0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

You, a contestant from the beautiful country, are not worthy to compete with me, a citizen of the country. I advise you to step back and get your helpers, John Xungang and Sharmad, from the three countries behind you.

Let me see how their cultivation is now." Lin Buer just expressed his inner thoughts, but Lin Buer just said these words.

......... 0

Those American nationals in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant, they never thought that this stinky boy from Xia Guo would be so arrogant and unruly.

The arrogance of all American citizens is being suppressed here. Lin Buer is really good at bragging, which makes the entire American people a little angry and can't bear it.

All the citizens have fallen into a state of anger, and even the onlookers from various countries in this live broadcast room are laughing at what Lin Buer just said.

"Hey, do you know which country the kid in the white robe is a player from? Why is he speaking so arrogantly?

Chapter 170

But knowing that he is now facing a player from the beautiful country who can kill seventh-level beasts, how dare he express his disdain here?" "I'll go, who is this kid who dares to shout here without shame.

A contestant from the beautiful country, isn't this courting death?You must know that the beautiful country is the most powerful country now, and all of their players are particularly tough, let alone John Xungang.

He is able to kill level-[-] beasts, and he will be able to "nine-five-zero" kill level-[-] and level-[-] beasts to evolve, this brat is really daring and reckless."

"You guys are really ignorant, Lin Buer is a citizen from Xia Kingdom, they are the players sent by them to go to the country, and they don't know what they think when they go to the country.

He actually got this arrogant guy out, look at his arrogant and unruly appearance, he is still pretending to be mysterious and relying on his saintly body.

Is it possible to compete with John Xungang of the United States?

This John Xungang is notoriously big. With Lin Buer's current state, he might not be able to compete with John Xungang of Mei Liguo. Just watch, sooner or later he will suffer retribution. "

On the big screen in the whole live broadcast room, the languages ​​of various countries are flying along the keyboard on the big screen of this live broadcast room, and everyone can really see it.

Players from every country are not optimistic, Lin Buer is the people of all countries.

Some of them didn't dare to offend their beautiful country, so they yelled and abused Lin Buer there, and they were unintentionally flattering their beautiful country players, which made them keep watching Lin Buer's movements from the sidelines.

Wu Nian'an in Xia Guoguoyun's command room was in a state of confusion, "What is Lin Buer thinking? If he really has that strength.

It's better to just kill the contestants from this beautiful country. Why did you say such arrogant and unruly words and arouse the dissatisfaction of the people of all countries?Lin Buer is getting more and more rampant now.

It's really hard to figure out, what is he thinking in his heart? "Wu Nian'an doesn't know what Lin Buer is thinking now, but he knows.

Although now Lin Buer has obtained the seal of the emperor, and he has directly risen to the position of saint with his flesh, it seems that he has really grown a lot.

But it's not enough that the people in various countries can hear the big words said in this live broadcast room. If this can really make 0......

America's John News Steel can do it. If it doesn't work, this time it will really take off the face of the people of the next country. Maybe those trolls will always spray in this live broadcast room.

But he was desperate. At this time, the phone next to Wu Nian'an rang, and Wu Nian'an's expression exploded. He knew that his superior must be in the live broadcast room.

Just looking at the current movements of Lin Buer and John Xungang of the beautiful country, Wu Nian'an knows.

As long as he is a superior leader, if he sees the arrogant and unruly words of Lin Buer in the live broadcast room, the people in various countries will suppress Lin Buer's words there.

The leaders of 1.7 will definitely not be able to bear this strong pressure, so they called Wu Nian'an, the moment Wu Nian'an answered the phone.

He has already thought about how to excuse Lin Buer, and he can't let Lin Buer handle everything alone.

It seems that I should also carry it for Lin Buer. After all, this is a matter for the entire Xia Kingdom.

Chapter 170 The situation is difficult to control

In the live broadcast room of Xia Guo's command room, Wu Nian'an thought of this and answered the phone without hesitation, "Hey Wu Nian'an, what did you do, don't you know how to ask Lin Buer to speak in a low-key manner?

In this way, you didn’t see that all the people from various small countries and nationalities in the live broadcast room have become very angry, and they all think that Lin Buer’s words are too arrogant

How can we crush the two contestants of A Sanguo and Meiliguo together?Do you know everything by strength?You tell him to keep a low profile and continue like this.

