The Human Sovereign doesn't know what's going on. If the Human Sovereign found out about this, I don't think he would stand by and let such a big thing happen.

There is a monster outside who wants to invade our Chaoge City, how can it work? "Daji told Bai Qian her inner thoughts to Bai Qian.

He just looked at him lightly, and then said to Daji, "Daji, you still have the nerve to tell me this here, do you know?

All of this was done by yourself, how dare you tell Renhuang that Renhuang is probably already drunk by that pipa spirit, and fell asleep in some palace.

There is no need to alarm the Emperor about this matter, I have an idea, let me talk about it later, you can see if it will work, if this time it is not because of you, Chaoge City is still a bustling 997.

How can you fall into this field, you still have the nerve to speak here. "When Bai Qian heard what Empress Daji said, she was a little angry.

If it wasn't for Empress Daji who fell in love with Lin Buer by mistake.

How could the attacker of the emperor's seal in Chaoge City's underground palace be given to Lin Buer.

If this incident was not due to his mistake, Lin Buer would not have broken through the dignity of heaven from the body of a saint, and it would be absolutely impossible for Lin Buer to hold the Emperor Seal.

Tao Zhiyao died, let go of the contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang threw such a mutated person outside Chaoge City, it was obvious that this John Xungang.

With a slight mistake, the entire Chaoge City will be turned into a mess by John's steel, and it might not be possible for all the people in this city to have this palace in Chaoge City.

They will all be crushed to pieces by the John Xungang in front of them. All of this is due to the mistake of Empress Daji, who fell in love with Lin Buer, otherwise such a thing would never have happened.

Thinking about it now, he was a little angry during the day, so he didn't have the slightest face to say these words to Daji, "Aunt Bai Qian's words are wrong, you can calm down.

Don't push everything on me, Daji, I can't afford it, I don't know what Aunt Bai Qian's intention is, why do these things have to be pushed on me (ajbh)?

When I met Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun in Tiangong just now, they talked like you, and they seemed to blame me for everything.

Am I really doing something wrong?how can that be possible?As the empress of Chaoge City, I own everything in this city.

How could it be possible that the Empress Nuwa who was muttering to me there was too stingy just for the sake of breaking the seal of the Emperor.

Isn't it the seal of a human emperor?Even the emperor threw that thing in the treasure house of the underground palace for a long time. He didn't even look at it. I really don't know what you guys think.

He also regarded that thing as a treasure, and any treasure in Chaoge City's public treasure house would be priceless, much more valuable than the Renhuang Seal.

And you ignorant Xiao Ming really don't know what to say, if Empress Nuwa finds any treasure in the future, I'll just give it to him.

As for the Human Emperor Seal, I have already given it to Lin Buer, how could I get it back from him? ".

Chapter 250 Four Chaoge Bedroom

When Empress Daji heard what Bai Qian said, he was a little angry, and always felt that everything seemed unlucky enough today, and it was all aimed at him.

Whether it is the tone of Aunt Bai Qian talking to him now, it has never been done before, or today, Empress Nuwa saw herself in the Heavenly Palace.

Consciousness is also speaking, and this attitude makes Daji a little unacceptable. You must know that Aunt Baiqian summoned herself to come outside Chaoge City to reprimand herself.

Thinking about it, I wouldn't deliberately come here to suffer this kind of grievance, "I'll come over quickly to see if the two fox demons outside Chaoge City are Bai Qian and Daji~ They really have a heart.

If you dare to come outside Chaoge City to watch the excitement, it won’t be long before you will be killed by John Xungang, these two goblins are really brave.”

"Why do I feel that Daji's face is not right this time, what happened to him? Did he hide Lin Bu-er.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Lin Buer not to come out to see us, Daji is so courageous now.

Encountered such a dangerous situation, he actually had the courage to appear on Chaoge City. It seems that Lin Buer must be secretly protecting him, just watch.

Lin Buer must be with that little vixen, otherwise Lin Buer wouldn't be able to escape so that we can't see him. "

"How is it possible? How could Lin Buer fall in love with that vixen? Don't worry, I always feel that Lin Buer can't be with that vixen.

If he was really with that vixen and you didn't see that vixen, would he be willing to come outside Chaoge City?He had already returned to his bedroom in Chaoge City with Lin Buer.

You still don't know that his two strokes are the tricks of some demon clan's fox charm."

"Then tell me, where did Lin Buer go? I was afraid to move in the live broadcast room, for fear that I might miss something.

I can't see where Lin Buer has gone. Look at how happy John Xungang from the beautiful country is, and now he is constantly shouting in mid-air.

If he moved his body again, I'm afraid the whole Chaoge City would be destroyed by him, what should we do? "

"Tell me, can Lin Buer sneak into the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City by himself, maybe steal something again.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Or he just thought that the room in the underground palace of Chaoge City where the beasts of the Shan Hai Jing were sealed could not be done well.

He wanted to release two alien beasts from Shan Hai Jing to compete with the mutated John Xungang, so that Lin Buer would be able to defeat John Xungang without any effort?

I think Lin Buer should return to the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City again, let's see, I guess it should be right. "


"If that's what you think, then you're right.

Lin Buer is also too witty, I think if Lin Buer really has this kind of thinking, then why would he talk to John Xungang there.

Let him entertain himself outside Chaoge City, Lin Buer can take the opportunity to get some more treasures and return to Xia Kingdom.

It's better to get something practical, as if John Xungang from the beautiful country is just there for nothing, Lin Buer is smarter.

John Xungang, who knows that he can't beat the beautiful country, might as well take the opportunity to get some benefits.

Go to Chaoge City, steal more treasures from the palace and return to Xia Kingdom, so you can show your prestige. "Several.

