Light ones rise, and turbid ones sink.

"How is this going?"

Unfortunately, Lin Buer did not get an effective response.

"Am I already dead?"

So Lin Buer reached out and pinched himself.

A faint golden light suddenly appeared above the arm.

"Hiss~ It seems that the strength has increased a lot. So this is the sanctification of the physical body? But it feels the same."

Lin Buer tried to throw a few punches into the void again.

Bring up the hunting wind.

And the space here is due to extremely unstable reasons.

He was still trembling from the punches of Lin Buer.

not dead!

Still alive!

It's just that for some reason, it seems to have been transferred to another space.

"It seems that I should not die, but a blessing in disguise!"

What does physical sanctification mean?

That is melee invincibility.

Even if the immortal came, as long as he entered within three feet of Lin Buer's body.

It can also make the heads of those lofty immortals fall to the ground!

"But 933 is interesting, from a mage to a warrior."

Lin Buer smiled lightly.

It seems that when we face the enemy in the future.

You need to change your combat style appropriately.

Most of the rewards for playing the system are long-range attacks.

Such as Tianmo Dance, Xinmoyin, Leiyin Sanskrit Mantra, etc.

The rewards of the National Games Survival System are mainly based on attributes such as strength and speed.

But in general, these are external forces.

There are relatively few means of life-saving.

Moreover, the current world of mountains and seas is a critical time for the three religions to confer gods.

Bai Qian who appeared at random could wipe out all the players with one hand.

But it is different now.

With the belief that he must die, Lin Buer forcibly subdued the Chaos Orb with his own small world.

Cut off the connection between Chaos and Human Emperor Seal.

And successfully sent the three out of the sealing circle.

Who knew the situation that was thought to be fatal.

But after Lin Buer became the owner of the Human Emperor Seal, he got a complete reversal!

The seal of the emperor can absorb the power of chaos and transform it into more power of luck!

But because there is no weapon spirit.

So it has been mechanically absorbing the Chaos Power of the Chaos Orb.

Almost killed several people who entered the sealing formation.


(ajbh) Lin Buer made the right choice.

A virtuous positive cycle has been formed between the Human Emperor Seal and the Chaos Orb.

The originally majestic luck suddenly had something to vent.

Naturally, Lin Buer would not refuse anyone who came, and accepted them all.

"But how do I get out of here?"

Looking into a chaotic space.

This seems to be another dimension.

"Both the national luck system and the role-playing system exist, which shows that the connection with the world of mountains and seas is still there."

Open the national luck survival system and role-playing system.

Both systems are still operating normally.

And the playing system is not the same as last time.

"The role-playing system didn't turn on the anti-invasion like it did when the time was suspended last time, which means it's not the fault of the National Games system."

Open the interface of the National Fortune Survival System.

This system is like a dead man.

Although constantly updated.

But nothing happens.

I don't care about Lin Buer at all.

"Garbage system, it's not as good as my impersonation... By the way, impersonation system!"

It reminds me of the role-playing system that used to counter-invade the National Games system.

Lin Buer tried to call out the acting system.

In comparison, his own role-playing system is even better.

Might be able to answer your doubts.

Follow Lin Buer's heart.

The impersonation system finally appeared.

The familiar translucent light curtain lights up, and prompts appear one after another.

【The system scans the current environment...】

【Downloading update patch......】

[Detected a large amount of Chaos Power...]

[The power of the law was detected...]

[Detected that a new space is being generated...]

[Test result: The current world is the manifestation of the power of law!And it is expanding! 】

[The host's reason for staying here: The chaotic orb in the host's body has been bound to this world! 】

[The optimal solution has been selected for the host: seal the Chaos Orb in the host with the emperor seal, and you can escape! 】

[Hint: If you want to return to this world, you can use the Human Emperor Seal to unlock the seal! 】


Or his own role-playing system is more powerful.

It turns out that the nine-star Human Emperor Seal really belongs to me!

"The nine-star magic weapon is really miraculous. After recognizing its owner, it will take the initiative to find the best acupuncture points to warm up."

With the help of the acting system, Lin Buer found the silent seal of the Emperor.

Connect the divine mind with the magic weapon.

Then you know the specific method of using the sealing function of the Emperor's Seal.

"You still have to memorize the formulas and mental methods, and you must use the corresponding exercises to activate them. It seems that the more powerful this magic weapon is, the more requirements and restrictions it will have."

Lin Buer withdrew from his mind.

As soon as he turned his palm, the disappeared Emperor's Seal immediately appeared.

Paragraphs of text surfaced in Lin Buer's mind.

"Human Emperor's seal, inheriting the destiny of humanity, winning the good fortune of Zhong Min's beauty, born following the avenue of heaven and earth, with the most precious merit..."


The world of mountains and seas.

In the Palace of Eight Views, an old man in gray clothes has a vague figure, and his true face cannot be seen clearly.

The Taiji diagram, one of the six innate treasures, slowly rotates behind it, which coincides with the universe of this place.

The Qiankun ruler and the off-the-ground fireworks flag that rotate slowly around the body are also protecting the way for the old man by themselves.

The Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and the Bagua Furnace are respectively placed in the center of the two formations to protect the formation.

This one is Taiqing Daode Tianzun——

Lao Tzu!

Although the status is below Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun and Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun

But he is the strongest in every aspect except combat power.

Don't blame him either.

After the Lich's calamity.

This inaction old man who is afraid of death has been broken since the demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi broke his leg.

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