I thought something was thrown from the sky, but I didn't expect that it was Daji who got up from the ground, so the onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were all guessing.

Daji must have seen Lin Buer reappear in Gaoge City, so he couldn't wait to crawl out of Chaoge City, just wanting to catch a glimpse of Lin Buer and win Lin Buer's sympathy.

Seeing his pitiful appearance, the onlookers in the live broadcast room sniffed and complained in the live broadcast room in a very contemptuous tone.

"Xiba, why did this little goblin come back again? Wasn't he summoned by Empress Nuwa, why did he come back all of a sudden? What the hell is he doing there so soon.

Look at his little eyes, he is still looking at Lin Buer straight there, it seems that he is there to seduce Lin Buer with ill intentions. "

In the large live broadcast rooms of various countries, people from all countries also saw Daji falling from mid-air, and they all thought that Daji~ came out of Chaoge City.

I just wanted to take a look at Lin Buer, where Bolin Buer's sympathy saw Daji fall to the ground pitifully, and his gaze immediately turned to Lin Buer's direction.

I knew that this vixen might use some kind of tricks to confuse Lin Buer. It seems that he should be running for the emperor's seal in Lin Buer's house.

"What do you know about Kimchi Country? Nadaji is not necessarily there to seduce Lin Buer, maybe he has some other ideas, he must have been caught.

Who's instigation can't be tricked into taking back the Renhuang seal in Lin Buer's second hand? You can tell by the way he looks at Lin Buer. Look at it, it's definitely not a good look.

I have already seen his motives", "Fake, Daji came out at the right time, I think it would be okay if he really had such a trick, as long as he took the seal of the emperor in Lin Bu's second hand, presumably All the good luck has returned to the beautiful country again, and I am quite optimistic about Daji.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

This girl is really powerful, and she knows the importance, it seems that now is the right time." On the big screen, the people of Kimchi Country and Beautiful Country are constantly exaggerating there.

Now Daji's expression is all optimistic. Daji thinks that if Lin Buer can't handle it this time, he will definitely be charmed by this vixen.


"Bai Yuekui, look at that vixen is back again, I don't know what Daji is going to do this time, I feel uncomfortable with the way he looks at Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui, take a look.

But be sure to watch out, Lin Buer, don't be charmed by this vixen. After finally getting the seal of the Emperor, what should I do if I let this little goblin deceive me? "

"Jin Xiaoser, I think your eyes are really useful this time, indeed I think so too, Bai Yuekui, don't take it lightly, you know?

This matter is not a joke, it is related to our national luck.

Chapter 220

But you must not let Lin Buer be confused by this vixen, and finally get the emperor's seal and let him cheat back, how can it work?

If you look at Lin Buer with straight eyes, I feel that he has bad intentions. He came here at this time, think about it if he has no intentions.

If he didn't stay in Chaoge City well, and be his wife, why did he go outside Chaoge City to endure such suffering? "Nine Six Seven"?I think Daji, a little vixen, just has bad intentions.

Bai Yuekui, you must keep an eye on him, and you must not let Lin Buer fall into his tricks." When Lei Wujie heard what Jin Xiaose said to Bai Yuekui.

Lei Wujie also turned his head and took a look. Daji saw that Daji was staring at Lin Buer, looking at his pitiful look, as if he wanted Lin Buer to help him.

When Jin Xiaose said these words to Bai Yuekui, Lei Wujie also felt that now that Daji appeared outside Chaoge City at this moment, he must have malicious intentions. Lin Buer must not be fooled by him, or he will be fooled Confused by anger.

I'm afraid the Human Emperor's seal will not be guaranteed. How can this goblin deceive the treasure that I finally obtained? "Kim Xiaoser is outstanding.

You two hurry up and help that goblin up, but don't let Lin Buer find his way, you didn't see that Lin Buer is now competing with John Xungang from the beautiful country in mid-air.

I think it won't be long before John Xungang, who hasn't stood up for a long time, will be able to fail miserably, and then he will be able to calm down and make some things with this little vixen, which will be embarrassing.

You must know that people from all over the world are watching this live broadcast in this live broadcast room. If they see some clues, what should they do?

Remember, the two of you must keep the reputation of your master Lin Buer. Go to Jin Xiaoselei Wujie to do something for me and help that vixen up.

Just don't let him get close to Lin Buer. "When Bai Yuekui heard what Jin Xiaoserei Wujie said, he turned his head and looked at Daji's side, and saw Daji falling from the mid-air, which was definitely not artificial.

