He was even more contemptuous. After Daji heard the order from Empress Nuwa, Daji was really not very happy.

Chapter 210 Five Protoss Momentum

Because Daji knew that there was no way to hide the joy of the unintentional sage after he got the emperor's seal, so Lin Buer was really happy.

In order to make Saint Wuxin happy, Daji is also willing to dedicate all the treasures in the underground palace to Saint Wuxin to make Bodlin smile.

Daji was very happy, she didn't expect to let Empress Nuwa say that, now Daji is in a difficult situation, and Empress Nuwa doesn't know what "Nine Six Seven" is thinking.

I still want to get the Renhuang Seal back from Lin Buer's hand, so how can I do it?

In case Lin Buer gets angry, and he won't talk to him again in the future, can the luck of Chaoge City be able to solve Fantian only by relying on the luck of one person?how can that be?

But Daji also saw the horror of Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress, and did not expect that Lin Buer would break through the authenticity of the way of heaven. This is the technique Lin Buer practiced himself.

Why does it have anything to do with the Human Emperor's seal? Daji felt that Empress Nuwa was really unnecessary, but Daji knew that what was in front of her was Empress Nuwa and Yuan Tianzun.

This is the position of the Supreme God that he must never offend. After all, he is a demon existence, if he does not agree with what Nuwa Empress and Yuanyuan Tianzun are saying now.

How could he crush a little vixen himself into fine pieces in minutes?Daji thought of this and had to agree to what Nuwa Empress and Yuan Tianzun said.

It's just a perfunctory promise. In Daji's heart, he was guessing that Lin Buer must not be dissatisfied.

Because Lin Buer's little boy looks much better than Renhuang, if Lin Buer can commit himself to his side, there will be someone beside him and Lin Buer will serve him back and forth.

Thinking about being able to get mixed up in this kind of field as a monster fox spirit, wouldn't it be the greatest joy in her life? Facing Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun, Daji had no choice but to agree superficially.

So he said to Empress Nuwa and Tianzun Yuanshi, "Empress Nuwa, Yuanshi Tianzun, what you two gods told me, how can I, a little demon clan, dare to disobey it?

I was thinking about it there, isn't it just a human emperor's seal?Any treasure in Chaoge City is worth more than the seal of the Emperor, so when the Wuxin sage fell in love with the seal of the Emperor, I just gave it to him casually.  …

I didn't take him seriously, if Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun want any treasure from Chaoge City, just tell me casually.

Don't worry about the Human Emperor's seal that I will hand over to you, since Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun have taken a fancy to it, I will definitely not give it back to Lin Bu'er.

I just want the seal of the emperor back, isn't that all right?

If Lin Buer disagrees, I have nothing to do." Daji just wanted to use his weirdest rhetoric to confuse Nuwa Empress and Yuanshi Tianzun here.

She just revealed what she wanted to say in front of Empress Nuwa, because Daji knew that as long as she said it, Lin Buer might not be able to agree to return the Seal of Human Emperor to herself at 1.7, even Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun.

The two of them will definitely not make things difficult for themselves. By then, the Human Emperor Seal has already been given to Saint Wuxin, so there is no reason for him to return it. Daji has already thought of his own idea in his heart.

It's just perfunctory here, after Empress Nuwa heard what Daji said to herself.

Chapter 210 Six Disappeared

Empress Nuwa was furious, so she scolded Daji angrily and said, "How dare you do something wrong in front of me, you bold fox demon, how can you tolerate me? Don't I know what you think in your heart?

Didn't you just see Lin Buer's little white face with thin skin and tender flesh, and you, a monster, appeared again, telling you that Lin Buer is definitely not something in your pool.

He will never let you mess with him. I didn't see that he has stepped into the heaven with the body of a saint, and you, a monster race, can control him again. Isn't it just a whimsical idea? 09

Let me tell you Daji, the seal of the emperor, you must take him back from Lin Buer's hand, you know, otherwise the luck of Chaoge City will be firmly held by Lin Buer.

Think about it now that Jiang Ziya and Xiqi's army are slowly heading towards Chaoge City, and you don't want to take a look at what your current luck in Chaoge City is like.

If I hadn't just watched the movement of the sky to understand the secrets of the sky, and knew that your Chaoge City was about to die, I wouldn't be so anxious to send you, a vixen, here to discuss this matter with you.

If you insist on going your own way, you will be responsible for your own consequences at that time, and you will give up the emperor's fortune and luck. You, a little fox demon, are in your wrong thoughts.

