He had already been severely injured, and the onlookers in the live broadcast room felt quite comfortable. Seeing Lin Buer's move, they all applauded there.

In an instant, all the people kept waving the keyboards in their hands, and there was a lot of applause on the big screen in the live broadcast room.

In Xia Guoguoyun's command room, Wu Nian'an continued to applaud. Seeing the power of the colorless divine light that Lin Buer had just unleashed, he had already easily crushed John Xungang's arrogance.

The contestants from this beautiful country were ashamed, and I was really relieved. All the staff in the command room of the National Games in Xiaguo saw the current situation and applauded the second child there.

At the same time, Wu Nian'an was very relieved, because after all, he had completed the task assigned by his superiors, and now he was relieved.

As long as Lin Buer has already won the battle, the company of John Xungang won back the face of the people of the entire country of Xia. This is undoubtedly the face of suppressing the contestants of the beautiful country and the people of the beautiful country.

Wu Nian'an knows that everyone in the whole world is watching this live broadcast, if Lin Buer is going to lose to John Xungang from the beautiful country in this live broadcast.

Undoubtedly, it is to embarrass the people of Xia Kingdom. It seems that Lin Buer is really very powerful. To get the seal of the emperor, this is the treasure of the ninth level.

Moreover, he also used his mortal body to rise to the true taste of a saint, which is really not easy, in Wu Nian'an's heart, he still admires Lin Buer, "Axiba, the little boys from the beautiful country.

Let you also take a look at how powerful Lin Buer is, have you seen it?This is what happens when you are on the wrong team, and you are optimistic about the players from Ah San Guo, this is what will happen to you in the future.

I also want you to taste the power of Lin Buer's five-color divine light, haha ​​"0......Kimchi Kingdom's command room was also in an uproar, typing on the keyboard in the live broadcast room.

The strong emotions that erupted in my heart will also be in this live broadcast room, because Kimchi Kingdom knows that although they are a small country, as long as they stand on a good team and have a good relationship with Xia Guo's player Lin Buer.

Everything is not a problem. With the power of Lin Buer's five-color divine light protecting them, Jin Xiaoser of the Kimchi Kingdom can avoid unnecessary troubles and obstacles.

"What is Kimchi Country, you shameless guy, you are still there to create momentum for Lin Buer.

It's the end of your crying. Didn't you see the two disciples of Yuxu Palace, Sharmad and Koli, ready to move around there?He is the two magic 1.7 weapons that he gave them with the lamp.

In this way, Lin Buer couldn't compete with these two magic weapons at all. Obviously, he would be taken away by these two magic weapons in a short time. What's so bad about it?

When the time comes, won't your contestants from this small kimchi country be included in the bag easily?When the time comes, I will devour your cultivation base and spiritual power, and see how smug you are."

Chapter 160 Six Bai Qian's Worries

The people of the beautiful country heard that the kimchi country was creating momentum for Lin Buer, and it was undoubtedly helping the people of the Xia country to create momentum, which made the subjects of the beautiful country feel dissatisfied.

I think that this kimchi country is a bit bullying, and I think that a small country like kimchi country doesn't cooperate with them to make a beautiful country, especially they have their own helper A Sanguo here

After all, the two addresses of A Sanguo are not ordinary now. He has the two major magical artifacts that Ran Deng is giving them, the things in Yuxu Palace, and those are not for bragging, they can be used casually.

Lin Buer's income was in the Linglong Golden Pagoda, the magic weapon, and then devoured Lin Buer's spiritual power, so that his sainthood would be wiped out, what else is there to brag about?

The onlookers in the beautiful country saw the command room of the Kimchi country, and after saying these words on the big screen in the live broadcast room, they were very angry.

They are all suppressing the companies in the Kimchi Country. They all know that the Kimchi Country is a small country. With such a powerful opponent as the Beautiful Country crushing them, there is no room for Kimchi Pot to turn around.

Isn't it just relying on Lin Buer's appearance?If Lin Buer's arrogance can be suppressed, what does the beautiful country mean? They are rampant in this live broadcast room.

Said such crazy words, "Xiba, you all know what a fart, just point to the two magical weapons held in the hands of the two disciples from the Three Kingdoms, and you will be able to restrain Lin Buer.

Don't think about it now that Lin Buer can fly Xibi, he has the emperor's seal in his hand, all the luck has been turned, and Lin Buer will not be as sad as before when he comes back.

His good luck will be in your own hands, so you don't even see the form clearly, and you are still clamoring here, although we are a small country.

But what can you do to me if there is Piyou who is Lin Buer going to the country? "Kimchi Nation's command room saw the onlookers in the beautiful country shouting on the screen in the live broadcast room.

He became furious in an instant, and then he used the ninth-level treasure Renhuang Seal that Lin Bu held second-hand to suppress the arrogance of these people in the beautiful country. Bai Qian and Bigan have been in Chaoge City.

