So he called Jerry's name again in merciless shock, hoping that he could tell himself his different opinions, because they knew it.

......... 0

Jerry himself has always had independent thinking, so Jerry always thinks things differently from himself, and they are also curious that Jerry has a different view.

If I could tell myself a way to defeat Lin Buer, that would be great. He and I were so whimsical and asked Jerry, but Jerry was hesitant.

I don't know if I should say it like this. With their arrogant and conceited appearance, he will definitely be dissatisfied with John Xungang. If he doesn't say it now.

Slowly what he thinks will become a reality, why not just let him watch it in the live broadcast room, as speaking out by himself will make him more irritable.

Chapter 190 No need for assistance

Such a good atmosphere was ruined by myself, after all, it was not a good thing for their general, "Oh, General Tom, since you are in such a good mood.

I don't want to spoil the atmosphere in the entire live broadcast room because of my words, forget it, you should watch the contest between John Xungang and Lin Buer in the live broadcast room here.

I'd better find a place to rest quietly, so that I won't bother you here "[-]", if you want to rest, you can ask your subordinates to find me.

Let me watch it in this live broadcast room instead of you. Everything is off to a good start. I hope General Tom can have a good mood. "

When Chief Jerry finished speaking, he was about to leave the command room. At this time, General Tom heard what Jerry had just said, and became more and more curious about Jerry's thoughts.

So General Tom got down from his seat, walked to the side of Chief Jerry, and then put one hand across the chest of Chief Sharp.

It's to stop Chief Sharp from leaving here, and then General Tom goes on to Jerry and says, "Hey, Jerry, I really don't think it's a good idea for you to leave now.

I hope you can tell me what you saw in the live broadcast room, please, isn’t it all for the fate of the entire beautiful country?You can't let Lin Buer take advantage of it.

John Xungang, our beautiful country player, is not inferior. Seeing that Lin Buer has no power to parry now, I think Lin Buer will be killed by John Xungang in a short time.

It seems that the two stinky boys in Ah Sanguo don't need their help anymore. Couldn't John Xungang from our beautiful country be able to defeat them?

Lin Buer is just rumored to be so powerful outside, and it seems that he is not the opponent of our beautiful country player John Xungang, so there is nothing to worry about.

I think some things are too much, but I always feel that your ideas are very unique, unique, you know?Jerry, I'm fascinated by your ideas.

You might as well talk about it, I'll see what's going on, or there are some things I don't understand, Jerry tell me, don't leave in a hurry.

Since it is a matter of our beautiful country, we should sit down and talk about it.” General Tom always feels that now their beautiful country player John Xungang has left Lin Buer with no power to fight back.  … .

It seems that Lin Buer will be killed in a short time, when Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser, Lei Wujie and the others will be under control.

Aren't all the treasures in the treasure house in Chaoge City's underground palace belong to the beautiful country?In the future, they don't even think about Kimchi Country and Ahsan Country.

Such a good start to such a bright future, why isn't Chief Jerry happy?Isn't Mr. Jerry proud of these people in the beautiful country when he sees his happiness?

This is a big event in the beautiful country. You must know that those treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City are priceless if they are really brought into the beautiful country.

1.7 At that time, all countries will not dare to compete with the United States. At that time, they will only look up to the people of the United States, so General Tom will be proud of it.

Happy and arrogant, he said to Jerry, "You know?

Jerry, I have now seen the future of our beautiful country, and the people of all countries are under the control of our beautiful country, these people of our beautiful country.

Chapter 190 The Power of Parrying

It is the existence of the most noble bloodline, and all their small pots are crushed in the palm of our hands, isn't it good?Just watch, it won't be long.

As long as John Xungang defeats Xia Guo player Lin Buer, all these things will come to an end, haha, aren't you happy?Jerry".

All because the officer saw General Tom blocking his way with one hand, and holding his red wine glass with the other hand, talking arrogantly there.

Those rambling words made Chief Jerry 09 see General Tom's arrogance and arrogance. He was full of ugliness. General Jerry was speechless and frowned. He really didn't want to pour cold water on their general.

