his head.

"I've never heard of it! Maybe it's just something young people like about ghosts and ghosts."

And Wu Nian'an who stood aside was extremely sensitive.

At this time, they were all frowning.

It shouldn't.

Could it be that Lin Buer is implying something?


It must be so!

At this time, Lin Buer didn't know what messed up people outside were thinking.

Only after confirming the conjecture in my heart.

A faint smile.


"It's nothing, it's just that we need to leave early tonight."

Looking at Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie who are still eating hazel.

Lin Buer used the method of attracting the heart demon to gather voices into a thread.

Lin Buer's voice immediately sounded in the heart lake of the two.

"I'm right behind you, come here, don't move around."

Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie were still eating and drinking.

After hearing the voice of the master.

Turn around immediately.

Looking in the direction behind.


At a glance, I saw the master's...'s the handsome face of the master!

"Master, master, why did you come here!"

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