920 Is this venerable man named Wuxin really a saint?

Judging by the age of his bones, he is only in his early twenties.

But it is powerful and knows the future.

It's just too mysterious.

Lin Buer, who was watching a mandala flower, sensed Daji's eyes at this time.

I thought the other party had some conspiracy.

Looking sideways.

However, Daji looked at herself with a smile like a flower.

This gave Lin Buer a chill.

Immediately, he thought of Bo Yikao whom Daji had taken a fancy to.

【I remember that when Boyi Kao came to Chaoge to save his father, Daji fell in love with him, and in the end he was made into meatloaf... Daji wouldn't...】

Bigan was a little surprised to hear this.

Didn't it say at the time that Bo Yi was indecent on the empress?

But he still shook his head, not caring about the right and wrong of it.

These unimportant things.

He shouldn't have worried.

Empress Daji was ordered by Empress Nuwa.

Regardless of the evil deeds you have done before, or the evil consequences you have forged.

Bigan hopes that everything will disappear from today.

Anyway, now Ji Chang, the traitor, is also turning against him.

Should have been killed long ago!

I shouldn't have persuaded His Majesty to keep this traitor behind!

Bigan's eyes gradually appraised.

Continue to follow (ajbh) behind the crowd.

This treasure house is so big that ordinary people can't finish it even if they visit here 24 hours a day.

After all, this is the treasure house of the Emperor.

All the princes must pay tribute to the Emperor.

Almost all the rare treasures in the world are here.

"I'll go, last night on the deer platform, I thought it was already magical enough. I didn't expect that compared with the emperor's treasure house, it was still insignificant."

Although Jin Xiaose is under one person and above ten thousand people in North Korea.

But it is a small country after all.

But in this treasury.

Just take out any treasure, even the jade stones that are all over the floor.

Both are worth more than any of Kimshawser's private collections.

"This treasure house can't see the edge, how big is this place?"

Lei Wujie finally asked all the questions.

Daji looked at Bigan who was on the side.

Bigan is equivalent to a human flesh search engine.

As long as there is something you don't understand, you can ask Bigan.

Bigan saluted and immediately replied:

"This hall covers a total area of ​​10000 mu, and there are 99 hidden treasures! Gold is not included in the collection!"

Lei Wujie still doesn't understand.

"Ten thousand mu, how big is that?"

Unintentionally added:

"About the size of 1000 football fields."

After Lin Buer's explanation.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie immediately understood.

This simply exceeded their imagination!

1000 fields so big?

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine collections!


This is simply a symbol of imperial power.

When Lin Buer saw the scale of the underground palace treasure house for the first time, he was really surprised.

But he didn't expect that King Zhou's wealth and treasures would be so rich!

And not to mention, stored here.

Almost all of them are first-class treasures of the same level.

Even if it is not a treasure.

Those exotic flowers and plants that seem to be placed randomly.

All are endangered plants.

And they all have amazing effects!

"Sister, this is for you!"

Daji suddenly took out a rouge box from the side.

It was handed over to Bai Yuekui.

"Rouge?" Bai Yuekui asked curiously.

But this is not a treasure, and it is impossible to identify what it is.

"Sister, just open it and have a look." Daji said with a smile.

Bai Yuekui opened it directly, and a strange fragrance wafted from it instantly.

"It smells so good, what is this?"

Lin Buer, who has the complete book of mountains and seas, immediately knew what it was.

So he said lightly:

"The fat of sheep, when applied, it removes wrinkles, any wrinkles."

"Great, after the national games are over, I'll give it to my mother to try."

Bai Yuekui accepted it happily and did not forget to thank him

"Thank you!"

Daji waved his hand.

"It's okay, on the way to the west, I hope you can take care of Aunt Bai Qian a lot."

"That's for sure!" Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, two idiots, immediately agreed.

You can't tell that they are being polite.

As the master of the two, Lin Buer had a headache.

These two treasures.

Although kind-hearted, simple.

But too silly.

Especially Lei Wujie.

There is nothing to say.

Totally out of mind.

at this time.

Imperial Capital Bailanju Villa.

Because Bai Yuekui took a four-star treasure.

So everyone's anxiety about points has been temporarily relieved.

But the beautiful country players and the heroic country players are still chasing after!

Can be surpassed at any time!

"Usually I don't love Yuekui for nothing, I really have a heart."

Bai Zhenhai looked at his very happy daughter on the big screen with relief.

However, at this time Lin Shide was smoking a stuffy cigarette outside the house.

Players from other countries did not have an adventure.

It is to join the local forces.

Obtained a strong backing.

But his own son actually rejected the five-star magic weapon he got!

Lin Shide, the father, smoked a pack of cigarettes without trying to figure out why.

But this time.

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