Or maybe just kill them. If Lin Buer hadn't appeared in time to save him this time, he would have been tortured to death by them.

Can you still watch these people in the live broadcast room here and say these innocuous words to stimulate yourself?Bai Yuekui is pretty beautiful just thinking about it 0  …

"Haha, the hero saves the beauty, that's right, the hero saves the beauty must be, otherwise Lin Buer will never return to Chaoge City." Thinking of this, Bai Yuekui didn't care.

The melon-eating people in the live broadcast room were there to throw some words that made them angry. Now let's watch the confrontation between Lin Buer and John Xungang from the beautiful country.

John Xungang of this beautiful country is too stupid. Now that Lin Buer has been promoted to the body of a saint, how dare he challenge Lin Buer here?

"Xiba, what is Jin Xiaoser doing talking nonsense there? This guy really doesn't know, anyway, why don't you hurry up and get a good 1.7 relationship with Bai Yue Kuilin Buer.

Still provoking Bai Yuekui with words, this guy is so stupid, he really embarrasses the Kimchi Country, how can such a stupid guy appear to our people, and now this situation has appeared.

It's obvious that Lin Buer has already controlled the fate of the country, and Jin Xiaoser is still there foolishly saying those words to provoke Bai Yuekui, this ghost is really stupid".

Chapter 180 Six Phantom Reappearance

The leaders in the command room of the Kimchi National Games also went there unintentionally, and flipped through Lin Buer's live broadcast room casually, and saw the innocuous words that Jin Xiaose said there.

After hearing these words, the leaders in the command room of the Kimchi National Games were very angry with Kim Xiaose. What the hell is this guy doing there?

Now that Lin Buer has obtained the seal of the emperor, it is not a joke, something that can change the fate of the country, so hurry up and please Lin Buer.

This time Lin Buer can return to Chaoge City, and he will definitely find better treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City.

Maybe I will give 09 Kim Xiaose a few. At that time, bring that treasure to the country of kimchi, it will be a national treasure! This Jin Xiaose is too stupid at this critical moment.

Why are you provoking Bai Yuekui there?At that time, if Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui really ignore you, I will see what you will do, there are so many treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City.

If you get two of them and get them to Kimchi Country, that would be awesome.The leaders in the command room of Kimchi Country's National Games really sweated for Jin Xiaose, and quickly rescued the order.

Let them send a message to Jin Xiaose, telling Jin Xiaose to shut up, and to coax Bai Yuekui well, so that he can't continue to be angry with himself.

At that time, be careful of the treasures of Chaoge City, and you will be dumbfounded if you can't get any of them back. John Xungang of the beautiful country received a death order from General Tom.

It is necessary to defeat Lin Buer, get back the Renhuang Seal, and then bring back some more treasures from the underground palace in Chaoge City. Such a powerful task is on John Xungang of the beautiful country.

He is now full of thoughts about the three characters of Renhuang's seal, but he has ignored it. Now Lin Buer is fighting with him while deciphering the Zhenzi Jue in Renhuang's seal.

Basically, it is about to break through the mystery in the Zhenzijue. It is the divine power to suppress all things, and it can gather the fate of the human race.

John Xungang took his beast-slaying sharp blade and waved it at Lin Buer's figure from time to time, which was actually quite helpless.

Knowing that his own strength could not compete with Lin Buer at all, Lin Buer didn't raise his eyes, which was of no help at all, for Lin Buer's attacking power.

It's just that he was wearing a white robe in mid-air, holding his rosary in his hand, and kept dodging and wandering. From time to time, countless phantoms flashed in front of John Xungang.

Lin Buer just used his phantom to frighten the beautiful country, and the sharp blades that John Xungang swung at him did not hurt Lin Buer's body at all.

While Lin Buer was practicing his miracles there, he used his phantom to compete with John Xungang from the beautiful country in front of him, accompanied by 950 beautiful countries.

The sharp blade that John Xungang sent to Lin Buerhui flashed one after another, as if John Xungang of the beautiful country had the upper hand.

In fact, Lin Buer, who was breaking through the Renhuang seal, didn't have the time to talk to him at all, "Fake, come over and have a look, now John Xungang's beheading skills have improved again.

