But he didn't expect that the opponent could use a simple weapon so proficiently.

"Obey! My lord!"

Watching the two cooperate more and more tacitly and skillfully.

The audience in the beautiful country immediately felt very relieved.

[Great, the cooperation between the two of them is getting better and better. It seems that the progress of our beautiful country players is also very obvious! 】

[Hahaha, just such a human with an oriental face will definitely die under the hands of Smith Egg! 】

[I remember the introduction just now that if you kill this human named Huang Feihu, you can inherit his equipment and mount! 】

[Isn't it enough to have hands?This person is really unlucky, he is simply a third-class package delivered to his door. 】

[Five-star beast, hahaha, this is simply the No. 1 survival of the national destiny, right? 】

But this time.

In the barrage, a sentence passed lightly.

In Xia Guo next door, there is a nine-star alien beauty who can transform into bodyguards...

Suddenly, the people of the beautiful country closed themselves.

Please don't use God-like characters for comparison, okay?

You can't afford to hurt the little heart of the beautiful people.

But they don't pursue these anymore.

Anyway, as long as they get the magic weapon, the more beasts they kill, the more rewards they will get.

Now Lin Buer can only do it by himself.

Although the nine-star beast is powerful, it cannot follow Lin Buer's instructions.

So as long as you get this five-star beast, use it as your own mount.

Then he is the first person to survive the national destiny!

It can simply sweep a large area of ​​alien beasts.

A four-star beast is worth 1000 points!

Kill 10 casually, wouldn't that be enough?

Just when the audience in the beautiful country was expecting that the first place in the National Games Survival Points ranking would be the beautiful country.

But Smith's egg cried out in pain.

"Ah! No! My ears!"

Everyone looked at the screen again.

Only then did he discover the Smith egg who was still fighting with Huang Feihu.

At this time, one ear was cut off!

Although the rebirth ability of the blood race is very strong.

But this is a complete shame to Smith Egg, who has been promoted to Earl!

Many people quickly played back the live content.

Time goes back to 1 minutes ago.

When Huang Feihu confronted Smith Egg.

"Jie Jie! Hurry up and hand over your equipment and mount, I can consider letting you die a little easier!"

"If you want my mount and sharp spear, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Facing the ferocious and powerful Smith Egg 0......

Huang Feihu was not afraid, but ran towards Smith's Egg with his gun drawn.

Smith Egg, who was promoted to Earl, has not fully adapted to his own strength.

Facing Huang Feihu who was not advancing but retreating, Smith was shocked.

Immediately backed away.

After all, Huang Feihu is a master with a gun.

Between opening and closing, the dull head was chopped off with a single shot.


It was a powerful blow.

Directly let Smith Egg get hit on one knee.

"damn it!"

The Smith egg exploded violently, but this was the moment Huang Feihu had been waiting for.

The entire body of the gun swung out into a circle with force.

Huang Feihu's waist and horse were united, and the golden dragon gun in his hand was wrapped in a gust of wind and pierced Smith's head.

This return to the carbine directly made countless people in the beautiful country wet.

If it weren't for the instinct of Smith's egg that made him tilt his neck.

I'm afraid I will explain it here today.

【My goodness!This mountain and sea world is too scary, right?Does an ordinary human have such strength? 】

[Strange, Smith Egg is obviously stronger, stronger, and faster, but why is it still injured? 】

[Is this Xia Guo Kung Fu? 】

[It's a bit similar, but it has a sense of simplicity! 】

In the live broadcast room, you talk to me.

And the Smith egg who had 1.7 ears cut off couldn't bear it anymore!

He's going to explode!

Even if the level drops back to Viscount, it will not hesitate!

"Ah! You bloody human!"

The strong smell of blood swept across a ten-mile radius in an instant.

Even on the deer platform of Chaoge.

Lin Buer and his party saw the thick blood-colored mist from a distance.

The previous squeal of John Xungang.

It already made him a little concerned.

What kind of creature is it?

Or he said he didn't 'handle it clean'.

Judging from its position, it is the outskirts of Chaoge City.

Where he fights the trio.

Could it be that Yuichiro Watanabe did not die?

Haven't thought much about it yet.

The same scream came again.

Lin Buer pushed away Bai Qian who wanted to hug her.

Confessed to Bai Yuekui and the others:

"Follow Bai Qian, I will come as soon as I go!".

Chapter 120 Six: The White Robe Appears, the Evil Monk Unintentionally

"Ah, I'm going to kill you!"

In a rage, the Smith egg wanted to choose to burst blood.

The blood explosion of the blood clan is different from the blood escape.

Blood escape, just by compressing the blood in the body,

This results in a substantial increase in speed.

Explosive blood is to make the blood gene show an overwhelming expression by weakening the human will.

In order to improve the technology of bloodline purity.

To put it simply, it is to exchange humanity for strength.

Infinitely close to the original state.

It can be simply understood as the state of human beings degenerating into beasts.

From the perspective of outside audiences, this means that you can't beat it and you have to hang up.

[Hey, why are you pulling your hips so much, if you can't beat it, just hang up, right? 】

[He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry! 】

[Hahaha, the contestants in the beautiful country are like this, I thought they were awesome? 】

[Tsk tsk tsk, is this going berserk if you can't beat it?It's too bad. 】

Cheating has consequences.

For a novice like Smith Egg.

The consequences will be more serious.

Moreover, exploding blood is far more harmful than blood escape.

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