It won't be long before they will bring Lin Buer to Chaoge City to visit themselves.

Now Daji's mind is full of Lin Buer's figure.

He waited for Lin Buer there just hoping to see Lin Buer, even if it was the baby in Chaoge City, he could choose with Lin Buer at will.

Daji is still thinking about a very troublesome problem on his bed in his bedroom, which is what Empress Nuwa told him to complete when Daji was about to leave.

It is really difficult for Daji to get the Renhuang Seal back from Lin Buer's hand, "Oh, I don't know if someone from Wuxin can come and see me.

If he comes, bring him back to the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City, and let him choose a few more treasures at will, as long as he returns the Human Emperor Seal.

It is enough to be able to communicate with Nuwa Empress Yuanshi Tianzun. "Empress Daji was lying in her bedroom recuperating, thinking about what Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie had said to him before.

Then she thought back to the things that Nuwa Empress and Yuan Tianzun ordered from Tiangong, and thought of these things made her happy and upset.

When the worried Empress Daji didn't know what to do.

All of a sudden, her guards came to report, "Miss Da Daji, Aunt Bai Qian summoned you outside the city to ask you to go outside Chao-Ge City to discuss matters."

Empress Daji felt a little curious when she heard what the guards said. Bai Qian didn't have anything to discuss with her before, why she just returned to her bedroom in Chaoge City - so she went there beforehand.

Is there something that prevents him from coming to his bedroom during the day and telling himself why he has to send a guard to come? Doesn't Aunt Bai Qian know that he is injured?

Empress Daji is not in a very good mood now, when she thinks that Empress Nuwa can use such a method against him from Tiangong, and breaks him outside Chaoge City from Tiangong.

It made him lose face. Fortunately, it was Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie who were beside Lin Buer. They helped him to the outside of Chaoge City with their quick eyesight and quick hands.

Bigan picked him up in Chaoge City, otherwise he would be humiliated this time, "Oh, Aunt Baiqian came to me to discuss something, so tell me about it.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

What happened outside Chaoge City now?What happened to Lin Buer? Did he win John Xungang of the beautiful country? If Lin Buer really won.

Just let Lin Buer come to see me in my bedroom, and there is no need to see Aunt Baiqian." Empress Daji saw that the guards in front of her had no intention of leaving.

It must have been Aunt Bai Qian's order to let me go to see him and discuss with him. Empress Daji thought about it, and now Aunt Bai Qian is watching the things outside Chaoge City from the sky above Chaoge City.


I think it must have a direct relationship with Lin Buer and John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, so why not just ask the guard in front of you what happened outside Chaoge City.

Maybe there is news about Lin Buer?If there is really news about Lin Buer, then there is no need to go to see Aunt Bai Qian, and it will be fine to see him face to face and explain to him.

Just when Empress Daji finished speaking, the guard didn't know how to explain to Empress Daji, seeing that Empress Daji seemed to be inquiring about Lin Buer's news, the guard was very puzzled.

Chapter 250

"Empress Daji, this subordinate doesn't know anything about it. I'm just a guard who obeys Aunt Bai Qian's orders. He just asked me to take you outside Chaoge City to discuss matters with you.

I don't know exactly what happened, but looking at it like that, it seems that something important really happened outside Chaoge City, otherwise Aunt Bai Qian wouldn't have shown embarrassment."

After the guard finished speaking, he immediately lowered his head "Nine Nine Seven", and then Empress Daji who was next to him heard what the guard said, and he was suddenly startled.

I thought that something might have happened to Lin Buer, maybe the contestant from Beautiful Country defeated Lin Buer, how could this work?

Immediately, Empress Daji sat up from his bed, her whole body was refreshed, and the vigor of the pain all over her body just now disappeared completely, Empress Daji thought to herself.

Lin Buer 2000 million can't have a situation, he is still thinking in his heart, no wonder he is waiting for Lin Buer's arrival in this bedroom.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't see Lin Buer's figure. Maybe something happened to Lin Buer. Thinking of this, Empress Daji immediately changed her clothes.