Looking at Lin Buer and John Xungang from this beautiful country, Bai Qian secretly guessed in his heart that Lin Buer was really brave.

To actually get the Human Emperor's seal, and dare to return to the knife-cut hand again, isn't he afraid of the Human Emperor's wrath?If Renhuang knew, his Renhuang seal would have already been entered.

The hands of others will definitely not harass Lin Buer, he still dares to appear here, if he got the seal of the Emperor himself, he would have fled long ago, and he would never appear in this Chaoge City.

This Lin Buer is too courageous. Could it be that he came to Chaoge City to challenge the Emperor's bottom line just by relying on the 950 saints he had just cultivated.

How is this possible, this person Huang Yi is the luck of the entire Chaoge City, if he gets Huang Yun, the luck of Chaoge City will be reversed.

When the Xiqi army is commanded by Jiang Ziya, Chaoge City will fall into chaos?Bai Qian has been thinking in her heart that this matter is not easy.

Why did Lin Buer dare to rely on Huang Yi in his hand to come to Chaoge City again? It seems that Lin Buer's purpose is not only the luck of the emperor, does Lin Buer have other purposes?This made Bai Qian worry over there.

Chapter 160 VII Commander Xiqi

I was worried that those treasures under the underground palace in Chaoge City would be wanted by Da Ji, a little goblin attacker. At that time, if Jiang Ziya commanded a large army to attack Chaoge City of the Emperor.

Then Renhuang couldn't come up with a decent treasure to suppress the magic whip in Jiang Ziya's hand, and it would be really difficult to deal with it. Now Bai Qian didn't know what to do and had no one to discuss it.

Because now Daji has been recruited by Empress Nuwa, I don't know what happened when Empress Nuwa took Daji away with her sword.

It seems that there must be something important among them, otherwise Daji would not have received a letter from Empress Nuwa and left in such a hurry.

"Bigan, I want to ask you, do you think Lin Buer has any other purpose for coming back this time, you are a person with exquisite heart, you have already eavesdropped on Lin Buer's heart.

I think you should know what Lin Buer is thinking now, can you tell me what is the purpose of Lin Buer's return this time? "?"

After Bigan heard Bai Qian's question to him from the side, he looked at Bai Qian Bigan and knew that he was not a person who had achieved Chaoge, if this was Daji asking him.

Maybe he will say it, after all, Daji is a member of the Human Emperor, and Bai Qian is also a monster clan after all, if the monster clan participates in the affairs between their human clans.

Wouldn't that cause unnecessary trouble? Thinking of this, Bigan said to Bai Qian next to him, "Although I, Bigan, have an exquisite heart, I can overhear Lin Buer's inner voice.

But I can only eavesdrop on the new students once a day. This time Lin Buer really didn't see me when he came back, and I don't know what he thinks now.

If Bai Qian needs to know what Lin Buer thinks, he has to let Lin Buer get close to me." Bigan faced Bai Qian's questioning, and he spoke out his thoughts slowly there, neither humble nor overbearing.

Just as Bigan's words fell, Bai Qian frowned at Bigan and thought, "This old man is quite loyal to Daji.

When I spoke to him like that, he didn't gap his teeth at all. It seems that his mouth is really hard. I didn't expect Bi Gan's thoughts to be so mysterious. He obviously knew Lin Buer's heartfelt thoughts.

I have already seen Lin Buer's inner thoughts, why didn't I tell myself?This Bigan doesn't take himself too seriously." Thinking of this, Bai Qian also felt embarrassed.

Being a beggar is meaningless to him. He will never betray Daji, and he has to learn anything from Daji's mouth. After all, this is a matter between their races.

If Brother Chao had lost his fortune this time because he lost the seal of the Emperor, then it was not his fault.

If he fantasizes, it is impossible for this person Huang Yun to be easily obtained by Lin Buer, and now the entire Chaoge City (Nuo Li's) has lost their national treasure, the Emperor Seal.

It seems that Brother Chao's spirit can't last long. Thinking of this, Bai Qian sighed at the penholder, and the pen cap beside him was quietly listening to Bai Qian's heart.

Knowing that Bai Xue is cursing himself in his heart, Bigan is still secretly proud in his heart, after all, Bigan has also heard Bai Qian's praise to him, saying that he is loyal to the Emperor, there is no doubt, that's what Bigan thinks.

Chapter 160 Eighth

Bigan also knows that now Bai Qian is also thinking about the Emperor's Seal, and seems to be worried that Chaoge City's fate is approaching, what should I do?

Bigan fell into a state of panic, and now Renhuang is accompanying that pipa master who doesn't know what the hell is going on there, and now Renhuang is confused by Daji every day, and basically doesn't talk about state affairs there.

Accompanying Daji and that pipa spirit drunk every day, it seems that this Emperor's seal is lost, and I am afraid that the Emperor will not know it for a while.

