Lin Dashen, we must deal with the cubs of this beautiful country! .

Chapter 150 Three Crushing All Beings

The people in the live broadcast room of the National Games are boiling...

"I'll go, who said that Lin Buer escaped with the Human Emperor's seal, didn't this happen? I guess the system is offline, and Lin Buer's card has been dropped. At the critical moment, it depends on Lin Dashen'er ".

"I don't think Chaoge City's luck is exhausted now, even if Lin Buer appears, there is no way to deal with John Xungang of the beautiful country, but he has the power to kill seventh-level beasts.

This is the fate of the country, I think Lin Buer can't change it, forget it, I'm not optimistic, even if Lin Buer appears, so what?It will definitely be crushed by John Xun Steel. "

"What do you all know? Didn't you see that Lin Buer has obtained the Human Emperor's Seal from the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace? This Human Emperor's Seal is something that can change luck.

It can deepen the luck of the people. Lin Buer is designated to turn around this time. Don't worry, don't look at Sharmad who appears now, Kohli and the others may not be Lin Buer's opponents.

I advise you to stop and watch, I am quite optimistic about Lin Buer, as long as Lin Buer appears, Xia Guoguo's destiny will definitely be changed by him."

The people of Xia Kingdom were talking there, because they saw Lin Buer appearing, and he finally appeared. This is the moment that can save all the people in the country.

"Lin Buer, I advise you to forget it. I always feel that with your own strength, how can you turn the world upside down? Could it be that you only rely on the seal of the emperor on your body?

Forget it, that is just to bring you some luck. Could it be that you can stand up just by relying on these lucks? "

John Xungang didn't pay any attention to the words of the people who went to the country in the live broadcast room. They always thought that the Emperor's Seal in Lin Bu's second hand could turn the world upside down.

How is it possible that all of this, whether in the God Realm or in the human race, requires one's own vision and strength, without power, everything is not empty talk.

"Lin Buer, you (ajbh) finally showed up, do you know that you are coming a little later.

Bai Yuekui and Lei Wujie and I will be able to fight John Xungang.

Even though we know that it is impossible for our strength to continue to compete with this John Xungang, we still cannot see John Xungang devouring the people of Xia Kingdom before our eyes. "

Now that Bai Yuekui saw the huge black shadow, Lin Buer was very excited when he appeared in front of him, knowing that if Lin Buer didn't show up this time.

I am afraid that none of the three of them can compete with John Xungang. This time, I am afraid that they are really going to fall. Even if they use up all their strength, they will definitely not be able to let John Xungang and the others succeed.

After hearing what Bai Yuekui said to him, Lin Buer raised his head and glanced at the arrogant John Xungang.

Lin Buer didn't take it seriously, this self-righteous guy, relying on his power to kill strange beasts, actually bullied Bai Yuekui, Lei Wujie, and Jin Xiaoser here.

If it weren't for the national transportation system being too stuck, I would always be busy.

I should have been able to contact the National Games Command Office so that I could come back early. I didn't expect that although I came back this time, it was late, but it was still in time.

"I'm going, what the hell is Lin Buer doing? He's still talking to Bai Yuekui about those useless things. I don't believe in John Xungang when he is killed. He can still beat Lin Buer with his current strength. How do I feel that Lin Buer So he has grown up?".

Chapter 150 Four Unprepared

The onlookers in the live broadcast room have already seen that although Lin Buer is wearing a white robe, they have also seen the reappearance of the five-color divine light behind Lin Buer, which is the power to crush all living beings.

"That's right, Lin Bu'er has grown up again. I feel that his current cultivation base has greatly increased, and the luck of the country has gradually become stronger. This should have a certain relationship with Lin Bu'er's seal of the emperor."

"Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser, I don't know where Lin Buer has gone.

It's a good thing that he didn't show up until now, but fortunately he showed up in time, otherwise the two of us would really not be opponents of John Xungang. It seems that John Xungang has almost cultivated.

He has also grown up now, but I can also see that Lin Buer's current cultivation base has also improved, and he should be able to defeat John Xungang. "

"Then there's no need to talk about Bai Yuekui. I told Lei Wujie before that Lin Buer can't escape, isn't he just a human emperor seal? Now that Lin Buer has got this-baby.

