Qingqiu Baiqian knew this, and he wanted to take advantage of Lin Buer's return this time to save Bai Yuekui, and Jin Xiaose took advantage of Lin Buer's inability to secretly control the Emperor's Seal in his own hands.

Bai Qian has been staring straight at Lin Buer outside Chaoge City and John Xungang from Mei Liguo, seeing that when they are fighting there, they are 0......

Bai Qian had already seen Lin Buer's phantom, and countless phantoms appeared in front of the beautiful country player, John Xungang, but that John Xungang was so stupid that he didn't see it yet.

He was still there thinking that it was Lin Buer who appeared and called him for power, but he didn't expect Lin Buer to secretly practice his immortal magic power, and it didn't take long for him to use his saint status.

With the help of the divine power of the Human Emperor's Seal, he broke through the rules of heaven. Seeing that this was her whole heart during the day, he was already in panic. He knew that this Human Emperor's Seal was seriously regarded by Lin Buer.

There is no way to steal it from Lin Buer. What can I do in 1.7?This made Bai Qian extremely anxious, he thought that his idea might be in vain.

what should I do?Qingqiu Baiqian has always been thinking about the honor of the gods, if Huang Yi gets the man, it won't take long to return to Qingqiu.

With the strength of its monster clan, it will definitely be able to break through the rules of the Human Emperor Seal, and his status will also be improved by then.

Chapter 210 The Art of Demon Charm

The entire monster clan can also be changed by the luck of the Emperor Seal, so it doesn't take long at all, and their lumbar spine vision luck has greatly increased.

The arrogant and rude situation that can crush the divine foot stretched out every minute will be subverted by their monster clan.At that time, in the God Realm, the Yaozu will have the final say.

Qingqiu Baiqian has always had such a sweet dream, but Lin Buer suddenly broke through the power of the law of heaven, causing Baiqian to fall into confusion.

He knew that he might be delusional this time, thinking of this, he turned around and said to Bigan beside him a little unwillingly.

"Bigan, have you seen that the seal of the emperor in Lin Bu's second hand is now handed over to Daji, a stupid girl who doesn't know that the seal of the emperor is 09 powerful.

Giving all the magic weapons of luck in Chaoge City to Saint Wuxin so casually, this summer has been troublesome and terrible. I think Brother Zhaocheng's luck is at stake this time.

I'm afraid that if the emperor knows about this matter, he will definitely not spare Daji lightly. Daji has caused a disaster this time and still doesn't know how to repent. I really don't know what Daji is thinking.

He has already been trapped by the Goddess Nuwa, and when Daji comes back, everything is gone. Didn't you see that Wuxin Saint has already controlled all the aura in his hands with the help of the luck of the emperor's seal? inside.

Now Wuxin Saint has broken through the Heavenly Dao's honor. With his current honor, how can he like Daji, a little girl? Daji still wants to give the Emperor Wuxin Seal of Chaoge City to Wuxin Saint.

The unintentional saint will look at him with admiration. It seems that Daji is wrong. Now that he has caused such a big disaster in Xia, it seems that this matter is really not easy to end.

Bigan, how do you view this matter? "And after saying these words, he immediately turned his head and highlighted Xia Bigan, but Bigan still stood there without saying a word.

He stared blankly in the direction of Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui and the others outside Chaoge City. Now Bigan's heart is empty, and he doesn't know what to do now.

Because he had eavesdropped on Lin Buer's Xinxinsheng before, and he already knew that the aura of the Emperor's Seal had already been caught in Lin Buer's hands.

Now Bigan also saw Lin Buer helplessly. With his body of a saint, he has successfully entered the heaven with the help of the luck of the Emperor Seal, which was never expected by Bigan.

I thought that when Empress Daji came back, I would have a good discussion with Empress Daji for a summer, and maybe use the empress's beauty to coax the seal of Renhuang back from Lin Buer's hand.

It seems that it is too late for everything now, and the whole person feels that everything is cold now, and all the culprits of 967 are Daji, this little goblin who has ruined the country and the people by a single thought is too annoying.

I don't know what the Human Sovereign likes about him, Bigan is watching the things outside Chaoge City, and he is also listening to Bai Qian's inner voice.

When he learned that Bai Qian also wanted to take the Seal of the Emperor as his own, the dry nose was still secretly laughing at Bai Qian's ignorance. He thought that he didn't know what Bai Qian was thinking now.

Bai Qian has no defense against himself now, because Bigai has not eavesdropped on Lin Buer's voice now, and now that Bai Qian appears in front of his eyes, he can only eavesdrop on Bai Qian's voice, so Bai Qian has nothing to do with him. prevent.

