I always feel that I have insulted Xia Guo's dignity, so how can I do it?Now he is very worried about Lin Buer, so he thinks that Lin Buer should hurry up and teach John Xungang of this beautiful country a lesson.

It would be good to keep the mouths of those people from the beautiful country and those small countries who humiliated Xia country shut. Lin Shide saw his wife and was looking at him with very worried eyes.

The temporary thing is to think about it there, and these things can't affect the emotions of the family after all, so he immediately patted his wife on the shoulder and said.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about me, I know I can calm down these emotions, I'm just angry with 967, the people in the live broadcast room humiliated Xia Guo there.

Forget it, I think Lin Buer will never stand idly by on this matter. I know about my son Lin Buer.

It is absolutely impossible for him to let John Xungang of this beautiful country yell at him for no reason. Sooner or later, he will have to fight back, and sooner or later he will not be able to stand it.

As long as it is for the sake of the fate of the entire Xia Kingdom, I don't think Lin Buer will be oppressed by John Xungang at will.

John Xungang, what is he? He is just a player who kills level [-] beasts (ajbh) and my son Lin Buer is not the same. He has now advanced to the position of saint with his mortal body .

How can it be the same, and my son Lin Buer successfully obtained the ninth-level baby human emperor seal in the underground palace of Chaoge City, which may change the fate of the entire Xia Kingdom.

It's their beautiful country and those small countries that can't match it. They can't change the fate of the country even if they are exhausted, but my son Lin Buer has done it in the future.

As a result, the fortunes of our entire Xia Kingdom have undergone tremendous changes. I think my son is the best, and I believe that my son will never be crushed by that guy.

Let's see, Lin Buer can definitely defeat him, don't worry, I believe in Lin Buer." When Lin Shide finished speaking these words, he was also full of confidence.

He felt that his previous behavior was too hasty. Could it be that his son Lin Buer didn't understand it?He can definitely defeat John Xungang from the beautiful country.

So Lin Shide adjusted his whole mood again, and then sat on the sofa, quietly watching what was about to happen in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, the system in the live broadcast room kept reminding, making ding dong ding dong sounds, and a lot of system prompts popped up from the screen in the live broadcast room with bursts of sound.

After Lin Shide saw it, he couldn't calm down anymore.

"Ding, reminder~ Xia Guo player Lin Buer successfully broke through the Renhuang Seal (Town) word match"

"The body of a saint advances to the Dao of Heaven ~ The system will give you [-] points"

"Reward~ (Bliss Bow)"

"The bow is long, one meter weighs twenty catties"

"Habits, forged from the sky-replenishing stone, placed in the fire of the Nine Nether Earth"

"Special reminder, the bowstring is made of the tendons of the dragon and the skin of the tiger's wings, and it has the ability to kill nine-level alien beasts."

Accompanied by the series of numbers and words popped up by the system prompt on the big screen in the live broadcast room, Lin Shide, who was just angry just now, couldn't sit still anymore.

His eyes were fixed on the words and numbers that popped up on the screen in the entire live broadcast room, and his whole heart was beating wildly there, and the heartbeat increased sharply.

The nerves of the whole person were still there just now.

Chapter 190 Nine Roaring

Now sliding up quickly, he was so shocked that he couldn't even speak, he didn't know what happened, but Lin Shide knew the series of numbers and words that appeared on the screen in the live broadcast room.

Judging from the points rewards he got, his son Lin Buer seemed to have broken through from the body of a saint to the position of Heavenly Dao, and he was still angry just now.

Now he was in shock again, which made Lin Shide mixed with sorrow and joy, he didn't know what to do, and his speech was a little incoherent.

Roaring non-stop in his living room, laughing maniacally and then running from his maniacal laughter, watching on the big screen in the live broadcast room.

Because at this moment, all the Chinese people on the screen in the live broadcast room are boiling there, and the people of the people of the next country are constantly boiling there, and they are all shocked.

But praising Lin Buer's voice, and constantly sprinting to the screen in the live broadcast room, Lin Shide couldn't accept the sprint brought to him by this kind of ecstasy.

It really made him so excited, "I'll go, what's going on? The contestant who went to the country, Lin Buer, didn't seem to fight back at all, and he didn't even have the power to parry.

