The officers in the kimchi country's national sports command room heard the slanderous voices from various countries on the big screen in the live broadcast room, and the people who slandered their own kimchi country were very angry.

Because they feel that it is inevitable to have a good relationship with Xia Guo, and they are not like John Xungang and those people in the beautiful country who are about to gain power just now.

It seems that if they can worship Lin Buer, they will already look down on A Sanguo there. If it is true that John Xungang defeats Lin Buer.

So is Ah Sanguo just like dung in their eyes?The kimchi country's national fortune will only make those people feel worthless for the three countries.

Similarly, they also wanted to tell those people in the entire live broadcast room that the people in the small countries should not look down on their Kimchi Country, their Kimchi Country and Xia Country will always be like this.

In the future, she will definitely not belittle Ah Sanguo like Meilidai, "What the hell is going on, there are crises and loopholes in this system.

Absolutely not right, what happened in this live broadcast room?What happened?How is it possible, Lin Buer is in mid-air, and all the people from all countries in the live broadcast room can see clearly.

How did the current situation arise?How is it possible, it has always been John Xungang from our beautiful country, who is beheading Lin Buer there, and Lin Buer has no strength to fight back.

Fleeing around there, how could it be possible that Lin Buer broke through the norms of heaven with his saintly body now, it is absolutely impossible.

How could their country of Xia have such a powerful player? Could it be that with his saintly body, he could break through the rules of heaven without fighting back?

This must be a loophole in the system. I don't believe that Lin Buer can be so powerful. This must be hell. Why do I feel that there is no fairness in this live broadcast room. "."

General Tom, the Commander of the National Games of the Beautiful Country, couldn't sit still any longer. He angrily smashed the huge pipe he was holding in his mouth to the ground.

Now that he had heard the system prompts in the live broadcast room, he immediately walked to the big screen in the live broadcast room, staring at the live broadcast room with wide eyes.

All the situations that are happening now, how could it be possible what is going on this time, yes, there must be a loophole in the system as their people said, and when the time comes, the system will automatically recover.

Then all the rewards and damages of Lin Buer now will be taken back. What the hell is going on? Lin Buer has no power to fight back now, why can he suddenly transfer from his saintly body to the position of Heavenly Dao.

This is so pissing off, what is John Xungang doing.What the hell is Lin Buer doing?Ghost trick God knows what happened.

General Tom tapped the keyboard on the live broadcast room angrily, and instantly broadcast his furious thoughts on the public (Nuo Wang Zhao) screen in the live broadcast room.

Although the entire live broadcast room heard what General Tom said, people from all over the world showed strong resistance and self-confidence, and felt that this live broadcast was unfair.

General Tom complained in the live broadcast room, he was like a deflated ball.

Sitting paralyzed on the sofa, the bottle of wine that he ordered his non-commissioned officer to pour for him just now was still there, after General Tom saw the glass of wine.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Even more frustrated, he slid the glass of wine to the ground with his palm, and the wine glass was knocked to the ground by General Tom's force.

The crisp voice was in the ears of General Tom and Officer Jerry, and the shards of broken glass scattered all over the place, "Mr. Jerry, please take a look at what happened in this live broadcast room.

Isn't it like I said, isn't this the hell?This Lin Buer has no power to fight back, anyone can tell that it is John Xungang from our beautiful country.

Just beheading there with the long sword in his hand, Lin Buer Lin Buer had no strength to fight back, so why did he suddenly break through the Zhenzi Jue of Renhuang Seal.

And let his saintly body step into the honor of heaven, isn't this just a joke?This must be like what I said, there must be a problem with the system 967.

Just like the words and suggestions of the people of our beautiful country and the people of those countries are the same, if once the system restores its functions.

I think all the points and rewards that Lin Buer got now will be taken back, and then Xia Guo and Kimchi Kingdom will not be so arrogant.

Just wait, I'm here to watch this good show now, and I'm going to see what kind of method Lin Buer is using to fix the system now.

Could it be that they went to the country and invaded the system of the live broadcast room to make this live broadcast like this." General Tom kept complaining to Jerry there.

He just expressed all the dissatisfaction in his heart to Chief Jerry, because Tom knew that it was impossible for him to happen.

How can a person who does not have the power to parry break through the Zhenzi Jue of his Human Emperor Seal, he has repeatedly dodged there, what did he use to do it, this is simply impossible.

At this time, Chief Tom suddenly felt something forgotten (ajbh).

Because Chief Jerry kept pouring cold water in front of him there before, because General Tom felt that Jerry seemed to have discovered something in this live broadcast room.

Could it be that the premature sharpness of this matter has already been seen?Otherwise, he wouldn't have told himself in this command room. If so, what the hell is Jerry doing?

Why didn't you tell yourself about such a big thing in advance?How should such a big joke end?He didn't expect that at this moment, he suddenly turned his eyes on the sharp officer next to him curiously.

Then he asked puzzledly, "Jerry, how did I find out that you are so calm about this matter, I can't help it here anymore.

You were there as if you had predicted that this would happen. I was very dissatisfied when I saw your attitude. Why?

Could it be that you can sense what is about to happen in this live broadcast room in advance?Tell me quickly, see what you wanted to express to me just now?

Why didn't I feel that you are afraid of Meiliguo? Are you not happy when Meiliguo's contestants beat Lin Buer? You have to see such a situation to be happy.

Well now, as you wish, there has really been a change in this live broadcast room, as you said before.

It may be that I missed it and didn't see clearly what happened to John Xungang and Lin Buer there. Do you know Jerry's entire live broadcast room?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Coach Gao was listening to the conversation between Li Mo and Zhang Ziqi.I also agree very much in my heart.After all, the honor of the country is above all else.

This is the moment when these athletes entered the national team.They must be deeply remembered in their minds.