Chapter 210 Subverting the God Realm

Bi Gan knew exactly what he was thinking, "Hmph, they are all goblins, they didn't expect the Emperor of Chaoge City to be good at all, they all wanted to take the treasures of Chaoge City's underground palace into their own hands.

These goblins will definitely destroy Chaoge City, just wait for these damn goblins, and report them when you see the Emperor.

We can't keep all these goblins in Chaoge City, and the whole Chaoge City will be destroyed by these goblins. How can we do that?I also want to get the seal of the emperor.

It's a good idea, even if you want to get the Renhuang seal, it is the treasure of Chaoge City Renhuang, how can it fall into the hands of your demon fox in Qingqiu? "

Bigan had already overheard Bai Qian's inner voice, so when Bai Qian said these words to him, he didn't want to talk to this vixen than just now.

Now that Bigan already knew his details, Bigan was thinking that if he saw the Emperor, he must give these vixens the summer they deserved.

He actually disturbed the whole Chaoge City like this, otherwise Jiang Ziya wouldn't have defected to Xiqi, when Bai Qian and Bigan finished speaking these words.

Bai Qian turned her head to look at Bigan and saw Bigan's expression so calm, Bai Qian was a little puzzled, this is their treasure in Chaoge City, could it be that he is not at all impassive?

Such a powerful baby human emperor seal was given to that Lei Wujie's face by that little fairy Daji for nothing, so Bi Gan was not angry and didn't think about their human emperor.

Not thinking about the people in Chaoge City, Bai Qian was a little puzzled by what Bigan did before him, but Bai Qian looked at Bigan in front of him as if he didn't care.

He thought to himself, forget it, since he doesn't care about Chaoge City's treasure, it seems that if there is any hope for this treasure, Bai Qian would want to keep it for himself.

"Aunt Baiqian, I don't know what to say to you, I know what you said is right, this is all given away by Empress Daji to Wuxin.

I also know this. Is there any reason to take back the things I gave away? I don't have the face to ask for it. If I want to get this treasure back, I should wait for Empress Daji to come back and let him decide.

I can't say anything about such a big matter. If I go back on my word and take back the Emperor Wuxin's seal, I'm afraid I can't say anything about Empress Daji.

He will definitely blame me, this is the person that Empress Daji admires the most, how dare I offend him?Aunt Bai Qian, don't embarrass me here. "Are".

Bigan pondered on the side, "' ‖If you want to get the Renhuang Seal back from the Wuxin sage, you can do it, but now the vixen Bai Qian is here.

Even if he went back on his word and went to follow Bai Qian's arrangement to get back Ren Huangying in Lin Bu's second hand, then I'm afraid Empress Daji is not in this Chaoge City now (Nuo Wang Zhao).

Bai Qian will definitely take advantage of this gap to steal the Emperor's Seal, why not put the Emperor's Seal in Lin Buer's hands temporarily, Bai Qian can only wait and see here.

He still doesn't have the ability to contend with Lin Buer's way of heaven, Bi Gan thought that Bai Qian must be trying to use him, forget it, I can still let you, a vixen, take advantage of him.

How is that possible? Now that I have overheard your voice, I already know it.

Chapter 210 Three Powers of the Emperor's Sword

Bai Qian has evil intentions towards Ren Huang Yin, how can I help you?

This is nothing more than the second unintentional sage appearing here." For Bigan, he would not follow Aunt Bai Qian's orders so easily.

Thinking of what he had explained to Bai Qian, Bigan sneered and ignored Bai Qian, who only smiled coldly there twice.

He was still watching the movements of Lin Buer and the players from the beautiful country outside Chaoge City, John Xungang in Chaoge City, because Bigan thought in his heart that Renhuang had been seduced by that pipa master.

I still don't know where I am happy and happy. Now it's in Chaoge City.Empress Daji was invited away by Empress Nuwa again, and she didn't know what was being discussed there.

How could Bai Qian agree with what she said to herself now?Bai Qian didn't know what 967 was thinking, and she wanted to see her position in Chaoge City.

How could it be possible to snatch the Renhuang Seal from Lin Bu's second-hand hands without falling into your Bai Qian's hands? Bigan knew that.

These fox demons just want to take advantage of the fact that the Emperor is there to flirt with Pipa Jing, and take advantage of the fact that the Emperor is unprepared, and want to steal the treasures from their brother Chengdi's palace.

Now Empress Daji gave Lin Buer the Renhuang Seal again, and now Lin Buer has broken through the seal of the Renhuang Seal. It is obvious that the bad luck has been caught in Lin Buer's hands.

This damn vixen actually surrendered all the luck of Chaoge City, Bigan was actually very angry in his heart, but he knew that he must not startle the snake now.

Because Aunt Baiqian is still here, she will definitely consider this matter for them, and she must seduce Lin Buer through Sister Bai and the two vicious techniques of striking them.