But Jerry thought to himself that he must not have too high expectations, because the higher the expectations, the heavier the disappointment, which will affect the national destiny of the entire beautiful country.

After all, General Tom is the commander in the live broadcast room. If General Tom's mind is not calm, the contestants in the beautiful country will definitely fail miserably.

"Oh, Tom, I really don't want to speak my mind, but I always feel that since I am also a citizen of the beautiful country, I have the right to express my opinion.

Whether it's good or bad General Tom, just don't get angry." Jerry saw that the arrogant General Tang Wang finally spoke, and he couldn't stand it.

In case John Xungang and Lin Buer, the contestants of the beautiful country, are now competing as they guessed in their hearts, how embarrassing it will be then.

So Jerry wanted to tell this matter before General Tom went crazy, I am afraid that General Tom would treat it calmly.

After General Tom heard what Chief Jerry said to himself, he felt inexplicably sharp. What happened? Such a bright future was placed in front of the people of the beautiful country.

Isn't Jerry happy? People from all over the world in the live broadcast room are praising the power of the beautiful country John Steel, and they feel that Lin Buer has no power to parry now.

Lin Buer was just dodging around there, and John Xungang kept beheading there, how long did it take, when Lin Buer was exhausted.

John Xungang will cut off Lin Buer's head, and the fate of all Xia Kingdoms will be like this at that time, Lin Buer's emperor's seal and the treasures in the underground palace.

Isn't it all owned by the beautiful country?I really don't know what this Jerry was thinking, "Oh, forget it, Jerry, just say what you think.

I want to see if you haven't seen the live broadcast room, so hurry up and take a look, now Lin Buer is dodging there, and he has no power to parry at all.

I really see it's not just me, don't you see?People from all over the world are there to support us 950, players from the beautiful country, what else can John Xungang say.

I don't really believe what you said, but you want to talk about what kind of situation the two of them can develop. Let me see if you are right or I can see clearly. "

Tom couldn't bear it now. He saw the arrogance of Chief Jerry and didn't want to talk to himself. This made General Tom feel very frustrated.

After all, he was a general, and Jerry was just an officer. Tom couldn't stand the arrogant and rude attitude of his subordinates.

There let Jerry have to answer his own question.

Chapter 190 Two Inner Fear

"Well, General Tom, since you want to ask me what I think about the current live broadcast room, I can only tell you that I am not very optimistic about John Xungang, you know?

Didn't you see that John Xungang is there now, it looks like he killed Lin Buer there, you didn't see that he didn't hurt Lin Buer at all.

Although Lin Buer was dodging there, Lin Buer didn't blink his eyes, and he didn't show any fear at all, if these two points were added together.

Take a look at what will happen now. I always feel that John Xungang is not really able to defeat Lin Buer, but that Lin Buer doesn't know what to do there.

The ghost trick doesn't seem to take long. I'm afraid John Xungang is not Lin Buer's opponent at all, even though Lin Buer is dodging there now.

But from my point of view, that's nothing more than a blindfold. He wants to be busy with the eyes of these people in the entire live broadcast room, maybe they are still doing something there.

Don't forget that Lin Buer is a saint now, but what is John Xungang?It was nothing more than a person who could kill level seven beasts.

I don't think he has the ability to compete with Lin Buer at all, but now Lin Buer is doing his own thing there and doesn't want to talk to John Xungang.

All of what we see now should be an illusion. It is Lin Buer who is confusing the onlookers in the entire live broadcast room. I always feel that this matter is not a good start. What do you think, General Tom? "."

Chief Jerry finally uttered his innermost thoughts, and said it to General Tom in front of him, thinking that General Tom must observe the live broadcast room carefully.

Don't be fooled by Lin Buer's current illusion. The people in Xia Kingdom are very smart, not as stupid as they seem.

In the live broadcast room, John Xungang always felt a little difficult when facing Lin Buer, because Lin Buer didn't compete with John Xungang at all, and was still breaking through there.

The Zhenzijue Lin Buer must break through the Zhenzijue printed by Renhuang before he will give up. Lin Buer's phantoms are there to confuse John Xungang.

