"These are things outside the body, the monk thanked the empress for her kindness."."

Everyone in the studio was dumbfounded.

Including those foreign netizens who thought they would be slapped in the face.

among them.

The most shocking thing is the foreign bastards lurking in it.

Their mood went from being happy at the beginning to being disappointed just now, and now they are suddenly excited again.

It's more exciting than riding a roller coaster!

【Haha, this is the style of a gentleman, you can't just accept other people's charity Smecta. 】

[Good!Werry Goode! 】

[My God, did I hear it wrong?This Lin Buer actually chose to refuse. 】

【Oh, what a pity, such a good opportunity was lost in vain. 】

[No, no, it hurts my stomach from laughing, are all Xia people so honest? 】

[This is the destiny of the country to survive, and you are pretending to be an expert. Don't you know how to think about your own country?How hypocritical. 】

At this moment.

Imperial Capital Bailanju Villa.

Lin Shide was worried that his 50-year lifespan would not be enough.

"This kid, are you trying to piss me off?"

"Honey, calm down, our son must have a reason for choosing to do this!"

At this time, Wu Nian'an was also stunned.

He couldn't see through what Lin Buer was going to do.

The duck that reached its mouth flew away?

Have you really become a monk?

The several masters present also looked at it and shook their heads.

You also score points for pretending.

Can't you see that the current points ranking is gradually shortening the distance?

Fortunately, Bai Yuekui was quite tidy and took a four-star treasure.

It is a key material that can upgrade your armor-piercing whip.

With this material, his armor-piercing whip can be directly promoted to four stars!

The power will suddenly increase several times.

It's not that there are no better ones in this treasure house.

But because it can't be too much.

When you arrive at the host's house, the guests should not be too casual.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie looked at each other, and each picked a four-star treasure.

Do not take white do not take.

Anyway, there is a master on top.

Not afraid.

The fat man who was far away in Xiaobeixian couldn't close his eyes when he laughed.

Fortunately, I made a firm choice to let Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie continue to follow Lin Buer.

Hold on to the big guy's thighs.

Looking at it now, my decision was indeed correct!

Follow Lin Buer's footsteps.

Even the corners.

It can make North Korea and North Korea's points surpass most countries.

If this continues to develop.

At that time, not to mention taking second place, at least taking third place should be no problem.

The little fat man looked proudly at the generals present.


"How about ' ' ? Trust my decision now?"

These generals hurriedly nodded and bowed and kept flattering.

It's rare that the little fat man is in a good mood.

If you boast more, there may be rewards.

Back to the world of mountains and seas.

Emperor Xin Treasure.

In front of the maze tree.

Daji said softly:

"Then I won't be too difficult for others." Daji put away the Kanglonggeng golden scissors.

"Wuxin Supreme, if you have something you like, just take it away, you don't need to tell me."

Lin Buer nodded slightly and continued walking.

But only Bi Gan, who seemed to be playing with the treasure but actually eavesdropped on Lin Buer's heart, knew.

What the hell is Lin Buer thinking?

[Kanglong Geng Gold Scissors?It turned out that it wasn't the Golden Flood Dragon Scissors. Let me just say, how could it fall into Di Xin's treasury, the second most lethal weapon in the world of Conferred Gods.But this Emperor Xin is indeed not simple, the treasures in his collection are all top quality. 】

Bigan quickly wrote it down.

The saint can still see through the treasure!

What a saint!

When Daji handed over the scissors.

Bigan overhears Lin Buer's voice again.

[Hiss, Daji, which play is this from?Is it because Bigan said yesterday that I hold the five-color divine light?Or is it because of Bai Qian? 】

[Although I really want to accept it, it's better to be cautious, after all, I'm short of manpower.If there are any special requirements, wouldn't it be a little troublesome?purchase】

[But this Daji is indeed good at being a human being, and she is also good-looking.Thinking that she will be captured by Nu Wa in the future, and given to Jiang Ziya to repay favors, I... oh, what a pity...]

It is a pity that a beauty's fate is unlucky, and a beauty is late.

[When I think of this Nuwa, I get angry.If you do evil unintentionally, you will not be punished even though you are evil!This Daji was instigated by you anyway, but ended up being beheaded by Jiang Ziya! 】

[Nuwa, oh Nuwa, you are the biggest loser in this God Conferred Calamity!Although you are the patriarch of the monster clan, but you are connected with the fate of the human race, and the human emperor fell. From then on, only the emperor, and everyone in the world will go to worship the heaven after the conferred gods. Who will come to worship you, the nuwa?Isn't this the foundation of self-destruction? 】.

Chapter 130 Eight: Emperor Xin Treasure, Human Emperor Seal!

If it weren't for his brains, he would be better than dry.

You may really fall into shock and can't extricate yourself!

Jiang Ziya, isn't he talking about Jiang Shang?

I heard that the traitor who has assisted Xiqi!

The empress will be killed by Jiang Ziya in the end!

There are also Fengshenquanjie, human luck, the fall of the emperor, and the emperor.


There is so much information in here.

Bigan calmed down and forced himself to remember these things.

At this time, he was in a turbulent mood.

From the voice of a saint.

Bigan seemed to have seen a fact that even Empress Nuwa didn't see through.

I overheard such important information now.

Then Empress Nuwa will definitely stand by the Shang Dynasty again!

The Shang Dynasty also avoided the fate of destruction!

At this time, Bigan silently recorded all the voices of Wuxin Saint in his heart.

These are all important information related to the future fate of the Shang Dynasty!

And Daji who was still playing jokes with Bai Qian.

Also noticed Bigan's strangeness.

That beating heart, heavy breathing.

Everything is explained.

Bigan once again overheard the important voice of the saint!

Very good!

After shopping all day today, the treasures in the treasure house are not wasted!

Daji, who was in a good mood, liked the look in Lin Buer's eyes even more.

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