Because he had seen before that Lin Buer had obtained the Emperor Seal of Chaoge City Underground Palace Treasure House, which proved his son Lin Buer's talent.

Having been able to change the entire Xia Kingdom's national destiny, it has been proved that the Xia Kingdom's national destiny will never be subject to the current crisis in the future, which makes Lin Shide very proud.

Because his son Lin Buer was able to do this, he was excited about how many beasts he was inferior to and how many treasures he got. This is a matter of the destiny of the country.

His son was able to change the momentum of Xia Guo Guo Yun with ease.

Chapter 170 Turn off the system

He is very proud of being his father, Lin Shide, but now Lin Shide's eyes are seeing those insulting words popping up from the big screen flying all over the sky.

Lin Shide felt a strong pressure, "What the hell is this stinky boy Lin Buer doing? He has already obtained the Seal of the Emperor, and he still doesn't come back quickly.

What are you still doing whimpering there?Still clamoring there, the contestants from Meiliguo and Ahsanguo are really full, they might as well beat them with their sainthood.

It's not like me at all." Lin Shide was a little angry when he thought about it now, he threw the water glass on his seat on the ground.

Seeing those people on the screen abusing his son Lin Buer, he felt angry in his heart, but he had no choice but to watch the changes in the live broadcast room on this screen.

Slowly, he calmed down and thought about his son in his heart. He understood quite well, and it seemed that he would not be able to bear such a great pressure at all just like himself.

It's better to crush this beautiful country's contestant happily, and let this beautiful country's contestant have a good taste of the Xia country's nationals so that they will be defiant.

Relying on the strength of his own national fortune, he bullied the people of Xia Kingdom with arrogance here. It seems that this time Lin Buer actually got the Seal of the Emperor, and everything is under his control.

All national luck has been ruled by Lin Buer.The Human Emperor's seal in his hand has been removed, so the luck of the citizens of the Xia Kingdom will not be so bad in the future. It seems that the player from the beautiful country will be the one who will be unlucky.

And the two contestants from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Curley, thought of Lin Shide, and regained his self-confidence. He knew that his son Lin Buer would never let him down.

Every time it was his son who would always bring him surprises at the most critical moment, Lin Shide's whole mood gradually calmed down as he kept thinking of this.

Sitting patiently on the big screen in the live broadcast room, he watched how his son Lin Buer crushed John Xungang from the beautiful country.

Lin Buer watched the live broadcast room by the way, and those people on the screen were talking about his words, and Lin Buer didn't take it to heart afterwards.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Because he now remembered that the message Wu Nian'an sent him just now coincided with his own thoughts, and it seemed that he wanted to shut up those citizens of the beautiful country.

There is also the way for those shameless people from small countries to shut up. Only by using their own strength to crush the players from this beautiful country can they be convinced.

The big words I said seem to be nothing more than empty talk. Thinking of this, Lin Buer simply shut down his systems. The news that Lin Buer wants to use those systems is undoubtedly to stimulate himself.

......... 0

As long as he defeats the contestants in this beautiful country, John Xungang can undoubtedly improve the meaning of the entire country of Xia, so that they no longer fear the shock and stimulation of those gossips.

"Hey, Bai Yuekui has seen Lin Buer, his eyes have been opened, it seems that Lin Buer has put all his thoughts back, that's it.

He's going to focus on dealing with John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, and we'll have a good show to watch.

As long as Lin Buer kills John Xungang in this beautiful country, then we won't have any worries here.

Chapter 170 Five

The two disciples of Yuxu Palace in A Sanguo should not be a problem for Lin Buer, as long as Lin Buer crushes the arrogance of the contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang.

Those two Asan Kingdom players, Sharmad and Koli, probably won't be able to support them for long. Don't look at him as a disciple of Randengmen, and because he has two magic weapons, I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to quarrel with Lin Buer. .

Now that Lin Buer is a saint, the honorable person must be able to use his five-color divine light, "[-]" to crush the spiritual power brought by those two treasures", "Jin Xiaoser, you can finally say something nice .

I thought you were patronizing to watch the excitement. I was a little angry when I saw the words insulting Lin Buer on the big screen just now. It seems that Lin Buer should be able to see it too.

Lin Buer has already turned off his system. It seems that Lin Buer must be wholeheartedly trying to use his strength to kill this beautiful country player.