If the emperor knows that Huang Yun from Chaoge City's underground palace has been attacked, this little goblin attacker will present Lin Buer, the little boy in front of him, as a gift.

I'm afraid Renhuang is not as calm as he is now. Others don't know this Renhuang seal, but other emperors know it. This is the fate and luck that controls the entire Chaoge. If the 950 Renhuang seal is lost.

I'm afraid that the fate of Chaoge City is just like what Bai Qian thought in his heart just now, and it will definitely not last long, which makes Bigan sigh especially after hearing Bai Qian's heartfelt voice.

Bigan also let out a long sigh toward the outside of Chaoge City, always feeling inexplicably depressed, "No matter what, Bigan waits until after Daji meets Empress Nuwa.

No matter what happens, we must persuade Daji to take back the seal of the emperor from Lin Buer, no matter how much we pay, we must also get the seal of the emperor back.

Otherwise (ajbh) it will affect the luck of the whole Chaoge." After Bai Qian was worried, she spoke out her inner thoughts to Bigan next to her.

Because Bai Qian knew that as long as the Human Emperor's Seal returned to Daji's hands, he would find all the drivers to take the Human Emperor's Seal into his monster clan's possession.

He would run away with the emperor's seal, and it was absolutely impossible to return to Chaoge City as foolishly as Lin Buer. Bai Qi was still complacent when he thought of this.

I feel that as long as Lin Buer appears this time, Renhuangyin will never be able to escape from here again, and he will never be taken away by Lin Buer from under his nose.

We have to wait for Daji to come back to discuss this matter with him, because after all, it will affect the fortune of the whole Brother Chao, Bai Qian thought so in his heart.

But he never thought that Bigan next to him had been eavesdropping on his heart, and after hearing what Bai Qian was thinking about now, Bigan laughed secretly in his heart.

"Bai Qian is also thinking about the emperor's seal. He has a good idea. Who doesn't know that as long as Lin Buer appears, he must find a way to get the emperor's seal, as long as Lin Buer appears when Daji returns.

No matter what, he had to persuade him to take back the emperor's seal and send it back to the treasure trousers in the underground palace of Chaoge City. It was absolutely impossible for anyone to peep.

As long as the Human Emperor's Seal falls into Bai Qian's hands, he will definitely be able to take it to their Qingqiu. When their Qingqiu's fortunes are reversed, it is very likely that Bai Qian's current purpose is not just the Human Emperor's Seal.

Maybe he still wants to be in charge of the Protoss." Thinking of this, Bigan doesn't want to talk to Bai Qian next to him, he always feels that he is always around Daji now, and there must be an ulterior purpose for him.

It seems that they are all here, like Lin Buer, spying on the treasure house in the entire underground palace of Chaoge City. These people really don't know how to live or die. They are all the things of the Emperor, and they all belong to the people of Chaoge City. .

Chapter 160 IX

How can you make you outsiders think about your dreams and go away?Outside Chaoge City, Lin Buer and John Xungang are still competing there.

John Xungang had been crushed by Lin Buer with the power of his five-color divine light and was seriously injured. John Xungang supported his injured body and stood up from the midair.

Then John Xungang said to Lin Buer, "Fuck didn't expect you, Lin Buer, to get the Emperor's Seal, it's really extraordinary, it seems that Lin Buer, you have already seen the secret of the Emperor's Seal.

Just now I was accidentally attacked by you, Lin Buer, now I want to have a good fight with you, and I must not embarrass the people of our beautiful country.

Until now, those people in the entire live broadcast room are looking at the two of us. If I were so casual, I would use your five-color divine light to gently suppress and retreat.

Then why am I messing around here? "John Xungang was thinking about it there. Now that Lin Buer has improved so fast, his growth rate is faster than he imagined.

This strength is too terrifying, you can seriously injure yourself by directly crushing it with its two food, it seems that you don't need a real ability to deal with Lin Buer.

Lin Buer was able to use his flesh and blood to quickly grow to the status of a saint. If this continues, it will be a matter of time before he enters the heaven with his ability.

At that time, the divine power of myself and Lin Buer will be too different as Lin Buer said, and it will be impossible~to get close to Lin Buer's body.

Lin Buer looked at John Xungang next to him from the corner of his eye, the words he had said to himself before.

Lin Buer didn't have the heart to listen at all, Lin Buer just wanted to use his divine power to break through the Zhenzijue in the Emperor's seal as soon as possible, Lin Buer knew that John Xungang in front of him could easily deal with him.

This beautiful country player can be crushed in minutes, but the two helpers behind him, the two disciples of Yuxu Palace, Ah Sanguo, have the two magic weapons given by Ran Deng.

It was a bit difficult, so Lin Buer felt that he had to break through the seal of the emperor as soon as possible to crush them. Isn't the Three Kingdoms an easy task?

"John Xungang, don't worry about how I was promoted to my sage status, now relying on your ability to kill, I don't think your cultivation level is enough to compete with me.

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