He didn't fight with John Xungang of the United States at all, and blindly hid his umbrella there. How could he suddenly break through his saint status and break through the way of heaven.

How can this be a joke?Is the system malfunctioning or something is wrong? ""What kind of tricks are you doing? How could Lin Buer break through~ the Zhenzijue of Renhuangyin.

He couldn't dodge in the contest with John Xungang there, look at how stupid he is and still avoids the contestants from the United States.

Why did John Xungang suddenly break through the seal of Emperor Renhuang? Are you kidding me? There must be a malfunction in this system."

Obviously in the live broadcast room, I saw Lin Buer sitting there dodging John Xungang from the beautiful country. He didn't even have the strength to parry, so why did he suddenly break through the Zhenzi Jue of the Emperor's Seal.

What's more, he was promoted to the position of Heavenly Dao. This is really a joke. I think there is a problem with the system. There is something tricky in this live broadcast room and I can't stay any longer.

It makes people angry just looking at it, what kind of trick did Xia Guoguo come up with to allow Lin Buer to get such a powerful system reward without any effort."

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

The big screen in the entire live broadcast room was constantly crowded with players from various countries, as well as those people from various countries, who were constantly using all kinds of dirty language, or dismissing it.

Or they couldn't believe the unbelievable tone, questioning the system's problems in the live broadcast room, wondering if there was any loophole in the system.


Let Lin Buer, a person who has no power to parry, be able to break through his saint's body in an instant.

Stepping into the position of Heavenly Dao, how is it possible that the contestants in the beautiful country are there blindly fighting back against Lin Buer, beheading Lin Buer there, even without the power to fight back, they are still dodging there.

Is it possible that Lin Buer dodged there and didn't dare to fight back? As a coward and a coward, Lin Buer also broke through the way of heaven.

How can this be a joke? There must be a problem with the system. I really can't watch it in this live broadcast room. It makes me angry.

How powerful is John Xungang from the beautiful country, how many functions can he kill seven-level beasts?

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On the contrary, the system also rewarded Lin Buer with the Jing Le Gong, who was able to kill the ninth-level alien beast, which is too ridiculous.Accompanied by the big screens in the live broadcast room.

Various subtitles kept popping up there, and some people were still praising Lin Buer there, "You all know what a fart, Lin Buer, that's the body of a saint.

He dismissed them all, he didn't want to fight John Xungang at all, didn't you see John Xungang waving the "Nine Six Seven" sword and gesticulating there, Lin Buer didn't even fight back with him.

I don't want to fight with him, and I don't cooperate with Lin Buer. He is just a player from the beautiful country. How can he cooperate with Lin Buer, a player who is going to the country, to compete for strength?

He is just a skill for beheading level [-] beasts. Compared with Lin Buer now, the reward he got can kill level [-] beasts. See if you can suppress John Xungang from the beautiful country in an instant. .

Pretend to be here, I am not optimistic about John Xungang of the beautiful country, a group of people talking useless things there is really annoying, Lin Buer don't listen to them."

"Xiba, Lin Buer is really awesome, he was able to injure John Xungang before he knew how to do it, and he broke through the body of a saint and entered the way of heaven.

It seems that this is the destiny of heaven. John Xungang of the beautiful country is a guy who can't be compared to the dust. He is still talking useless words there. Look at what those people in the live broadcast room said.

I think Xia Guo's player Lin Buer is the best. It seems that Jin Xiaoser is definitely not on the wrong team. Our pickle country definitely chose the right person. This is a matter of vision.

All of you are crushing Xia Guo one by one, you are some shameless bastards." At this moment, Kimchi Guoyun Commander can't stand it anymore.

The series of numbers that have popped up from the screen in the live broadcast room, as well as the rewards of the system, and now Lin Buer's saintly body, suddenly broke through the heaven with the power of the human emperor's seal.

This made the entire Kimchi Country feel lucky for the next country, because the Kimchi Country also heard those onlookers say that Lin Buer was wrong in the live broadcast room before.

I also feel worried for Lin Buer, and I am afraid that I am on the wrong team. Now that it is all right, Kimchi Kingdom finally feels elated, seeing that Lin Buer is so powerful.