John Xungang looks like this John Xungang is going to be punished well, let him shout about Lin Buer's self-deprecating things", in the Heavenly Palace of the God Realm.

Empress Nuwa was talking with Yuan Tianzun there, and suddenly, they felt a powerful breath of heaven, rushing into the entire heaven, so they didn't feel surprised.

"Empress Nuwa didn't feel a powerful divine power, the existence of the spiritual power of the breath of heaven."Yuan Tianzun tentatively spoke out to Empress Nuwa the power of the heavenly breath he sensed.

After Nuwa Empress heard these words from Yuan Tianzun, Nuwa Empress looked shocked, and said to Yuan Yuan Tianzun, "It's such a breath of heaven.

Filling the entire heaven, it seems that there must be a god-level honor coming soon. "Nuwa Empress and Yuanshi Tianzun are discussing, this powerful breath of heaven exists.

The original Tianzun and Empress Nuwa wanted to use their power of insight into the secrets of heaven to see who had such a powerful aura of heaven. At this moment, Empress Nuwa saw a beam of light from a distance.

Slowly coming in his direction, not long after, the beam of streamer flew to the front of Empress Nuwa, and Empress Nuwa fixed her eyes on Daji's appearance.

"Oh, Daji, you actually showed up so fast. I just ordered you to come and see me. I have something important to discuss. I didn't expect you to be so fast."

"Empress Nuwa's holy order, how could Daji go against Empress Nuwa's will? I don't know what matter Empress Nuwa summoned Daji to discuss with me, why is it so urgent?"

After Daji heard Empress Nuwa's praise for him, he immediately greeted him with a smile, and opened his eyes slightly with their demon clan's unique charm.

Then he told Empress Daji what he thought. In fact, after Daji heard Empress Nuwa's praise to him just now, he still felt quite against his will.

He and Lin Bu'er chatted very happily in the underground palace of Chaoge City, and in order to make the sage Wu Xin smile, he also gave away the treasure of the emperor's seal in the underground palace of Chaoge City.

This made the Wuxin sage smile happily. Originally, he thought that if he won the smile of the Wuxin sage, then the Wuxin sage would naturally burn and belong to him.

At that time, will the little 1.7 idea in my heart be realized?When he was dreaming there, he had already received a summons from Empress Nuwa.

This made Daji feel really reluctant.

But Empress Nuwa is a god who is honored by her demon clan and dared to disobey her, so Daji had to use the fastest speed to see Empress Nuwa, not knowing what will Empress Nuwa have to order her.

Chapter 170

But Daji was also pondering in her heart, this Empress Nuwa undoubtedly ruined her own good deeds, and she just made the Wuxin sage so happy.

Unexpectedly, she was summoned by Empress Nuwa. Oh, it was such a good dream, she fell into her hands. Empress Nuwa saw Daji in front of her, she was still respectful, and she was still kind to herself.

I gave an order, but I didn't expect this Daji to come to see me so fast. It seems that my identity is enough to deter their monsters.

"Daji is like this. I have seen through the secrets and found that Chaoge City's vitality is getting weaker and weaker. I don't know what their fate will be. I just feel that Chaoge City is in danger now.

That's why I recruited you to ask, I don't know what kind of 09 things happened in Chaoge City now, you and Pipa Jing have been standing by in Chaoge City.

I don’t know if the two of you found such a strange situation in Chaoge City.” Daji heard about the things about Nuwa Empress and her own knowledge, but she didn’t know it at all.

Because he has been by Renhuang's side all the time, he hasn't seen any different dynamics, and now the fate of the entire Chaoge City should not have much difference under his control.

Why did Empress Nuwa ask herself this way?Could it be that something really happened in Chaoge City? Daji had just heard these words from Empress Nuwa.

He couldn't help but have some doubts. He was also worried about what would happen to the Human Emperor. You must know that in Chaoge City, Daji can cover the sky with one hand.

He said that he was the one and only master. Under the emperor, everything was under his control, so why didn't he notice that something was wrong.

He also heard that Empress Nuwa just said that she had insight into the secrets of heaven, and felt that Chaoge City's vitality is weak. Is Chaoge City going to be in crisis now?

Thinking of this, Daji felt that this matter was not trivial. It turned out to be Empress Nuwa, who had already seen through the secrets of heaven. It seemed that she needed to be asked about this matter.