In a hurry, he followed the figure of the guard and walked towards the outside of Chaoge City.Bai Qian watched Brother Chao become Lin Buer's figure.

He searched around but didn't see Lin Buer. He didn't know where Lin Buer went. The whole Chaoge City is now in chaos.

All the people of Chaoge City fell into extreme panic, their bodies were hiding in every corner and shivering, clustered together in groups.

It is only by thinking of everyone's strength that they can have a strong sense of security and support their psychology. A huge black shadow covers the entire city of Chaoge City.

Seeing all this, Bai Qian couldn't help but feel a little startled, thinking that John Xungang in this beautiful country seems to be quite powerful.

Unexpectedly, he actually devoured the spiritual power of so many spiritual beasts.

With his entire body appearing, and the mutated situation now, it seems that Lin Buer should have escaped with the Seal of the Human Emperor. Maybe Lin Buer is also afraid of the crushing ability of John Xungang in the beautiful country.

Now Bai Qian's spirit is not too good, because Bai Qian has been watching Lin Buer's movements, thinking that if Lin Buer can kill John Xungang, he will be 0......

He might be able to return to Chaoge City, and by then, with Empress Daji's foxy charm, he should be able to trick Lin Bu's second-handed Renhuang Seal back.

At that time, the technology of the entire Chaoge City will be re-controlled in the hands of the Emperor, or he will get the Seal of the Emperor himself, Tao Zhiyaoyao, which will greatly increase the fortune of the entire Hu clan and monster clan.

When the time comes to return to the Heavenly Court, the Protoss must be beyond their reach. Bai Qian has been brewing such a thing in her heart to overthrow the Protoss sooner or later.

Unexpectedly, the moment Lin Buer disappeared in Chaoge City, Bai Quan was completely disappointed. He knew that in 1.7, if Lin Buer really escaped from Chaoge City.

So wouldn't the things he thought about before become empty talk?Thinking of this, Bai Qian's heart felt inexplicably uncomfortable, and all his wishes would be destroyed in Lin Buer's hands.

Now that I think about it, Lin Buer is indeed a bit hateful. If Lin Buer really returns to Chaoge again, Lin Buer will definitely not be able to let Lin Buer.

Chapter 250

Just like this, he ran away again in a grand manner, no matter what, he had to let Daji use their demon clan's fox charm technique, and he would have to be coaxed.

You must get the Renhuang Seal, otherwise what you thought before will be completely wishful thinking.Now Bai Qian just wants to wait for Daji's arrival.

Bai Qian thought that it was impossible for Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun to summon Daji to the Heavenly Palace at random this time. Obviously something happened in the Heavenly Dynasty this time.

Otherwise, how could Empress Daji be summoned by Empress Nuwa for no reason?And it took such a long time to go, until Empress Daji appeared again.

How could she be injured all over her body, and fell in mid-air outside Chaoge City. If Bigan 09 hadn't discovered it in time, Daji, a little vixen, might have lost face this time.

Now Bai Xue looked at the appearance of John Xungang outside Chaoge City and knew that if John Xungang made a mistake, the entire Chaoge City would undoubtedly be crushed.

what should I do?This is not what he wants to see, after all, those treasures that are kept in Chaoge City's underground palace can still come in handy.

The strange beasts in the Chaoge City Underground Palace can also play a role at the most critical moment. It seems that John Xungang from the beautiful country still underestimated the treasures in the Chaoge City Underground Palace.

If Empress Daji appeared this time, she would definitely not let him off lightly, and casually release the strange beasts from the underground palace of the two Chao brothers.

It is also necessary to let John Xungang of the beautiful country suffer a little bit.

If you help Chaoge City to quell this scourge, maybe Lin Buer will return to Chaoge City. Is there hope for getting the Seal of the Emperor?

Now Bai Qian is thinking about these things in her heart, it seems that Empress Daji still needs to take action, after Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie listened to Bai Yuekui's orders.

