He spread his meaty wings very satisfied.

"Oh, Goddess Lilith, your most loyal servant, John Xungang, offers you the soul of a strange beast from the world of mountains and seas!"

First quarter moon tonight.

The moonlight is faint and poignant.

Many viewers of American Empire were not optimistic about John Steel.

But when everyone witnessed John Xungang strangling the seven-star beast.

They all changed their attitudes.

[Oh, God, it turns out that we all misunderstood player John Xungang yesterday. He has really improved rapidly, and now he can kill seven-star beasts! 】

[I didn't expect that he killed so many powerful beasts in just one day! 】

[With John Xungang, the blood clan will definitely rise. If there is any "Jiu San San" who wants to join the blood clan, please contact me xxxxxxxx]

[Damn, the guy upstairs is a liar, ignore him!Our blood race will not take the initiative to contact! 】

[It seems that John Xungang is still very far-sighted. If he stayed there yesterday, he would definitely die! 】

[I really hope to meet Lin Buer from Xia Guo again today, so that I can get rid of the shame! 】

In the live broadcast room of the beautiful country.

Many audience members were discussing excitedly.

After all, the promotion of John Xungang's strength is obvious to all!

No one expected that the promotion of the blood clan would be so fast.

You can enhance your own abilities by sucking the blood of others!

This ability is simply a bug!

But fortunately.

This bug-level ability also has fatal flaws.

That is due to the suppression of the bloodline, the upper limit cannot exceed the bloody baron.

The strength of the bloody baron is equivalent to nine stars.

At this time, John Xungang has reached the ability of the Marquis.

If you add violent blood, you can fight against eight-star alien beasts and be invincible!

If you want to go beyond nine stars.

Perhaps only the ancestor Lilian in the legend of the blood clan can reach ten stars or more.

Beautiful country, National Games Survival Command Center.

General Tom smoked a good cigar.

It seems that there will be a good show in the early hours of tonight.

General Tom sat comfortably on the sofa.

Casually said to the subordinates next to him.

"Oh, to be honest, if I wasn't so tired, I would have given General Jerry some rest tonight."

The subordinates understood the general's implication.

I just want to watch the battle for another night in place of General Jerry.

But the soldier was also responsible for General Tom's health.

So I can only say sorry.

"Oh, General Tom, you are our core, your health is much more important than the final result!"

When the soldier spoke.

A hand has been extended to signal.

General Tom took another big sip in dissatisfaction.

Only then did he reluctantly extinguish the cigar.

"Okay, okay, it's true that these two days have given me too much stimulation, but we will definitely usher in the final victory!"

The soldier nodded in agreement.

"Yes, General, we will usher in the final victory!"

With the disappearance of Lin Buer.

The beautiful country seems to be a lot easier.

The general rose to his feet.

He paced back and forth hesitantly.

"There is still an hour before dawn, if Lin Buer has not appeared yet, then choose the last 10 minutes to send an important message!"

Soldiers lugged ashtrays of cigars.

He hesitated.

General Tom, with his hands behind his back, immediately stared hard at the soldiers beside him.

in the army.

The orders of the superiors must not be violated!

The soldier shivered as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake.

He immediately put down the ashtray in his hand and gave a military salute.

"Yes, General!"

The general knew what the soldier was thinking.

He took a deep breath and said.

"I know that everyone wants world peace, but in this world where the fittest survive, survival of the fittest is the choice of nature! Besides, Lin Buer killed our Smith egg, and we will kill their Bai Yuekui again. It's called an eye for an eye!"

"Yes! General!"

Soldiers only need to obey the orders of their superiors.

The General could explain so much to him.

It is also extremely rare.

But only General Tom himself knows.

This order is not up to him.

But the superiors together with various other countries.

Discuss decisions together!

Xia Guo has long been a dreaded existence.

Moreover, the current Xia people not only live longer than people in other countries.

And likely to live longer than people in other countries.

Let such a country exist for a long time.

It is a huge threat to other countries 0  …

Blue Star has so many resources.

When a big tree falls, it will feed countless smaller trees.

If Xia Guo continues to dominate like this.

Then other countries will sooner or later become slaves of the Xia Kingdom!

Although the plan to jointly encircle and suppress Bai Yuekui is very cruel.

But as far as the current situation is concerned.

Really the best plan!

General Tom's rhetoric is not just to comfort his subordinates.

It is also to convince myself of this theory.

At this moment.

Lin Buer is still in the void space.

The power of chaos in the Chaos Orb is still majestic.

It's like an endless world, a small world of its own.

And in this empty space.

The top is clear and the bottom is turbid.

As if the heaven and the earth had just opened, the ordinary scene made Lin Buer feel deeply.

him at this time.

I have been borrowing and learning several other exercises of Renhuangyin.

[Seal] Word tactics!

Already able to master it proficiently.

But still can't break away from pinching seals and silently reciting formulas.


Under the emperor's seal.

Suppress all things with the law of suppression!

Moreover, the tactic of [Town] has multiple changes.

among them.

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