Before the person arrives, the sound arrives first.

The two staggered all the way.

They all smelled heavily of alcohol.

Lin Buer smiled helplessly.

These two silly apprentices.

If it wasn't for improving Monk Wuxin's acting speed.

He was beaten to death and didn't want to accept these two players from North Korea and North Korea as apprentices.

But fortunately.

The two are simple-minded.

very kind.

Although Lei Wujie's aptitude is relatively dull.

But Jin Xiaoser of the brocade hat and sable fur is a material that can be made.

"Master, let me tell you, the people here are really talented! On such a high floor, there is even a device similar to an elevator! And it doesn't use electricity at all, just water!"

Lin Buer stretched out a palm.

Signal Lei Wujie to shut up.

Lei Wujie, who was still talking, immediately closed his mouth obediently.

"follow me."

Lin Buer turned around silently and led the three of them through the crowd.

This deer platform has nine curved railings.

Golden brilliance.

The few of them were also fortunate to stand at the highest level with Di Xin.

Enjoy the night view of Chaoge.

Along the way, there are strange flowers and herbs, and the fragrance is tangy.

The gurgling water flows down the beam.

There are all kinds of birds and beasts, and their voices are heard ten miles away.

"Wow! It turned out to be a four-star beast!"

"Look, look, giant panda! It's just that this panda is too big!"

"I'll go, is this a crane?"

Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaose are two living treasures, as if they have never seen the world.


But only Bai Yuekui knew.

They are staying away from the crowd.

Although it was full of happy feasters before.

But Lin Buer obviously wanted to take everyone away!

In the end what happened?

This abnormal behavior made Xia Guo's audience very curious.

[How did you leave?Such a good Kowloon banquet, don't you want to play more? 】

[I'm going, such a big giant panda was called an iron-eating beast in ancient times. 】

[It feels like there are fewer and fewer people, no, it's Lin Dashen and the others who are leaving. 903]

along the way.

Even the two Chaoxiaobeixian players who were still lingering in sensuality, wine and music.

At this moment, they seemed to understand something vaguely.

Lei Wujie just wanted to ask where he was going.

He was immediately stopped by Jin Xiaose who was on the side.

And Lei Wujie, who was still drunk, suddenly receded by three points.

Almost forgot.

This is a world of mountains and seas where the fate of the country is to survive and where dangers abound!

Even if he came to the realm of the Emperor.

That still cannot be taken lightly.

His eyes were almost blinded by the prosperity in front of him.

It is very difficult for them to deal with three-star alien beasts now.

Except for Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui.

The two of them can basically be regarded as dragging waste.

So the only thing that can be done.

Just talk less and do more.

Hold the master's thigh tightly.

Several people went around.

Finally came to a door.

This is the 'elevator' of Lutai.

It is mainly a combination of hydraulic and human power.

The principle is not complicated.

But put it on the deer platform thousands of feet high.

Behind it is not only huge manpower and water power.

down here.

There is also a dragon king!

Along the way, the national destiny survival warning sounded continuously.

It's not as intense as this one.

Six-star dragon king!

Even willing to be the 'elevator' of Lutai!

If it weren't for this sudden warning.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie forgot.


But the world of mountains and seas! .

Chapter 120 Two: The Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart!Being overheard by Bigan!

"Everyone, where are you going? Didn't I take good care of you?"

A middle-aged male voice as gentle as jade pierced through the corridor, attracting the attention of several people.

The structure of this deer platform is like this.

Everywhere is connected.

Bai Yuekui looked at the person coming.

?He wears a tall scarf hat, a cross-collared narrow-sleeved garment with a right lapel, a gentry belt around the waist, and knee coverings.

At first glance, it is a dignitary.

But it also reveals a sense of ability, giving people a feeling of spring breeze and warmth.

And those eyes were piercing.

It seems to be able to see through people's hearts.

By chance?

But the early warning of the six-star alien beast was definitely not an accident.

Only strange beasts with strong hostility.

Only the National Luck Survival System issued such a strong warning!

[Ding, reminder, players Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui from the Xia Kingdom; Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie from Chaoxiao North Korea have encountered a powerful alien beast from the mountains and seas, and are analyzing the type of the alien beast...]

[Analysis complete! 】

[Name: Mohe Dragon King ([-]-year-old six-star adult beast!)]

[Doll: Height 1.82m]

[Beast shape: 200 meters long, 1 meters high, and 1 meters wide]

【Intelligence: 120】

[Habits: Growing in the Mohe River, connected with the fate of Chaoge, born in response to the good fortune of heaven and earth!Feed on the energy of the five elements! 】

[Reminder: The other party has noticed the Chaos Orb on your body!Please proceed with caution! 】

[Note: The strength gap between the two sides is too large, please be cautious in your words and deeds! 】

[Special Reminder: If you successfully slay, you can get extra talent skills and real dragon blood, more kills are useless! 】

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