He kept on talking about those people outside Chaoge City who were in Chaoge Zeng Shushu, for fear that those people outside Chaoge City would be crushed by John Xungang because of this incident.

Now John Xungang's huge body stood above Chaoge City, covering the entire Chaoge City in a state of darkness, which made Bai Yuekui feel flustered for a while.

I don't know where Lin Buer went, but Bai Yuekui knows it.

No matter what happened to Lin Buer, it was absolutely impossible for him to run away as the onlookers in the live broadcast room said.

It's just thinking about how to fight against the John News Steel of the Beautiful Country.

It seems that Lin Buer won't come back for a while, what should I do?If John Xungang of the beautiful country is in a hurry, he will destroy the entire city of Chaoge City.

Bai Yuekui is now watching the people in Zhaohe Castle.

It has been cleared up by Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie. Almost no one in Chaoge City now has the ability of Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie to handle affairs.

Really strong, Bai Yuekui watched the two of them rushing about non-stop, Bai Yuekui also felt very relieved, in fact, Lin Buer took these two apprentices.

Undoubtedly, he helped Lin Buer a lot indirectly, "Aunt Bai Qian.

Chapter 250 The Second Smoky Air

I don't know what is the reason why you asked Daji to come, what is the matter, you can come to my palace and discuss with me what is the meaning of this outside of Chaoge City, haven't you seen it?

It's smoky and the weather is not very good. What happened?Aunt Bai Qian. "Empress Daji came outside Chaoge City.

He already felt that the entire sky outside Chaoge City suddenly became dark, and the breath in the entire sky felt a little oppressive.

The smell of crushing dust was everywhere, making Empress Daji a little short of breath, so he hurriedly asked in the direction of Aunt Bai Qian.

Because he felt that the environment here was not as good as his bedroom in Chaoge City. At least he could rest freely there, which was much happier than here.

"Daji, I really don't know how you are an empress, you haven't seen what happened outside Chaoge City right now?

You still have the heart to live comfortably in your palace bedroom, and if your entire Chaoge City is destroyed in a while, you won't think so.

Your heart is really big, such a big thing happened outside Showa City, you are better off, just looking for your own comfort and enjoyment there, if I didn't call you out.

I'm afraid you will never feel what it looks like outside Chaoge City now. "." When he heard these words from Daji's mouth during the day, he couldn't help being a little angry.

So he turned to Empress Daji, and then told what happened now. Empress Daji was obviously angry when she heard what Bai Qian said now.

He didn't know what kind of situation happened outside Chaoge City, but with his keen lumbar breath, he could feel that there seemed to be a hint of dangerous motive outside.

He didn't know where this danger came from, and it always made him feel a little uneasy, so he stared at his seductive eyes and looked in the direction of Chaoge City.

It doesn't matter if Empress Daji looked at it, she suddenly saw a huge body outside Chaoge City, standing upright not far outside Chaoge City.

If this huge body takes a few more steps forward, I am afraid that the entire Chaoge City will be flattened by him. Empress Daji saw this moment

He didn't know what happened, and then he looked around every corner outside Chaoge City, looking for Lin Buer.

I don't know where Lin Buer went. In the eyes of Empress Daji, my father should be outside Chaoge City at this time. Why did I look outside Chaoge City?

He didn't see what happened to Lin Buer's figure. Who is this huge guy in front of him?Why is it possible to have such a large stature?

This kind of figure is like the Optimus Prime in their heaven. Empress Daji's eyes were frightened by the scene in front of her (Nuo Nuo Zhao), she really didn't know that such a thing happened outside Chaoge City.

I'm afraid that if I found out, I would already be restless, I just don't know if the Human Emperor knows now, if the Human Emperor knows.

I'm afraid that if Brother Chao is in the current situation, Renhuang will definitely not be able to sit still, and he will not be confused by his goblins, "` ‖Aunt Bai Qian

You informed me of this matter, didn't you send someone to inform the Emperor?

Chapter 250

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