This John Xungang can show such an expression, if it continues like this, will his whole body explode? "The nationals of Kimchi Country saw John Xungang in the live broadcast room.

The sudden whole figure turned into a powerful mutation, which caught the commanders of Kimchi Kingdom, and they all roared there.

Everyone thinks that John Xungang's long-term growth will cause his entire body muscles and blood vessels to collapse and explode to death.

Those people in the Kimchi Guoyun command room saw John Xungang, like this.

They really couldn't help the thoughts in their hearts, so they typed the words they wanted to express on the screen in the live broadcast room, "The ignorant people in the kimchi country, what do you think?

This popped up again, why are you everywhere, can't you see that the skills of our beautiful country's John Steel have grown?The whole body has grown, and you don't notice that he has increased his strength now.

This is the best sign, you know?It is a matter of minutes to crush Lin Buer. Look at the player Lin Buer from Xiaguo who is now stunned.

You don't even have the strength to fight back, can't you see it?Still saying these things there, it really makes people shut up in the country of kimchi."

Those onlookers in the beautiful country in the live broadcast room heard that after the Kimchi country published their remarks in the live broadcast room, the people of the entire beautiful country were already indignant.

Accusing the troublesome Kimchi country and their ignorance there, "I'm going, why did Kimchi tell me wrong? If this continues, John News Steel will definitely explode.

His body can't carry such a powerful force at all, don't you think it's like a kind of irritated death?Still talking about kimchi country there.

I think the people in your beautiful country just don’t understand anything and are still making nonsense remarks there. Why is this live broadcast room not allowing us to speak?

You guys who are arrogant and conceited, what's wrong with Lin Buer, Lin Buer will definitely crush John Xungang, don't worry 980, the fate of the beautiful country is simply impossible to compare with Lin Buer's seal of the emperor.

I would advise you to calm down a bit, and don't embarrass yourself in the live broadcast room. If this continues, I will see how you people in the beautiful country will continue to stay in the live broadcast room. "

I heard it on the big screen in the live broadcast room, someone was slandering the kimchi country, and the onlookers couldn't bear it anymore, and put their inner thoughts on the keyboard.

I just thought of this matter while I was typing there. It will definitely not be like what they think in Meiguo. Lin Buer is someone their Meiguo players can't afford to mess with.

Chapter 230 VII Live Uproar

The host of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room was stunned by the situation in the live broadcast room in front of him. He saw the mutated appearance of John Xungang, and saw his terrifying and ferocious expression.

Seeing the beautiful country again, John Xungang's body has grown several times due to the previous mutation, which stunned the host of Shan Haijing's live broadcast room.

I don't know how to continue explaining to the onlookers in the Shan Hai Jing Wai live broadcast room, facing the onlookers outside the live broadcast room, I have waves of doubts.

It kept appearing on the screen of the live broadcast room, and all their anxieties and doubts were hit on the screen of the live broadcast room for a few seconds.

The screen in the live broadcast room was densely packed with unimaginable suspicions and words, which filled the big screen of the live broadcast room, "Oh my god, come and see what happened to John Xungang in the beautiful country.

That contestant from Xia Guo may not be able to hold on for long. I think Lin Buer, who just went to the country after the end, just got the seal of the emperor, and it seems that he will change hands again. "Are".

"What are you doing? What happened to this John Xungang? I don't believe that Lin Buer can do him. How can a sage of heaven not be able to handle a mutated John Xungang?

Did this John Xungang swallow the energy of those strange beasts, and turned into this ghostly appearance? It's too scary, and it fits John Xungang's temperament too much. "

"Xiba, then don't care about what kind of ghost he has become now, at least he is just a level [-] ability to kill strange beasts.

How can you dare to compete with Lin Buer's power of the law of heaven and saints?I don't think so, John Xungang's current strength can't last long.

Lin Buer kills him, let's come back quickly with the human yellow seal", "Fake, Kimchi Pot, shut your mouth, I think John Xungang in our beautiful country is the most powerful.

In the entire Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, which player can become such a tall and mighty look, even if it is a player who spews out our beautiful country like you said.

John Xungang devoured the spiritual power and cultivation of the beasts he killed before, so he has also grown, and he is definitely much stronger than the two players from your kimchi country.

