Lin Buer took the Renhuang seal and disappeared. Now it seems that Lin Buer is still reluctant to come back to him with the Renhuang seal after all.

Staring only at Lin Buer outside Chaoge City, Daji showed joy, and the unbearable smile was really seen by the Nuwa Empress next to her.

Empress Nuwa thought she was a natural fox demon, and she didn't shy away from such a charming look even above the Yunxiao Palace, although Empress Nuwa knew Daji's current mood.

But I don't know what kind of baby's divine light is the intense divine light that is rushing straight to the Yunxiao Hall. The Yuan Tianzun next to him can see it clearly.

Yuan Yuan Tianzun also felt that this was a sacred object, which could be said to be a very powerful force of 950 in the God Realm. Yuan Yuan Tianzun asked very curiously, and asked the Nuwa Empress next to him.

"Empress Nuwa doesn't know what kind of treasure is this powerful divine light emanating from the city of Chaoge, please ask Empress Nuwa to show it." After Yuan Tianzun finished speaking.

Immediately cast his eyes on Empress Nuwa, because Yuan Yuan Tianzun knew that even if he couldn't guess what the treasure under Chaoge City was.

Presumably, Empress Nuwa is the supreme god in the God Realm, and everything is under the control of Empress Nuwa, whether it is the God Realm or the mortal world. (ajbh)

All the treasures should be brought into the eyes of Empress Nuwa.

Presumably there is no escape, and Empress Nuwa is still pondering how much divine power the Emperor in Chaoge City has to control such a powerful biological formation from the God Realm. , that is also where a powerful divine power lies.

Just as Empress Nuwa was thinking about the Yuan Tianzun next to her, she asked him about the source of this treasure, which undoubtedly stumped Empress Nuwa.

Because Empress Nuwa didn't know the strange light that Zhao Gecheng's current treasure reappeared.

What kind of sacred object is it? Empress Nuwa is also thinking that the emperor of Chaoge City can actually have a treasure that is more powerful than the sacred object of the God Realm. Is this undoubtedly a kind of humiliation to the God Realm?

"Yuanshi Tianzun forgive me, now that the divine light under Chaoge City reappears, I really don't know what kind of treasure it is, I think it may be that the mortal emperor possesses the supreme holy object.

This kind of powerful divine light can crush the power of all beings, and it has a strong crushing power, which is much better than the biological medicine in our God Realm. "After Empress Nuwa is about to finish speaking.

He also looked enviously at the place where the sacred object of Caigan Midsummer was located, but he just couldn't figure out what kind of sacred object the Emperor was using.

Let him emit such a powerful divine light.Yuan Yuan Tianzun heard Nuwa Empress answering the question he just asked, Yuan Yuan Tianzun felt that what Nuwa Empress said was all nonsense?

He didn't know, so he just said directly, don't know, forget it, and speculate again, what he said was useless, so Yuan Tianzun looked back with some contempt.

Daji on the side heard the conversation between Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun, and Daji was complacent, because Empress Nuwa knew what the strange divine light emanating from Chaoge City was?

After Daji heard the conversation between Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress.

Chapter 170 IX Arrogant Behavior

He was secretly laughing there, and accidentally made a sound. Seeing this, Daji hurriedly covered her mouth.All of this cannot escape the eyes of the Nuwa Empress next to her.

She felt that Daji's actions just now were too arrogant, was she laughing at herself, wondering what the treasure of Chaoge City was?Did Daji know that this little fairy smiled so charmingly?

It seemed that he must have known it, thinking of this, Empress Nuwa immediately withdrew her face, and asked Daji angrily, "How dare the fox demon do such a thing in front of this deity.

Why are the living creatures under Chaoge City shining so brightly? Could it be that you are a little foolish way, but I, the Nuwa Empress, don't know it at all, so I want to hear it.

It seems that what kind of treasure is this strange light emitting from the city of Chaoge, you might as well tell it, if you don't know a thing or two, how can I treat you? "

Immediately after Nuwa Empress finished speaking, she looked at Daji with her eyes. Nuwa knew that maybe she should know the little fox in front of her now, otherwise she would not have made such a fool in front of her.

Empress Nuwa was there to threaten a little in a tentative tone. It seems that Daji didn't dare not tell herself, and the original Tianzun on the side saw it really.

He secretly taunted Empress Nuwa there, thinking that he was still threatening the little fox demon with something he didn't know, could this fox demon be more powerful than the gods in the God Realm?