Bai Yuekui knew in his heart that this fall hit Daji hard, it seemed that he was really injured, unable to stand up, his eyes were fixed on what to do.

Lin Buer in the air wanted to use his pitiful eyes to win Lin Buer's sympathy, so that Lin Buer could be close to him again when Bai Yuekui heard what Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie said... ....

Bai Yuekui felt that Daji, a vixen, would never be able to succeed in this matter. In this way, he would have a chance to get close to Lin Buer, so how could it be possible?

If Lin Buer couldn't hold it back and couldn't stand the temptation of this vixen, would he have deceived the Renhuang Seal that he had just obtained? In desperation, Bai Yuekui immediately turned around and saw Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

Then he ordered Jin Xiaoser, and Lei Wujie asked him to help him up that fox spirit Daji, as long as the fox spirit Daji was not allowed to get close to Lin Buer.

This matter should be 1.7 is the safest. When Jin Xiaoserei Wujie heard what Bai Yuekui said, he also felt that what Bai Yuekui said was right.

Absolutely can't let this fox get close to Lin Buer, let alone let him get close to Lin Buer, and then cheat the emperor's seal, the most important thing is to vent this bad breath on behalf of his teacher's wife Bai Yuekui.

If this vixen comes into contact with Lin Buer again, maybe he will make Bai Yuekui angry.

Chapter 220: Extremely Happy

"Don't worry, Bai Yuekui, just leave this matter to me and Lei Wujie, the two of us must take care of this vixen properly.

He will never be allowed to get close to Lin Buer. Lei Wujie and I will send him to Chaoge City in a while and hand him over to their guards, as long as he is not allowed to get close.

Lin Buer is easy to say anything, but the vixen's eyes are not a good thing when I see it, it seems that he just wants to confuse Lin Buer again, so how can it work?

Lin Buer doesn't need to care about people like 09. If he is confused by his evil spirit, Lin Buer will probably be difficult to control. Well, we will leave the matter of Bai Yuekui to the two of us.

Just watch how the two of us deal with this vixen. "Jin Xiaoser heard Bai Yuekui's implication, and knew that Er must be worried that the vixen would come into contact with Lin Buer again.

Jin Xiaoser felt that his mistress was too careful, and there should be no problem in explaining this matter to him and Lei Wujie. Bai Yuekui heard what Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie said.

He was very satisfied and happy, because Bai Yuekui knew that as long as he didn't need Daji, that vixen street cableway Lin Buer Huang Yin could be kept.

He will no longer have anything to do with Lin Buer. Daji just went to Shenchao to meet Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun, but she didn't expect Empress Nuwa and Daji to break the secret.

It is said that Chaoge City's vitality is exhausted this time, and Renhuang is also exhausted if it is not done well.

It seems that Chaoge City will not stay here for a long time. Empress Nuwa just wants to get back the Renhuang Seal from Lin Bu's second hand, so how can it be done?

Now that I have given Lin Buer the Emperor's opponent, there is no reason to go back on my word. Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun don't know what they think.

Even though the two of them are respected by the gods as a broken human emperor seal, they can see it in their eyes. Daji is wondering in his heart that a human emperor seal can really turn their bad luck upside down. How is it possible? ?

It's just a broken treasure. According to the protection of the underground palace, Duolin Buer, who can get a treasure casually and is worth more than the broken Emperor's Seal, just has no vision.

Unexpectedly, Gods like Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun didn't have much vision, and they all fell in love with the seal of the emperor, in Daji's eyes.

Daji knew that Renhuang and Chaoge City were close in strength, it might be true, and it couldn't be because of Renhuang's seal, Renhuang's wantonness and that pipa master in Chaoge City.

And the sisters of the Yaozu around me are so hot that they have ignored the government for a long time, and it will be a matter of time before they get close.

Now that Jiang Ziya has already fought fiercely with Xiqi's men, sooner or later they will not be able to hold back their interest, and they will also come to attack Chaoge City Renhuang.

For so many years, Renhuang has enjoyed all the glory and wealth in Chaoge City, isn't that all thanks to himself?If it wasn't for my good luck.

There are so many Yaozu sisters who help him to make the Emperor happy in Chaoge City, he can enjoy so many pleasures in the world, for so many years, the Emperor has ignored him.

All the affairs of the imperial court were in Bigan's hands. If it is said that Brother Chao's strength is approaching, then he is nothing more than the Human Emperor. He has to blame himself. How can it have anything to do with the Emperor's seal in the underground palace of Chaoge City? .

