[Haha, don't rub salt in the wound, Sun Wuguo doesn't know if he can gather people now. 】

[Tsk tsk, it's so miserable, but it deserves it, who told them to challenge that strong man from Xia Guo. 】

at this time.

In front of the nationals of those countries where the players were eliminated.

There are voting options.

[Do you support continuing to randomly select contestants? 】


Many people chose yes without hesitation.

Only a very small number of people choose no.

It's human nature.

As long as there is hope, it will always stick to it!

at the same time.

Beautiful Country National Games Survival Command Center.

General Tom was puffing on his pipe as usual.

And it can be seen from his frequency.

General Tom was very nervous at this time.

"Oh, damn it! Why do so many people not want to pick a new contestant? Are they that afraid of death?"?"

After all, it is the National Luck Survival held by a god-level civilization.

Everyone can vote at the same time.

You can also see specific data.

Many of the countries that were eliminated have already selected new players to compete.

Even Sun Wuguo, which has been severely hit, has selected new contestants early.

But the beautiful country is deadlocked because of the relatively similar choices.

He hurriedly went to the live broadcast room to watch everyone's barrage.

But I found that everyone's opposition was very high.

【Damn it, I don't want to be an executioner, nor a vampire! 】

[Go to hell, this damn John Xungang, I don't want to be teammates with this kind of vampire. 】

[It's a shame to be a teammate with this kind of person, if only my teammate was Lin Buer. 】

[Forget it, it's meaningless, following someone like John Xungang as teammates, what will greet us is death. 】

[God, this is simply a second torture, anyone who wants to go can go. 】

[Why would any idiot agree to participate in this kind of competition without any suspense? 】

It turned out that the biggest resistance turned out to be the so-called Holy Son of the Blood Race.

John Xungang's behavior of abandoning his teammates made many citizens of the beautiful country lose confidence in the country's survival.

As a result, most people don't want to participate.

And this feeling is gradually spreading.

Nobody wants to be a vampire.

No one wants to be the one left behind.

Instead of entering the National Fortune Survival and dying, it becomes a laughing stock.

It's better to stay in the real world and enjoy the final peace.

Ah, what a breath of 'freedom'.

The one-hour voting session is over.

Many small nations have re-entered the game.

For example, there is no country in the sun.

Just plan to gamble again.

But did not expect.

The players who have no country in the sun once again entered the first time of the National Games Survival.

The two players were wiped out!

The little devil hadn't reacted yet.

Just fell into the lair of a five-star alien beast.

[Ding, reminder, encountered a strange beast from the mountains and seas, and is analyzing the type of the strange beast...]

[Analysis complete! 】

[Name: Blue Beast]

[Beast shape: 3 meters long, 5 meters high, and 3 meters wide]

[Intelligence: At the beginning of spiritual intelligence, intelligence decreases during estrus! 】

[Habits: Born in Fusang Kingdom, carnivorous, likes to eat people]

[Note: The strength gap between the two sides is too large, please be cautious in your words and deeds! 】

[Special reminder: If you successfully kill a five-star or higher beast, you can get additional talent skills, killing more is useless! 】

The remaining citizens of Sun Wuguo were dumbfounded.

Baga crushing the road!

Isn't this bullying?

Five-star right from the start?

Did you make a mistake!

The surviving people are not in the mood to watch the live broadcast now.

There was still hope.

But now, hope is dashed.

People were terrified (and promised) and fled in all directions.

But the nightmarish voice still came from my ears.

[Dayless Country player, Tao Zizhu, was attacked by a strange beast and died, Tao Zizhu was eliminated! 】

[Daisaku Sakata, a contestant from Japan without a country, was attacked by a strange beast and died, and Daisaku Sakata was eliminated! 】

[Special Reminder: All Sun Wu Guo players will be eliminated, all citizens of Japan Wu Guo must be prepared to face punishment! 】

[The random difficulty of this punishment is 5, (the highest difficulty is 10), please prepare for the survival punishment of the National Games! 】

This time the punishment came extraordinarily quickly.

The dark clouds in the sky quickly gathered.

Constantly pressing down on the countryless citizens living on the ground.

Then there is the continuous gathering of thunder.

Behind the black clouds, there seems to be a giant dragon made of thunder and lightning cruising.

Although the difficulty is lower this time, it is a large-scale attack purchase.

All of a sudden, there was lightning and thunder.

The international rescue team that was supposed to arrive today.

Also had to stay away from the island nation of Sun Wuguo.

Chapter 130 Three: Nibal Khan, the beautiful country airborne ogres!

Who would have thought.

Sun Wuguo's players are so mediocre.

The place of rebirth turned out to be the lair of the five-star blue beast!

Xia Guo reported the news as soon as he received it.

"Dear viewers and friends, according to the latest news, the players of Days Without Nations were eliminated, and the entire territory of Days Without Countries suffered a level [-] disaster! The international aid that should have arrived this morning was forced to return!"

The host reported seriously.

But Xia Guo's audience went crazy with joy.

[Hahaha, Sun Wuguo is simply 'Child of Destiny'. 】

[Tsk tsk, how dare you, you really don't have a long memory. 】

[I think, if the Sun Wuguo comes here so many times, the whole country will sink into the Pacific Ocean. 】

【Why do I want to laugh at something so serious~】

[Brother, you are not alone. 】

at this time.

A beautiful country across the ocean.

With a slight numerical advantage, a player was selected at random.

Of course, another player can be selected successfully.

The official operation of the beautiful country is indispensable.

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