I don't know what kind of heart (of Nuoqian's) Lin Buer came to this time. He must never return to Chaoge City so suddenly. He has disappeared for such a long time.

I think he did not have any good intentions when he came back this time, he must be thinking about those treasures in Empress Daji Chaoge City's underground palace." Bigan heard what Bai Qian said.

He felt that this was just Bai Qian's rhetoric, and now that Lin Buer had returned, Daji didn't know if he had seen it or not.

Chapter 220

When Lin Buer came back, he should have brought Daji to Chaoge City in advance, lest this little vixen would hook Lin Buer back again, and he didn't know that the treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City would lose more.

Renhuang's things must be guarded, and they must never change hands. Even now that Bai Qian intends to stay here to watch, Lin Buer just wants to force the people's defense away from Lin Buer.

There is nothing to talk about with him as a monster, so it is better to go and see Empress Daji, as long as Empress Daji can be safe and not provoke Lin Buer back to him.

Presumably this matter will be over, even if he loses the Emperor's 980 seal, he must let Daji find a way to get it back for him at that time.

As long as the Human Sovereign doesn't know that there is still a turning point in this matter, if the Human Sovereign finds out, Daji will give up such a big treasure in the underground palace.

Then the Human Sovereign will definitely be furious, and the entire human race will not stop, "Well, Aunt Lao will take care of things outside the State Affairs City during the day, and I will go and win Empress Daji back to the public with the guards outside the city.

Don't let him lose his manners. After all, it's not too safe outside Chaoge City. Look at what those rebellious officials and thieves will do if they kidnap Daji Niang (ajbh) Niang. "

Bigan didn't turn his head back after finishing speaking, and led the guards around him towards the city gate outside Chaoge City, thinking that he must use the fastest speed to win Empress Daji back to Chaoge City.

Now those spies from Xiqi will also appear in Chaoge City from time to time. If so, they will find Empress Daji, and they will definitely take Empress Daji away.

When the time comes to threaten the Emperor's status, what should we do? "Fuck, I really didn't expect you, Mr. Jerry, to be so good at predicting things. It seems that this is what you told me before.

I was still secretly delighted to think that this bastard, John Xungang, really earned the face of our beautiful country this time, and he was able to crush Lin Buer.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Jerry, what you saw was indeed correct. How did you find out about Jerry? Why did I never find out?

Do you know that John Xungang now has the skill of killing alien beasts at level seven, and it is easy to deal with Lin Buer, so I didn't think anything was wrong before.

How did you find out? "General Tom saw the rows of numbers on the screen, and felt that now, Lin Buer has successfully entered the way of heaven.

There is no way to get around this at all. He has already won the reward for killing eighth-level beasts. It seems that these things belong to their beautiful country.

John Xungang is simply beyond the reach, and now it is obvious that John Xungang of the beautiful country is no longer Lin Buer's opponent. From the point of view of General Tom, he is now disheartened.

My own thoughts were so naive before, I didn't expect that Chief Jerry could see this matter clearly, it was really predictable, but General Tom never noticed the pictures in the live broadcast room.

Where and when there was a problem, General Tom always saw his John Xungang player in the picture of Shan Hai Jing, and successfully crushed Lin Buer.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was the same as what Chief Jerry said. Maybe it was too early to be happy. There is something unique about Jerry's eyes that he didn't realize.

Chapter 220 IX Xia Guo Takes Control

Jerry was actually able to see the real situation in the live broadcast room in advance. It seems that John Xungang, himself and all the people in the beautiful country were wrong there.

How on earth did Lin Buer do it? He was able to act as the eyes and ears of so many people, and successfully broke through the seal of the emperor's seal? The fate of their Xia Kingdom has been firmly grasped by Lin Buer.

Even if he killed Lin Buer now, I am afraid that this powerful fortune has already been controlled by Xia Guo, and it is too late to say anything now.

General Tom in the command room of the beautiful country fell into a state of extreme panic, and the previous arrogance and his arrogance instantly collapsed

"General Tom, don't hang your head there right now, I have an idea, we might as well tell our player John Xungang to let those two stupid guys from Ahsan Kingdom, Sharmad and Kohli, take the lead first.