And the reason why Li Mo was able to have such ideas.That's just because he won so many world championships himself.He may have been a little flustered in his heart.

And he does now.He actually wanted to openly defy the national team's regulations.You think about it.If it were any one person, it would absolutely not be allowed.

Not to mention that Li Mo is so many world champions.Even those other national veteran champions.When you are in the country, you can't resist-resist the country.

So say everything.All in the interests of the country.And what about them.Obviously know such a thing.But he continued to refute them.Isn't this directly provoking the country here.

"Li Mo. It's really hard to imagine. You can only understand this matter now.

It's already this time.How can you not know what to do?In a while.It's nice to admit a mistake with the coaches.Then go as far as you can.Wouldn't it be enough to recover the loss of this matter?

Some athletes like you.In fact, it is not that we want to suppress you.Because sometimes these things you do are a little too much.

You are tantamount to making it public and entrusted by the state.Tell me, how can the national team accommodate you?As long as your attitude is better.

I don't think there is any need for people like you two to be punished.And what.Just like Zhang Ziqi.He himself was nothing more than a victim.

It was you who took the initiative to distribute the scarf.Then I want to disclose the relationship between the two of you.But this time.You should also be able to clearly know.When faced with these things.What should you do?

And what.Zhang Ziqi has really admitted such a thing.own mistake.Here I am.I was able to give him a reply already.Isn't that already good?

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So say ah.At this time, you must be able to clearly understand what you are about to face.And you must not let yourself be smug because of some of your own achievements.In this case, you should be able to clearly understand it yourself.


What about the national team for athletes like you?It's really very tolerant.At the same time, it will be very relaxed and give you a good environment.You people must not disappoint the hopes of us people.

Now that you yourself have been able to clearly recognize these mistakes of your own.What do you think.How can I be more harsh on you?I'll be there in a while.

Do not worry.You will also have the attitude of admitting your own right and wrong.Tell our head coach directly.At the same time.

Your coach will be here in a while.When I was just now.Already made a phone call.Just wait. "Several.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In a rage, he said in the live broadcast room that there are loopholes in this system. You need to know how there are loopholes in this system.In such a large live broadcast room, the system will be perfected very well.

And they all have the ability to automatically repair, how could there be such a big loophole, is it possible?After Chief Jerry finished speaking, General Tom grabbed his hair fiercely with his two hands.

Those who were furious there didn't know what to do, because General Tom "[-]" knew that it was reasonable to accept what the officer said now. What if the people of those small countries looked down on the beautiful country?

He also had no way to explain to his general, "Mr. Jerry quickly think of a way, how can we make up for this situation as soon as possible?

But we must not let John Xungang lose the face of our beautiful country, no, let's quickly let John Xungang unite with those two idiots in the three countries.

Let's see if we can deal with Lin Buer together, okay?Now only those two idiots from Ah Sanguo can help our beautiful country.

Many of their players are now afraid of Lin Buer's body of heaven. "When General Tom heard what Chief Jerry said, he suddenly thought of those two idiots in Ah Sanguo.

Those two little guys actually had someone board the two treasures given to him. It is very likely that they can use the power of those two treasures to clean up Lin Buer's Heavenly Dao rank for him.

Maybe, that is, the two little guys from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Kohli, can now help the players from the beautiful country, and those other countries have seen it.

Lin Buer got the seal of the Emperor, and their fortunes of going to the country have undergone earth-shaking changes. They are all afraid of Lin Buer's heavenly dignity.

Those two guys from Ah Sanguo should be able to help John Xungang, General Tom immediately said to his soldiers when he thought of it.

"Hurry up and send a message to John Xungang, telling him that he will immediately unite with Sharmad and Kohli from the Three Kingdoms, and let those two pure guys quickly help our beautiful country.

To defeat Lin Buer, you must not embarrass the beautiful country, you know? "When General Tom's words were just sent out, the two soldiers next to him heard and Rick followed their orders.

Hurry up to their live broadcast room to send a message to John Xungang in the beautiful country. Chief Jerry who is on the side saw what General Tom is doing now.  …

It's just that he shook his head with a cold smile, and there was no other good way. After Lin Buer broke through the seal of the emperor's seal, Lin Buer's body was a saint.

Under the impact of the power and fortune of the seal of the emperor, he smoothly stepped into the position of heaven from the body of a saint, and the entire live broadcast room was crushed by Lin Buer's golden light.

The sparkling power created under the sprint can crush everything in an instant, and John Xungang, who is on the side, looks stupid.

Now he is completely frightened by Lin Buer's divine light, because he has seen red flames behind Lin Buer 1.7 in the live broadcast room.

That's where the great power of the Lord of Heaven lies, "How come John Xungang has played enough? Do you know that I didn't have time to talk to you before.

It's not that I'm afraid of you, you've been fighting against my phantom now, do you find it interesting?Can't you see the existence of my phantom?I wasn't there to hide from you at all.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It's just that I don't think you have any ability to compete with me at all, you know?If I have that spare time, I might as well break through the Seal of the Human Emperor here, and now I have broken through the seal of the Seal of the Human Emperor.

I don't have anything to do now, and I will teach you a good lesson in the rest of the time.

Let your players from the beautiful country have a taste, our Xia country players are amazing, look at what those people said in the live broadcast room, isn't this just looking down on our Xia country players.

I, Lin Buer, am not here to dodge you. You are most afraid that you will know, John Xungang, you are really not worthy of 09 to compete with me now, I have those kung fu, I might as well cultivate my power of law.

Well now, since I have successfully broken through the Dao of Heaven, then I will have more time to compete with you.

Just show me your top killing ability, and I want to see how strong you are." Lin Buer saw John Xungang's panic-stricken eyes.

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