There is not only national hatred and family hatred.

There are also personal grievances.

What's more, after strangling Bai Yuekui, he can still get half of the opponent's rewards and points.

If you don't take advantage of Lin Buer's disappearance now.

To try to curb Xia Guo's growth.

Then this Bai Yuekui player, who was already very good in the early stage, is very likely to grow into the next Lin Buer!

This woman must die!

At this moment.

Imperial Capital Bailanju Villa.

Wu Nian'an hadn't been to the lobby for a long time.

Because at this time, Xia Guoguo's operational warfare command room was already extremely busy.

Even going to the toilet is already very strenuous.

Everyone is flawless.

This is a critical moment related to the next fate!

And it's even more dangerous than the previous few times!

Because this time.

As the representative of the highest combat power, Lin Buer was not present.

And even if Lin Buer, who can kill five-star beasts, comes, what can be changed?

Lin Buer wasted a day.

How could it be possible to defeat the holy son of the blood clan of the beautiful country who was able to solo kill the seven-star alien beast?

"General, what should we do?"?"

Wu Nian'an raised his head.

The eye sockets were full of bloodshot bloodshot eyes.

The considerable mental pressure made him unable to straighten up at all.

But he was still struggling.

Because you can never give up until the last moment!

"Notify all units and quickly enter the first-level combat readiness state!"

Wu Nian'an gritted his teeth and issued an order.

Although this is something he is extremely unwilling to do.

But now we have indeed come to a critical moment for the survival of the nation.

We must prepare for Bai Yuekui's death now!

We must also prepare for the fall of the entire Xia Kingdom!


The soldiers took the order to retreat, and one order after another was quickly sent from the combat command center to all parts of the country.

Departments at all levels responded quickly.

The effective evacuation of the people began.

The air-raid shelter opened again.

The crowd poured into the bottomless air-raid shelter like a torrent.

This time.

All the people of Xia Kingdom are very convinced.

Xia Guo has reached a critical moment for the survival of the nation.

Facing the tyrannical player from the beautiful country who can kill seven-star beasts, John Xungang,


It seems to have become the inevitable ending for Bai Yuekui.

But there are also many people who did not give up.

In Xia Guo's live broadcast room.

This is where the hope of the people of Xia Kingdom lies.

[Lin Dashen just dropped the line and was not eliminated, maybe he will come out again! 】

[Even if it comes out, so what?Is there any chance of winning in the face of such a monster? 】

[I said it a long time ago, don't play with things and lose your mind, is it okay now?Since dragging the people of the whole country to be buried together! 】

[What about Nima?I am willing to be buried with you, and anti-social people like you should be the first to die! 】

【That's right, always support God Lin!He will definitely show up again!Everyone, don't forget, there is also that nine-star treasure! 】

【treasure?It's ridiculous, under that kind of violent explosion, how could a five-star mortal survive? 】

【I didn't see the explosion, so I don't believe that Lin Dashen died! 】

[Okay, even if he didn't die, how could an ordinary mortal drive a nine-star treasure? 】

in the live room.

Panic and fear continued to spread.

Everyone's emotions that have nowhere to vent are vented here.

One by one, the flames of hope continued to shoot out.

And constantly buried by overwhelming despair.

At this time.

The screen finally changed!

It's the contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang, it's him, he appeared!

"' ‖ Boom!"

There was a loud noise, accompanied by dust all over the sky.

Under the faint moonlight, there is a huge devil-like figure floating!

Kim Xiaose stepped forward.

A certain fat man in North Korea's National Games Survival Command was so frightened that he stood up.

"Siba, why do you brat want to be a hero! What about contact opportunities?"

The subordinates on the side stammered.

"Report, it has been used today!"

The fat man didn't get angry, so he slapped him as soon as he came out.

"What's the use of you wine bags and rice bags!"

But no matter how incompetent and furious, it will not help.


Lei Wujie watched Jin Xiaose set an example, so naturally he was not to be outdone.

With difficulty, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Then he also stood in front of Bai Yuekui.

With the current strength of the three of them.

Naturally, they are not the opponents of American player John Xungang.

(No good) But if you delay this little time.

Go for it.

Instead, Bai Yuekui could successfully enter the imperial city, where there are more masters.

Bai Yuekui also saw what the two of them were thinking at this time.

Want to stay together.

She also has a bottle of red Cell Repair.

Can fight to the death!

But John Xungang didn't give the three of them a chance to be hypocritical.

One swooped down.

The resulting sonic boom immediately caused the crowing and barking of chickens and dogs in the imperial city.

However, just when the three were desperate.

A figure suddenly flashed from the side.

He slammed into the unsuspecting John Xungang.

Could it be that the disappeared Lin Buer reappeared?

Many people are looking forward to it.

He looked at the figure in the darkness.

The people of Xia Kingdom even raised their arms and shouted.

I'm coming!

The miracle has appeared!

It's our hero who has appeared!

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