The method of gathering the luck of the human race.

It is also separated from the word [town]!


It can be ordered to be sealed and suppressed by the emperor!

And this [Decree] method.

It is also one of the important reasons why it can replace the magic whip.

Beating the God Whip combined with the Conferring Gods List can command 1.7 Conferring the Gods.

The map of the mountains, rivers and society of the emperor combined with Nuwa.

It can also play the role of apotheosis.

Although Nu Wa knew.

But he made a wrong bet.

I want to follow the three religions.

In the end, he lost his wife and lost his army.

Feng Shen didn't even take her to play.

Moreover, the luck of the human race bound to him was also taken away by three points by Lao Tzu.

After the Shang Dynasty.

There are very few people in the world who pay homage to Nuwa.

From the original saints of the two races, he fell to the level of the god of incense and fire.


Now Lin Buer is constantly refining the Human Emperor Seal.

Still waiting intently.

He thought the saints of the Three Religions were waiting outside.

So I can only go out and have a look.

After all, in this empty space, the national transportation system has been disconnected.

You can't delay the early morning rewards.

Chapter 150 : Midnight is approaching, the despair of Xia people!

Although there is little moonlight tonight.

But it is obvious to the improvement of John Xungang, the blood son of the beautiful country player.

In the dark state.

The overall ability of the blood race will be tripled!

The purer the lineage.

The improvement effect of moonlight is more obvious!

And for a vampire like John Xungang, the holy son of the vampire.

Even if there is a little bit of moonlight.

It can also increase the strength of John News Steel to more than 10 times.

If you add violent blood.

The power that erupted from John Xungang's flesh.

It will rival the nine-star beasts!

of course.

This is only in terms of strength and speed.

A strange beast in the world of mountains and seas.

It's not just powerful in this area.

And it's nine stars.

There will also be their own magic weapon.

This is what the players don't have.

It is also the most fatal shortcoming of the players.

That's why the National Games system requires players to collect treasures, attack monsters, and keep growing!

The arrival of midnight.

There is still half an hour.

At this time, Lin Buer was still developing wretchedly in the void space.

As everyone knows, many saints who have sensed the breath of heaven also think so.

He never thought of running to Chaoge City at all.

This is the power of heaven!

Even if 09 is a saint.

If it falls into the hands of the will of heaven.

That's the same as killing a chicken.

In the empty space at this time.

Lin Buer suddenly felt an inexplicable panic.

He couldn't help but stop practicing.

"Obviously my strength is improving, why are you still in such a panic? Could it be that these old dogs are still waiting for me outside?"

Lin Buer, who was dressed in a white robe, was a little melancholy.

I want to ask what happened outside the National Transport System.

But this damn system is obviously not as awesome as its own acting system.

Has been offline.

"This national luck system is really unreliable. It seems that we can only get stuck and go out to have a look."

Lin Buer made up his mind.

After using the Human Emperor Seal to seal the Chaos Orb.

I will return to the world of mountains and seas.

If you want to return to the void space.

You can unlock the seal again and activate the Chaos Orb.

"Well, although there are risks, it is worth it. After all, the rewards of the National Games system are still very rich!"

Although the National Games system is cheating.

But it is really affordable.

And the rewards are quite rich.

The light is the five-color divine light of this reward.

It really helped him a lot.

"If it weren't for the five-color divine light, I wouldn't be able to delay at all, the first minute."

Close your eyes.

Lin Buer continued to refine the Renhuang Seal, using the luck transformed by the Renhuang Seal to wash his body.

Even his own physique is now a saint physique.

But even there is still a difference between a saint and a saint.

Try harder now.

Waiting to go out may be the most important means of life-saving, so you can't be careless.

at this time.

The world of mountains and seas.

The treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

Daji received an order from Nuwa.

There is something important to discuss in detail!

So Daji could only take everyone out of the treasure house.

And Bai Qian also turned into a puff of green smoke because of the severe backlash she received, and returned to Qingqiu to heal her injuries.

At this time, Bai Yuekui was still looking at the gate of the underground palace's treasure house with some unwillingness.

At this time, it was Lei Wujie who said to Daji with a cheeky face.

"Empress Daji, you are rewarded for being a good person, can you let us go in and wait for Master and his old man?"

At this time, Daji was being urged desperately by Empress Nuwa.

There is no time to talk to these mortals.

And he lost the most important seal of the emperor.

Empress Nuwa still doesn't know how to handle the job.

Even if you people are somewhat related to Venerable Wuxin who can know the future.

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