Walking in the direction of Chaoge City, Daji on the side was still dreaming, thinking that he was injured now, if Lin Buer saw it.

He will definitely come to his side from mid-air, it would be great if the hero rescued the beauty and helped him up, Daji was daydreaming there.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie had already obeyed Bai Yuekui's instructions, came to Empress Daji's side, and helped him up, and the two of them were teasing Empress Daji (ajbh).

I have already guessed what this little fox is thinking meticulously. It seems that he is just thinking about his master Lin Buer?Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie were afraid that this little vixen, Daji, would mess around outside Chaoge City.

He refused to follow him back to Chaoge City, so the two of them were teasing that Empress Daji was also listening, and according to Bai Yuekui's order, he quickly got him in from outside Chaoge City.

Afraid of breaking Lin Bu'er's heart, when Empress Daji heard what Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie said to her, her heart was warm. Unexpectedly, the two young disciples Wuxin Shengren were quite enlightened.

He was quite discerning, and he was afraid that his master Lin Buer would be worried there. If he wanted to send himself to Zhao Guocheng in advance, he was just afraid that Lin Buer would be distracted.

It seems that the two disciples, Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie, are really caring, and Daji thought in her heart that what they said was reasonable.

If Lin Buer is really distracted, he will definitely lose this game, and his face will also be damaged at that time, because Bai Qian and Bigan in Chaoge City are now.

But he knew what he was thinking, "Hey, Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, I didn't expect that you two good disciples accepted by the Wuxin sage are really caring for the future Wuxin sage.

In some unexpected times, you two disciples can really help your master share some of the burden.

Chapter 220 The Voice of Laughing

Just like now, I was thinking about getting Lin Buer to help me just now, but I didn't expect that you two were really thoughtful, and you must not disturb the relationship between the Wuxin sage and the beautiful country John Xungang fight.

It won't be good to lose this game at that time." While chatting with Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, Daji turned her head and looked in Lin Buer's direction.

But now Daji's thinking is the same as that of Jin Xiaose and the others, just don't disturb Lin Buer, and wait for Wuxin to give it away.

It's not too late to discuss with John Xungang after beheading the beautiful country. The most important thing now is to heal his injuries. Daji hates his injuries when he thinks about his injuries~Nvwa empress is too ruthless.

"Everyone, come here and see if you have noticed that Daji seems to be really injured. I thought he was faking it before. Why did he suddenly get injured?

It seems that the injury is still serious. You didn't see him limping like he was walking. It's too miserable. I didn't expect the two apprentices beside Lin Buer to be quite sympathetic.

I don't know if it was Lin Buer's idea or these two apprentices wanted to please this vixen while Lin Buer was fighting John Xungang there.

It's possible to get some treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace. After all, Jin Xiaose and the others are all citizens of the Kimchi Kingdom, and the people of the Kimchi Kingdom are a small country.

They were also staring at the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace, maybe they wanted to take advantage of Lin Buer's busy time there.

Thinking of getting some treasures from the treasure house of Brother Chaocheng's underground palace and bringing them back to their kimchi country, it will also make their country feel proud. The kimchi country's vision is really low.

Just relying on Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie?The two of them are so stupid that they can't get anything. Don't worry, it's just their wishful thinking. "

The host of the live broadcast room on the Shan Hai Jing interface was there to explain everything that was happening in the live broadcast room. The people in the live broadcast room from various countries heard the host's explanation.

They roared about themselves there, they sent out different emotions, they heard the host talking there, and what happened in the live broadcast room now also saw Daji's current situation and kimchi country.

Those two brats showed great hospitality to Daji, and now all the onlookers in the live broadcast room felt that the host's analysis was indeed reasonable.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Their kimchi country is nothing more than trying to use Lin Buer's inseparable body now, relying on Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie to coax Daji, that vixen in order to obtain the treasure in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

Unexpectedly, the two contestants from the Kimchi Country still have high IQs and are quite courageous, and Lin Buer is doing such a small trick behind his back behind his master's back.

......................... 0

Obviously, they were instructed by the leader of Kimchi Country, otherwise, these two brats must not have such a big idea.

They also don't have the guts to betray Lin Buer. It seems that these two brats Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie just want to get the vixen Daji.

After getting some treasures again, the onlookers who returned to the kimchi country live broadcast room heard the host's explanation, and even the people of the small countries in Ah Sanguo laughed bursts of laughter in the live broadcast room.

"Look at the shameless people in the kimchi country laughing at our three countries." Several.

Chapter 220 Five Speeches

"You Kimchi Kingdom just want to use Lin Buer's influence to get something in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace, but I didn't expect these two guys from Kimchi Kingdom to have some ideas.

