I didn't expect Lin Buer to be so calm and relaxed. I finally settled down for Jin Xiaose, it turns out that it is really important to stand on the team well, and the most important thing is to have a good relationship with their nationals."

The commanders of the Kimchi Kingdom's National Games envoyed them into an uproar, feeling that now Lin Buer is enough to crush John Xungang's beheading power with his saintly body.

So for their player Kim Xiaoser, they are all lucky, because it is very important to stand on the team and choose teammates. If Jin Xiaoser fails to find his teammates this time.

I'm afraid that this time it will be Jin Xiaose who will be crushed, and I'm quite lucky to think of the staff in the command room of the Kimchi Kingdom here.

They were talking about something that made them happy, because their player Jin Xiaosuo had successfully established a relationship with Lin Buer

"Fake, what the hell is Lin Buer doing, don't you know the time to make a move now? John Xungang is still waiting and watching what the hell is going on there.

This coward, is he afraid of Lin Buer's current composure?Isn't it the body of a saint who has just been promoted, what's so scary about this coward."

General Tom held his huge pipe in his hand, and kept smoking his pipe. He always felt that this John Xungang was really embarrassing for their beautiful country.

After a long time, I didn't dare to take a shot against Lin Buer. All the onlookers from all over the world on the big screen, and people from all over the world on this live broadcast were all whispering there.

John Xungang, who talked about the beautiful country, was timid and fearful, but he was frightened by Lin Buer's calm and composed expression there. He didn't expect that John Xungang was so timid.

What a disgrace to the beautiful country, Tom has seen and heard on the huge command screen, those words spoken by the onlookers from all over the world.

The arrogance and arrogance are all praising Lin Buer's saintly body and colorful power, and they are all praising the dignity of their nationals who have crushed the beautiful country's contestant, John Xungang.

General Tom couldn't accept this at all, and it was undoubtedly a slap in the face of his beautiful country, "Come here, come here quickly, I can't bear it now.

What the hell is this John Xungang doing, what the hell is going on, why is he so timid, it really embarrasses the people of the beautiful country. "

The soldiers under General Tom 933 heard Tom, and the general was furious there, so they knew that this matter should not be underestimated. They had never seen General Tom so violently.

I don't know what John Xungang has provoked him, "General Tom has any orders, just give them, don't stand there and look at you angry.

We are really worried for you, General Tom, if you have an order, you should give it quickly." The soldiers below heard their general's temper, and they quickly obeyed Tom's order.

"Damn bastard, I don't know what the hell this John Xungang is doing, why is he so slow to make a move.

Chapter 160 Second Suppression of Everything

Lost all the face of the beautiful country, hurry up and convey my order, you must let John Xungang take action immediately, otherwise you will not come back to see us, our citizens do not have such a cowardly and cowardly guy. "

After General Tom got angry, he gave his order to the soldiers beside him, and the non-commissioned officer beside him heard Tom's order.

"Okay general, don't worry, I will inform you immediately, and I will definitely let John Xungang take action as soon as possible, and we must not lose the face of our people. John Xungang is also true.

Now that he has advanced to the skill of beheading seven-level beasts, why is he still so timid? "After the sergeant received Tom's order, he immediately went out to give the order.

John Xungang outside Chaoge City immediately received the command of the Beautiful Country National Games, and after General Tom's order, his face changed instantly.

Under the powerful momentum, John Xungang didn't dare to disobey General Tom's orders, although he was not yet fully sure to fight against Lin Buer.

But he had no choice but to bite the bullet, because he knew that behind him were these two powerful players from Ah Sanguo.

The support of Sharmad and Curley should be able to restrain Lin Buer to complete the tasks entrusted to him by General Tom.

The face of the people is still the most important thing, John Xungang thought of this and immediately turned into a beam of light.

Rising to the middle of the air, John Xungang was very surprised to see Lin Buer calmly chanting some language that he could not understand.

Could it be that this Wuxin sage has reached the level of the Dao of Heaven? Faced with Lin Buer's powerful divine power, John Xungang had no choice but to bite the bullet and shout at Lin Buer.

"Wuxin Saint, I didn't expect you to disappear for such a long time, and after you came back, you could raise your physical seniority to the standard of a saint. It's really not easy.