Help the Emperor to get back the seal of the Emperor in the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City. At that time, the luck of Chaoge City will return to the hands of the Emperor of Chaoge City and be controlled by the Emperor.

Then Jiang Ziya and Xiqi's army would not be able to break through the Emperor's city, and Chaoge would be saved. As long as the fortune of Chaoge City was preserved, then it would be the best outcome for the people of the entire Shang Dynasty.

At that time, I will explain all this to the Emperor, and put Aunt Baiqian and that (ajbh) goblin Daji into limbo or drive out of Chaoge City, so there will be no monster clan chaos here to confuse people in Chaoge City Emperor.

At that time, Brother Chao will still be as prosperous as before. Bigan is thinking there, but he doesn't know if he can achieve his wish. Now Bi should face Lin Buer outside Chaoge City.

Lin Buer firmly grasped the fate of his current Heavenly Dao, Zhao Gecheng, and now Bigan is also very anxious, but there is no way to let Daji, a goblin, be summoned by Nuwa Empress.

I don't know what important things to discuss. Once Empress Nuwa comes back, Empress Nuwa has to use all her charms to get the Emperor Seal back from Lin Buer's hand.

If the Emperor finds out that the Emperor's seal in the underground palace's treasure house is lost, it will damage the face of the entire Chaoge City people. Now that the Emperor only has a Sword of the Emperor in his hand, I don't know if it is possible.

Using the luck of the Renhuang sword to snatch back the Renhuang seal in Lin Bu's second hand, Bigan pondered in his heart.

If he can't confuse Lin Buer with the charm of beating this vixen, he will take back the Renhuang Seal that he handed over.

Chapter 210 Four Knows

Then it is only possible to report this matter to the emperor, and let Huang use the power of the emperor's sword in his hand to take the seal of the emperor back from Lin Bu's second hand.

It is absolutely impossible for people to change the emperor's seal, otherwise the luck of the entire Chaoge City will be handed over to others, and then Jiang Ziya will lead the Xiqi army, and it will be destroyed without attack.

Isn't the life of Emperor Chaoge City at stake?When Bigan thought of this, it was just that he was worried, but he absolutely couldn't show it on his face.

Because that goblin Bai Qian is still watching his movements from time to time, if he can gain insight into what he is thinking in his heart, what should he do?

After all, that thing is a monster, so he has a charming mind. If he is accidentally deceived by Aunt Bai Qian, he will blurt out his thoughts.

Wouldn't that hurt Renhuang and Chaoge City? Thinking of this, Bigan could only choose to endure and watch the duel between Lin Buer and John Xungang outside Chaoge City in silence.

When Aunt Baiqian heard what Bi Gang said, he couldn't help being a little angry. He didn't expect that the old man Bigan was so stubborn, so he wanted to take advantage of Bigan's current influence in Chaoge City.

It should be possible to get Lin Buer's Human Emperor Seal back again, but I didn't expect such a stubborn old thing to appear in Chaoge City.

It seems that the wishful thinking I just made is completely wasted, and Bigan will not help me, so I can only wait for that little fox spirit Daji to come back to discuss with him.

Let Daji use his foxy technique to trick the seal of the emperor back, no matter any treasure in the underground palace, Lin Buer can choose at will.

But it is absolutely impossible to give the Human Emperor Seal to Lin Buer and hand it over to him, as long as Daji, a vixen, uses his unique psychedelic technique of the monster race.

When the time comes to confuse the ghosts and ghosts who confuse the Wuxin sage, wouldn't Renhuang seal the Wuxin savior, and give it up?Thinking of this, Bai Qian felt very happy.

If he can really achieve his wish, he will mercilessly take the Emperor's Seal as his own, and then he will return to Qingqiu to practice all the skills in the Emperor's Seal.

When the time comes to expand the power of their demon clan, they will not dare to humiliate their demon clan anymore. By then, relying on the luck of the emperor's seal, their entire god clan will definitely be overthrown.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

I am the leader of the demon clan who is high above me, so wouldn't it be impossible for the god race to appear in the entire heaven?Thinking of the monster race, Bai Qian finally showed an evil smile.

This is a very good thing, if this thing really goes according to his wish, then their Qingqiu will be above the Protoss in the future.


Their protoss will all serve the Yaozu, isn't this the most glorious thing among their Yaozu?The pen holder next to her has been eavesdropping on Bai Qian's inner voice.

When it came to what Bai Qian was thinking about now, Bigan despised this little elf and vixen more and more in his heart. He didn't expect a vixen in Qingqiu to have such a strong desire for revenge.

The guy who wanted to use their human emperor's seal to subvert the wishful thinking of the entire Protoss, let Bigan hear Bai Qian's heartfelt voice, and treat this fox spirit Bai Qian.

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