Behind Lin Buer's back, he is flattering Daji, that little vixen, so Kimchi Kingdom should stop expressing your opinions casually in this live broadcast room.

These are some disgraceful people who are still laughing at John Xungang, and the Shire "Nine Eighty Zero" Mad Curley of the Three Kingdoms. You don't even look at it because you are such a small and weak country.

A small kimchi country, dare to express any opinions in the live broadcast room, if I were you, we would stop and watch your live broadcast."

The people in the beautiful country in the live broadcast room heard the remarks made by the Kimchi country, and they were ecstatic, because they saw that Lin Buer used the seal of the emperor.

Breaking through the position of heaven, thinking that Lei Wujie and Xiao Jinser from their kimchi country can take advantage of Daji's identity as a vixen and want to get some more treasures in Chaoge City.

The people in the beautiful country really couldn't stand it anymore, so they randomly appeared in the live broadcast room with the keyboard they typed their thoughts on, crushing the arrogance of the kimchi country.

The commander of the live broadcast room of the Kimchi Country made them all see the live broadcast room of the Shan Hai Jing interface, and the people of the beautiful country in it were constantly laughing at their own Kimchi Country.

But they were not angry at all, and they were still just watching the onlookers in the live broadcast room.

The commanders in the command room of the Kimchi Kingdom were so happy to let them spout blood there, "Xiba, these two little things, Xiao Jinselei Wujie, have finally opened their minds.

It seems that he must have seen Lin Buer, and now there is no way to separate himself, and then the two of them deliberately went to please that little fairy Daji, and the two of them finally figured out that the affairs of their own country need to be done by themselves .

If you really coax that vixen, Daji, maybe in Chaoge City's underground palace treasure house, with a big wave of your hand, wouldn't it be possible to give them some decent treasures from Kimchi Kingdom?

Even the babies above the third level and the fourth level are priceless treasures in Kimchi Country, and they can also make them feel proud in Kimchi Country "0  …

The commander of the Kimchi Kingdom is right there now, looking at Xiao Jinser and Lei Wujie in the Shan Hai Jing interface, as long as they can coax Daji well.

Baby, isn't that something you can get at your fingertips?Bai Yuekui was also watching the people in the beautiful country and the Kimchi country command room in the live broadcast room.

The words he uttered made Bai Yuekui a little upset. How could the people of their beautiful country be so ignorant and attack Xiao Jinser and Lei Wujie here?

What he said really made Bai Yuekui angry, because Bai Yuekui knew that this was Xiao Jinser, and Lei Wujie was helping him, so it was impossible for Lin Buer to get in touch with Daji.

Daji can definitely stay away from Lin Bu's 1.7 Er. As long as the two of them are not together, that vixen will not be able to deceive Lin Bu's second seal of the emperor.

When Bai Yuekui saw the bloody voices in the live broadcast room, he was a little dismissive.

He always felt that the people in those beautiful countries are not smart at all, they are there to sow discord, to sow discord between the Kimchi country and the Xia country, as long as Lin Buer is there.

Chapter 220 Six Bai Qian's Movement

Don't Xiao Jinser and Lei Wujie have to obediently obey Lin Buer's words?Presumably, their Kimchi Kingdom did not dare to directly turn against Xia Guo, and sooner or later they would stand by Xia Guo.

No matter how instigated by the people of the beautiful country, they are just there to satisfy their own language, "Bi Gan quickly see if Empress Daji has returned from the city.

Why do I feel that the person supported by Xiao Jinser and Lei Wujie seems to be Empress Daji. "09 Aunt Baiqian has been watching outside Chaoge City, Lin Buer and John Xungang's disdain.

So he didn't take his eyes off there, and he didn't pay attention to the situation below Chaoge City, but Aunt Baiqian casually used his eyes to inquire about the movement outside Chaoge City.

All of a sudden, he saw a familiar figure appearing in his field of vision, "And you are right, why do I feel that this is also the return of our empress Daji.

Why did he seem to be injured? Where did he go? Didn't he go to Empress Nuwa?How could he be injured if he was not summoned by Empress Nuwa?

You can see that his walking posture is a little different. Hurry up and ask the guards below to bring back Empress Daji. "Bigan also heard what Aunt Bai Qian said.

He immediately lowered his head and looked down at the place outside the gate of Chaoge City, and saw a familiar figure, where their empress Daji was staggering to the direction of the gate outside Chaoge City with her back on her back.

In this way, Bi Gan was puzzled, he didn't know what kind of situation their empress Daji had encountered, how could she be injured?Who on earth has such courage.