Then let John Xungang from the beautiful country sneak into Chaoge City secretly, release all the strange beasts in the Shan Hai Jing in the treasure house of the underground palace, and then let those strange beasts deal with Lin Buer.

As long as the strange beasts in Shan Hai Jing swallow Lin Buer, we will ask John Xungang to kill the strange beast again, and then swallow Lin Buer's power.

It can also devour the power of that strange beast. Has the aura in the seal of the emperor of the starter been swallowed up by our country again?Now you want John Xungang from the beautiful country to kill Lin Buer.

I'm afraid there is no way to do it with his current ability, but those Shanhaijing~strange beasts in the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City are different.

They are all capable of swallowing the sky and destroying the earth, they are all capable of guarding corpses, they are the mighty saints of heaven and earth, and even the entire protoss are remembered - ancient beasts there.

Tell me, if this is the case, and we can really do what we want, wouldn't it be easy to kill and devour Lin Buer.

We may not be able to crush Lin Buer now, but we must find a way to remedy it is General Tom, what do you think?Although my idea is not bright and aboveboard.

But for our beautiful country, that must be done, otherwise, once Xia country's fortune is firmly controlled, then we will be beautiful in the future.

But there will be no day to turn around, this is not the result I want to see, after all, I am also a citizen of our beautiful country." Chief Sharp saw General Tom beside him.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Falling into a state of panic, Chief Jerry always feels that General Tom's current expression is not helpful at all, and he might as well find a way to make up for it.

It is absolutely impossible for the luck of the entire beautiful country to be crushed by the people of Xia Kingdom, let alone let Lin Buer succeed in this way. How can this be done?

......................... 0

We must find a way to get rid of Lin Buer. As long as Lin Buer is removed, Xia Guo will no longer have much ability to have more players to deal with Meiliguo.

It seems that this matter has to be dealt with by Lin Buer. Chief Jerry thought of this and made a plan, so he told his inner thoughts to General Tom in front of him.

Because only in this way is it possible to get rid of Lin Buer from an indirect place, if relying on John Xungang from the beautiful country, and the two stupid things like Ah Sanguo.

How can Sharmad and Kohli deal with Lin Buer, who is a respected Heavenly Dao, only with the magic weapons in their hands?Several.

Chapter 230 Remedies

When Chief Jerry said his inner thoughts to General Tom, he was still sighing there, because he knew that this was the only way to successfully save the fate of their beautiful country.

If John Xungang can't do this, then their beautiful country is really hopeless, "Mr. Jerry, I think your method may be good for our beautiful country.

But I always feel that "[-]" is a bit too risky. With John Xungang, can he have the ability to unseal all the strange beasts in Shan Hai Jing?

If he can't lift the seal, then what you said just now will be reduced to empty talk. You have to know that those strange beasts in the treasure house of Chaoge City's Underground Palace are all sealed by the Human Emperor in Chaoge City's Underground Palace.

Whether John Xungang has the ability to open the seal of those ancient mythical beasts in Shan Hai Jing is another matter." The general heard what Chief Jerry said to himself.

The idea is good, but General Tom is really not optimistic about their ability to be more beautiful than John Xungang. Whether he can break the seal of the strange beasts from the mountains and seas in the underground palace is not a question.

what should I do?So the general thought of another way, "Mr. Jerry, I think the suggestion you just made can also be implemented, so let's make a good plan.

After a while, I will convey this order, let John Xungang take advantage of the flustered driver who was fighting with Lin Buer, and let Sharmad and Curley take the lead.

Then ask John Xungang to go to the underground palace of Chaoge City to open the seals of those strange beasts in the Book of Mountains and Seas. If not, I guess you still have a lot of people who can be sent under your command?

If we can’t, we can send a few more players to find the interface of Chengshanhaijing. Didn’t you see that the live broadcast rooms in all countries have already opened with us.

From time to time, they will wait and see these things in the live broadcast room of Shanhaijing interface. They are very novel about the things there. If we send a few more players to kill Lin Buer head-on.