Maybe she is still there to curry favor with Daji. "Okay, everyone, please be quiet, I always feel that this unimaginable thing is too scary."

I don't know how to explain to you how to say it so that everyone can feel the horror in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, but you pass through the screen of the live broadcast room.

I think I should be able to feel it, Lin Buer's current position of Heavenly Dao is not necessarily the real beautiful country, John Xungang's opponent, if you haven't seen John Xungang's huge torso now, just move your fingers a little.

Maybe Lin Buer will be crushed to pieces, even his heavenly way and dignity will be ruined. I think the chances of winning in the beautiful country are relatively high. Bigger.

Everyone, don’t say it in the live broadcast room. If these words are useless, I advise everyone to watch them in the live broadcast room. Have you seen the words that pop up in your live broadcast room?

The pictures of the classics of mountains and seas on the screen of the live broadcast room are all blinded, and you can’t see clearly. Everyone needs to be quiet now. I advise everyone to watch the live broadcast. The most important thing is that I will report to you regularly.

Chapter 230: Unprecedented and Unrepeatable

You should hurry up and watch the situation in the live broadcast room, and don’t miss anything. I feel that Lin Buer’s power of heaven should be able to compete with John Xungang for a while.

This is a picture that you can't see even if you want to see it. Why are you still talking about useless things?If I were you, I would just be smart and watch the content in the live broadcast room. "

The host of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room has seen the live broadcast room being picked up by kimchi country, as well as the big and small anchors in the live broadcast room and the onlookers they brought.

There are also those people in the beautiful country, who are constantly swiping the pages on the screen of the live broadcast room, and they can't see clearly the content of the live broadcast room at all.

So the host of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room saw this situation and couldn't let him continue. The host finally became furious at 980, under his keyboard wandering.

The screen in the live broadcast room finally quieted down, and the page of Shan Hai Jing was redisplayed in the field of vision of the crowd in the live broadcast room. The host of the live broadcast room finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If those onlookers were allowed to freely express their opinions there, I am afraid that none of them would be able to see clearly the content in the live broadcast room, and they would just blindly guess there.

Now the host saw the picture of Shan Hai Jing, and returned to the screen of the live broadcast room again, he finally let out a long (ajbh) sigh, "Okay, since everyone has been quiet, I think you should still watch The content in the live room.

Don't just spray around here, I hope you all watch it well, whether it's the contestants from the beautiful country or the contestants from their next country.

I always feel that this game is an unprecedented game, you may not be true, if you have a chance to see it in the future, you know?So we must cherish this opportunity well. "

After the host of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room finished speaking, he immediately turned to the sofa behind his live broadcast room and sat up, showing the content of the live broadcast room in front of the onlookers.

He often sighed, and then poured a cup of coffee. The solo drinkers were also enjoying the content in the live broadcast room. Now, now it is seen by the host.

The strength of John Xungang and Lin Buer should be about the same. There is not much win or loss. It seems that the players in the beautiful country are quite good.

It was much better than the previous players, "Fake, John Xungang did not disappoint me, I thought John Xungang would definitely lose this time.

It seems that there is still room for turning around. I really don’t know what Chief Jerry thinks. He is so unfavorable to John Xungang. Now, even the host of the Shanhaijing interface can praise John Xungang so much.

It seems that John Xungang's strength should be good. It is really not easy for him to swallow the spiritual power and cultivation of the beast he killed before.

It seems that the players from the beautiful country will definitely be able to defeat Lin Buer, and it will be enough to get back the emperor seal." "General Tom, I want to remind you.

Didn't Chief Jerry ask you to send a message to John Xungang when he left just now?Let him let the two idiots Sharmad and Kohli of Ah Sanguo take the lead first.

Let them kill Lin Buer first, let John Xungang go to the underground palace treasure house in Chaoge City, and release all the beasts suppressed there? .

Chapter 230 IX

Why, I think you don’t want to send this message in your current situation.” General Tom, the leader of the beautiful country’s national campaign team, is watching the content of the Sanhaijing live broadcast room in the beautiful country’s national campaign command room.

He was already extremely decadent and depressed at that time, and he didn't know what to do, because Lin Buer successfully became his saint body and stepped into such a direct and great leap forward of the Dao of Heaven.

