Chapter 250 Seventh God's Phantom

If Chaoge City is beheaded, it will definitely be destroyed in the hands of John Xungang, and then he will become a sinner.

It's just that the entire Chaoge City is destroyed for the sake of one Human Emperor Yin'er, how can it be done?Isn't this the same as changing history?

Lin Buer was thinking about this matter in his heart, and it really couldn't be as simple as he imagined, so he must think of a safe way to change it.

The current situation must not allow John Xungang to endanger the entire Chaoge City. Although Chaoge City's strength is approaching now, it is absolutely not.

Because Chaoge City will be destroyed in this way, Lin Buer is thinking about this matter now.

When Lin Buer was at a loss, suddenly Lin Buer felt a powerful divine light behind him, a powerful phantom exhibition.

Now in front of Lin Buer, Lin Buer frowned, not knowing what he wanted to do when this need appeared in front of him now.

But Lin Buer knew that when this powerful divine power was displayed in front of him, it must be the existence of the protoss in their Tiangong, otherwise this powerful divine power.

It's not what those cultivators in the fairy world can show, "Sage Wuxin came, but it's really timely, I don't need to go to the lower realm to find your meaning.

Unexpectedly, Wuxin sent someone to come to the Heavenly Palace ahead of time. It seems that Wuxin Saint's power of the law of heaven is really powerful, and he has cultivated to such a pure love.

I'm still ecstatic that the Wuxin sage came here. I really have something urgent to recruit the Wuxin sage to come to the Heavenly Palace. I mean, I hope you will help me with this matter.

Help the entire human race escape from suffering, and help the entire god race to be stable. "." Lin Buer heard the phantom in the sky appear in front of him.

Then he kept calling his own name, as if asking himself to help him solve something, which made Lin Buer frowned, not knowing exactly what happened.

Can you find yourself? That's right, I'm not an unintentional saint now, and I broke through the position of Heavenly Dao with the body of a saint. This person can know this well.

What is the origin of this god-man, Lin Buer was still pondering in his heart, "Where is the god-man there, sneaky.

Why don't you show your real body to discuss with me, why use your phantom to show it, don't I just have phantom online as a gift for someone else?You can talk lightly about anything.

Although I am only a heavenly venerable who has cultivated a physical body, even if I can help you gods in this way, I will definitely help you.

It's just that I still don't know who you are, why do you ask me for help?Ask me for help, what kind of thing is it for? "

Lin Buer pondered in his heart, who is this?For no reason (Nonuo Zhao) just called his own name, wanting to help them, what was the reason?

It seems that this matter is really not simple, it is better to let him show his true body, so that I can see clearly who has such a great ability and wants me to help.

Although Lin Buer knew that he had stepped into the heaven from the body of a saint, that was nothing more than some of his abilities, so what could he do to help God? .

Chapter 250 Eighth Live Disconnection

"Where did Lin Buer go? Now that the system has sent him a lot of messages, why doesn't Lin Buer reply now?

Tell me quickly, find Lin Buer for me, he is walking around with the Renhuang gold, he is not afraid of causing any troubles, and he will take the Renhuang seal back to Xia Guo as soon as possible.

This brat is getting more and more courageous, and now he doesn't even dare to reply to the messages sent to him by the system. What is this brat up to?

Didn't you see that those people in the live broadcast room were yelling about what they were misunderstanding, Lin 997 Buer felt that Lin Buer had brought the Human Emperor Seal back to our country of Xia.

They didn't know that Lin Buer, a stinky boy, paid so much attention that he didn't even reply to Xia Guo. It seemed that this was what those people in the live broadcast room said.

It should be that Lin Buer took his Renhuang Seal and ran to the underground palace of Chaoge City. Maybe he fell in love with that vixen Daji, what is this brat doing.

Bai Yuekui is no better than that vixen, so hurry up and send some more messages to Bai Yuekui, and if you know Lin Buer's location, hurry up and get in touch with our command room (ajbh).

But don't delay, I feel a little angry when I think about Lin Buer, a stinky boy, and now he doesn't even reply to the system's message, a bold guy.

See how I deal with him when he comes back. "Wu Nian'an in Xia Guoguo Yun's command room saw the crowd of onlookers in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, slandering Lin Buer there.

And Lin Buer disappeared from the live broadcast room again, which made Wu Nian'an feel very strange, because at the moment Lin Buer disappeared.

He had ordered the staff in his command room to send several messages to Lin Buer, but it was so strange that Lin Buer didn't even reply to the message.

I don't know what happened to Lin Buer. Logically speaking, Wu Nian'an knew that Lin Buer should have replied to him. Why is there no clue yet?

"Wu Nian'an, I always feel that you are thinking too much now, maybe Lin Buer's system is stuck and disconnected again.

So he couldn't receive the message, maybe he couldn't receive our message in his space, he must have been disconnected, otherwise Lin Buer wouldn't have the guts not to reply to your message.

I feel that something should be wrong, just wait and see, maybe if Lin Buer sees the message prompt later, he will be able to reply to your message.

You always send messages like this to anger Lin Buer, and he will really not reply to you when the time comes. You have nothing to do, and you also know that our system is not good at all.

If it doesn’t work out, the line will get stuck, and sometimes we can’t receive the messages that Lin Buer sends us?Just wait and see now, don't worry, don't care what those people in the live broadcast room say.

This doesn't affect us at all. Now that all luck is in Xia Guo's hands, what are you afraid of? "Those people in Xia Guo Guo Yun's command room.

After hearing the instructions given by Wu Nian'an, they all felt that Wu Nian'an was overthinking. It should be that there was a problem with their system, otherwise Lin Buer would never dare not reply to Wu Nian'an's message.

