"Empress Daji, go back to Chaoge City to take care of your body, and then Lin Buer will kill John Xungang from the beautiful country for you.

I will definitely go to Chaoge City with Lin Buer to visit you, then you should not turn a blind eye to it, just prepare some delicious food for us, take good care of your wounds, Madam Daji. "

"Yes, Madam Daji, don't worry, I will definitely bring Lin Buer back to you, I just hope you can take care of your body.

If Lin Buer sees the current situation of Empress Daji, she will definitely feel distressed. That is not the result that Empress Daji wants, so Empress Daji must take good care of herself. 1.7”

Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie saw Bigan, and they had connected Empress Daji to the outside of their Chaoge City, where Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie were still teasing Daji.

When Bigan heard Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie teasing their mothers there, Daji was very dissatisfied in her heart. After all, how could the imperial concubine of the Emperor be allowed to be teased by them? .

Chapter 240 Seductive Baisheng

Bigan immediately glared at Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie's direction coldly. At this time, Empress Daji, who was beside her, had seen Bigan's gaze, and immediately said to Bigan.

"Okay, Bigan, don't use this kind of gaze to brighten up Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, they also have good intentions to think about it, if it wasn't for the two of them, I wouldn't be able to appear here.

I was still lying on the ground and couldn't get up. Fortunately, Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie rescued me in time. Let's go back to the palace quickly. After Daji finished speaking, she looked at Bigan.

Bigan couldn't say anything more, after all, their mother had already spoken, no matter whether Daji had good intentions or bad intentions, she still had to obey the orders given by the emperor's concubine.

After Daji finished speaking 09, she immediately turned her head to see Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie with that kind of charming eyes, and then said to Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie coyly.

"Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, remember what you said just now, please bring me Lin Buer to Brother Chao Zeng Li, you know? I will definitely prepare some good food for you.

Don't worry, all of this is covered by me, Da Ji, and you are not allowed to eat the delicious ones. The most important thing in Chaoge City is food, but don't forget it.

What you said, Lin Buer had to bring him to me. If it weren't for Lin Buer, I wouldn't have been injured like this. I feel angry when I think about it. "

When Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie heard what Daji said, they were a little puzzled, but they didn't dare to turn their heads knowing that Bigan looked at them with really displeased eyes.

Otherwise, Bigan would have to give some instructions to the four of them, maybe his own life would be murdered by the guards in Chaoge City, and Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui would not be seen by then.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie prevaricated Daji a few words there, and then ran to Bai Yuekui in a flash. At this time, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie realized that the situation in the live broadcast room was quite different from before .

John Xungang's whole body turned into this ghostly look, and now Lin Buer's surprised expression made Jin Xiaoser very worried.

There, he couldn't wait to express his inner thoughts to Bai Yuekui, "Yeah, Bai Yuekui, I also felt that something was wrong when I heard what Jin Xiaose said.

What happened to Lin Buer?Could it be that with his Renhuang Seal, Lin Buer has already broken through the formulas of the Renhuang Seal, and now everyone's luck in the Emperor Seal has been swallowed up by Lin Buer without a doubt.

Now even if they got the Human Emperor Seal, what's the use?But how did John Xungang become such a ghost? Did he really want to kill Lin Buer?


Don't even look at his ability, don't worry Bai Yuekui, I don't think what Jin Xiaose said just now makes any sense, but I also feel that John Xungang's appearance is really scary now.

If he wants to deal with Lin Buer, I think he is still far away. "Lei Wujie glanced back, and Jin Xiaose knew that what Jin Xiaose said now undoubtedly increased Bai Yuekui's worry.

It seems that Bai Yuekui is now staring at Lin Buer in mid-air, forgetting the past, knowing that Bai Yuekui is thinking about Lin Buer all the time.

I am afraid that Lin Buer will make a mistake, how can this be done? "Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser, I'm very worried now, you know?.

Chapter 240 The Spiritual Power of Alien Beasts

I can't express this kind of mood with my language, but I think Lin Buer is going to be doomed this time. He really met his opponent and didn't see John Xungang.

The current ability is too powerful, his whole body has turned into this ghostly appearance, and his slaying skills are so strong.