Chapter 220

Lin Buer has just obtained the Human Emperor Seal, so how can he turn the tide of Chaoge City around?Daji was very dissatisfied and unconvinced by what Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun said.

It's nothing more than some alarmist things. I don't know what Empress Nuwa thinks about it. Could it be that she enjoys the glory and wealth among the human race.

Just loving the eyes of Empress Nuwa and Tianzun Yuanshi so much, Daji also pondered in her heart that she might be a monster race, and Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun didn't take their monster race into their eyes at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have humiliated himself like this, he had no control at all, and when he returned to Chaoge City and waved his sleeve lightly, he knocked himself down from the heaven to the human race.

If it weren't for the fact that he still has some laws, I'm afraid Empress Nuwa must have killed him, a vixen, now. Daji is now feeling aggrieved in her heart, thinking that Empress Nuwa's actions this time are really hateful.

Unexpectedly, he didn't take himself seriously, and knocked himself down from the heaven to Chaoge City. Now he lost the old man, those men, women and children outside Chaoge City.

There are also players from all over the world, including Lin Buer Wuxin Shengren, and those Wang Sungui curses in Chaoge City. They all watched themselves fall from midair with their eyes.

The miserable appearance of the fall made Daji very annoyed and dissatisfied, and now he still hates Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun very much in his heart.

Unexpectedly, these two people didn't show any face at all, and I had done so many things for Empress Nuwa, it seemed that after all, a demon clan and a protoss didn't take them seriously at all.

A casual wave of his big hand made him lose face in front of everyone. Empress Nuwa secretly sulked in her heart, but in the end she didn't dare to express this resentment.

Because she knew that Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun were both the existence of the Protoss, and if she had some evil thoughts, they would definitely be able to explore them with their own spiritual sense.

So Daji didn't dare to be too pretentious, but just kept her inner thoughts in her mind, thinking that she would never obey Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun on this matter. .

In this matter, the Human Emperor Seal was actually given to Lin Buer, which is Lin Buer's thing, and it must never be taken back, no matter whether it is a matter of reneging on the Human Race, the Monster Race or the Protoss Race.

It was definitely not Daji's work, but Empress Nuwa's attack was a bit too heavy this time, and she even threw Daji's body from mid-air.

Now Daji has been injured from the fall. He was lying on the ground and couldn't get up. He could only shake his body and use his two arms to endure the pain.

Slowly supporting his body, at this moment Daji saw Lin Buer in midair, he looked at Lin Buer with his eyes, and hoped that if Lin Buer could come to rescue the beauty now (Nuo Wang Zhao) yourself.

Wouldn't it be nice, if he could get the care of the Wuxin sage, the grievances he suffered just now would be worth it, Daji looked at Lin Buer again, and turned around again.

Looking in the direction of Chaoge City, the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were all watching the things outside the city, and few people seemed to notice him.

This made Daji very sad and disappointed, and she is also the empress of Chaoge City.

Chapter 220 Three

To have received such treatment and grievances, fortunately he can still see Lin Buer, as long as Lin Buer reaches out to help him up from the ground, that is the greatest blessing in his life.

It is also much stronger than those civil and military officials in Chaoge City, "Hey, what's wrong with you, Madam Daji? What happened to make you like this.

How did you fall so hard? Poor Kuai Lei Wujie, please give me a hand and help Empress Daji up quickly. Don't let Empress Daji get hurt.

Don't let Empress Daji suffer some grievances, you know?In that way, Lin Buer will be distracted, and Lin Buer will definitely feel distressed to death, but can Lin Buer feel distressed?

Look at how pitiful the big bride fell, she suffered such a big injury, she died of grievance. "Jin Xiaose was teasing Daji while giving Lei Wujie a wink.

The two of them helped Daji up from the ground one after the other, at this moment Lei Wujie said to Daji, "Miss Daji, how did you do this?

You hurt yourself so badly, you are so pitiful, if Lin Buer finds out, you will be very distressed, so hurry up while Lin Buer is not paying attention.

Let's go back to Chaoge City to find a place to have a good rest and talk about business. We must not let Lin Buer know about it, the elder sister's natal family, otherwise Lin Buer will definitely be distracted.

Didn't you see that Lin Buer and John Xungang from the beautiful country are competing there?If Lin Buer was distracted, it would be too embarrassing for him to lose.

It will definitely make Empress Daji feel awe-inspiring. "Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie exchanged glances, and helped Daji up bit by bit.

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