It seems that it is really embarrassing for the people of our beautiful country. Now what Lin Buer said before is bragging. Now that it is done, we must give them a heavy drink. They know that our beautiful country is not easy to bully of.

Any player among us who kills a level [-] beast can crush Lin Buer as a saint. ".

Chapter 180 VII Tom's Momentum Soars

General Tom in the beautiful country's national sports command room was smoking his big pipe with his huge pipe, watching everything that happened in the live broadcast room.

I saw my own player, John Xungang, using his sharp blade to flash a flash of spiritual light towards Lin Buer's figure, dancing there non-stop.

Using John Xungang's unique ability to slay alien beasts, Xiang Lin Buer's body continued to dance.

They saw with their own eyes that Lin Buer was just wandering back and forth with his figure arbitrarily, and he had no power to parry at all.

So General Tom in the Meilidai command room was very excited. He was very happy and kept applauding there. He felt that the player they sent this time, John Xungang from Meiliguo, was really ashamed of him.

It's not like last time that John Xungang was disheveled and dared to run away. This time it is feasible. Since he gave him the death order, how brave is John Xungang.

He didn't dare to disobey his orders. When he was happy, General Tom immediately ordered his guards to quickly pour him a glass of red wine to cheer him up.

You must know that this is a matter of reinforcements for the entire beautiful country. If John Xungang continues to kill like this, Lin Buer will have no power to fight back.

So wouldn't the Human Emperor Seal be easily obtained by John Xungang?Why are Sharmad and Kohli of the Three Kingdoms here to help the beautiful country?

They are just a small country, how can they be compared with the beautiful country, they think that the Three Kingdoms are quite beautiful, and they just want to rely on such a powerful fortune that the beautiful country is so powerful and shocking.

Can John Xungang get some more treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City and bring them back to Ah Sanguo?It's beautiful to think about, all the treasures here must belong to the beautiful country.

Kimchi small country, and some other small countries are peeping there. Brother Chaocheng is a shameless fellow for the treasures in the basement of the underground palace. These things should belong to the beautiful country.

You must take back your own beautiful country. General Tom sat in the command room of the Beautiful Loan National Movement, very happy, while drinking red wine.

While smoking his huge pipe, he was very excited there, thinking that he would be very happy, as long as he defeated Lin Buer, a contestant from Xia Guo.

In the rest of the small countries like the Kimchi country, players from small countries are all crushed casually in the palm of their own hands, and it is easy to defeat those players.

Now watching America's player John Xungang fight back against Lin Buer, General Tom is very happy, "` ‖Oh no, Tom, I think you should not be too happy now.

Don't you see it?Although John Xungang seems to have the upper hand now, it seems that Lin Buer has no strength to fight back, and he is dodging there.

I feel that John Xungang can defeat the unintentional saint, but there is no relationship with me. "must".

Chief Jerry saw General Tom on the sidelines, and he was very excited (Nuo Li's) and also saw General Tom, so he felt lucky for John Xungang.

Because John Xungang does have the ability to kill, but Chief Jerry is not as optimistic about John Xungang as General Tom is there.

General Tom heard that Chief Jerry poured cold water on him, he was so daring, what's the matter with this guy, is he so unhappy after seeing the progress of the beautiful country's players?

Don't forget that you are also a citizen of the beautiful country.

Chapter 180 Eight Suppressing Anger

What did this daring guy think, General Tom was very puzzled, then his eyes were full of anger, he turned around and asked Chief Jerry.

"Hey, what's up Jerry? Don't you see me happy and you're not happy for me and you're still here saying things that make me sad?

Don't you think John Xungang, our contestant from the beautiful country, is fighting for our face too much, isn't it something to be thankful for?I just drank two glasses of red wine here, and I was lucky.

Why do you dislike me so much? I don't want to see you acting like a 950. Forget it, I won't argue with you anymore. Jerry, I always feel that you are tired. Go down and rest.

Don't disturb my interest here, why are you so unfavorable to John Xungang?You can talk about it and give me a reason to convince me.