He has absorbed all the spiritual power and cultivation of the strange beasts of the Shan Hai Jing that he swallowed before. It seems that John Xungang's power should not be underestimated.

I'm worried that Lin Buer can really compete with John Xungang now?What if you can't beat John Xungang?Can Lin Buer's power of the law of heaven and sage really defeat John Xungang of the beautiful country?

I'm going to worry to death. "Bai Yuekui looked worriedly at Lin Buer who was in mid-air, still looking worried.

Let Bai Yuekui not know what to say, because Bai Yuekui knew that if Lin Buer hadn't encountered anything too difficult, he would never show embarrassment.

It seems that Lin Buer must also think that John Xungang's power is really difficult to deal with, "Yes, Master Bai Yuekui, do you know that?

Before, I felt that John Xungang had no way to compare with Lin Buer.

It is also impossible for him to defeat Lin Buer, but it is different now, Mistress, haven't you seen that John Xungang is much stronger now than before?

What John Xungang is devouring now is the spiritual power and cultivation of those strange beasts in Shan Hai Jing. Think about it, how fierce and powerful the strange beasts in Shan Hai Jing are.

They are all divine beasts from ancient times, and they are all older than Empress Nuwa, and they are all divine beasts that have lived for tens of millions of years.

They have all cultivated such spiritual power. Now if John Xungang can really devour the spiritual power and cultivation of those strange beasts, think about how terrifying Bai Yuekui is.

I'm really worried about Lin Buer now, whether Lin Buer can do it or not. "?" Jin Xiaoser looked at Lin Buer in mid-air, and the images of those strange beasts in Shan Hai Jing kept rushing in his mind.

You must know that those strange beasts are really terrifying, not to mention the spiritual power and cultivation base of a strange beast, if you really let yourself kill the spiritual power and cultivation base of a beast.

Those were all very difficult to deal with, John Xungang, who was able to kill so many strange beasts, and now John Xungang was able to upgrade his skills to be able to kill level seven monsters.

Having devoured the spiritual power of so many strange beasts in the Shan Hai Jing, think about the huge power contained in John Xungang's body, and now it can mutate into this form.

It shouldn't be surprising, but it's just whether Lin Buer can control Lin Buer with his power, and his current expression is enough to prove that sometimes Lin Buer will lose control.

"` ‖Jin Xiaoser, you brainless guy, why do you always tell the truth? Don't you feel that Bai (Nuoqian's) Yuekui is worried about Lin Buer?

You are still talking about those useless things, I really convinced you, what's wrong?Are you happy that Lin Buer can't beat John Xungang?

I don't think why do I feel that Lin Buer's position of Heavenly Dao can't crush a John Xungang who can kill strange beasts?Kim Shotser.

Don't spoil your own prestige with the anger of others, do you need me to explain how powerful Lin Buer is? .

Chapter 240 Three Ignorant People

Jin Xiaoser, don't you just say these words to make Bai Yuekui worry?You are a guy with ulterior motives, I advise you to shut up, and don't make trouble for Bai Yuekui here.

When Lin Buer can kill John Xungang, you will know how powerful Lin Buer is, and I will see where you put your mouth for a day and you can talk nonsense there."

Lei Wujie heard Jin Xiaoser and Bai Yuekui discussing Lin Buer and John Xungang there, and Lei Wujie was a little angry there.

Because Lei Wujie knew Lin Buer's way of heaven, his position should not be a problem against John Xungang, Jin Xiaoser, a guy with no brains.

"Jin Xiaoserai Wujie, you two stop shouting there.

I don't think there is any problem with Lin Buer, I believe in Lin Buer, because his current position of Heavenly Dao should be able to restrain 980 John Xungang's mutated body, so what's the big deal.

No matter how it changes, doesn't it just mean that it can break through where it has the ability to kill strange beasts? Don't forget that Lin Buer is the lord of heaven.

Bai Yuekui looked at Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie while talking, and knew that the two of them said those things were useless again. For Bai Yuekui, he knew Lin Buer well.

Bai Yuekui knew that Lin Buer would definitely not be the kind of cowardly person, no matter how powerful John Xungang was, Lin Buer would never be thrown into Xia Guo's face and had no way to resist.