Don't let Brother Chao make any mistakes, otherwise, wouldn't your own glory and wealth be ruined? "The Empress Nuwa forgives Daji and said that now my aunt Bai Qian and I have been staying in Chaoge City.

There is nothing unusual, why is there a crisis in Chaoge City now? After Daji heard what Empress Nuwa said just now, he was also worried.

I feel that this matter is no small matter, because Empress Nuwa would never use these words to deceive herself.

So he wanted to take advantage of Empress Nuwa here to tell Empress Nuwa what happened in Chaoge City. After Empress Nuwa heard what Daji said to herself.

He was also thinking about it there, obviously he had seen the secrets of heaven and knew that brother Chao's current luck of 950 had been slowly declining, so why didn't Daji know about such a big thing.

Is he pretending to be confused with himself?Now even Qingqiu's Bai Qian and Daji are in Chaoge City. Could it be that the two of them don't know such a big thing?

Empress Nuwa knew about Bai Qian's ability. With Bai Qian's ability, didn't he tell Daji about everything that happened in Chaoge City now?

How could it be possible that his Bai Qian's spiritual sense could know the laws of heaven and earth, such a big thing happened in Chaoge City, I think Qingqiu Bai Qian would know it, why didn't he discuss it with Daji? .

Chapter 170 VII Reaching the Eucharist

"Oh, Daji, Qingqiu's Bai Qian God is all in Chaoge City, Chaoge City must have no energy now, I said that Qingqiu Baiqian must also be familiar with heaven and earth numerology, how could he not know?

Didn't he tell you? "Nuwa Empress looked at Daji suspiciously, and didn't say much, because Nuwa Empress knew that Bai Qian should know these things.

Didn't Bai Qian reveal it to Daji?Daji heard what Nuwa said, and he felt that his aunt Bai Qian might not be able to hide the impossible things from him.

Aunt Bai Qian would discuss everything with him, especially in Chaoge City, as Nuwa Empress said, if something really happened.

It's even more impossible for Bai Qian to hide herself, "Aunt Bai Qian, the empress of Nuwa, never mentioned anything to me, so I think Aunt Bai Qian doesn't know what happened in Chaoge City.

I don't know what you mean by the imminent luck and doom. "." Daji could only tell Empress Nuwa what she knew.

Because Daji knew that relying on her aunt Bai Qian, it was impossible to hide anything from herself.After hearing what Daji said, Nuwa didn't argue with him.

Because Empress Nuwa knew that she must have concealed him during the day this time, so why did Bai Qian conceal it? "Well, Daji, your aunt Bai Qian didn't tell you about this, so I'll let you see what's going on and you'll know."

Empress Nuwa thought to herself, it's better to tell Daji about this matter and let him return to Chaoge City, so that he can be prepared for everything, and absolutely can't let the aura and luck of the race directly decline.

After Empress Nuwa finished speaking, she immediately waved her sleeves in the air, showing the current scene in Chaoge City, just as Empress Nuwa was watching the scene of Chaoge City.

Suddenly, a powerful golden light in mid-air approached Yunxiao, and Yuan Tianzun next to him felt a powerful divine power, so he quickly suppressed it with his own hands.

So he said to this Empress Nuwa, "Empress Nuwa has such a great light of heaven, it seems that this kind of divine light cannot be suppressed by the two of you."

Because Yuan Tianzun has already felt that there is a powerful golden light that is covering the Yunxiao Hall. That powerful holy light has crushed everything in the hall.

Just when Yuan Tianzun's voice just fell, Empress Nuwa also felt a powerful aura crushing, which affected Empress Nuwa's holy body, and Empress Nuwa was shocked.

Pushing aside the clouds on both sides, Daji looked in the direction of Chaoge City. Daji also saw that the faces of Nuwa Empress and Yuanyuan Tianzun had changed.

Both of them were stunned by the powerful light in front of them, and Empress Nuwa was also curious about what happened in Chaoge City (Nuoli's).

So she got up in a hurry. At the moment when Empress Nuwa pushed aside the clouds, Daji also felt a powerful divine light coming towards the Yunxiao Hall.

This made Daji a little excited, because he knew that this powerful divine light was the powerful light shown by the Human Emperor Seal he had just given to Wuxin Saint.

Daji secretly rejoiced here, thinking that he just came to the top of the Yunxiao Palace.

Chapter 170

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