The entire Yin and Shang Dynasty will be destroyed once, and the people in Chaoge City will also be destroyed in the hands of you, a vixen. You have to think about the importance of this matter and you can handle it yourself.

Now the vitality of Chaoge City is slowly disappearing, if you still insist on going your own way here, then I have no way to save the vitality of your Shang Yin."

Empress Nuwa said at this time, she was already out of breath, and she didn't know what to say to the fox spirit Daji in front of her, so she waved her sleeve lightly.

Daji's entire trip to the fox demon has disappeared in front of Empress Nuwa, and Yuan Tianzun next to her saw that Empress Nuwa was so angry.

Yuan Tianzun didn't know why before, the whole sky was filled with the breath of heaven, when he heard what this fox spirit Daji said.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Empress Nuwa suddenly realized that it was this goblin Daji who gave Lin Buer the Emperor Seal of Luck in Chaoge City without hesitation.

As a result, Lin Bu'er had already broken through the Zhenzijue of the Emperor's Seal with his saint's drive, and successfully stepped into the position of heaven from the body of a saint by virtue of the fate of the Emperor's Seal.

The divine light displayed by Renhuangyin's potential divine power and Lin Buer's own power of the law of heaven filled the entire heaven, and now Yuan Yuan Tianzun saw the vixen of the demon clan in front of him again.

Daji, in front of Empress Nuwa and himself, was still playing 967 his inner tricks here, and was beaten back to Chaoge City by Empress Nuwa in a fit of anger.

In Yuan Tianzun's view, this Daji is a life-or-death thing, and the luck of Chaoge City in the Yin and Shang Dynasties was handed over to Lin Buer of the human race by a single thought.

Undoubtedly, the vitality of the entire Chaoge City has gradually disappeared. This is also the result of Nuwa Empress' insight into the secrets of heaven. It seems that this is God's will after all, and God's will cannot be violated.

Now Tianzun Yuanyuan and Empress Nuwa saw Daji's various performances and were disappointed, knowing that Daji, a little vixen, is for the unintentional saint.

This little boy has already drank everything there.

Chapter 210 Seven Million Years Foundation

Daji doesn't care about anything now, even their god is revered as Daji, and he, a small monster force, dares to deceive Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun here at will.

This made the two gods feel that this is God's will, after all, this is the number of times they were injured and killed. It seems that there is no way to turn around. This matter is probably a doomed thing.

The reason why Empress Nuwa summoned Daji to her was because she wanted to rely on Daji. This spell of charm was going to strike, and bring back Huang Yi, Lin Bu's second-hand man.

I didn't expect this Daji's will to be like this.Jian Jian didn't expect that Daji wanted to give Lin Buer the Emperor's Seal wholeheartedly. It seems that there is no way to change the fate of Yin Shang.

Thinking of the Empress Nuwa sighing here, the million years of the Yin and Shang Dynasties were ruined by the mistake of a little vixen, Daji. Yuan Tianzun at the side saw Empress Nuwa sighing here.

So he immediately changed his mind and said to Empress Nuwa, "Oh, forget about Empress Nuwa, this is their destiny due to the injury of their brother Chao, which is just a few hundred thousand years.

It seems that their fate is approaching, which is inevitable, and now Wuxin Saint has broken through the political situation of Renhuang Seal, even now.

The vixen Daji got the seal of the emperor, and I am afraid it will last for one night. Now all the luck to suppress all things can unite the fate of the human race has been controlled by the Wuxin sage.

Even if Daji got back the Human Emperor's Seal, it would be of no help at all, but the Human Emperor's Seal without any skills would be of no use to the current underground palace in Chaoge City.

It's nothing more than a decoration. "Are".Yuan Tianzun told the Nuwa Empress in front of him about his inner thoughts and the things he saw.

Because the original Tianzun Dao now has a human emperor's seal, even if it is taken back by Daji, the exercises and luck decisions in that human emperor's seal will be swallowed up by Lin Buer.

Never using the possibility again, Yuan Tianzun can only feel sorry for Chaoge's adult emperor when he thinks of it, and think about the luck of Chaoge City being ruined by this little fox demon.

It's a pity that the difference of one thought is really a pity, the effusion of hundreds of years is destroyed in one go, there is no force against the sky to turn around, when the Nuwa Empress next to her heard these words said by Yuan Tianzun.

