The people of the Three Kingdoms were very excited.

Because this holy son is the holy son of the state religion of the Three Kingdoms!

Unlike the holy sons of Shivaism and Brahmanism, they are not hidden from the world.

Ke Li's prestige is a household name in Asan.

At this time, the host of Ah San Guo was reporting excitedly.

"Everyone can see that what is displayed on the screen is our state religion saint son Keli! You have heard about the holy relics of Keli for a long time. I hope that this time the son of Keli can also live up to everyone's expectations and convey the will of Vishnu!"

Seeing the appearance of Holy Son Keli, the people of Ah Sanguo finally regained some confidence.

The previous Shiva taught the Holy Son, but Brahma did not.

Although the technique of destruction is very powerful.

But in the end he died in the illusion.

And the Holy Brahman Son, Elmad, has not contributed much these days.

Big disappointment.

Now it's finally all right!

The appearance of Ke Li, the holy son of the state religion.

Let many disappointed people rekindle their confidence.

【Haha, bless Vishnu, our holy son of the state religion has appeared, and wait for the justice trial! 】

[Holy Son is the embodiment of order and truth. Look, the two Holy Sons seem to be meeting soon! 】

[I hope that I can persuade the son of Almad to come back and stop staying in the deep mountains and old forests. Our Three Kingdoms are already far behind! 】

[Facing a common enemy, we must unite and defeat Xia Guo together! 】


Ah Sanguo, the two holy sons are about to unite.

The contestants in Kimchi Country also had an adventure.

Although in the extreme north of Frostfang Icefield.

But after the chaos power erupted.

A great life was born here - Candle Dragon!

Beyond the Northwest Sea, north of Chishui, there is Mount Zhangwei.

There is a god with a human face, a snake body and a red body, with straight eyes.

Its eyes are dark, its vision is bright.Don't eat, don't sleep, don't stop, the wind and rain are the same.It's Zhu Jiuyin, it's called Candle Dragon!

When the two contestants from Kimchi Kingdom first met Candle Dragon.

They're all about to die.

When the candle dragon appeared.

Park Beigua and Cui Chengza almost died on the spot.

And the benefits of seeing the gods are also obvious.

The kind-hearted Zhulong not only rescued the two of them.

They also gave each of these two goods a magic weapon.

after that.

Then Pu Beigua and Cui Chengza were sent out of the land of no sun.

The two were also ecstatic because of the increase in points and the four-star magic weapon.

The points of the magic weapon and the points of the beast are almost equal.

One star, 1 point; two stars, 10 points, three stars, 100 points, and so on.

And these two people have obtained a four-star magic weapon!

Park Beigua first identified the red flame that was beating like a heart in his hand.

【The identification is successful! 】

[Congratulations to Park Beigua for winning the four-star magic weapon! 】

[Name: Eclipse Fire! 】

[Introduction: The four-star magic weapon comes from the flame of the candle dragon. It is powerful, can evolve, and has no upper limit! 】

The second magic weapon.

It's the fencer Choi Sung-ja.

What he got was a sword-like magic weapon——

【The identification is successful! 】

[Congratulations to Park Beigua for winning the four-star magic weapon! 】

[Name: Sun Moon Candle Dragon Sword! 】

[Introduction: Four-star magic weapon, can be advanced!After advancing to seven stars, the sword spirit will be opened! 】

Now the people in Kimchi Country are excited.

The host even said without shame:

"It's really God's blessing, we are the center of the world, even in the most dangerous moment, we will survive from desperation!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more smoky.

[Haha, the nine-star god actually showed up on his own initiative, it seems that we must be the kingdom of destiny! 】

【Kimchi Country has been the center of the world for a long time, and Xia Country next door has never recognized it. Now it’s a slap in the face, right? 】

[The gift from the gods is good, and it can even be advanced! 】

[Look at the two Xibas of Chaoxiao Beixian, they even ran to hug the thigh of a Xia Guoren, what a waste. 】

【If it were me, even if I jumped off the cliff and died outside, I wouldn't hug Xia people's thighs! 】

The kimchi country, which has always been lacking in this and that, suddenly has the confidence to speak.

If only Zhulong knew that the kimchi people have this virtue.

It is estimated that they will hide as far away as possible when they see the kimchi Chinese people for the first time.

"Cui Chengza Ouba, I like your big sword!"

"Park Beigua Ouba, I also like your eclipse fire, it makes me feel very warm!"

in the live room.

The scene where the two old men are in love with each other is really disgusting.

Except Kimchi Chinese.

People in other countries were disgusted by this scene.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

【Shock my mom for a whole year!These two... don't you know that this is live broadcast around the world? 】

【Depend on!Why not turn on private mode?Think of this as an idol drama scene, right? 】

[Suddenly I feel nothing to envy. 】

[It's boring, why not go and see what Xia Guo's player Lin Buer is doing. 】

[That's right, why didn't I see any news about Xia Guolin Fuji this morning? There seems to be no movement on the international forum. 】

【Lin Dashen doesn't make any noise, and suddenly he's not used to it. 】

The viewers who were disgusted withdrew from the kimchi country's live broadcast room one after another.

Came to Xia Guo's live broadcast room.

But in the live broadcast, the eyes are indeed full of golden yellow.

【what!What kind of light is this, it blinds my dog's eyes! 】

【Oh my god, what kind of plane is Lin Buer doing? 】

......... 0

[My god, so much gold!So many magic weapons, so many treasures! 】

[The minimum is five-star baby, oh my god, did player Lin Buer fall into some kind of treasure house? 】

[Let me take a good look with my sunglasses! 】

That's right.

Today's Daji wants to keep Lin Buer.

Led Lin Buer and his party to the treasure house of King Zhou and Emperor Xin.

Because if you want to keep Lin Buer, you have to keep Bai Qian.

Bai Qian loves three things: drinking, fighting and novelty!

Lin Buer, who had been knocked on the door by Bai Qian early in the morning, had a headache.

Nine stars are equivalent to the top combat power in this palace.

You can come and go as you please.

Lin Buer, who thought he was going to leave Chaoge and continue westward.

Unexpectedly, Bai Qian took them to visit Di Xin's treasure house.

This stroll is all morning.

When the door is opened, that bright golden yellow.

The jaws of Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie almost dropped.

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