It can't be used outside the entire Chaoge City. Seeing that Chaoge City exists like a Lilliputian country in his eyes, he can destroy the entire Chaoge City with his own strength.

This powerful force is John Xungang. He didn't know that he could mutate into such a powerful force at all, and saw Lin Buer disappear in front of his eyes.

He immediately turned his body around, looking for Lin Buer, the things that appeared in John Xungang's vision the moment he lifted his foot.

In an instant, it was turned into ashes by John Xungang when he lifted his foot. If the big dust filled the air, the entire sky of Chaoge City was a few.

Chapter 240 Don't Be Trustworthy

Those people in Chaoge City couldn't bear the dust that was so powerful, they all escaped from the outside of Chaoge City one by one, and ran towards the direction of Chaoge City.

At this moment, the guards of Chaoge City saw the chaos outside Chaoge City.

Immediately the gates of Chaoge City were closed, and the people of Chaoge City could only kneel down to groups of ants and wait for their fate to be arranged.

The huge John Xungang, who had mutated in "[-]", stood tall in mid-air, and when he saw the people of Chaoge City, he was crushed into that ghostly appearance by his own power. .

He laughed unscrupulously in mid-air, and now he himself felt that his strength was unprecedentedly abundant, that kind of powerful sense of satisfaction.

Every nerve of John Xungang is filled, but now John Xungang just can't find Lin Buer's direction, and he doesn't know where Lin Buer went.

It seems that Lin Buer must have escaped, otherwise how could he avoid himself?It must be because he is afraid that with his current strength, he will be able to crush it by raising his hand.

"Bai Yuekui, look at John Xungang's arrogant appearance. Where did Lin Buer go? Just now I thought Lin Buer was pinched by John Xungang.

But I have already seen Lin Buer turn into a beam of light, as if he disappeared. I don't know where he went, whether he was afraid of the power of John Xungang.

And he abandoned us here, he ran away, did Lin Buer leave here with his Renhuang, this Lin Buer is too irresponsible.

Encountered such a dangerous situation, Tao Zhiyao died unexpectedly. "Yeah, we trust Lin Buer too much, you know?"Jin Xiaoser, I also feel that Lin Buer seems to have run away.

Does he not care about us, and Bai Yuekui?No, I guess he might go to do something, but it is absolutely impossible to ignore us.

He also knows that we are not too safe here now, that John Xungang has the power to crush, and the whole Chaoge City will be destroyed by him within a moment of stomping its feet.

It's not that Lin Buer doesn't know, and it's not that he can't see it. How could he escape at will? "Lei Wujie, Jin Xiaoser, you two, stop talking nonsense...  

Just watch carefully, I always feel that Lin Buer should not have left, he should have thought of something or thought of something that can suppress John Xungang.

Otherwise, he would never leave our sight. Isn't he stupid? He can't see that the entire Chaoge City will be destroyed now, if John Xungang wants to get angry.

I'm afraid that Chaoge City will be destroyed by him, we must not mess up our own position, let's take a look at it with peace of mind, don't add chaos here.

I always feel that Lin Buer will never escape from here easily, you two should be careful what you say, it would be bad if those people in the live broadcast room 1.7 heard it.

You must know that the mouths of those people in the live broadcast room are not forgiving, you can figure it out yourself, but don't embarrass your master Lin Buer.

"Bai Yuekui heard what Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaose were muttering there. Although Lei Wujie was a little angry, he felt that it was justifiable, because Lin Buer disappeared here after all.

Chapter 240

I don't know where he is, Lin Buer is too strange, where did he go?Even if you can't fight, you don't need to run away.

This is obviously to leave something for the onlookers here in the live broadcast room. They will definitely not say good things or say good things about Lin Buer.

The host of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room saw the current situation, and he was stunned. It was even more terrifying than before, because Lin Buer disappeared out of thin air in the live broadcast room.

What the hell is this Lin Buer doing? Last time he disappeared out of thin air. Everyone thought he ran away with the seal of the emperor. They didn't know what kind of 09 intentions Lin Buer had when he came to Chaoge City this time. .