He could only nod silently and say that it was because after all, this was the fate of the whole heaven, and it was just the doom of their Chaoge City Renhuang, "` ‖ah that's all.

Primordial Heavenly Venerable, after I heard your words, I thought about it. I think that the end of the whole secret cannot be reversed by the two gods, you and me.

This should be the doom of the Human Emperor, the so-called inevitability is nothing more than that, I have already thought about it now, let's think about the apotheosis that our Divine Emperor set up for us.

This time (Nuo Wang Zhao) even the treasures in the Chaoge City Underground Palace will be destroyed if they are not handled well.

If they fail, they will all be dispatched, which will affect the entire Chaoge City.

Under the leadership of Jiang Ziya, their Xiqi army will definitely endanger the safety of the entire Human Dynasty Song City. These are these heavenly saints among the human race. The two disciples are the same.

Chapter 210: The Protoss Peeps at the Luck

This time I am afraid that I was lost in this prehistoric situation due to this luck, since our God Emperor wants to post a list of gods among the human race.

Then there must be a lot of vacancies for the gods to expand, so we might as well calm down and serve our god emperor, and call more unintentional saints.

Wouldn't it be better for these gods who have stepped into the position of heaven and god to serve the entire heaven, so that we can do what the emperor asked us to do.

We have to take a long-term view on the matter of conferring the gods. We must find more strange talents to serve the Heavenly Court in the 967 of Chaoge City Xiqi among the prehistoric human race. "

Empress Nuwa heard what Yuan Tianzun said to herself, and for that little fairy Daji, he just wanted to stare at Lin Buer, and the little boy didn't want to let go.

It seems that this little vixen doesn't pay much attention to Chaoge City's future technology at all. He just blindly likes Lin Buer. It seems that Chaoge City is nothing more than that.

It is not a situation that can be reversed by a god like him, everything can only be seen according to the laws of heaven, everything depends on the difference of Daji's thought.

I hope (ajbh) Human Emperor can get rid of this predicament. Now that Empress Nuwa has taken a fancy to Lin Buer's Heavenly Daoist, she wants to use the divine emperor's account to summon them among the human race.

Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun were discussing the matter of conferring gods there, but Lin Buer had already used his luck as emperor to change his fate.

Let his entire luck be in his hands, and he has stepped into the position of heaven from a saint, then Lin Buer's luck will definitely bring auspiciousness to the entire god race.

Why not rely on the Emperor of God, this is the first time that Lin Buer was included in the list of gods, and let him work for the heaven to kill those strange beasts in the underground palace of Chaoge City and set up his supreme skills at that time.

Lin Bu'er can also be included in the Conferred God Ranking to serve the Heavenly Court, and his luck will also be transferred to the entire Protoss, so a monster like Daji Baiqian Qingqiu will never dare to spy on the Protoss there.

"Yuan Tianzun, I have also thought about it, and now I think what you said is indeed right, we might as well choose some strange people on the list of gods for our god emperor.

It is better to serve the entire Heavenly Court, but I think Lin Buer has decided to use the seal of the emperor to win the honor. This is obviously the existence of the best protoss.

In this way, we include it on the list of gods, Lin Buer works for the emperor, will his luck also bring to the gods?The luck brought by Renhuangyin is no joke.

In this way, Qingqiu Baiqian and those monster races who beat them will not dare to be our god race in the future. With Lin Buer, I think our god race's luck can grow stronger.

I think Lin Buer should be included in the list of gods, what do you think of Yuan Tianzun. "

Empress Nuwa is now optimistic about Lin Buer's position in the heavenly way, and she wants to make the entire Protoss more auspicious by relying on the luck of Lin Buer's Human Emperor Seal.

As long as Lin Buer kills all the strange beasts in the underground palace of Chaoge City outside Chaoge City this time, Lin Buer has established a boundless skill.

In this way, the Divine Emperor has no way to refuse Lin Buer's apotheosis, "I'll go and see that little fairy Daji is back. Is this because Lin Buer has returned to Chaoge City?"

After the onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room saw the interface of Shan Hai Jing.

Chapter 210 Nine Demonic Charm

"Oh, it's really Daji, why didn't the little goblin see it? I watched it for a long time and thought it was really this little vixen."

"Did you see it, that little vixen must have seen it, Lin Buer returned to Chaoge City, maybe he is doing something there again.

Look at his pitiful appearance, do you feel sympathy for Bolin? "The onlookers in Lin Buer's studio saw Daji fall from mid-air.

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