I don't think he will stand idly by, he knows we are in danger now, can he not come out to save us?I'm not afraid of John Xungang's presence.

Who is stupefied with fright like the two of you, see if Lin Buer came out?If he doesn't come to the rescue.

I'm afraid the two of us are really no match for John Xungang. "Actually, after Jin Xiaose heard what Bai Yuekui said, he also felt it, and he was also very scared.

Because he already felt that John Xungang, who is now in the United States, has indeed improved in cultivation, and whether he has killed some strange beasts in other places.

Maybe let his cultivation base increase?Jin Xiaoser was peeping at the huge power of John Xungang, which already made him afraid.

Fortunately, it was Lin Buer who appeared in time, otherwise Jin Xiaose would be helpless, and he didn't know how to deal with him, just at the moment Lin Buer appeared.

John Xungang in front of him was frightened, he didn't know what to do to heal him, because he always wanted to hunt down Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoser, they.

Unexpectedly, Lin Buer appeared at this time, which caught John Xungang a little by surprise, because John Xungang's current ability could not compete with Lin Buer at all.

John Xungang felt the pressure when he saw the power of the five-color divine light behind Lin Buer.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

The command room of the National Games of the Beautiful Country.

General Tom saw Lin Buer on the big screen. He was really disappointed that this guy could appear now. He originally thought that John Xungang would go after Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoser.

Then it would be nice to be able to successfully enter the underground palace of the Shang Dynasty to get more treasures, and to be able to kill Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaose while Lin Buer disappeared.


On the big screen, General Tom had already seen John Xungang's timidity, so he knew that John Xungang would not dare to fight Lin Buer at all.

Because Lin Buer's five-color divine light power has crushed all of them present "Fake, what the hell, this coward John Xungang really disappointed me

This timid guy still doesn't seem to dare to fight Lin Buer. Could it be that he is relying on the seal of the Emperor in Lin Buer?Even if this is a ninth-level treasure, could it be that Lin Buer can turn the world upside down just by relying on his Human Emperor Seal?

Their Xia Guoguo luck is already like this, and the luck of the human race is approaching, so what is there to fight for? "General Tom is not optimistic about Lin Buer.

He feels that John Xungang is just a cowardly and cowardly guy now.

Chapter 150 The Body of a Saint

How can you be so timid to face Lin Buer and kill it? You are a person who kills a level [-] beast. How can you be so timid when you see Lin Buer.

This made General Tom feel that this is a cowardly guy. Since John Xungang escaped last time, General Tom has not had too high demands on John Xungang.

Thinking of sending John Xungang to hunt down Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoser this time, Lei Wujie and the others will just pretend that he escaped from "[-]" last time, and just make amends, but Lin Bueryi did not expect Lin Bueryi to appear.

John Xungang was overwhelmed by Lin Buer's arrogance in an instant, and now General Tom was furious in command of the American National Games, looking at this unsatisfactory guy in front of him.

I don't have any extravagant expectations, "The order continues, if John Xungang can't complete the task this time, he can't defeat Lin Buer or kill Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser and the others.

Don't let him come back, you must fight for a good treasure for me, otherwise he will definitely not be able to appear in my office again. "Good sir.

I will definitely pass on your order, and I will never allow John Xungang to appear in your office, as long as he doesn't get the treasure in the underground palace.

Don't allow him to appear again, don't worry.The subordinate next to him has already received the order from General Tom, and he must convey it as soon as possible.

Wu Nian'an in Xia Guoyun's command room also saw Lin Buer's appearance on the big screen at the same time. At this moment, Wu Nian'an slapped the table in his command room hard.

In an instant, everyone was scared to death. I don't know what he was thinking now. Seeing that the leader in front of him seemed to be irritable or extremely happy there.

Let them not know what Wu Nian'an is really thinking in front of him, because he has no expression at all now, but his heart is surging.

The anxious state of mind just now, when Lin Buer appeared, everything returned to his calm because Wu Nian'an, at the moment Lin Buer just appeared.