How dare they attack their Empress Daji? If the emperor finds out about this, they will lose their heads.

Actually, she didn't take Empress Nuwa seriously, Bigan had been eavesdropping on Bai Qian's heart just now, for fear of making a mistake, and in case Bai Qian wanted to have other ideas.

I think it might be something in Chaoge City's underground palace, or peeping into their eyesight in Chaoge City, then Bigan will definitely not be merciless, I didn't expect that Bigan has been eavesdropping on Bai Qian's heartfelt voice, and Bai Qian has been there all the time Heart beating endlessly.

Aunt Baiqian is arrogant and unruly, and her first throw is to fantasize about him, so that she can get the seal of the emperor from Lin Buer and Empress Daji, and then return to Qingqiu.

Breaking through the skills in the Human Emperor's seal well, and wanting to use the luck of the Human Emperor to change the luck of their monster clan, so as to subvert their god clan. I didn't expect that a small Qingqiu demon fox could have such a big power. feat.

He was so courageous, Bigan at the side secretly laughed at this vixen's ridiculous idea, because Bigan was guessing.

Now the seal of the emperor has been obtained by Lin Buer 980 times, and he has successfully broken through the seal of the seal of the emperor and entered the way of heaven from the body of a saint.

If Lin Buer and Aunt Baiqian have the same thoughts, wouldn't Lin Buer be more direct than him, a fox demon in Baiqian Qingqiu?

Now that Lin Bu'er has obtained the Human Emperor's Seal, if he had Bai Qian's thoughts, wouldn't he go straight to the Yunxiao Temple and overthrow the Protoss.

What is the competition with John Xungang from the beautiful country here?Bigan faced Bai Qian's ridiculous idea now, but Bigan knew that their Yaozu would always refuse to accept the rule of the Gods.

Chapter 220 VII Return to Chaoge

If they are all like their monster race, then the human emperor seal has been sealed in the underground palace treasure house of Chaoge City for so long, if everyone thinks like him during the day, the human emperor will lead the human race sooner.

With the power of the human emperor's seal and the person in the human emperor's hands, the emperor's sword can crush the power of the Ten Thousand Saints, or it can directly create a heaven to discuss success or failure with the emperor.

How could he just succumb to the position of emperor in this human race? Bai Qian didn't know what he was thinking, and dared to borrow some dirty ideas from his monster race.

Wanting to set foot in the Protoss, Bigan couldn't help feeling a little disdain for Bai Qian when he thought of this, "Didn't you hear what I just told you, Bigan?

You didn't see that our Empress Daji was injured outside the city, why don't you hurry up and arrange for the guards to win Empress Daji back to our Chaoge City, why are you still suffering outside? "

Bai Qian turned around and saw Bigan, looking at her figure secretly laughing, not knowing what this old man Bigan was laughing at.

But looking at Bigan from Bai Qian's point of view, being able to make this kind of ridicule must be aimed at himself. What is Bigan thinking?Could it be that this pen is eavesdropping on my own heart?

Thinking of this, Bai Qian immediately panicked. If Bigan really eavesdropped on this matter, what would she do?Empress Daji must not know about this matter.

Otherwise, once my thoughts are leaked, this matter will be ruined, and it is impossible for me to get the Human Emperor Seal, and it will definitely be destroyed by Bigan.

Bigan on the side also saw that Bai Qian was panicking there, because he had also overheard Bai Qian's heart just now, and knew what Bai Qian was thinking now.

Now that Bai Qian is afraid of herself, Bigan is secretly happy, so she immediately said to Bai Qian, "What Aunt Bai Qian said is very true, I will order it now.

Let the guards guarding the city welcome Empress Daji into the palace, then we will know exactly who killed Empress Daji, it looks like she must be injured.

But how could she be injured by virtue of Empress Daji's abilities?Didn't you see that his walking posture has changed a bit? "?" Bai Qian turned her head and glanced at Bigan.

There was no mistake, because now Bai Qian was still looking directly in Lin Buer's direction.

I just want to take advantage of if Lin Buer doesn't pay attention to whether he has a chance to steal the emperor's seal by Lin Buer's side, and then go straight to Qingqiu so that Lin Buer can't find him, then this person Huang Yi also returned to himself, presumably if Daji knew about it, Daji would never make things difficult for him.

After all, his aunt still exists, "` ‖Yeah, I'll leave it up to you to do this, so hurry up and make arrangements, I have to watch Lin Bu outside this Chaoge City for 2000 million, so I can't let him do it again Return to Chaoge City.

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