Daji was still secretly laughing there one second, and heard Empress Nuwa threatening him there the next second, and instantly he was taken aback by what Empress Nuwa said just now.

But in a blink of an eye, Daji thought about the difficulty of this matter, she already knew it, and it is possible that the treasure was given to the unintentional saint with her own hands.

Who else can know about this besides myself?

But Daji is not stupid, Daji knows that if she acts like she knows everything now, wouldn't she be humiliating the honor of Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress, a god in the God Realm.

Just like what Empress Nuwa said just now, she is just a fox demon from the lower realm, how could she make a fool of herself in front of Empress Nuwa?

"Returning to Empress Nuwa, Daji really knows what the treasure under Chaoge City is, but in fact, Empress Nuwa, Yuanshi Tianzun, you both misunderstood, it is not a treasure at all.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

The treasure house in our Chaoge City Underground Palace is stronger than that baby, and that baby doesn’t have much mana at all. I wonder if Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun misunderstood it.

I've already given that thing away, to the Wuxin sage, and now that thing doesn't belong to our Chaoge City, so what Empress Nuwa said just now is something for the emperor.

......... 0

In fact, that thing, Renhuang, was just randomly thrown in the underground palace of Chaoge City. He doesn't usually use it, so I gave it to the Wuxin sage for such an inconspicuous thing. "

After Daji finished speaking, she waved her hands there, just to tell Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress.

That is not a treasure at all. The underground palace in Chaoge City can take out a treasure casually, which is much better than that.

Because there are a lot of strange beasts in the book of mountains and seas that are imprisoned there, and there are more beasts than this treasure before. Why can Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun think this is a treasure?Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun.

Chapter 180

After hearing what Daji said, the two of them were dumbfounded. This little fox demon Daji even felt insignificant to such a powerful and magical baby.

Could it be that there is a treasure more powerful than this in their underground palace in Chaoge City?But out of curiosity, Empress Nuwa wanted to ask what kind of baby that baby was.

It also gave him some insight, so that he didn't notice it when Yuan Yuan Tianzun just asked "[-]" and asked himself, "Oh, Daji is the most inconspicuous treasure in Chaoge City.

Then tell me, what treasure did you give Lin Buer? "As soon as Empress Nuwa's words fell, Daji listened neatly, and Daji's little Empress Nuwa was really busy.

If I don't, I will give Lin Buer an ordinary treasure in Chaoge City.Does Empress Nuwa have to ask herself a question?Forget it, since we've already said it all, is there still a baby's name missing?

It's better to tell Empress Nuwa, anyway, nothing can be hidden from Empress Nuwa's eyes, "Tell Empress Daji, our most inconspicuous treasure in Chaoge City, the Renhuang Seal.

It has been dusty in our underground palace in Chaoge City for a long time, and the Human Emperor has never used him, so I think that unremarkable thing might as well be given away.

Besides, we have plenty of treasures in Chaoge City, and we are still short of the seal of the emperor." Daji spoke in a dismissive tone, and said it to the original Tianzun and Nuwa empress.

Just when Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress heard what Daji said, the last few words were sealed by the emperor, their expressions suddenly changed.

The two hurriedly inquired about each other, and the rising arrogance was suppressed in an instant. Empress Nuwa thought in her heart, it seemed that all this was a definite outcome.

No wonder he had a deep insight into the secrets there, and he had already seen that Chaoge City was about to die. It seemed that all of this was destroyed in the hands of this little fox demon.

He casually gave up the Renhuang Seal, which could suppress all the aura and fate of Chaoge City, casually, no wonder Chaoge City's luck was disappearing there little by little.

There are only some remnants of luck left there, and the dog's eyes are spreading over Chaoge City. After hearing what Daji said, Yuan Tianzun 0......

He also lost his luster in an instant, and stared blankly at Empress Nuwa, no wonder the two of them were discussing the prosecution of Chaoge City just now and couldn't find it.

The final result, it seems that it must be in front of me, this Daji actually gave up Chaoge City's fate to the attacker, wouldn't this destroy the entire Chaoge City?

All the fate and aura in Chaoge City have been ruined by this little fox demon's mistake, and Daji is still happily telling these useless things there.

But he didn't hear what Empress Nuwa was saying for a long time, so he raised his winking eyes and secretly looked at the original 1.7 Tianzun and Empress Nuwa.

Seeing the sudden change in the expressions of the two of them, I don't know why, but because I am a monster, I am not qualified to ask Empress Nuwa at all.