At that time, our beautiful country will be elated, and we will take control of our destiny again, as long as the emperor's seal is not taken back by Lin Buer to their past.

Then we still have a chance to snatch all the luck back from Xia Guo's Lin Bushou" 0...... General Tom just wants Chief Jerry to send some capable players.

Go back to Chaoge City to live in John Xungang.When General Tom's voice just fell, Chief Jerry heard it very clearly, and he frowned and glanced at General Tom.

"General Tom sees you, we have to send someone to deal with Lin Buer, do you know that now Lin Buer has stepped into the heaven from his saintly body.

With only these players under our command, can we really defeat Lin Buer?I think you are just wishful thinking, I am not so sure yet.

So I never thought about it, but since General Tang Yu wants to send players, then I have to follow General Tom's order, because the only way to deal with a Lin 1.7 is to rely on John Xungang, Sharmad and Curley After all, it belongs to the Three Kingdoms.

Can they do their best as they said, so we must keep the players from our beautiful country, and we must not let John Xungang have the slightest safety.

Let me see who else our beautiful country can send to deal with Lin Buer. Leave this matter to me, General Tom. ".

Chapter 230

In the command room of the National Games of the Beautiful Country, General Tom heard what Chief Jerry said to him, and he could only readily agree that there is no other good idea to solve the current matter at all.

It's time to listen to Chief Jerry, General Tom considered in his mind, because after all, General Tom felt it now, and Jerry had a good opinion.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you to arrange Jerry, I think we should try our best to find some players as soon as possible, I know that some of your staff are trained by you in 09.

Of course I believe in your vision, you just need to take care of Jerry's matter, and I will let the soldier order it down in a while, and ask him to notify John Xungang as soon as possible.

To make him ready, he must release all the strange beasts in the Classic of Mountains and Seas that were sealed in the underground palace of Chaoge City.

Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui and the other contestants from the Kimchi Kingdom would be overwhelmed, and they would take the opportunity to ask John Xungang to steal back Lin Buer's Renhuang Seal.

Then we still have a chance of winning." After General Tom saw some of the situation in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, his eyes were particularly empty, and he was confused.

For a while, they didn't have a good idea, because their general knew that John Xungang, the hateful guy, had underestimated the enemy, and Lin Buer didn't know what kind of divine power he used.

He actually managed to fool around and fooled all the people in the beautiful country in the live broadcast room. Everyone didn't even see what kind of divine power Lin Buer was using.

I didn't even realize that Lin Buer's crushing power had broken through the dignity of the Heavenly Dao. It seemed that this matter was a foregone conclusion, and there was no way to repent.

Even if John Xungang beheaded Lin Buer now, it would not help, let alone Lin Buer, who wanted to suppress a sage with John Xungang's ability.

It's easier said than done, maybe it's already decided now.

Lin Buer has already become the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City, and all the luck that has obtained the seal of the emperor has returned to their hands of Xia Guo, and it is useless now.

The most important thing is to get the Renhuang Seal. If they don't get the Renhuang Seal, I'm afraid their entire national destiny will be shaken, and they will be disintegrated by their Xia Kingdom.

At that time, the people of all countries will turn their backs on the beautiful country. This is not what their generals want to see. As a result, General Tom has no other tricks at all right now.

The idea should be all right to rely on what Chief Jerry just said to him, "Well, General Tom, I hope you're at ease.

This matter is also urgent for us. You must know that my idea just now may be able to temporarily alleviate the current sense of crisis at 980, but it also depends on John Xungang's ability.

If he can really unseal the ancient beasts in the sealed Shan Hai Jing in the underground palace of Chaoge City, it will also depend on his own ability.

If John Xungang can't open the seal of Chaoge City's underground palace treasure house, then I'm afraid this matter will not help, so General Tom, you have to inform John Xungang in advance.

Try to let him complete this matter as much as possible, then if there is a chance.

I will send two more players to Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room. I want to see how good Lin Buer is. I don't believe it. With the help of our beautiful country players

Chapter 230 Two Decadent Eyes

Why can't I get the emperor's seal, and all my luck can be taken away by them, this is absolutely unacceptable, as a citizen of a beautiful country.

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