There was a smile on the corner of Lin Buer's mouth.

【This woman is finally here. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. You have to grab her as a shield and go west. 】

Bigan immediately woke up from the shock just now.


to go?

No no no, this is not possible!

The dragon veins of my Great Shang Dynasty are contained in the heart of the sage in white!

This cannot be let go.

But how can we keep the saint in white and his party?


"It turned out that Bigan had discovered Lin Buer's five-color divine light personal award, so he mistook Lin Buer for a saint."

The host explained in the live broadcast room.

At this moment.

Everyone understood the reason for Bigan's abnormal behavior.

But I am even more curious about this guy named Bigan and the world of mountains and seas.

[I'm going, cow, the people in this world of mountains and seas are extraordinary! 】

[Tsk tsk, a five-star person, Emperor Xin, let us see a different King Zhou! 】

[No one who follows Renhuang is simple. It is not easy for this prime minister to be able to see the rewards of the contestants! 】

[Yes, yes, this kind of situation usually only happens to those beasts with special abilities. I didn't expect an ordinary person with mediocre strength to be able to see this. 】

[It means that the players should be more cautious. Just now I thought the fight was about to start, but I didn't expect it to be begging for help. 】

[It seems that no matter where a master goes, they are easy to be noticed. God Lin is a real god! 】

Lin Shide and his wife from Bailanju, the imperial capital, also breathed a sigh of relief.

"This woman named Bai Qian is here, so she should be fine."

"That's right, Bai Qian is a nine-star beast. She can go wherever she wants. Although Bigan is the prime minister, he probably can't help Bai Qian."

Everyone is relieved.

The situation within the Yin Shang imperial city.

But it is much more dangerous than the people and things you will encounter on the westbound road.

Chapter 120 Four: Huang Feihu is here, you evildoers, die quickly!

Players from Xia Kingdom and Chaoxiaobeixian Kingdom are in the Lutaizhong in the palace.

A new turning point is about to take place.

At this time, the beautiful country players.

I just came to the outskirts of Chaoge City.

"Oh my God, there must be a big fight going on here!"

"That's right, Duke John Xungang, the blood on the grass hasn't dried up yet."

This is where Lin Buer and the trio fought.

The huge potholes allow people to vaguely see the tragic battle at that time.


Admiral Tom is the leader of the Special Operations Team for Survival in the Beautiful Country.

I am talking on the phone with Trump, who has been promoted.

"The other countries have been notified, wait until after six o'clock, and locate the position of Xia Guo's player Lin Buer! Waiting for the opportunity, we must not let him grow again!"

Admiral Tom, smoking a pipe, received instructions.

Finally let go of the hanging heart.

"Obey sir! The special operations team will also issue the latest orders to John Xungang and Smith Egg after the communication function is turned on!"

hang up the phone.

The subordinates have already edited the message that will be sent at six o'clock tomorrow morning.

Although the content of twenty characters is limited.

However, the official encirclement and suppression operation against Lin Buer has not yet started.

Tomorrow, John Xungang and Smith Dan, who are closest to Lin Buer and his party, will be asked to do a good job of tracking.

[Don't attack Xia Guo, keep tracking, God bless you! 】

"Well, yes, concise and to the point! I'm going to take a break, and you can change shifts too."

It's almost 1:[-] am now.

And all the National Games rewards have been distributed.

As the leader of the special action team for survival in the beautiful country.

Except in special cases.

Still need to maintain adequate sleep and rest.

Just then General Tom began to unbutton and take off his hat.

When preparing to return to his bedroom for rest.

on the live screen.

John Xungang and Smith's Egg encountered a new situation.

A very penetrating male voice came from the screen.

The sound was like a bell, and General Tom couldn't help but look back.

"Huang Feihu is here, you evildoers, quickly die!"

The person who came was none other than Huang Feihu, King Wucheng of the Shang Dynasty who was riding a five-color divine bull!

During his lifetime, he was good at commanding the army, his martial arts were unsurpassed, he had almost no defeats in battles with mortals, and he was on par with King Zhou.

After being killed in battle, his soul was included in the list of gods. After Zhou Jun overthrew the Shang Dynasty, Jiang Ziya returned to the country and became a god.

He was named the god of "Dongyue Taishan Tianqi Rensheng Great Emperor", and he is the head of the Five Sacred Mountains!

He is in charge of the good and bad fortune of the heaven, earth and the human world, and is in charge of the eighteen levels of hell in the underworld.

The reason why Huang Feihu came here.

It was because of half an hour ago.

The Tianjian Division detected a huge explosion.

As the guard of the imperial city, Huang Feihu brought a team of people here to investigate the truth.

Sure enough, there are gains!

John Xungang and Smith Dan followed the prestige.

At this time, the early warning message of the National Games Survival System also sounded.

Makes the scalp tingling.

[Hint: You have met a powerful human being! 】

[Name: Huang Feihu (Wucheng King of Zhenguo in Shang Dynasty)! 】

[Strength: 3 stars! 】

[Intelligence: ordinary human beings)]

[Special reminder: Let the other party pay attention to your existence!Please be careful with your words and deeds! 】

[Note: Killing the opponent can inherit all the weapons and beasts of the opponent, but not the skills! 】

An ordinary human has three-star strength.

It's so terrifying.

But what is even more frightening is yet to come.

Huang Feihu's mount is also very unusual.

The strength has reached five stars!

[Ding, reminder, beautiful country contestants Hanson Steel and Smith Egg have encountered a powerful mountain and sea alien beast, and are analyzing the type of alien beast...]

[Analysis complete! 】

[Name: Five-Color Divine Bull (Five-Star Alien Beast)]

[Beast shape: 3 meters long, 1.5 meters high, and 1.2 meters wide]

[Intelligence: the beginning of wisdom, with a certain amount of wisdom]

[Habits: Herbivore, five-color hair, endless strength, no fear of beasts, can walk on clouds. 】

[Note: The strength gap between the two sides is too large, please be cautious in your words and deeds! 】

[Special reminder: If you successfully kill a five-star or higher beast, you can get additional talent skills, killing more is useless! 】

As for the other Haohaotangtang team.

It is some miscellaneous fish.

While well trained, defend the imperial city.

But they are all ordinary people.

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