All magic weapons began to lean towards defense.

What I pursued in the past was the pit made by Algorithm.

Also 400 meters!

just now.

You see, all the magic weapons are running almost all the time.

I'm afraid that some people will try to harm him.

at this time.

Taiqing Daode Tianzun Lao Tzu slowly opened his sleepy eyes.

He has one-third of the luck of the human race.

The fluctuation caused by the disappearance of the Emperor's Seal made him feel something.

After opening eyes.

Two golden lights flew towards Chaoge City in an instant.

There was a rare look of doubt on his face, neither happy nor sad.

"Weird, the will of heaven?"


 Kunlun Mountains.

Jade Palace.

The white-clothed and white-haired Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun sensed the movement of the innate treasure Pangu Banner.

Immediately began to follow the changes and deduce the secret.

But I haven't figured out where the 'one' is.

Pangu Banner suddenly shook.

Forcibly stopped Yuan Shi's actions.

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes showed strange colors.

"Heavenly breath? How is it possible? Could it be...".

Chapter 140 Nine: The system is too powerful, continuous countermeasures!

At this time, Lin Buer rarely had an unknown fire in his heart.

Because just now, the system's notification sound interrupted his progress.

The formulas and mental methods of Renhuangyin cannot be interrupted, once interrupted, there will be backlash.

Fortunately, his body is sanctified.

This backlash is nothing.

"Made! System, give me an explanation!"

The playing system reacted for a while.

Explained slowly.

[Reminder: An unknown force~quantity intrusion has been detected, and it has been countered! 】

[Invasion Object: Qingqiu Fox Fairy—Bai Qian! 】

Lin Buer was taken aback.

"Bai Qian? Invasion?"

The system then prompts.

[The intrusion object named [Bai Qian] once used an unknown algorithm to intrude on the host!This system has upgraded the firewall after the update, and the intrusion of such algorithms will be regarded as a malicious attack-attack! 】


Unknown algorithm?


It was in the Red Maple Forest Mountains before.

Bai Qian suddenly appeared in front of her.

Is it because...

Lin Buer felt something.

All the clues are connected together.

The original doubts were instantly resolved!

The 'algorithm' mentioned by the system may be the technique of deriving the secrets of these powerful people.


After he killed two players from Northern Sudan.

Bai Qian said something about cause and effect and found it.

If it weren't for my witty group.

Maybe we won't see the sun today.

"This system is a strong group!"

Lin Buer admired sincerely.

"Now even the deduction method of the nine-star monster can block it, and even counter it!"

Shaking his head, Lin Buer calmed down.

Immersed in my mind, I started to run my heart again and recited the formula silently.

The Seal of Human Emperor appeared again, turning slowly, and a golden light emerged.

After a while, when Lin Buer was about to successfully urge Ren Huangyin to activate the sealing method.

The notification sound of the impersonation system sounded again.

【Reminder: The invasion of an unknown force has been detected, and it has been countered! 】

Lin Buer's progress was interrupted again.

"Made! Is this Bai Qian annoying?"

However, when Lin Buer intends to continue to immerse his mind and urge the emperor's seal.

The system's prompt really made him a little confused.

Because this time it's not Bai Qian.

It is an existence more terrifying than Bai Qian——

Heavenly Venerable of Supreme Purity and Virtue, Lao Tzu!

[Invasion object: Supreme Dao De Tianzun——Lao Tzu! 】


Lin Buer, who was planning to perform the exercises again, stopped.

I was speechless for a while.

But soon came to understand.

It is the reason for this emperor's seal.

"Why is I here too, then, others..."

Lin Buer didn't finish his sentence.

The system beeps sounded one after another.

【Reminder: The invasion of an unknown force has been detected, and it has been countered! 】

[Invasion target: Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun! 】

【Reminder: The invasion of an unknown force has been detected, and it has been countered! 】

[Invasion target: the patriarch of the demon clan—Nuwa! 】

【Reminder: The invasion of an unknown force has been detected, and it has been countered! 】

[Invasion object: Master Tongtian! 】

At this time, Lin Bu'er's mentality was a little bit overwhelmed.

I was very worried that I would be killed by these guys on the spot after I went out.

After all, the saint is not really invincible.

The heavenly Zhuxian sword and Yuanshi's Pangu banner killed him, a "half immortal" who was physically sanctified.

Isn't that the same as killing chickens?


Lin Buer, who stayed in the void space, said.

I suddenly didn't want to go out that much.

Let's just wait and see what happens.

At this time, Taishang, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nuwa and others.

Also panicked.

The most cowardly thing is Taishang.

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