Huang Feihu and his mount are the biggest threat now!

John Xungang and Smith were dumbfounded.

"We are good people, not monsters, we are just passing by!"

Rarely saw a living person for the first time.

Although I couldn't figure out the situation, I finally felt a sense of intimacy.

So the two didn't choose to escape immediately.

But I want to try to see if I can communicate.

Even if communication fails.

You can also run away again.

The advantages of John Steel and Smith Egg will be more obvious under the night.

So don't worry about running away.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Too bad the communication didn't work.

Huang Feihu narrowed his eyes.

A strong killing intent burst out from all over his body!

Is it true that King Wucheng of Zhenguo is blind?

This pair of pointed mouth and fangs, and the pair of huge wings on the back.

What else could it be if it wasn't a monster?

"Monster, eat me!"

Say it.

Huang Feihu clamped the abdomen of the five-colored cow with his legs.

Immediately he raised his gun and stabbed him!

A little cold light came first, and then the gun shot out like a dragon!

The golden dragon spear in Huang Feihu's hand is naturally not ordinary.

This snatch is also known as the "Four Treasures" together with the Tianwang Helmet, Taisui Armor, and Huleibao.

It weighs 120 jins and is passed down from the Western Paradise. The tip of the spear is so sharp that it can pierce even the scales of a real dragon.

So Huang Feihu's strength is only three stars.

......... 0 ...

If you use brute force, you may not even be able to beat the Smith egg who has been promoted to the earl of the blood clan.

But people are well equipped and their mounts are good.

Even faintly gained the upper hand.

John Xungang and Smith Dan glanced at each other, and immediately began to exert force.

Huang Feihu was secretly startled.

Such monsters are actually so powerful.

It seems that it must not be underestimated!

In an instant, my mind moved.

The five-colored bull also joined the battle.

The two parties, who were originally on par, changed their forms in an instant.

John Xungang and Smith Dan were almost crushed.

Moreover, the ordinary soldiers surrounding them were constantly firing crossbow arrows.

Seriously affected the combat effectiveness of the steel egg combination.

Especially John Xungang, who is the duke, how can he stand this aggrieved.

Immediately, his eyes were scarlet, and the killing moment began.

Since you bloody bastards, don't plan to talk about it.

Then don't blame me for being ruthless!

"It's been a long time since I drank human blood, Smith, fight your way out with me!"

After that, there was a screaming sound.

This is also one of the abilities of the blood race.

The voice of the blood race is not only used to find the way.

When fighting.

It also has a strong auxiliary effect.

There were bursts of screaming sounds, with John Xungang as the center of the circle.

transmitted outward.

Some low-strength ordinary soldiers were directly shocked to death on the spot.

And some of the stronger ones were also bleeding from both ears, rolling on the ground in unbearable pain.

The name of the blood clan is indeed well-deserved!

It's a pity they met today.

It is a five-star divine beast, the multicolored divine cow!Several.

Chapter 120 Five: Fierce Battle!Screaming!Lin Buer's caution!

It's 1:30 in the morning.

Xia Guo this time is already early in the morning.

Here in the beautiful country, the sun is shining brightly.

Many beautiful countries are paying attention to this battle.

And this is a pain for General Tom of the Special Operations Team for the Survival of the Beautiful Country.

As the leader of the special operations team.

"Damn! Can't these two guys let me sleep well? Why choose this time?"

Although General Tom has resentment.

But he still lit a pipe and watched the battle in the picture nervously.

His time must be highly consistent with the time in the world of mountains and seas.

So even though he is sleepy now, he still has to stick to his post.

Because at this time the battle really started.

John Steel and Smith's Egg players aren't just getting a boost in strength.

And in the dark night, the combat strength will be doubled.

If "Nine Zero Three" has a moon, its strength will be further improved.

[Wow, it looks like I missed a lot of exciting parts, I'm going to watch the replay. 】

[Oh, my dear friend, I suggest you not to replay, because now is the more exciting time. 】

[Why are the contestants in our beautiful country so unlucky, always encountering strange things of one kind or another. 】

【God, this damn scream is too loud!Almost deafened my ears! 】

The battle at this time has entered a white-hot stage.

General Huang Feihu's golden handle and dragon gun are playing with great power.

But at this time the main force is already the main attack of the Five Colors God Bull.

General Huang Feihu assisted.

"Damn it, this stupid cow! Why is it so difficult!"

Egg Smith made a mistake.

He was directly pushed out by the Five-Color Divine Bull.

But soon flew back again.

Go ahead and join the fight.

"Smith, we have to end the battle quickly, or the opponent will have reinforcements arriving soon!"

"Yes! Honorable Duke!"

The two exchanged glances.

Redistributed their respective tasks.

John Xungang launched a fierce offensive towards the Five Colors God Bull.

The Smith Egg quickly flew towards General Huang Feihu.

A pair of huge fleshy wings fluttered in the air.

Like a giant bat.

"It's a rare opportunity, Smith! You must kill this man and this cow. I feel that I will be promoted to prince soon!"

John Xungang really didn't expect it.

If Huang Feihu was killed, he would be able to inherit all his equipment and mounts.

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