But everyone is guessing, maybe they came here to save Bai Yuekui, but now they have run away and why? Is it to escape?Throw Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser, and the others here and let John Xungang kill them casually?

"Haha, let me tell you, Lin Buer can't beat John Xungang at all, and he can only escape from his little sample, fortunately, he ran fast just now.

Otherwise, he would be crushed to death by John Xungang in one fell swoop. Looking at that mockup, I thought he was quite pitiful, so just run away, that's what happens to a cowardly Xia Guo contestant.

I don’t have any guts at all, but when I encounter difficulties, I don’t even care about my opponent and I know that I will run away, this cowardly guy doesn’t deserve to appear in the live broadcast room.”

"I really didn't expect to be mistaken. I thought that Lin Buer was more authentic and particular about being able to come back to save Bai Yuekui. Jin Xiaoser seemed to be wrong.

Lin Buer is still trying to save his life at the most important juncture. What is this kid doing?If you want to save your life, why are you here now, and you just took the Emperor's seal and you're done.

It’s a shame to kill them again now.” “Are we right?Who was there to refute us before?Who are these fools with no brains?

Be optimistic about Lin Buer, Lin Buer is a coward, we all know that he just wants to use the power of the seal of the emperor to break through his heavenly position.

Now it seems that his position of Heavenly Dao can't defeat John Xungang, so he ran away in fear, which is not an exaggeration.

He is a coward by nature, that is to say, people from Xia Kingdom can do such a nasty thing. It is so exasperating that he even ran away without caring about his opponent.

Lin Buer is really no one else. Now that I think about it, I can't draw a conclusion at will after seeing it wrong. "At the moment when Lin Buer disappeared.

Everyone was expressing their opinions freely there, and Lin Buer bombarded 997 in the entire live broadcast room in an instant, and all the people were there talking about Lin Buer.

Lin Buer always became their focus, which made all the public's abuse suddenly sound again. Lin Buer must not be able to see it, and if he saw it, he himself would not be able to accept it.

Bai Yuekui watched the words of the people in the live broadcast room all the time, he couldn't bear it anymore, and then complained in the live broadcast room.

"Don't talk about Lin Buer here, don't you know that Lin Buer is the most capable player in Xia Kingdom? He is not a coward, just watch and I will put this here.

Chapter 240 The Seventh Power of Binding Chickens

If Lin Bu'er didn't kill the guy, she would be considered powerful, so what about John Xungang, he was just capable of killing level seven beasts.

Now that Lin Buer has broken through the Human Emperor's Seal, Lin Buer has been rewarded with the ability to kill eighth-level and ninth-level beasts, and he has also been rewarded by the system.

Why don't you speak?Why are you specifically picking on other people's weaknesses? You are just some snobbish guys. Listen to me, you all shut up and take a good look.

I don't believe that Lin Buer is the kind of person you said." Bai Yuekui said while talking, and looked at John Xungang, seeing John Xungang's arrogant and unruly laughing state in the live broadcast room.

But Bai Yuekui didn't want to anger John Xungang, because sooner or later, Bai Yuekui would now have John Xungang's figure become so tall and mighty.

If he raises his hands and stomps his feet, these Liming people in Chaoge City will suffer. They are all innocent people, and they can't be killed by John Xungang at will.

"Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, you two hurry up and go to your surroundings to gather those innocent people.

Then take them to a safe place to hide, and they must not be hurt by John Xungang. Look at that John Xungang's unscrupulous appearance.

A slight mistake in his mind can crush the Liming people here to pieces.

They are all flesh and blood, and there is no way to fight John Xungang. Just wait until your master Lin Buer appears.

I think Lin Buer will never stand idly by, but you also have to be careful not to be discovered by John Xungang, once you are discovered by John Xungang.

It is absolutely impossible for you to escape, just secretly and quickly transfer these innocent people away. "." Bai Yuekui felt that the immediate priority must be to rescue these Liming people.

I don't know what the guards in Chaoge City are thinking, these Liming people who are now building a city have suffered such a catastrophe.

They actually closed the gate of the city tightly, and they didn't want these Liming people to enter the city, didn't they just want to abandon them and let them be slaughtered at will?These people are really cruel.