I have no way to appease those people's words in 09. "After Wu Nian'an answered the phone, before he could give a reasonable explanation, he was scolded by his superiors.

In fact, Wu Nian'an also knew that Lin Buer's words were a bit loud this time, and he really didn't pay attention to the two contestants from Meiliguo and Ahsanguo.

But in Wu Nian'an's view, since Lin Bu'er has obtained the ninth-level baby Emperor Seal, the fortune of the entire country has now been reversed.

Are you still afraid of these two contestants from Meiliguo and Ahsanguo?It's just that this is also Wu Nian'an's temporary thought, but Wu Nian'an knows that if he wants to really turn things around.

It seems that a real strength contest is still needed, and it is not something that can be done by just talking about it.

Now that Lin Buer has moved his lips, it is obvious that the people of those small countries who are often attached to the beautiful country have aroused their public indignation. Wu Nian'an has no choice but to carry it for Lin Buer.

Then he said to his superiors, "Don't worry, now that Lin Buer has captured the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace, you have already got your ninth-level magic weapon Renhuang Seal.

Now that the fortunes of our country of Xia have been reversed, are we still afraid that a player from the beautiful country and a player from the third country will join forces to deal with Lin Buer?

Everything is under control, and I will explain some things to Lin Buer, so you can rest assured, isn't I still in command here?What are you afraid of? "

After Wu Nian'an finished speaking, he immediately put down the phone in his hand. He knew that when the superiors were angry, if they confronted them head-on.

It will definitely not have any good effect on Lin Buer, so Wu Nian'an put down the phone very wittily, because he knew that after he finished speaking these words.

His superiors will definitely get angry at him. It seems that he must send a message to Lin Buer properly, and definitely let him keep a low profile, and he must not be allowed to talk like this again.

In this way, it will arouse the anger of the whole people in the beautiful country and the third country, so it will be difficult to deal with it, although now Lin Buer has obtained the emperor's seal, this matter.

They have already made them jealous. If Lin Buer uses words to stimulate them again, I am afraid that the two guys from John News 950 Steel and A Sanguo in the beautiful country will definitely not let Lin Buer go.

"Hurry up and convey my order to Lin Buer to enter information, and then tell Lin Buer to keep a low profile and win with strength, and never use his high profile to suppress the players in the beautiful country.

Now it has aroused public anger, and if this continues, I'm afraid there will be no troubles. "Since Wu Nian'an received a call from his superiors.

There are also those people in small countries who see the big screen in the live broadcast room, and usually rely on the fortune of the beautiful country.

They were all aggrieved there, and the heinous things they said in the live broadcast room were all there to accuse Lin Buer.

Chapter 170 The second is about to move

Wu Nian'an was also under great pressure, but Wu Nian'an knew that with Lin Buer's strength, he should be able to kill John Xungang from the beautiful country, so he gave the order.

Let the people in Xia Guoguoyun's command room convey instructions to Lin Buer, let Lin Buer use his strength to defeat him, instead of using those words to stimulate them.

Otherwise, this matter will get out of hand. After hearing the order issued by Wu Nian'an, the staff in Xia Guomin's command room were a little puzzled.

In fact, everyone knows that now that Lin Buer has obtained the ninth-level treasure and the Renhuang Seal is in his hand, the entire national fortune is now in Xia Guo's hands.

Why are you still afraid of these players from the United States and the Three Kingdoms?With the help of Lin Buer, who has now been upgraded to the status of a saint with his physical body, he is still afraid of these players.

Especially the two disciples of A Sanguo's Yuxu Palace, with the help of burning lamps, the two magic weapons given to them were about to move behind John Xungang.

Just thinking about relying on their Brahmin sage son status, and wanting to challenge the sage Lin Buer, isn't this just a joke, the citizens of the Xia Kingdom will only make these staff a little confused.

They all felt that what Lin Buer said now was not arrogant, but that he was using his own strength to compete with the players in the beautiful country of Asan and Sanguo.

Why is there such an order?But for them, Wu Nian'an is their superior leader, so they can only follow their leadership and send this message to Lin Buer.

Ding dong, the system reminded Lin Buer that there was a new message. Lin Buer heard the system prompt in mid-air, so Lin Buer opened his eyes slightly.

