Lin Buer dismissed it, because Lin Buer knew that the language of the American people in the live broadcast room was particularly harsh, which made Lin Buer a little unacceptable.

Now he can successfully use his body of a saint to break through the dignity of heaven. What can the people of the beautiful country who come to the live broadcast room have anything to say, just rely on John Xungang?

They, a player with killing ability, dare to compete with their own heavenly dignity, what does the beautiful country think?Isn't this just a joke?

Could it be that they can't see now that the fortune of the entire Xia Kingdom has undergone tremendous changes.

All the good luck has been concentrated in Xiaguo, and they are still there. What about those people who are ignorant and clamoring that they are not as good as the kimchi country?

Lin Buer thought about the people from the beautiful country in the live broadcast room, and he was a little angry when he said his own words there, "Hey Bai Yuekui, look at Lin Buer in the live broadcast room, he is really awesome.

I didn't expect Lin Buer to be able to break through the position of heaven with his saintly body. I will not be my master if I go to Lin Buer. I must teach her how he did it.

On the one hand, he was competing with John Xungang, and on the other hand, he was able to break through his saint's body, stepping into the heaven, this master is really not called a master for nothing.

Did you see that your eyes are really good, now I really envy you, my wife must say a few nice words in front of my master Lin Buer.

Let him also get me two good treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City, and then teach me some of his power of law." Jin Xiaose saw this powerful divine light of heaven in the live broadcast room.

Under the continuous crushing in this live broadcast room, all the aura filled with aura emitted bursts of aura fluctuations. Under the crushing, John Xungang held his long sword 967 stupidly there.

Still listening to his master Lin Buer's reprimand, he felt a little funny. Now Jin Xiaoser has special admiration for Lin Buer, and Lin Buer is too good.

He can break through his heavenly position in minutes, how did Lin Buer do it?Jin Xiaose kept thinking about him in his head, and kept watching the entire live broadcast room with his eyes.

He didn't see how Lin Buer did it. Bai Yuekui heard it, and Jin Xiaose praised Lin Buer and his unique vision there.

Bai Yuekui is in a particularly good mood right now, instantly revealing a touch of joy that is hard to hide.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Before Jin Xiaoser, you were still worried about Lin Buer's safety, it seems that you don't need it, Lin Buer is not afraid of the beautiful country player, John Xungang.

He was just using its phantom there to compete with John Xungang of the Beautiful Country, but that John Xungang hadn't seen it yet.

Lin Buer used the phantom power displayed by his saintly body, that John Xungang was really stupid, how could the beautiful country send such a stupid player to fight against Lin Buer.

This guy is definitely going to die. You didn't see those people in the live broadcast room insulting Lin Buer and others, saying that Lin Buer, our player from Xia Kingdom, was timid and fearful there.

Afraid of John Xungang of the beautiful country, he did not expect that Lin Buer would use a phantom to compete with John Xungang of the beautiful country, and that John Xungang was still proud there.

He really thought that his beheading skills were so powerful that he could crush Lin Buer's body of the Holy God, but now he was dumbfounded, Lin Buer has now used his body of a saint to break through the dignity of heaven.

It seems that John Xungang is nothing more than that. This time, we have won enough face for the people of the Xia Kingdom. I think our Xia Kingdom will be proud in front of all the small countries from now on.

Bai Yuekui, don't worry, my master, with such a great position in heaven, is still afraid of John Xungang from the beautiful country and those two stupid guys from Ah Sanguo?

I think he should be the one casting eyes now. Those people in the beautiful country are still saying that it is a loophole in the system, are they stupid?Lin Buer, who has already broken through Tiandao Zunwei.

Is it the result of system loopholes?These stupid guys really don't know what they think, Bai Yuekui, you are happy this summer, and Lin Buer has earned you enough face.

Now we will definitely be in the entire small country, and they will never look down on us Xia Guo citizens again. "Are".Lei Wujie saw Bai Yuekui's self-satisfied look on the side.

Because Lei Wujie was also happy for Bai Yuekui, after all, now that Lin Buer has successfully stepped into the heaven with his saintly body, he is afraid that John Xungang of the beautiful country will make some jokes about his ability to kill seventh-level beasts.

Now that Lei Wujie heard what Jin Xiaoser said, he also felt very proud, because Lin Buer was his master, and this also inadvertently earned enough face for their kimchi country.

Jin Xiaoser also looked at Lei Wujie triumphantly there, and the two of them were so happy that they forgot about the people in the live broadcast room, and kept talking nonsense in the live broadcast room.

Those words Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie.They don't even care what the people in the beautiful country in the live broadcast room say about system loopholes.