It seems that there is a powerful divine power in the underground palace of Chaoge City, otherwise, with the power you had before Lin Buer, it would be impossible to advance to such a fast level.

I want to see Lin Buer, the power of your five-color divine light, can you really crush my killing power? "?" John Xungang yelled at Lin Buer after finishing speaking.

John Xungang was just testing Lin Buer's current strength, but Lin Buer didn't expect Lin Buer to keep his eyes open and ignore the existence of John Xungang at all.

Let John Xungang justify himself there, Lin Buer didn't care at all that he was just watching how John Xungang made moves.

Because now Lao Na is concentrating on cultivating the Zhenzijue of his Renhuang seal, Lin Buer knows that as long as he breaks through the seal of the Zhenzijue, he can suppress all things.

All the fate of the human race can be controlled in the palm of your hand, and the fate of Xia Guoguo can be reversed by your own hands.

Just when Lin Buer heard John Xungang yelling at him, Lin Buer just sneered in his heart, watching John Xungang's beheading power talking (nuohaohao) about himself.

Now if you break through the Zhenzijue and you can suppress everything, are you still afraid of the existence of John Xungang? "' ‖I'll go, this unintentional saint is too good at pretending.

Don't pretend to be big, this John Xungang is not without ability at all, he has been able to upgrade from his fourth-level ability to kill alien beasts to the seventh-level ability to kill monsters.

Obviously, John Xungang's power is not boasting, what the hell is Lin Buer doing there, if he continues like this.

Chapter 160 Third, Mistress, Please Spare Me

Lin Buer's safety, "Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, you two shut up quickly, why don't you know Lin Buer's strength?

Don't say that Lin Buer didn't tell you that I don't like it, don't make me angry, if I get angry, I will crush you two little things.

You saw how calm your master is now, that is, he has full confidence in defeating John Xungang, and you are not happy for your master Lin Buer.

On the contrary, the two of you here still say that Lin Buer can pretend to be me. You two are really getting more and more courageous. If your master kills John Xungang in this beautiful country later.

I will have a good talk with your master, teach you two bastards a lesson, and actually speak ill of your master Lin Buer after memorizing 933. "

Bai Yuekui was very angry when he heard the conversation between Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie there, even though Bai Yuekui was still staring at Lin Buer and John Xungang without daring to blink.

In the current situation, I heard Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie talking about Lin Buer's feigning, which made Bai Yuekui unacceptable, but he was the hero in his heart.

How could Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie be able to tease casually there, they became more and more courageous, and dared to insult the dignity of the master behind their backs, "Master, please forgive me.

The two of us didn't talk nonsense like that, it was just a small loss. Aren't we still worried about Master Lin Buer being in danger?

If Lin Buer is not in danger, of course we are happy. If John Xungang can really defeat Lin Buer, Jin Xiaose and I will definitely avenge our master.

Don't worry, my wife will definitely vent this anger on behalf of the master." "I'll go, Lei Wujie, don't provoke my wife Bai Yuekui here. You know that Bai Yuekui is always worried about Lin Buer's safety.

If you say that, he will be even more uncertain. You really can't speak. Even if you have these words in your heart, you can't tell the truth. Look at Bai Yuekui.

Don't provoke him anymore, and wait until Lin Buer comes back to see how to deal with you." Jin Xiaoser heard the useless words Lei Wujie said there.


He knew that Bai Yuekui would be angered if he spoke, so he hurried out to dissuade him, otherwise his master Lin Buer would have finished cleaning up John Xungang from the beautiful country.

Then he will clean up the two of them, he doesn't want to do that, he has to point the master back to the underground palace of Chaoge City again, and mix some decent treasures for them so that they can show off in front of the people of Kimchi Kingdom show off.

To save those people in the Kimchi Country from not being optimistic about themselves, Jin Xiaose is still very embarrassed about what the people in the entire Kimchi Country said.

The flying all over the sky rushed to Jin Xiaose's nerves, which made Jin Xiaose almost unbearable, "Okay, you two shut up, don't make me angry.