Sooner or later, Lin Buer will deal with him when he finds the right time. Now that Bai Yuekui is facing the insults from the onlookers in the live broadcast room, it is useless to see what Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are saying there.

Bai Yuekui felt that the two of them had no city mansion at all. Bai Lanju Villa and Bai Zhenhai saw so many words popping up on the screen of the Shanghai Jing live broadcast room.

With glasses on his eyes, he kept looking at the words on the interface of Shan Hai Jing.

It made Bai Zhenhai very angry. He didn't expect a contestant from the beautiful country and the people of the beautiful country to be so ignorant, a person who can kill a seventh-level beast.

How can it be compared with Lin Buer, a person of heaven and earth?Isn't this just a joke?

He has no common sense at all, Bai Zhenhai (ajbh) is also optimistic about Lin Buer, this time he must not listen to those people in the live broadcast room saying those words for no reason.

No matter how strong John Xungang's body in the beautiful country has become, he is just like what the onlookers in the live broadcast room said.

John Xungang has devoured the spiritual power and cultivation of those strange beasts, so what?Now Lin Buer is able to suppress these spiritual powers. Lin Buer's heavenly position can crush the Quartet.

How could the gods not be able to crush John Xungang who had devoured the spiritual power of a strange beast?Bai Zhenhai watched the nonsense words of the crowd in the live broadcast room.

Then he went to his sofa and looked at the page of Shan Hai Jing casually, knowing that Lin Buer would never forgive John Xungang for this matter so easily.

No matter how powerful his body has become now, for Lin Buer, where is his dignity, what's the big deal, as long as Lin Buer can live in peace.

Then Bai Yuekui will be safe, too. For Bai Zhenhai, he thinks that Bai Yuekui's vision is not bad, and Lin Buer's current crushing power should not be underestimated.

Chapter 240 The Power of the Fourth Magical Treasure

He has successfully broken through the seal of the Human Emperor, and now all the luck of the human race has been firmly controlled by Lin Buer.

That undoubtedly brought the best luck to all the people of the Xia Kingdom, and it was too difficult for those people in their beautiful country to turn over.

Because Lin Buer had broken through the power of the Emperor's Seal, even if the Emperor's Seal really fell into their hands, it would not be of much use.

Sharmad and John Xungang from Ah Sanguo were also watching from the sidelines.

They showed joyful smiles, because they knew that John Xungang's slaying ability was particularly strong now, not much weaker than their pre-emptive-gong disciples.

Although they have an exquisite golden pagoda, which can suppress all external monsters, they seem to be slightly inferior to the current crushing ability of John Xungang.

If John Xungang succeeds in defeating Xia Guo's Lin Buer this time.

Wouldn't it be better if they joined forces with John Xungang from the beautiful country to bring all the treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City to their own country?

The two stupid fellows Sharmad and Curley of Ah Sanguo saw Lin Buer, and they seemed to be retreating steadily. Seeing Lin Buer, they had no power to fight back.

The two of them smiled contentedly there, thinking that as long as John Xungang crushed Lin Buer with his fingers, even if he couldn't crush Lin Buer.

Catch Lin Buer and put him in his exquisite pagoda, trapped there, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Buer to break through the seal of his exquisite golden pagoda.

At that time, Lin Buer's powerful power of heaven will be swallowed by himself, which is a powerful force. For Sharmad, he is now particularly coveting Lin Buer's power of heaven.

If his power of heaven is swallowed up by himself, then their Yuxu Palace will be more than one person than ten thousand people in terms of the entire heavenly court.

The disciples of Yuxu Palace can travel unimpeded among the prehistoric human race and the god race. This is undoubtedly the biggest rehearsal for Randeng. These two stupid things of the Three Kingdoms are still dreaming about it.

At this time, he saw Lin Buer, turned into a beam of light, and broke free from the huge palm that John Xungang extended to Lin Buer.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Seeing this, John Xungang looked at Lin Buer, and escaped from his palm so easily, which undoubtedly hurt his greatest self-esteem.

Because John Xungang now always thinks that he can crush Lin Buer's way of heaven with his wrong hands, but he didn't expect Lin Buer to disappear before his eyes in such a short time.

......................... 0

Where did Lin Buer go?Now John Xungang has a huge mutated body.

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