There was an exclamation in the hall.

"Look! A nine-star magic weapon!"

Lin Shide immediately crushed out the cigarette butt in his hand.

Look back.

Everyone in the hall stood up.

Looking at the information identified by the system on the big screen in disbelief.

[Name: Human Emperor Seal (Nine-star Treasure!)]

【effect:? ? ? 】

【describe:? ? ? 】

[Special reminder: This item is not within the Six Paths and Five Elements, and its specific function cannot be identified! 】

Although there are a series of question marks.

But everyone looked in disbelief at this golden light bursting out, like a golden sun, with a mighty and fluctuating aura of the Human Emperor Seal.

Simply stunning!

If there is such a magic weapon in hand, the points ranking or something.

I'm afraid I don't need to worry about it, right? .

Chapter 130 Nine: Emperor Seal!The hope of the human race!

Bigan eavesdropped on Lin Buer's voice.

Daji always pays attention to Bigan's heartbeat.

But along the way, he ate a lot of fine nectar and jade dew, fairy fruits and rare herbs.

There are not too many waves in Bigan.

Isn't it exciting enough?

What kind of treasure does it have to be able to draw the thoughts of Venerable Wuxin?

Daji thought so.

Seeing that Aunt Bai Qian has harmed many treasures.

There wasn't much to gain along the way.

Everyone thought of ~ a very good thing.

The seal of the emperor!

The seal of the human emperor was passed down from the former emperor, and it is a symbol of the imperial power of the human race. It is second only to the sword of the human emperor in the symbolic status of the human race's rule.

King Zhou had to wear the Renhuang sword before all civil and military officials.

In order to better control King Zhou, Daji couldn't leave for too long.

If it wasn't for calling the Pipa Jing to look after King Zhou today.

How can we take this opportunity to keep Bai Qian and Venerable Wuxin?

The Emperor's Seal will only be taken out when offering sacrifices to the heavens.


They are not far from Human Emperor's Seal, you can go and have a look.

With the excuse of being an eye-opener for a few people.

Then I heard more news from Venerable Wuxin's voice!

Bai Qian is observing the strange beasts of mountains and seas that are sealed in a house.

The strange beasts in the seals in the house are really too novel.

"This Human Sovereign is really courageous. He actually sealed so many fierce beasts with the method of cave!"

In the room, there is a hole in the sky, it is like a small world.

This kind of generosity really made Bai Yuekui and others amazed.

[Ding, reminder, players Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui from the Xia Kingdom; Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie from Chaoxiao North Korea have encountered a powerful alien beast from the mountains and seas, and are analyzing the type of the alien beast...]

[Analysis complete! 】

[Name: Fat Yi (six-star!)]

[Beast shape: 10 meters long, 0.1 meters high, and 0.1 meters wide]

[Intelligence: the beginning of wisdom, with a certain amount of wisdom]

[Habits: Growing in Taihua Mountain, with six legs and four wings, now there is a severe drought in the world! 】

[Special reminder: If you successfully kill a five-star or higher beast, you can get additional talent skills, killing more is useless! 】

At this time, Lin Buer was a little strange.

In the treasure house of the underground palace, there are so many strange beasts sealed.

It's safe, and it's all placed outside randomly.

If it is not safe, it can even open up a small world for storage alone.

If you stay here all the time and kill the strange beasts one by one, don't you have to worry about it?

Bigan on the side understood.

Immediately opened his mouth to explain to everyone.

"The strange beasts you have seen are all His Majesty's treasures, especially these fierce beasts, which are of great use. Not only can they prevent problems before they happen, but you can also use these fierce beasts to frighten the princes from all walks of life."

Bai Qian was actually hungry.

The six-star game is not only tonic.

Moreover, Feiyi's Five Elements power belongs to Lihuo, which is very suitable for Bai Qian's appetite.

Bai Qian swallowed frantically, and said to Daji's niece.

"Can I open this sealing machine to have a look? I promise not to touch any stitches!"

Why doesn't Daji know what her aunt is going to do.

So he said helplessly to his aunt:

"Aunt Baiqian, this is not acceptable. If you break the seal and let any one go, it will be a great harm to the people of Chaoge! If you want to eat it, I can ask the magician from Sitiantai to go in and catch some tomorrow. "


Bai Qian's ears were all wilted.

Looks a little unhappy.

But Daji's words made Bai Qian happy again.

"Auntie, I don't remember you wanting to see the Human Emperor's seal for a long time? How about taking you to see it now?"

The seal of the emperor!

As soon as these three words come out.

Bigan finally heard another important message from Lin Buer's voice!

[Human Emperor Seal!Isn't this an artifact that unites the luck of the human race?I have long heard that the whereabouts of these artifacts are unknown, but I did not expect that they are actually in the treasure house of the underground palace of King Zhou. 】

[However, only this kind of artifact can suppress the 99 collections in the treasure house cave of the underground palace. 】

[The three prehistoric worlds are now competing for the luck of the human race!If he succeeds, the subsequent emperor will be reduced to the son of heaven, and the incense that originally restrained the gods from all directions will be completely reduced to the food of the heavens from then on! 】

[Use the incense of the world and the karma of the gods to resist the reincarnation of the heavens, confer the gods to measure the calamity, and the ones who sacrifice the most are the monster race and the human race! 】

[From then on, the demon race will lose its godhead after becoming a god, and the road to heaven in the world will be completely cut off! 】

Bigan, a mortal, heard these 'inside information'.

It was so startled that I was breaking out in cold sweat.

Human Emperor Seal, Human Race Luck, Heavenly Food,

After the death of my great merchant, will the human race end up like this?

Damn it, these princes from all directions are short-sighted!


Bigan was very angry.

But keep calm and keep listening.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

What if the saint has any way to save the human race?

You must not miss any important information.

Because this is related to the future of the human race and the future of the Shang Dynasty!

[But if you have this imperial seal, everything will have hope!However, with the Human Emperor's pardon, one must have the same imperial decree as the Conferred God List, otherwise the heroic spirits of the 360 ​​five righteous gods will still slowly dissipate. 】

[Conferred Gods will still come to the world, so the Conferred Gods of the human race will be meaningless. 】

[Forget it, don't think so much, there is no hope for the human race.Either take the Yuxu Palace and snatch the original Tianzun's list of gods.How about going to intercede with Nuwa and get the map of Shanhe Sheji.But how is this possible? 】

Lin Buer shook his head imperceptibly.

It's a pity.

......... 0

No wonder the leader of Tongtian was on the side of the Shang Dynasty.

It turns out that there are such artifacts.

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