Otherwise, I think you are here to create something out of nothing, and you are here to slander the momentum of our beautiful country. Don't forget that you are also a citizen of the beautiful country. Why don't you feel grateful for this.

This is something we can be proud of, aren't you happy?Don't you think Lin Bu (ajbh) slandered all the people of our beautiful country in the live broadcast room before.

I'm just suppressing my anger here. It seems that John Xungang has a pretty face and brought us good luck. Don't you feel happy?

Give me a reason and I'll see what you think Jerry. After hearing what General Tom said, Jerry looked back at General Tom.

Looking at his expression, Jerry knew that he was angry there, but he was just suppressing his anger and talking to himself, if he told him this suggestion.

Will it make him more irritable?Jerry hesitated to speak there, thinking it was better not to stimulate General Tom's good mood.

"Well, General Tom, if you think this is a good thing, then it will be as you wish.

If you think it's right, I think it should be right. Anyway, we two have different opinions. I have my own ideas, but I don't want to affect your good intentions.

You should stay here drinking your red wine and enjoying the dynamics in the live broadcast room. I'd better go down. I don't want to influence you here, so as not to make you unhappy.

Because if I really say what I think, I'm afraid you won't be in such a good mood now. "Executive Jerry said to General Tom.

At the same time, he wanted to get out of this beautiful command room of the National Games. He thought that being here would only add to General Tom's unhappiness. Why bother?

Unexpectedly, General Tom can only see such thoughts that are different from his own now, so if he speaks out such refutable things, it will make General Tom unhappy, so let's forget it.

After Chief Jerry finished speaking, he wanted to leave the command room immediately, so as not to affect General Tom's good mood, just when Jerry turned to leave.

General Tom behind him sensed that something was wrong. He always felt that Chief Jerry seemed to have something to say to him, but he was afraid that it would affect his mood, so how could he?

As long as it is for the destiny of the people of the entire beautiful country, everything is not a problem.

Although he feels in a good mood now, the worse things than himself are yet to come. He doesn't know what will happen in the future, so let's ask Chief Jerry what he thinks.

Chapter 180 Nine Mood Swings

"Hey, Chief Jerry, I don't think it's a wise choice for you to leave now, you know? Although I heard what you said, I don't take it seriously.

But I think you seem to have something that you didn't hide from Jerry. Can you say that it's all for John Xungang, a player from our beautiful country?

Tell me, what is your opinion?I know that you must have different suggestions from mine, and you are just afraid that I will get angry, it doesn’t matter, you can express your opinion.”

Seeing the back of Jerry about to leave, Tom knew that Jerry must have something that he didn't explain clearly to himself, but they knew that John Xungang in the beautiful country now made Lin Buer unable to fight back.

How happy it is now, what is Jerry thinking?What are you doing?They were a little uncertain, so they left Jerry here.

I just want to clarify the matter. After all, this is a matter of the entire beautiful country. Even if Jerry has a different opinion, it is better to say it openly.

It would be good for the two of them to have a discussion. Tom, who was facing away from Chief Jerry, hesitated there, wondering whether he should express his opinion to General Tom.

Because Jerry knew that General Tom was always an arrogant and conceited guy, and if he told General Tom what he saw and thought, he would definitely blow him up.

General Tom must not be able to accept his own thoughts. After thinking about it, Jerry thinks it's better, but don't anger General Tom.

Now it seems that he is in a good mood. If he expresses his thoughts once, I am afraid that General Tom will have such an arrogant mentality.

He couldn't accept the current situation of John Xungang at all, maybe he was thinking too much, or maybe Chief Jerry was always there to comfort him.

Seeing General Tom calling his name there, Chief Jerry was a little hesitant, just when Chief Jerry was about to take a step and walked out of the command room of the National Games again.

The general called out Jerry from behind again, "Jerry, I really don't understand, why don't you speak out if you have a different idea of ​​your own, are you afraid that I will get angry?

Forget it, I promise you that I will not be angry, I hope you can tell me your thoughts, so that I can prepare myself, maybe it is a good thing."

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Tom saw that when he was talking to Chief Jerry just now, Jerry didn't follow his own thinking to see whether Jerry was going to take a step, or whether he was persistently leaving the command.

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