I have already felt the existence of Lin Buer's powerful cultivation base. Saints are worthy of the body of saints and saints. They are different from ordinary mortals.

It makes people feel that there is such a powerful spiritual power in the presence of a god's power, the feeling that makes people excited in an instant, makes people feel extremely at ease and joyful.  …

"Haha, it finally appeared. I have been worrying about the safety of the whole people, and I have already asked them to evacuate in the air-raid shelters, because I am afraid that those bastards from the beautiful country will invade our people.

It seems that all of this is just me worrying too much. I didn't expect that the appearance of the unintentional sage Lin Buer will finally let me take a good breath.

It seems that the fate of our human race and the fate of our country can continue." Wu Nian'an was overjoyed, because he just said those words in his heart.

Saying 1.7 to all the people in the command room of Xia Guo Guo Yun, all the people in the command room of Xia Guo Guo Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, it seems that Wuxin Sage will not disappoint us this time, I have seen his cultivation level, the period when he disappeared before may be a problem with our system.

So his signal was blocked, and he had no way to contact us at all. The reason why we are worried is very likely.

Chapter 150 VI

Lin Buer is also worried about us. It seems that Lin Buer must have gone to a place we don't know, to hide and practice his fairy art.

It seems that the mana of this unintentional saint has grown. "The people in Xia Guo Guo Yun's command room saw Wu Nian'an, and now they are in a better mood than before.

They just told Wu Nian'an how they felt when they saw Lin Buer just now, and Bi Gan was very angry when he saw Lin Buer appearing.

"The unintentional sage, Lin Buer, is so courageous that he actually stole the seal of the emperor, the treasure of the kingdom, from their underground palace, and dared to speak so boldly that 09 appeared here again.

What kind of purpose does this kid have?Does he regret it?It was because he was afraid that the Emperor would deal with his guilt, if the Emperor knew about it.

Then he was punished, and he would be chased and killed by the entire Shang army. The Human Emperor would never let it go. Maybe Lin Buer was afraid of the might of the Human Emperor.

So I came back quietly, wanting to send back the Human Emperor's Seal, or Lin Buer had swallowed up all the internal power of the Human Emperor's Palace.

It seems that Lin Buer's appearance this time is definitely not that simple. He has already concluded that the emperor's entry and exit in the future must be facing the entire Shang Dynasty.

What is the purpose of this Lin Buer, but Empress Nuwa still seems to be a little unwilling to give up on Lin Buer, this matter must be carefully observed.

Lin Buer must not be allowed to affect the luck of the entire Shang Dynasty. The Shang Dynasty must not be like what Lin Buer said. In the future, the emperor will be demoted to the emperor. How can it be done?

This kind of aura must be brought over. If this kid is afraid of the power of the Emperor and sends back the seal of the Emperor, then there is room for the entire Shang Dynasty's aura to change. "

Bigan kept observing Lin Buer's movements from the sidelines, and he didn't know why Lin Buer came back for no reason this time, whether it was to send back the Human Emperor's seal or to fear the Emperor's majesty.

I still want to save Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoser. Anyway, no matter what the ending is, as long as you, Lin Buer, appear, you must pay the price.

It is impossible to chase back the Emperor's Seal, Li Gan already has murderous intentions in his heart, thinking that Lin Buer will appear this time, and he will never let him slip out from under his nose again.

In order for the entire Shang Dynasty not to look like Lin Buer thought, the seal of the Emperor must be recovered, "Hey, what the hell is Lin Buer doing, you have disappeared.

Why did you suddenly appear again?I thought you ran away with the Human Emperor's Seal just to get this ninth-level holy object, but you actually ignored your friend Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaose.

I just ran away, and I was thinking about cleaning up the two of them, and you actually appeared." John Xungang 933 on the side already knew about it.

Now Lin Buer appeared to prevent himself from hurting Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoser, so even now John Xungang was afraid of Lin Buer's five-color divine light power.

Also, Lin Buer's saint status is not easy to use, because John Xungang knows that this time he came with General Tom's death order, and this time he must capture Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser back.

Or just relying on his ability to kill Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaose in this Shang Dynasty territory, he must succeed and enter the underground palace treasure house of Chaoge City smoothly.

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