General Tom couldn't accept this reality at all. He was so broken that he hadn't received instructions from the general in their beautiful country.

The whole person is extremely decadent, knowing that this time John Xungang can't be Lin Buer's opponent at all, it seems that the national fortune of their beautiful country is just like this.

They would definitely be devoured by Xia Guo. If it weren’t for General Jerry’s comforting General Tom in the command room, I am afraid that General Tom would not be able to get out of that painful expression and despair.

General Tom also thought that the advice given to him by Chief Jerry was foolproof, so the generals waited peacefully in his command room for Jerry.

I can bring him better news, and I want to send a message to their beautiful country player John Xungang immediately, just like what you told yourself when you went out, Mr. Jerry.

Just when they were talking about the official decadence, they had already seen the reversal in the interface of Shan Hai Jing in the live broadcast room, which made him very excited in an instant.

I have already seen John Xungang grow into this form from the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, and his stature has grown several times that of Lin Buer.

Lin Buer has no way to crush John Xungang of the beautiful country now, and he will never be able to kill John Xungang of the beautiful country so quickly.

Now Lin Buer would be directly killed by John Xungang if he didn't say well. General Tang Yu was very excited when he saw this, and the subordinates of Chief Jurui next to him saw General Tom's expression.

He knew that he might not be able to obey Chief Jerry's order, and then casually brought up the matter just beside him, just when the soldier said to them what he wanted to say in his heart.

Seeing General Tom's face, he became very irritable and restless in an instant, and then said angrily to the soldiers next to him.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

"Hey, shut up, you bastard, I really don't know what you're thinking, why is what Chief Jerry said right? You haven't seen what's going on in the Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room.

Where did your eyes go?Haven't you seen what's happening in the live broadcast room now, John Xungang in our beautiful country has grown up in an instant.

......................... 0

He has devoured the spiritual power and cultivation of the beasts he killed before, haven't you seen the changes in John Xungang?Lin Buer is not his opponent.

Lin Buer has already hid far away. It seems that Xia Guo is like this now. If Lin Buer confronts John Xungang, Lin Buer will not be able to fight back.

Think about it, can those two stupid guys from Kimchi Country be the guy's opponent?I feel that our beautiful country player, John Xungang, should be able to kill Lin Buer.

Therefore, it is meaningless to invalidate what Mr. Jerry said before, and it is useless to listen to me.

Chapter 240

Don't send this message to John Xungang now, otherwise what should John Xungang really miss the chance to kill Lin Buer?If Lin Buer really succeeds.

It's too late for us to regret it, everything is under my command, take your time, watch the situation in the live broadcast room first, and then talk about it. "The soldier next to him heard General Tom getting angry with himself there.

So he shut his mouth immediately, because he knew that General Tang "Nine Eighty Zero" Mu had always been arrogant and arrogant, and he had no way to control it, after all, he was a general.

He is also the team leader of the beautiful country's national campaign, how dare he offend him? "Well, General Tom, I beg you to calm down and don't take your anger out on me.

I'm just reminding you kindly, if you insist on going your own way and disobey Chief Jierui, then I have nothing to do. "When General Tom heard what the soldier said to himself.

He immediately picked up his pipe and puffed on it, with a look of excitement and joy in his eyes, watching the pages of Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room.

Now the whole person is in a great mood, but he doesn't want to be disturbed by the soldier in front of him, "Hey, what about Bai Yuekui?

Don't you see that Lin Buer's expression is different from before?Could it be that Lin Buer's body of a sage of heaven and earth really can't defeat the mutated John Xungang now?How to do?

Why do I feel that Lin Buer is a little anxious, please come up with an idea." Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie just heard Bai Yuekui's order.

Send Daji, the vixen, to the gate of Chaoge City, and just when they were about to enter Chaoge City, they saw Bigan.

The empress Daji who led the guards in Chaoge City came to greet them. Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie were overjoyed when they saw this situation.

I was very happy in my heart, because when they were in charge of beating that vixen, they actually didn't want to see Daji take those two steps in a pretentious manner and make them feel disgusted.

Finally saw that Bigan led Chaoge City to the future, went out to Chaoge City to welcome their empress, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie happily asked Daji Empress to transfer them to their guards 0... …

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