He could only keep his mouth shut there speechless, he knew it was not a good time to speak now, because he had already seen some anger in the eyes of Empress Nuwa.

Chapter 180

It's just that this is anger, I don't know where it came from, and I haven't offended Empress Nuwa here, so it seems that this matter still has nothing to do with me.

So Daji chose to shut up there, when Empress Nuwa was furious, "Bold fox Daji, you actually handed over all the seals of the Emperor of Chaoge City to Lin Buer.

Do you know that this Human Sovereign Seal is no small matter, he is a sacred object in the human world and the Human Sovereign's treasure, you must know that if the Human Sovereign loses this Human Sovereign Seal.

Then the luck of the entire Chaoge City will plummet, Chaoge City will be destroyed, and it will disappear above the prehistoric desolation. You don't have to hurry up and get the Emperor's Seal back from Lin Buer.

Otherwise, I must punish you for the crime of 09, you know?Brother Chao Cheng's fortune has fallen in front of you, a little fox demon, and you still dare to say these dirty words in front of me without shame.

Could it be that you fell in love with Lin Buerbucheng?Only then did I give the Emperor Seal of Chaoge City to Lin Buer." Empress Nuwa saw Daji's charming skills.

It seems that he must have taken a fancy to that kid Lin Buer, otherwise he would never have given up the seal of the emperor. Doesn't Daji know what the seal of the emperor is?

He is the treasure of Chaoge City. If this Human Emperor's Seal is lost, Chaoge City will change hands. That Human Emperor's Seal carries the fate of all the mortals in Chaoge City.

How could he give in to Lin Buer?After Daji heard what Empress Nuwa said to herself, Daji didn't take it seriously. How could Chaoge City depend on that one Emperor's Seal?

That broken thing has been in the underground palace of Chaoge City for a long time, and the emperor never cared about him. He didn't even look at the broken thing and gave it to Lin Buer, so what?

This Empress Nuwa and Yuan Tianzun are too fussy, aren't they just a baby?Any treasure that is randomly taken out of the underground palace in Chaoge City is much stronger than that broken thing.

When Daji heard the order from Empress Nuwa that he wanted to take back the Emperor's Seal from Lin Bu's second hand, Daji was in a bit of trouble. Daji thought that he had already given the Emperor's Seal to the Wuxin Saint.

There is no such thing as going back on promises. The Wuxin sage greeted him with a smile only after he saw this treasure that he gave him.

If the seal of the emperor is taken back from the Wuxin sage, then the Wuxin sage will not even pinch himself in the future.Daji thought of this, but he didn't dare to disobey the will of Empress Nuwa.

I had no choice but to give up, but Daji thought that it had already been given to Lin Buer anyway, so it was not a good idea to fool 950 with the Nuwa Empress for the time being.

"Okay, Empress Nuwa, I promise you, I'll go back to Chaoge City to meet Wuxin Sage in a while, and it's enough to get back the Human Emperor's Seal, let's talk about it.

I've given away all that crap, so why come back?

Our Brother Chao has a lot of treasures from the underground palace, if Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun like to pick at random from the treasure house in my Chaoge City underground palace, I will give it up and I will not miss the seal of the emperor."

While talking, Daji looked at Empress Nuwa and Tianzun Yuanshi with her eyes, thinking of herself, and if she said it casually, would Empress Nuwa not embarrass herself?

Chapter 180 Second Conferring the Great Cause of the Gods

Anyway, that treasure has already been given to Lin Buer, so there is no reason to want to come back, if Lin Buer is unhappy, he will ignore him in the future, so how can it be done?

After finally being able to make Lin Buer smile happily to himself, if he wants to get back that Human Emperor seal now, it really is not the best time.

It seems that we can only confuse Empress Nuwa here first, after Empress Nuwa heard what Daji said to herself.

She frowned, and Empress Nuwa thought in her heart, this is how people from the fox clan are like, they can do more than fail, and they can mess up anything they put in their hands.

Looking at Lin Buer's thin skin and tender flesh, this little vixen actually gave up the human emperor seal that could change the fate of seven cases.

There is no foresight at all, short-sighted things, "Okay, Daji has nothing else to do with you now, I just want to tell you that the entire Chaoge City is about to die.

You have to take care of yourself and don't let your single thought destroy the entire Chaoge City, you know?Now the Heavenly Court is about to step into the great cause of conferring gods.

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