It's not to blame that their fate is approaching, it's just that they are self-inflicted. When Jiang Ziya leads their Xiqi army, they will be able to smash Chaoge City sooner or later.

It's not as good as him now, Bai Yuekui knows the catastrophe of Chaoge City in the future, he knows what will happen to King Zhou of Chaoge City in the future.

That's why Bai Yuekui doesn't think about it now, they will end up with the inevitable thing in the future, and it seems that they won't be around for long.

It won't be too long to be arrogant, he doesn't even care about the lives of his own people, and he is worthy of the title of emperor, "` ‖Don't worry, Bai Yuekui, I will definitely obey your orders.

It is absolutely impossible to let these innocent people suffer (Nonuo Zhao) these innocent disasters. I know that Lin Buer will not be too far away from us. He may be thinking of some tricks to crush John Xungang.

Don't worry, this matter will be left to me and Kim Xiaose. "

When Lei Wujie heard these words from Bai Yuekui, Lei Wujie also felt that the current place must not allow personnel to be damaged.

Now the people of Chaoge City, these are ordinary people who have no power to restrain their chickens.

Chapter 240 Eighth Palace Bedroom

Don't let them suffer any more, it's not very good after all.

Now they must be freed from this catastrophe, John Xungang's mistake will destroy the entire Chaoge City.

Bai Qian has been watching the current situation outside Chaoge City in Chaoge City, and already feels strong pressure, and doesn't know what to do.

Because even though Bai Qian is a monster from Qingqiu, he has never seen such a powerful force, and he has already seen John Xungang before his eyes.

He has grown up in an instant, and now even Lin Buer, his Heavenly Honor, can escape with the Human Emperor's seal. It is obvious that John Xungang has endangered Lin Buer's Tiandao ability.

It seems that this matter is not something they can withstand 997 lives. Whether this Chaoge City can survive is still a matter of debate, Bai Qian is very worried.

Immediately ordered his guards to close the city gate tightly, so that he could get a sense of security, but John Xungang could not rush into Chaoge City at will.

Otherwise, the entire Chengdu of Chaoge City would be collapsed by John Xungang. He fully thought of this and immediately ordered his guards.

Then ask him to inform Empress Daji to see if there are any good ideas from Empress Daji.

Because Bai Qian knew that Nuwa Niang (ajbh) Niang had summoned Daji this time, but she didn't know what happened?It seems that this matter should be discussed with Daji.

Now that the entire Chaoge City is in danger, Daji, a little elf, is just taking care of her wounds, so what can I do?Now pointing to the Emperor's side is definitely not enough.

The emperor was indulging in wine, sex and flesh every day, trying to control the life and death of these people in Chaoge City, "Go and tell me, and let Empress Daji come over and have a look.

Now that the entire Chaoge City is in danger, I told him not to recuperate any more. If this continues, Chaoge City will be destroyed in his hands.

There is no doubt about this matter, let us know as soon as possible. "And immediately ordered the guards around him to report the current situation outside the city to Empress Daji.

Let Empress Daji come over quickly to take a look, and tell him that he and Daji have something to do with each other, which should be able to end the guards hearing what Bai Qian ordered.

How dare he delay, he immediately got up and ran towards the imperial palace in Chaoge City. Empress Daji was carried to the palace bedroom by their guards.

Resting well on his bed, he was thinking that this injury was all due to Empress Nuwa and Master Tongtian, their two thoughts were really naive.

How could it be possible for Lin Buer to rely on the Human Emperor Seal to take away the charm of the entire Chaoge City? A broken Human Emperor Seal has been stored in the underground palace of Chaoge City for many years, and the Human Emperor does not even look at it glance.

Could it be that such an inconspicuous thing can make their entire Chaoge City's vitality almost a joke?Empress Nuwa was thinking about those useless things in the heaven all day.

It's better to live happily as a concubine in this city of Chaoge, now that Empress Daji thinks of this

His two pairs of seductive eyes showed natural seductiveness, because he had already learned about it from Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie before entering the city.

Chapter 240 IX The Guard Passes the Decree

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