"Niece, can we really go in?"

There are stars in Bai Qian's happy eyes.

It seems that the niece did not lie to him.

The treasure house of Emperor Xin is really extraordinary!

It's not like Shangxian Bai Qian of Qingqiu Kingdom who is in charge of a country.

Seeing that this trick worked, Daji nodded happily.

Bai Qian who stepped over the threshold with one foot suddenly thought of something.

Turning back to Lin Buer, he said, "Little monk, after I finish visiting this treasure house, I will set off for the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss!"

Lin Buer smiled helplessly.

It just so happens that he also wants to see what kind of treasures are in Di Xin's treasure house.

Chapter 130 Five: Playing With Things!Progress for all countries!

This is the golden age for the development of players from all over the world.

Yesterday was the first day when the power of chaos broke out.

Many players did not adapt.

However, the outbreak of the power of chaos changed the world.

It also provides players with more opportunities for development.

Finally, on the second day of this version update.

The players finally ushered in the golden time for development.

at this time.

The host of Xia Guo's national sports survival special program is reporting the situation of players from various countries.

"As of 3:00 p.m. in the imperial capital, beautiful country player, Nibal Khan, is the fastest growing player among the current players! He can already face four-star alien beasts!

In the Three Kingdoms, Shaldema, the holy son of the Brahman religion, and Keli, the holy son of the Vishnu religion, met smoothly, and they have found a fairy cave, and their strength has doubled!

Kimchi Country contestant, Pu Beigua, received a fourth-level item from Torch Dragon—Eclipse Fire!Cui Chengzha, received the fourth-level prop from Zhu "Nine Twenty" Dragon—the Sun Moon Candle Dragon Sword!

The thunderstorm punishment of the sunless country will stop at [-] o'clock in the morning, and all countries will support..."

The citizens of Xia Guo watched as players from other countries were catching up.

But his own players were still browsing the treasure house.

They are all a little angry about their indisputableness and mourning about their misfortune.

[It's really a plaything, why didn't the above tell Brother Wuxin and them this information? 】

[There is only one communication opportunity a day, and it can be accumulated. It is better not to use it unless it is absolutely necessary. 】

[It's over, it's over, the foreign devils in the beautiful country are almost catching up, this guy named Nibal Khan is really fierce!Eat whatever you see. 】

[Oh, what's the matter, I've been shopping all day and haven't had enough shopping?Is this treasury that big? 】

[It would be great if I could get one of the treasures. 】

[What do you think?The least valuable thing here is gold, but this is of no use to the players.As for those items with high points, I feel that I can't take out this treasure house at all. 】

Some netizens who came to watch Xia Guo's jokes also squeezed into Xia Guo's live broadcast room.

Although their main purpose is to spray people.

But when I saw the treasure house of King Zhou, I was still amazed.

[Water Zefak!Am I falling into a sea of ​​gold? 】

[Oh, my God, this dazzling 24K pure gold was thrown on the ground at will like this, what a waste of money! 】

【Oh, if I'm not mistaken, is the item identified just now a five-star magic weapon?This is a treasure worth 1 points. 】

[Oh my god, it's incredible, a six-star magic weapon!This is the existence of 10 points! 】

for a while.

Many trolls were fascinated by this golden color.

If it weren't for seeing Lin Buer's handsome face.

They almost forgot the task assigned above.

engage in mentality.

Engage in the mentality of Xia people!

[Yo Yo Yo, isn't this Lin Buer, I haven't seen you for a few days, so why? 】

【roll! 】

[If you don’t want to read it, please go away, please?Lin Dashen naturally has his reasons for doing things. 】

[Tsk tsk, is this the reason why you only know about pleasure? 】

[The people of Xia Kingdom are like this, they are too proud and conceited, and a whole day is wasted here. 】

[I bet that the people of Xia Kingdom will definitely steal the treasure in the end, they like to do such sneaky things! 】

[Yes, that's right, the people of Xia Kingdom like to steal things the most, and they also stole the culture and history of our Kimchi Kingdom! 】

【You grandchildren can only spit shit out of your mouths, right?No matter what our players do, can you, a group of foreign barbarians, gossip about it? 】

【Look, this is what Xia Guo often said about 'urgent'! 】

fling in teeth.



This is what foreigners know best.

Once something is wrong.

will hold on to it.

If it is a question done wrong.

Normal people will point out what is wrong and what kind of correction is needed while criticizing.

But this group of guys is different.

These foreign bastards will only keep belittling your personality and trampling on your dignity.

Then list your mistakes one by one.

They will belittle you and belittle your ancestors for eighteen generations!

Then I tell you that being born was a mistake.

Whatever you do is wrong.


This is their means.

No matter when and what.

bombard you.

Until you believe it yourself, you are a waste.

Everything about Xia Guo is wrong.

Then their purpose will be achieved.

For example, the current domestic netizens have begun to become anxious.

It even includes the upper floors of the Bailanju villa in the imperial capital.

"General, do you want to send a message now to let them pay attention to the points ranking?"

The subordinates on the side couldn't sit still 0......

Get up and ask General Wu Nian'an.

Wu Nian'an just paced back and forth.

Hearing his subordinate's words, he glared dissatisfiedly.

"How many times have I said this, you must fully trust Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui! I believe that they are good boys, and this precious opportunity to connect must be cherished and not used for it!"

"If this message is sent, it will not only hurt the players' psychology, but also make them disappointed in Xia Guo. Do you know why?"

The subordinate responded immediately.

"Report to the general, I don't know!"

Wu Nian'an looked at the golden screen.

In the camera is Lin Buer, who always makes people feel at ease with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

And Yan Yan, who was talking and laughing at the side, was finally Bai Yuekui with a trace of human spirit.

"It's trust!" Wu Nian'an came back to his senses and said slowly: "Sending such a message to them is tantamount to showing the country's distrust of players!"

"Yes! General, I understand!"

Wu Nian'an walked in and patted this subordinate on the shoulder.

"As long as you know!"

The highest command to send information can only be launched after Wu Nian'an's command.

Other countries are almost the same.

The only difference is that there are no people in some countries, and the highest and most responsible person is gone.

Therefore, we can only vote among the people and choose the most popular message to send.

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