In an instant, he broke through the heavens with the power of the Human Emperor's seal. It's too good. This is undoubtedly to embarrass the entire Xia people. Similarly, they did not stand on the wrong team in Kimchi Kingdom 0......

This made the people of the Kimchi Kingdom feel that their commander was so powerful that they could actually see the majesty of the Xia Kingdom, and it was undoubtedly against them to put their team on the side of the Xia Kingdom.

A small country like Kimchi Country has played the safest defense.

"Shut up, Kimchi Country, you folks really don't know what to say, you didn't say that just now, it seems that Lin Buer broke through the dignity of heaven this time.

You are thinking about asking Lin Buer to get you some treasures. I don’t think that John Xungang of Beautiful Country can lose to Lin Buer. Didn’t you also watch 1.7 in the live broadcast room?

Lin Bu'er didn't even have the strength to fight back, so what else can he say, there must be a loophole in the system just now, just wait until the system fixes the loophole.

The rewards that Lin Buer has received now will be taken back. I really don’t know what you think in Kimchi Country.

Put the fate of all your kimchi countries on Lin Buer, don't forget that he is a Xia country player".

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The Kimchi National Games command room just saw the system in the live broadcast room and reminded them that they were very excited, so they knew that Lin Buer had now broken through the way of heaven with his saintly dignity.

With the power of the Emperor's Seal, the Emperor's Seal has been easily broken through, making the commanders in the Kimchi Guoyun command room feel the power of Lin Buer now.

They were full of admiration there, and very excited, they put their inner thoughts on the big screen in the live broadcast room and tapped the keyboard in their hands, constantly flying.

Expressed the joy of 09 in his heart in the whole live broadcast room, immersed in the powerful joy of the kimchi country, and surrounded the people of those small countries in the beautiful country.

When I heard the kimchi country boasting about Xia's mighty martial arts and Lin Buer's power, the people of the beautiful country were so angry that they tapped their keyboards angrily.

On the big screen in the live broadcast room, they responded to what Kimchi Kingdom just said and their joy, and the words of praise they expressed crushed the arrogance of Kimchi Kingdom.

Provoking the relationship between Kimchi Country and Xia Country, obliterating Lin Buer's power, the people of the beautiful country are talking there, probably because of a powerful loophole in the system.

For some reason, the Cailing system is just reminding there that Lin Buer is now able to break through the position of heaven with his saintly body, how is that possible?

The crowd in the live broadcast room was full of anger. They always felt that with the beheading power of John Xungang in the beautiful country, Lin Buer had no strength to fight back and dodged there.

Why did he suddenly break through the Zhenzijue of the Emperor's seal? Isn't this a big joke?This is undoubtedly a loophole in the system, otherwise there is no other way to explain it.

"Xiba, you hateful bastards, dare to look down on our small country of kimchi, how come we have a better relationship with Xia country, and we are crushed like this by you.

In your eyes, do you always feel that Lin Buer doesn't have the power to tell you? Lin Buer's power has not been fully exerted yet. You see that it is only the surface.

Now he has just entered the way of heaven. If he breaks through the position of saint of the way of heaven again, will you be dumbfounded?We are just optimistic about Lin Buer.

I feel that our kimchi country and Xia country will continue like this forever, unlike you beautiful people who turn their faces and deny people, A Sanguo is there to help John Xungang want to deal with Lin Buer.

I didn't expect you to think that John Xungang could really deal with Lin Buer with his killing power, and then humiliated those two idiots of Ah Sanguo there.

That is to say, those two stupid guys from Ah Sanguo, Sharmad and John 967 Xungang are willing to help the beautiful country. Look who wants to help the beautiful country, but they are saying these useless words here.

I think the two contestants from Ah Sanguo should be able to see the thoughts of your beautiful country, and they are still laughing at our kimchi country here.

We have never said any bad things about Xia Guo and Lin Buer, unlike John Xungang from the United States, they laughed at Ah Sanguo there.

It seems to be dismissive, Ah Sanguo is there to help them, if I were the two players of Ah Sanguo, Sharmad and Kohli would have left them early.

What's the use of helping those white-eyed wolves. ".

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