Chapter 250

The people in Lin Buer's live broadcast room have been watching the dynamics in the entire Shan Haijing live broadcast room, watching when Lin Buer disappeared.

All the onlookers in the live broadcast room were there to speculate on Lin Buer's whereabouts.

But many onlookers generally believed that Lin Buer might have returned to Chaoge City's underground palace treasure house again, "Fake, Lin Buer is a coward.

Whoever said that he went to the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City in "Nine Nine Seven" again, I don't think so, we all think that Lin Buer must have escaped with his Emperor Seal.

You were so optimistic about this cowardly guy before, right?

He wasn't so lucky this time, you didn't see that John Xungang, our contestant from the beautiful country, can be so tall and mighty now, devouring the spiritual power of so many strange beasts in Shan Hai Jing.

Presumably Lin Buer is not his opponent at all, I guess Lin Buer will never appear in the live broadcast room this time, I advise you to go to other live broadcast rooms to watch.

Lin Buer may never come back. Those treasures in the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City will always belong to our beautiful country. What does it have to do with your country Xia.

Especially the kind of kimchi country that overestimates its capabilities, now it's all right, you don't have the support of Lin Buer from Xia country anymore, it seems that you two idiots will go back soon."

"Xiba, shut your mouths, you have no right to accuse us of kimchi country, you know? Everyone has their own ideas.

What if we are optimistic about Lin Buer?Our team will always stand on the side of Xia Guo, and Lin Buer is Xia Hou's player.

We must be optimistic about Lin Buer.

Lin Buer has now broken through from his sage body to the position of Heavenly Dao. Could it be that you, a player who can kill strange beasts, John Xungang, can be compared with Lin Buer.

Don't look at your beautiful country player John Xungang's mutation into this state, then his spiritual power and cultivation will not last long.

He can still crush Lin Buer's power of the law of heaven, what a joke, I advise you to keep your eyes wide open and think about your retreat.

Now that Lin Buer has mastered the Zhenzi Jue of Renhuangyin, think about what else you can say here, now all the luck of the human race is in the hands of Xia Guo...  ...

You should think about it now, what will happen to you in the future, you will be condemned for speaking arbitrarily in this live broadcast room, with so many onlookers.

Can you guys talk freely here?People of the beautiful country, you are so arrogant, dare to say that we are the country of kimchi here. "The officials in the command room of Kimchi Country.

Seeing the people of the beautiful country in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room, insulting Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie of the Kimchi Kingdom, this made the Kimchi Kingdom unable to hold back their emotions.

Because Kimchi Kingdom doesn't want to participate at all, these things have nothing to do with them at 1.7, because now Lin Buer even disappeared in the live broadcast room.

Kimchi Kingdom also believes that Lin Buer is definitely not the kind of person who perfidiously abandons Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoser's teammates. Lin Buer should have chosen to practice in a certain place or find a way to deal with John Xungang in the beautiful country.

It will definitely not be like what they said, so Kimchi Country has been suppressing its anger and refusing to speak.

Chapter 250 Six Invincible

I didn't expect that the people in the beautiful country were so courageous, and they directly criticized the Kimchi country in the live broadcast room. This kind of suppressed arrogance, the Kimchi country is a small citizen.

He will never tolerate it, because the way of the kimchi country can only turn his own country's fortune around by joining hands with Lin Buerxia, who firmly grasps the fate of the emperor.

If this kind of powerful fortune affects Lin Buer and Xia Guo a little bit, it will give them the strong belief that Kimchi Country will have a stronger national music than Meili Country.

All the officials in the command room of the kimchi country thought so in their hearts.So facing the people of the beautiful country in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

Insulting the pickle country with that dirty language there, the people in the 09 command room of the pickle country couldn't stand it anymore.

There they immediately issued their protest, a series of speeches.

It was running continuously throughout the live broadcast room, and the screens on the live broadcast room, every word and every word, were telling about Lin Buer's disappearance, and the onlookers were constantly guessing there.

Where did Lin Buer go when he disappeared this time? Did he really go to the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City to open the seal of the strange beasts of Shan Hai Jing to deal with John Xungang as they said?

Or Lin Buer, who really escaped after getting the seal of the emperor, and was able to turn his back on his teammates, Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

Abandoned their teammates and went back to Xia Guo by themselves, because the mutation of John Xungang's entire body this time caused John Xungang's body to undergo a considerable change.

He has already been able to destroy the entire Chaoge City with his own body. This powerful ability is seen by John Xungang in all the onlookers in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

The contestants in their beautiful country are indeed extremely powerful and invincible. This kind of powerful force is something they have never seen before. They all feel that the strength of John Xungang alone is enough to turn the whole situation around.

Therefore, the people in some of their live broadcast rooms are not optimistic about Lin Buer, but some people are still on Lin Buer's side, and they all express their opinions there.

Some defended Lin Buer, and some were still there to slander whether Lin Buer was thinking about the two goblins Daji in Chaoge City and was reluctant to leave.

Maybe it's really what the onlookers in the live broadcast room thought. They should have gone to the underground palace of Chaoge City, and maybe they were hidden by Daji.

Lin Buer ran into the Heavenly Palace alone. With his way of heaven and the body of a saint, Lin Buer looked down at the situation below Chaoge City from the sky.

Lin Buer 997 thought that John Xungang from the beautiful country had mutated into this. If he fought John Xungang in Chaoge City, Chaoge City would be destroyed in a generation.

Now John Xungang's strength is beyond the reach of the community, Lin Buer, in the Tiangong, pondering how to crush John Xungang's current arrogance.

Because forcibly confronting John Xungang can also win John Xungang, but it will endanger the innocent people in Chaoge City.

They are all flesh and blood, how can they withstand the crushing force of John Xungang?If it was John Xungang who was caught outside Chaoge City by himself.

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