Now it seems that there is nothing wrong with this system, but now the people in the beautiful country are dumbfounded, and now they know that their players are so incompetent.

Having lost all face for their beautiful country, they stopped following. Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie laughed bursts of laughter there, and Bai Yuekui at the side saw it.

He is radiant now, and Bai Yuekui now feels that Lin Buer (Nuo Wang Zhao)'s saintly body has stepped into the position of heaven, and the reappearance of this divine light is so handsome in the entire live broadcast room.

"` ‖Okay Jin Xiaoserui Wujie, I know you are happy, but don't be too proud, don't you see that the people of the beautiful country in the entire live broadcast room are getting angry and mad there?

It seems that they have to roar for a while before we ignore it, since Lin Buer has successfully stepped into the Dao of Heaven, and has broken through the seal of the emperor.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

All of our national fortunes are already in the hands of Xia Guo, and we are afraid that they will become a beautiful country." Bai Yuekui saw the contestants from the beautiful country in the live broadcast room.

And among the small people from all over the world who helped Meilidai to speak, they kept typing on the keyboards in their hands in the live broadcast room, expressing their dissatisfaction with Xia Guo and Lin Buer.

Bai Yuekui saw it, but just laughed there, knowing that they were just jealous of Lin Buer breaking through the heavenly position with the body of a saint.

Now that the contestants in the beautiful country are exhausted, he can't catch up with Lin Buer's honor. The people of the beautiful country 967 are just there to be quick and accurate, what's the use.

It doesn't work at all, why not take the opportunity to send some players from their beautiful country over John Xungang, they will definitely not be able to beat Lin Buer.

Bai Yuekui is here wondering why their beautiful country is doing all those useless things? "I'll go take a quick look at Lin Buer, he's really awesome.

I really didn't expect Lin Buer to break through the nobility of heaven so quickly now, what kind of strength is this, it seems that our Xia Guo's players are the most powerful.

Didn't you look at those players from the beautiful (ajbh) country, and what the little people in each country said there, they are really arrogant and unruly guys like Mo Linbuer.

I'll let you have a taste of Lin Buer's power in a while, then John Xungang will be crushed by Lin Buer in minutes, and Xia Go, these gangsters who don't know how to live or die, still say those useless things.

Meilidai is no longer available, and now that Lin Buer has broken through the seal of Renhuang, the fate of the human race is in the hands of Xia Guo, and they will not follow Meiliguo any more."

"Well, I still don't understand why the people in their beautiful country are so hypocritical, so they can't face the reality? They already have this virtue.

They are still saying some innocuous words there, which are useless to Lin Buer now, and do no harm to our entire Xia Kingdom.

What's the point of what they said?It's better to think about how to remedy it quickly, it seems that they don't have any players to send out from the beautiful country.

That's John Xungang, and the two stupid guys of A Sanguo can help John Xungang and say something. You didn't see that in the beautiful country, they saw John Xungang and Lin Buer. .

Feeling that John Xungang was crushing Lin Buer's supernatural power, Xia Xia, who was worthless in what those two stupid guys from the Three Kingdoms said, was dumbfounded, let them say those innocuous words.

The two guys from Ah Sanguo must have been stimulated. If Ah Sanguo was smart, he would definitely stay away from the contestant from the beautiful country.

John Xungang must give Meili some color, and see how he can make them laugh at Ah Sanguo arrogantly and unrulyly. These two stupid guys may not be able to see it.

Look at the two of them who saw John Xungang from the beautiful country being crushed into that virtue by Lin Buer. The two of them looked quite nervous, and they seemed to be still angry at Lin Buer.

Somehow, they will be able to stand up for John Xungang of the beautiful country. These two stupid guys haven't figured out what's going on, and they are doing those irrelevant things there.

Those two idiots from the Three Kingdoms, sooner or later, the beautiful country will not take them in. "Lin Buer broadcasted the words of the onlookers in the studio.

Chapter Two Hundred and Nine

It made the entire live broadcast room boil, because Lin Buer is indeed very powerful now, winning face for the entire country of Xia, and allowing Xia's luck to be controlled again in his own hands.

And the luck has already greatly crushed the luck of their beautiful country, the onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room also heard, those beautiful countries and the ignorant people in various countries.

Still humiliating there, Lin Buer, they don't even know what a system loophole is, why Lin Buer broke through the dignity of the heavenly dao, it is a system loophole, what a joke.

That is a real strength. How can there be a player in their beautiful country who can be like Lin Buer, who can easily be promoted from his physical body to a saint.

It's something that the people of the beautiful country can't even think about breaking through the dignity of the heaven from a saint. They are still saying such things there, it is really disgusting.

The onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were all aggrieved for Lin Buer, and then they kept typing on the keyboards in their hands to express their dissatisfaction.

They were all piled up on the big screen in the entire live broadcast room, so that all the people could take a good look at Xia, the people of the country are not so easy to bully, how can it be okay to be sprayed with blood at will?

The American people should also unite and resist those stupid things who are clamoring for the people of Xia Kingdom, so those people in Lin Buer's live broadcast room are all supporting Lin Buer and Xia Guo.

In the command room of Xia Guo Guoyun, Wu Nian'an was still there in fear before, and saw the big screen in the entire live broadcast room insulting~ scolding Xia Guo and Lin Buer.

Timid and fearful, he didn't even have the strength to fight back, and he didn't have the time to smoke a bag of cigarettes. The system's notification sound appeared in the live broadcast room, and Wu Nian'an fell into the dire straits and couldn't extricate himself from it.

Just now, he was watered with pots of cold water by the people of those beautiful countries, and he was prompted by Lin Buer's system in an instant, which made him feel excited. This kind of mood fluctuates up and down.

It made Wu Nian'an a little bit unacceptable, but Wu Nian'an was very fortunate that there were all the small people from all over the world in that live broadcast room, as well as those people from the beautiful country.

When Lin Buer and Xia Guo said those dismissive words, and laughed at Xia Guo's verbal abuse, when they appeared on the big screen in the entire live broadcast room.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Wu Nian'an was still worried about what kind of instructions his superiors would give, but Wu Nian'an was still secretly happy that their Xia Guoguo luck would only make the superiors passable.

At the most critical moment, they still trusted their player Lin Buer. They didn't expect that Lin Buer really didn't embarrass Xia Guo, and successfully used his saintly body.


Successfully stepping into the position of Heavenly Dao, and breaking through the Zhenzi Jue of the Human Emperor Seal in such a short time, it is undoubtedly that Lin Buer has already controlled the fate of all races.

The luck in the entire human emperor seal has been controlled by Lin Buer within Xia Guoguo's luck, and now even in the beautiful country, they are typing on the keyboard at will.

What kind of language is already indifferent, and there is no offensive power at all. Wu Nian'an sat on the big screen in the live broadcast room, and he was extremely happy there.

Because Lin Buer really added face to the entire nation this time, the words that Meiliguo said now are nothing more than envy and jealousy of Wu Nian'an, so he doesn't care.

Chapter 210 Immortal Magic Power

This time, Lin Buer is going to defeat John Xungang from the Beautiful Country. It seems that they will not be able to send any players from the Beautiful Country for a while, so they are counting on Sharmad and Curley from the Three Kingdoms.

Did you come to help Meiliguo out?How could that be possible, Wu Nian'an thought in his heart that with Lin Buer's current status as the Heavenly Dao, even the lamps they taught were not necessarily Lin Buer's opponents.

Now there are no disciples in Yuxu Palace who are too similar to "Nine Six Seven" to yell at Lin Buer. John Xungang from the beautiful country wants to fight against Lin Buer by relying on Sharmad and Curley from the Three Kingdoms. Second, I am afraid there is not much chance of winning.

Don't look at the two magical artifacts in their hands, the Linglong Golden Pagoda, and the Qiankun Ruler, it is impossible to compete with Lin Buer's Tiandao Zun.

Sooner or later, Lin Buer took care of the goods. It seems that those treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace will definitely be taken into Xia Guo's hands by Lin Buer.

John Xungang from the beautiful country could only watch helplessly there, Wu Nian'an was very happy thinking of this, thinking that this time Lin Buerke had earned him enough face.

In this way, if the higher-ups have something to say, Wu Nian'an will also say something good for Lin Buer. After all, Lin Buer has reversed the fortunes of the entire Xia Kingdom this time.

This has powerful divine power, and it is impossible to find a person as powerful as Lin Buer in the Xia Kingdom. Bai Qian watched Lin Buer's divine light appear from the side.

From the way he looks, he has successfully stepped into the position of heaven from the body of a saint, and he is already much more powerful than Bai Qian, a god and demon clan.

This made Bai Qian unable to accept it in her heart, and originally thought that when Lin Buer came back this time, he would definitely find a chance to get the Emperor Seal from Lin Buer.

Then go back to Qingqiu to use the power of the Supreme Law in the Seal of the Human Emperor, and then practice hard, maybe it will expand the power of their entire monster clan to the highest level.

Their protoss may not be able to crush the power of their monsters, because the divine power in the human emperor's seal and his luck are enough to crush the entire heaven.

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