I will never allow this matter to happen so easily, isn't this just a joke?Our beautiful country must reverse this momentum."

Chief Jerry saw the decadent General Tom, and he had no choice but to tell General Tom according to the idea he had thought before.

Let him notify John Xungang as soon as possible, otherwise, I am afraid that if Lin Buer really breaks through all the skills in the seal of the emperor, then the seal of the emperor will be destroyed.

Even if he got it, it would be meaningless, but Chief Jerry knew that General Tom's expression was not too beautiful now, so he had to talk to him about it slowly.

I am afraid that he will not be able to accept the temporary situation now, Jerry turned his head and glanced at the decadent General Tom, "Okay Tom, I hope you will cheer up.

For the sake of us citizens of the beautiful country, it is important to get back all the luck in the next country, so I don't want to see you decadent, let's prepare well.

You tell John Xungang now to let him wait for the opportunity, and I will choose some players who can be used to deal with Lin Buer. We must not let Lin Buer's momentum crush our beautiful country.

It is impossible for us in the beautiful country to have a player like John Xungang. Don't worry, I will leave this matter to me. For the safety and fortune of all the people in the beautiful country, General Tom, come on. "Bar".

After Chief Jerry finished talking to General Tom, he walked straight out of the command room of the American National Games, because Chief Jerry knew that he was talking to General Tom now.

What is useless, but can only add to the sadness of General Tom, why bother? "Why does John Xungang recognize the bear now? I advise you to give up struggling.

You are not my opponent at all, you will embarrass your beautiful country after all, if you give up now, you can still save your body, can't you? "

Lin Buer used his infinite power of the law of heaven to crush John Xungang in the beautiful country in mid-air, and cold sweat broke out on the forehead of John Xungang who looked at the beautiful country.

Lin Buer knew that he had no power to fight back at all, so he wanted to persuade John Xungang of Mei Liguo to give up struggling as soon as possible, so as to ensure his safety.

It can also ensure the face of the beautiful country, although he is not his opponent at all now, after all, Lin Buer doesn't want to embarrass him too much.

When John Xungang heard what Lin Buer said, it seemed like he was mocking himself infinitely. John Xungang gritted his teeth and held the sword that he used to kill the beast.

Under the force of the law of heaven crushing against Lin Buer, he escaped from Lin Buer's palm in an instant, "` ‖Lin Buer, even if you killed me this time.

I will definitely not listen to your opinion. If I go back to the beautiful country (Nuo Qian's) like this, I will not end well. I will never let you bully me here.

Don't worry, I will never give up, I will fight for the face of our beautiful country, you know?Instead of being gifted by you to let me go."

After John Xungang finished speaking, he immediately injected huge spiritual power into the sword in his hand, because judging from its skills and his current skill, John Xungang had already swallowed the spiritual power he had used to kill the beast before.

Chapter 230 Three Physical Growth

At this time, Lin Buer had already seen John Xun Gangyue, and injected her spiritual power into the sharp sword in his hand, and a powerful change took place in his whole body.

Because he devoured all the spiritual power and cultivation of the strange beasts he had killed before, the entire body of John Xungang also underwent a powerful change.

John Xungang's clothes were instantly broken by the powerful spiritual power in his body, and under the crushing pressure, they became fragmented and messy, and the flesh and blood of his whole body continued to swell.

The blood vessels can be clearly seen with the growth of his body muscles, and the powerful roar filled the live broadcast room of Shan Hai Jing outside Chaoge City.

In an instant, the onlookers in the live broadcast room were already extremely surprised. They didn't know what happened to 980, but they already heard roars in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

It was like the violent shouting sound emitted by a huge strange beast.

Moreover, the onlookers in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room had already seen the huge changes in John Xungang's body.

The person has grown several feet in an instant, and John Xungang's messy hair can't conceal the powerful spiritual power, and his face that crushes the whole person has undergone a powerful change.

Lin Buer saw John Xungang in mid-air, and Lin Buer sighed in surprise at the current change, "What happened to John Xungang? Could it be that he was beheading a strange beast.

John Xungang must have been injured, or he had devoured the powerful spiritual power of those Shan Hai Jing strange beasts, which made it impossible for him to withstand the powerful spiritual power of strange beasts in his body.

