But it took a lot of money to let those common people choose yes.

"General Tom, wake up!"

The subordinates shook Admiral Tom, who had not rested.

Because the members of the special operations team work in three shifts.

But the general needs to keep a sleep frequency with the players.

And these few hours of busyness made the already elderly General Sam even more drowsy.

"Oh, soldier, what's the matter!"

General Tom woke up from a nightmare.

"My God, I just had a dream about a bald head! What a horrible nightmare!"

General Tom looked at his soldiers, and then at the live broadcast of the National Games Survival.

"God, why did our players encounter a three-star alien beast as soon as they came up? I seriously doubt that the National Games Survival Competition is targeting us!"

General Tom looked at the player information on the screen and shook his head.

[Ding, reminder, beautiful country player 'Nibal Khan' has encountered a powerful mountain and sea alien beast, and is analyzing the type of alien beast...]

[Analysis complete! 】

[Name: Red Thread Dawn Crab (Three-star Alien Beast)]

[Beast shape: 5 meters long, 5 meters high, and 4 meters wide]

[Intelligence: only biological instinct]

[Habits: Growing up on the coast of the East China Sea in the world of mountains and seas, good at water attack, two crab claws are stronger than gold and stone!The speed is amazing! 】

[Reminder: You can get 100 points for killing three-star beasts! 】

【Special Reminder: If you kill ten of them, you can get the fast movement of the Red Line Dawn Crab. The current speed is increased by 5 times, so killing more is useless! 】

What the soldiers on the side want to remind is actually the situation of the new contestants from the beautiful country.

But did not expect.

This kind of thing happened when new players were added.

This is a three-star beast!

Many players from the beautiful country gave up on themselves.

[Look, I already said not to vote for the competition, now it's over, you are all executioners. 】

[Tsk tsk, the beautiful country is nothing more than that. 】

[Three-star alien beast, luck is not bad, Ri Wuguo next door was directly born in the lair of five-star alien beast! 】

[Ham, compared with the guy who has no country, it's really bad luck! 】

[Hey, you have to choose no at one point in the vote tomorrow. 】

Almost everyone is not optimistic about this seemingly mediocre Nibalhan player.

After all, this is a three-star beast.

And the speed of movement that people can't see clearly is really desperate.

However, the smile on Nibal Khan's mouth became more and more presumptuous.

But many people choose to look again.

How will this guy die.

But something unexpected happened to everyone.

This seemingly unremarkable beautiful country player kept lowering his body.

An observant enough viewer finds out.

Nibal Khan's eyes changed instantly.

Like one, the eyes of a frog.

Then Nibal Khan suddenly made a sweeping move towards the no-man's place.


Large swaths of sand kicked up on the beach.

The real body of the red thread dawn crab finally appeared.

A red crab on all fours.

Struggling to get up in the pit.

Nibal Khan succeeded in one blow, and did not relax, but chose to shoot consecutively.

One after another, it hit the weak point of the red line dawn crab.

But within 2 minutes, there was (ajbh) an announcement.

(Killing monsters and obtaining treasures will only be reported on the private channel; killing other players will be reported on the entire channel!)

The citizens of the beautiful country were shocked.

Even General Tom, who was still thinking about how to explain to Trump, that old Bidden.

At this moment, they all stood up in disbelief.

Watch this announcement quietly.

[Congratulations to Nibal Khan from the Beautiful Country for killing the three-star alien beast 'Red Line Dawn Crab', and his points increased by 100! 】

[Reminder: Killing nine more will give you an additional ability boost!Increase the current capacity by five times! 】

Seeing this announcement, the citizens of the beautiful country immediately swept away the shadow brought about by the death of the Smith egg.

Some people are even more ecstatic to share this video on the World Forum.

[Oh my god, it's too powerful, fighting a three-star alien beast alone!The battle was over in less than 10 minutes! 】

[Mamma Mia, why don't we have such a good contestant in the country of chicken rolls? 】

[With this Nibal Khan player here, it won't take long to catch up with Xia Guo's points! 】

[It’s too strong, beautiful country is really lucky! 】

[No, a hacker sorted out the information, this is a person with superpowers!It can continuously absorb the genes of other creatures to strengthen itself! 】

[What, are you so perverted? 】

At this time, General Tom also saw the information of this superpower 'Nibal Khan'.

[Name: Nibal Khan (Superpower)]

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 25】

[Ability: Devour Evolution]

[Ability introduction: through devouring, inherit part of the ability of the devoured, and now most of them are animal-type abilities! 】

【In custody! 】

[Note: Committing homicide and insulting corpses! 】

Insulting a corpse!

General Tom's eyes widened.

This is not eating people...

Thinking of this, General Tom was terrified!

He never thought of it.

Originally thought that this contestant was the lucky star of the beautiful country.

But now it seems.

This guy named Nibal Khan is likely to become a disaster for the beautiful country.


General Tom thought of other near-destroyed nations.

Suddenly my heart sank.

No matter what his ability is, as long as it can make the beautiful country stronger, then it's not a problem!

This is a world where individuals eat people.

If Nibal Khan really reaches the point of eating players from other countries by then.

Everything will be covered by the beautiful country!

"General, this is a dangerous criminal, do you want to remind John Xungang?"

The subordinate's words interrupted the general's thinking.

But General Tom said coldly:

"What are you afraid of? Players on the same team can't shoot. He can eat whoever he likes. As long as he can make our beautiful country stronger, he is a hero!".

Chapter 130 Four: Golden Age, Rising Countries!

Among the newly added players, there is no shortage of powerful people!

It's not just the Nibal Khan ogres in the beautiful country.

Even Ah Sanguo has added a very strong player.

That is ~ the Holy Son of Vishnuism -


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