John Xungang was still waving the sharp blade in his hand, fighting against Lin Buer's needs there, but Lin Buer didn't even blink his eyes.

You don't need to look at it, you know that John Xungang is having a great time playing with his phantom, "What the hell is Xiba doing, why doesn't Lin Buer attack John Xungang?

Why are you hiding there?Could it be that he was afraid of John Xungang's power?

Xiba shouldn't be wanted, I really don't understand, Lin Buer will definitely be defeated by John Xungang if he continues like this. "

In the command room of the Kimchi Country, they were all watching. The operation in the live broadcast room saw that Lin Buer was dodging there, and did not challenge John Xungang of the Beautiful Country.

It seems that Lin Buer crushed John Xungang (Nuo Li's) of the beautiful country before and injured it. This is just a momentary illusion. steel.

Are you afraid to fight?Hidden from him intentionally there, making those people in Kimchi Country sweat deeply, not knowing what to do.

Is Lin Buer afraid of him or does Lin Buer have other ideas?Now you can only wait and see the kimchi country with your courage, it will only make your officers dare not even drink their saliva.

Chapter 190 Three Unbelievable

They stared straight at the big screen in the entire live broadcast room, afraid of missing something, if all their kimchi country's fortunes were now on Lin Buer's body.

If something happens to Lin Buer, what will they do in Kimchi Kingdom?Now that Jin Xiaose has offended Bai Yuekui, I really don't know what Jin Xiaose, a brainless guy, is thinking.

"Bai Yuekui, look at the people in the live broadcast room who are slandering Lin Buer. They all say that Lin Buer is timid and cowardly. He dare not stand there and hide with John Xun Gangying from the beautiful country. What should we do?

Look at them, they just don't think highly of Lin Buer or Master, I'm a little angry now looking at them. "

Lei Wujie saw in the live broadcast room that 950 people from various countries were cursing Lin Buer with all kinds of filthy language, which made Lei Wujie a little bit unacceptable.

That powerful voice made him unable to dodge in time. He always felt that Lin Buer was really ashamed this time. People from all over the world were there to accuse Xia Guo's player Lin Buer for being cowardly.

They are actually afraid of John Xungang in the beautiful country, but what should we do?Lei Wujie immediately said something to Bai Yuekui, and Bai Yuekui was there all the time.

Still silent in the vocabulary of Lin Buer's hero saving the beauty, he couldn't extricate himself, staring at Lin Buer in mid-air, admiring Lin Buer's handsomeness there.

He also didn't have time to watch in the live broadcast room. Hearing what Lei Wujie said, he immediately opened the live broadcast room and saw the onlookers in those live broadcast rooms. People from all over the world kept talking about the people of Xia Kingdom.

Lin Buer's bad words and insults continued, and he always felt that Lin Buer was a cowardly guy, and he was scared when he faced the beautiful country. At this time, Jin Xiaose also timidly walked to Bai Yuekui in the corner Say.

"Okay, Mistress, Bai Yuekui, I will take back what I said before, you don't want to be as knowledgeable as me, do you know? Mistress is the most beautiful.

Lin Buer will never give up on you. Now I see those people in the live broadcast room talking about Lin Buer, and I can't stand it anymore.

Especially those onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were also talking there (ajbh), what should Lin Buer do?We have to figure it out eventually.

Don't let those onlookers slander Lin Buer's achievements." Jin Xiaoser, who has been hiding behind, knows that he has offended his wife Bai Yuekui.

When Jin Xiaose was watching the live broadcast room, he heard those people talking about his master Lin Buer, and he couldn't stand it. He saw Bai Yuekui's expression change.

He felt that it was the most important thing to go over and build a good relationship with Bai Yuekui now. If he talked to Bai Yuekui now, he would definitely not haggle over him.

Thinking of this, Jin Xiaose bravely walked up to Bai Yuekui, and told Bai Yuekui what he had seen in the live broadcast room.

"Yeah, I also saw Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, you two should quickly think of a way, but you must not let those people in the live broadcast room humiliate Lin Buer.

But knowing that Lin Buer already has such a good treasure in his hands, is he afraid of John Xungang from the beautiful country?This is impossible, don't worry.

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