So that powerful susceptible spiritual force was running in John Steel's body, and the two forces crossed and crushed the genes in John Steel's own body.

This prompts John Steel's entire body to mutate. "Seeing this moment, Lin Buer secretly exclaimed, John Xungang is really scary now.

He now has the ability to kill level seven or eight monsters, and he has swallowed the power of those monsters he killed before. It seems that it has been erupting in his body for a long time.

The ability to grow those strange (ajbh) beasts is a flesh and blood body that John Xungang himself has no way to bear, and he has no way to compete with this huge spiritual power of strange beasts.

It caused a huge change in his body, and because he saw this, Lin Buer knew that John Xungang's power should not be underestimated.

He has devoured the abilities of so many strange beasts, and his current crushing power may not be able to control John Xungang, "I'll go and see.

Let's all look at what John Steel in America is doing there and what happened. John Steel in America is actually so powerful.

Has his skill grown again now?Facing the crushing power of Lin Buer's Heavenly Dao, John Xungang's spiritual power continued to grow there.

I just said don't look down on Meilidai, their players must be the best. "What is this all about John Xungang?"What happened?

What happened to him? God, this live broadcast room is so scary. How did John Xungang become so hideous?

It was still swallowed by some force, this John Xungang is too scary, the whole person has become like this beyond recognition, it is really worthless. "

"Whatever he is, what do you all know, as long as he is a player from our beautiful country, no matter what he becomes.

Chapter 230 Four Majestic

As long as they don't lose the face of our beautiful country, I think they are the best heroes, as long as they can crush the arrogance of those players in the lower country.

Look at how arrogant Lin Buer is, to use his power of heaven to crush our contestants from the beautiful country, isn't that just a joke?

Lin Buer, why did he rely on his power of the law of heaven?How he can be compared with the players in the United States is really a joke.

Look at how timid he looks like a mouse, you haven't seen that the entire body of John Xungang in the United States has grown a lot.

It seems that John Xungang can easily crush Lin Buer to death. "Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room was instantly stunned by John Xungang's sudden change, which stunned the people of the entire beautiful country.

There they praised the strength of John Xungang, but at the same time they dismissed Lin Buer. They despised Lin Buer and ridiculed Xia Guo. It seemed that they didn't take Lin Buer seriously at all.

Those people in the beautiful country were still there in fear, thinking that John Xungang would definitely lose face for them, because Lin Buer's power of the law of heaven had crushed John Xungang's arrogance.

Unexpectedly, John Xungang was able to increase his spiritual power in such a short period of time, and his whole body has undergone tremendous changes.

It's not just Lin Buer who broke through his in this Sanhaijing live broadcast room.The Heavenly Dao respected the position, and John Xungang of the beautiful country also increased his skills and his strength by the way.

It seems that the contestants in the beautiful country are not afraid of being crushed by Lin Buer's power of the law of heaven at all, and they can grab Lin Buer in his palm and crush them at will.

"Bai Yuekui, come quickly and see what happened to that beautiful country player, why is he so powerful, and suddenly became so powerful.

It would be great if I had such skills. Will he attack Lin Buer? You haven't seen the comparison between Lin Buer and the player from the United States, John Xungang.

It's simply insignificant, just like the onlookers in the live broadcast room said, what should I do if I can pinch Lin Buer to death with just a finger?

Bai Yuekui quickly think of a way, and you must not let Lin Buer make any mistakes." "Jin Xiaoser, please shut up, and you must not slander Lin Buer in front of Bai Yuekui, you know?

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

I am not optimistic about John Xungang. His body just grows bigger, and his body has also mutated. I always feel that something is wrong.

If according to normal logic, it should be able to improve its skills, rather than the whole body has changed, I think this thing is really weird.

I don't think you need to worry too much, just take a look and observe to see what happened to John Xungang. He is not Lin Buer's opponent at all.

Don't forget that now Lin Buer has broken through the sage and entered the position of heaven. Think about it, just relying on John Xungang from the beautiful country, can he deal with Lin Buer?

Don't be joking, but don't irritate Bai Yuekui with those useless things you said in front of Bai Yuekui. Just now Bai Yuekui was a little happier after hearing what you said.

Is he in a good mood? " Lei Wujie heard the onlookers in the live broadcast room talking about the matter between Lin Buer and John Xungang.