It turned out to be a message from the command room of Xia Guo Guoyun, Lin Buer thought that the entire Xia Guo people must be boiling.

He had obtained the Human Emperor Seal in the protection of Chaoge City's underground palace, and he had crushed John Xungang of the Beautiful Country with the power of his five-color divine light, severely wounding him.

It seems that Wu Nian'an must be congratulating him because he couldn't bear the joy in his heart, because now Lin Buer doesn't have the heart to watch the various languages ​​on the screen in the live broadcast room.

What he said, Lin Buer is now focusing on using his divine power, and he wants to open all the town-word tactics in the emperor's seal for him, and then break the town-word tactics.

With the law of suppression, suppress all things, unite the destiny of the human race, change the destiny of all Xia countries, and reunite all the destiny of the country.

Unexpectedly, after Lin Buer turned on the system prompt, he saw the series of subtitles on the screen, which shocked Lin Buer. It seems that what he just said.

It actually aroused controversy among all ethnic groups, and Lin Buer finally realized that after what John Xungang said just now, Lin Buer just expressed his inner dissatisfaction in a moment of brain fever.

Unexpectedly, just after I (Nuo Li's) said this sentence, the whole live broadcast room was smashed into a big hole.

Those people were actually spraying their blood there. The onlookers in the live broadcast room didn't have a long brain at all about what they were thinking.

Could it be that in those beautiful countries or the three countries, there are those who sprayed themselves with blood.

Don’t the citizens of those small countries understand?Doesn't everything depend on strength to speak?It is obvious that John Xungang of the beautiful country and his body of a saint are now.

Chapter 170 Three Waiting and Watching Live

That's a pretty big distance. How could he break through his saint's body? Even if he had the ability to kill strange beasts at Qiji, he couldn't challenge his own saint's body.

Now that I still hold the seal of the emperor in my hand, I have swallowed all the sealing laws in the seal of the emperor, isn't it enough to crush him, John Xungang from the beautiful country, and Sharmad and Curley from the three kingdoms?Thinking of this, Lin Buer is also a little angry, but it's not worth being angry with these people.

Lin Bu'er felt that what Wu Nian'an said was reasonable, and everything was based on his own strength, so he might as well just kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

"Bai Yuekui Lei Wujie, you 950, look at the onlookers in the live broadcast room who are saying Lin Buer's words there, it's really annoying, why are those people so ignorant.

Now Lin Buer seems to want to let John Xungang go, but he didn't expect that John Xungang didn't appreciate it, and was still yelling at Lin Buer there. The two of them are quite disparate in strength.

What Lin Buer said is not wrong, Lin Buer has now entered the position of saint with a mortal body, can he be comparable to John Xungang from the beautiful country?

I didn't expect John Xungang to be so ignorant." Jin Xiaoser has been watching the dynamics in the live broadcast room, since what Lin Buer just said.

I have already seen the languages ​​of various countries popping up densely on the screen in the live broadcast room. They all spoke Lin Buer's words there, and sometimes Jin Xiaoser was a little angry.

But Jin Xiaoser is from a small country of kimchi country after all, and the players are not qualified to discuss these things here, and now he is still relying on Lin Buer's national luck to survive.

If you want to speak freely on this big screen, I am afraid that the current commander of the Kimchi Country will have been blown up by himself, "Well, Jin Xiaoserai has no outstanding skills.

I've been watching here too. What those people said on the big screen in the live broadcast room is actually nothing wrong with what Lin Buer just said. Why do they have to think about it so hard?

Isn't it easy to use Lin Buer's saintly body (ajbh) to crush John Xungang, a beautiful country?It's really sad that they can't even tell the truth. "

After Bai Yuekui heard what Jin Xiaose said to him, Bai Yuekui often sighed, always feeling that there was nothing wrong with Lin Buer this time.

After all, now Lin Buer has obtained the Emperor Seal, and Lin Buer has stepped into the rank of saint.

It shouldn't be a problem to deal with a player from the beautiful country, John Xungang and the two Asan country's Sharmad and Curley, and there is nothing wrong with Lin Buer's words.

Why are the people in the live broadcast room still so angry?Lin Shide stared at the live broadcast room without moving, his eyes fixed on the big screen in the live broadcast room.

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