Hurry up and take a good look at your master, let's talk about how to deal with this John Xungang, this John Xungang is too disorganized, since he is challenging the sage, he is looking for death there. "

After Bai Yuekui heard what Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser said, he showed a little bit of joy, knowing what would happen if he didn't speak well.

The two of them are very serious, tell Lin Buer to clean up the two of them, so that he will not be optimistic about Lin Buer's current position, Lin Buer

But the physical body can be promoted to the position of a saint in the god realm. There are a few people who can reach such a state. These two things have not yet looked down on Lin Buer.

Chapter 160 Four Flicks

Thinking that Lin Bu'er was pretending to be Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie here, he was really defiant, Bai Yuekui thought of this, and then stared at Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie fiercely.

He still turned his gaze to Lin Buer, because he is now worried about whether Lin Buer can defeat John Xungang from this beautiful country.

The current pressure is really too great. Citizens from all over the world are watching in the entire live broadcast room. Under this kind of strong pressure, can Lin Buer withstand it?

"Look at everyone's attention, John Xungang from the beautiful country really came up with this impetus ~Qian and Lin Buer yelled.

Let's see how Lin Buer's saintly body crushes John Xungang, and it's over. This guy's life-and-death thing will be dealt with by Lin Buer sooner or later. "

"These contestants in the beautiful country have always been such arrogant and arrogant guys, and I don't know what the two disciples of Yuxu Palace, Sharmad and John Xungang, think about being with such people.

Ah Sanguo doesn't want to live?Ah Sanguo must feel that the luck index of the citizens of Xia Kingdom is declining, so they want to hold on to Meiliguo's thighs, thinking that they, Ah Sanguo, can get some benefits from it."

"Axiba Lin Buer's saintly body is really not simple. Now that Jin Xiaoser can have such a powerful opponent, he will definitely be able to give face to the people of the Kimchi Kingdom. The future prosperity of the Kimchi Kingdom is just around the corner.

Lin Buer, come on, he crushed John Xungang in the beautiful country, and our luck is back."

Kimchi Guoyun's commander made all the citizens there staring intently at the next step of John Xungang and Lin Buer.

North Korea put all their wishes on Jin Xiaose and Lin Buer, and hoped that Lin Buer would not let them down. John Xungang had already seen it in mid-air.

Lin Buer didn't take himself seriously at all, so his anger soared. Looking at Lin Buer's current arrogance, although John Xungang didn't have much confidence in his heart.

But it must not be overwhelmed by Lin Buer's aura, because General Tom, the commander of their beautiful country, has given him a death order, if there is no war.

I'm afraid I really can't justify it, John Xungang took advantage of Lin Buer's ignoring him there, and instantly used the powerful weapon in his hand to kill the strange beast.

Swinging towards Lin Bu'er, the powerful fluctuation of spiritual power crushed in front of Dad in an instant, Lin Bu'er had already felt this powerful fluctuation of spiritual power with Shuang Wu on his back.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Lin Bu'er slowly put down the rosary in his hand, injected the power of Wuhuang's expression with a flick of his fingers, and then suppressed the spiritual power that John Xungang waved towards him.

John Xungang was crushed by Lin Buer's powerful five-color divine light, and his whole body was already at his own mercy. He couldn't stand stably, and he was crumbling there.


Driven by the power of the five-color divine light crushed by Lin Buer, John Xungang's entire body was swept away, and he fell fiercely to a distance of tens of meters.

"Faklin Buer, what the hell are you doing there? What kind of tricks are you using? Why is it so strange? I have lost control before I have fully shot."

John Xungang held his body and slowly got up from the ground, because John Xungang had already felt the powerful divine power.

Having already crushed the inside of his body into injuries, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of John Xungang's mouth, and John Xungang slowly supported his body and got up for a few minutes.

Chapter 160 Five Crushing Arrogance

"I'll go take a quick look. Lin Buer is so awesome. With a flick of his fingers, he crushed John Xungang from the beautiful country into serious injuries. Did you see that John Xungang from the beautiful country has blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth? .

This Lin Buer really deserves to be the body of a saint, and now he has used the power of his five-light expression to suppress John Xungang's arrogance.

How dare you make a joke with Lin Buer? "[-]"" The onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room saw that Lin Buer was now suppressing John Xungang with the power of his five-light expression.

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