Because he saw that Bai Yuekui next to him was staring straight at Lin Buer floating in mid-air, and he didn't watch the live broadcast of Shan Hai Jing for a while.

Chapter 230 Five Strange Changes

So after hearing what Jin Xiaose and Bai Yuekui said, Lei Wujie was worried there, because Jin Xiaose was too straight, and he never turned a corner.

What to say, this inevitably made Lei Wujie worried, Bai Yuekui's mood must have been messed up by Jin Xiaoser, "Jin Xiaoser Lei Wujie.

You two, come quickly and have a look at John Xungang from the beautiful country. I also feel that something is wrong why he suddenly appeared in such a situation. "[-]" is just like what Lei Wujie said.

You should really take a good look at it. His improvement in skills can't make a serious change in his whole body shape. His current state is like a tall and mighty one.

Like an uncontrollable beast, Jin Xiaoserui Wujie, have you seen that the power of John Xungang now seems to have increased the luster on his body with powerful spiritual fluctuations.

Obviously, now that John Xungang has such super spiritual power, will it be detrimental to Lin Buer? "Bai Yuekui heard the conversation between Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

Bai Yuekui didn't take it too seriously, but his eyes were still fixed on Lin Buer in mid-air. Bai Yuekui could already sense Lin Buer's surprise through Lin Buer's expression.

I don't know what happened, which made Bai Yuekui a little puzzled. He just saw that John Xungang was crushed by Lin Buer's power of the law of heaven.

Unexpectedly, John Xungang is still very powerful, and it is not easy to withstand the power of Lin Buer's law of heaven. Bai Yuekui still admires him in his heart.

But it didn't take long, John Xungang was able to escape from Lin Buer's Heavenly Dao successfully, and his whole body turned into this ghostly appearance.

It was really scary. Bai Yuekui was afraid that if John Xungang's killing ability improved, and his body had undergone powerful changes, would he attack Lin Buer?

Now Lin Buer used his power of the law of heaven and his five-light divine power to suspend in mid-air, while John Xungang's body underwent a huge and strange change.

He stood straight in mid-air, taller and mightier than Lin Buer, it was really scary, Bai Yuekui thought that Lin Buer might not be John Xungang's opponent.

But why did John Steel make such a big change?It made Bai Yuekui a little confused, don't you understand? "Bai Yuekui don't care about John Xungang 0......

How did he become like this, we still worry about Lin Buer, you didn't see the people of the beautiful country in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

There are also those small countries that help the people of the beautiful country, they say everything about Lin Buer there, and they all say that Lin Buer can't resist the killing of John Xungang in the beautiful country at all.

They all said that he would crush Lin Buer to pieces as soon as he stretched out his hand, but it was too annoying. Just now Lin Buer was merciful, otherwise Lin Buer would be suppressed by the power of the law of heaven.

There is absolutely no possibility of John Xungang surviving. Lin Buer is a rich man. Now I think about why Lin Buer shows mercy to their beautiful country players? "

"Yeah, Bai Yuekui hastened to tell Lin Buer that he must not be merciful. Why didn't you see those onlookers in the live broadcast room on 1.7?

They said that Lin Buer, our contestant from Xia Country, was as timid as a mouse, and he didn't dare to fight back at John Xungang from Beautiful Country in mid-air. Think about it, Lin Buer didn't dare to fight back at him?

Lin Buer's Heavenly Dao Honor still didn't dare to fight back against John Xungang. No matter how powerful he became, his spiritual power and cultivation would not be able to match Lin Buer after all.

Chapter 230

We can all see this in our eyes. Could it be that the onlookers in the live broadcast room have something wrong with their eyes?They couldn't see the power of Lin Buer's five-light look.

Bai Yuekui quickly sent a message to Lin Buer. Lin Buer must not be allowed to endure such unbearable humiliation. I was angry when I saw it. Look at the arrogance and arrogance of the people in the beautiful country there.

Why didn't they have such arrogance just now, and what they are still saying there now is really annoying. "" Xiba, 09 John Xungang, what the hell is this?

I went as fierce as an animal, what happened to him?Could it be that he ate something that shouldn't be eaten and turned into such a ghostly appearance? What happened?

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