Wu Nian'an heard what their colleagues said, and felt that it made sense. Their broken system always has such problems. When it is critical, it will freeze, and the line will be stuck.

Chapter 250 Nine System Problems

So Lin Buer couldn't connect with their information intermittently, which also made them very angry, but they could still see their current situation in the live broadcast room.

"It can only be like this, Lin Buer has disappeared now, I just want to contact him as quickly as possible, unlike those people in the live broadcast room who said these things about Lin Buer.

I was a little angry, Lin Buer would definitely not be such a person, think about it, even John Xungang can really kill.

He can still comment on Lin Buer's blind date, isn't this just a joke?

I also don't believe that the Kimchi Kingdom is right. I feel that the people in the Kingdom of Xia who are able to support us in the Kimchi Kingdom are not optimistic about it. What does Lin Buer think?

The guys who don't have a lot of brains, when their luck is gone, they will regret it, and the whole transportation has already been transferred to our country of Xia.

We are still worried about what we are not afraid of. I am thinking about it now. Let's take a step and see how Lin Buer does it. Let's talk about it, Lin Buer will never give up on Bai Yuekui.

Hurry up and send a message to Bai Yuekui. If there is news about Lin Buer, let him report to our command room as soon as possible.

This Lin Buer is really worrying, things that don't worry about always disappear, which makes people lose their tongues, you didn't see what those people in the live broadcast room said, it's so ugly, I can't listen to it anymore."

When Wu Nian'an heard these words from the colleagues in the command room, he felt that this was the only way to go. Their system really gave him a headache so many times - he told his superiors all about it.

Let them replace a batch of new system equipment, they are reluctant to inject - such a large amount of money.

It's really a bit of a delay, it seems that now they can only wait here for Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, and he can bring them some good news.

"Daji, what are you looking at there? Now that the entire Chaoge City is in such a big crisis, don't you think you're still dreaming about it?

You annoying little thing, you're still thinking about Lin Buer, aren't you?You don't even think about it, if it weren't for your audacity this time.

Given the treasure Emperor Seal of Chaoge City Underground Palace, can Lin Buer cause such a big trouble now?I'm really going to take care of you.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Do you know how much trouble you have caused us Yaozu?If that human emperor seal had been delivered to our Yaozu, the situation would be quite different now.

You acted recklessly just to curry favor with Lin Buer, and actually gave him the Seal of the Emperor, I really don’t know what to say about you, it’s okay now.


Lin Buer already holds the Renhuang seal, Tao Zhiyaoyao, and throws all the troubles to Chaoge City. Haven't you seen what John Xungang looks like now?

He can destroy our entire Chaoge City by raising his foot to expel power at will. Is this the result you want to see?If this matter is known by the emperor.

You think about the fact that the Emperor can easily forgive you, but you haven't thought about remedial measures yet, you are still waiting and watching, and you are still thinking about that little boy Lin Buer outside Chaoge City.

Do you think that even if Lin Buer appears here, what strength can he still have to contend with the current John Xungang. "Aunt Baiqian saw Empress Daji's eyes almost.

Chapter 260 Super Divine Power

He was very annoyed that he never got back from outside Chaoge City, and he always wanted to get Daji over to him, so that he and himself could figure out a way to save him.

If the emperor found out about Chaoge City, they would not be able to get rid of their ties. Unexpectedly, Empress Daji was still thinking about Lin Buer, which made Bai Qian very angry.

You must know that such a powerful baby was sent to Lin Buer by Daji's attacker.

"Ninety-seven" He was a little nervous thinking about it now, but he didn't expect that Daji still didn't consider the fate of Chaoge City at this critical moment, and was still thinking about that little boy, how could this work?

This vixen is really irritating, their Yaozu can show such a thing, it really embarrasses their Yaozu, "Auntie, don't talk about me here.

Even now that this matter is a foregone conclusion, what can I do?Whether it's you or Empress Nuwa, he's always talking about this matter. Does this matter have anything to do with me?

Isn't it the seal of a human emperor?What else can I do if I send it all away?I also want to take him back from Lin Buer's hands, and I have to see Lin Buer.

Well, aunt, don't blame me there. Don't worry when I see Lin Buer, I will definitely get Lin Buer's man Huang Yun back.

There are so many treasures in our underground palace protection in Chaoge City, I wonder if Lin Buer can't be tempted?Who would have thought of getting back the Human Emperor's Seal? That crap is worthless at all.

Auntie, think about those treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace, which one is not worth more than Renhuang's seal? Lin Buer is too stupid, he has no heart at all. I was still laughing at him there before.

I didn't expect that all of you have the same idea as Lin Buer. I don't even know what the use of that Emperor Seal is. If I know that you also like aunt, can I not keep it for you? "

Daji still can't figure out why Aunt Baiqian and Empress Nuwa both fell in love with Renhuangye, and even Lin Buer showed a surprised expression the moment he saw Renhuangyin.

It seems that their vision is really short-sighted, as if they put so many treasures in the underground palace, don't pay attention to that worthless Emperor's Seal.

When Aunt Baiqian heard these words from Daji's mouth, Baiqian was stunned for an instant, and she couldn't even utter a complete sentence.  …

Bai Qian was wondering whether this stinking girl Daji was really stupid or fake, and he didn't even see such a precious thing as the Emperor's seal.

That human emperor seal can have such a powerful magical power as a treasure that can change all fortunes, a treasure that even the Nuwa Empress in the Heavenly Palace can see in her eyes.

Now that Daji hasn't reacted, this little fox thinks every day that it's nothing more than Lei Wujie's face like Renhuang and Lin Buer, and Bo Yikao.

He is worthy of being the vixen among their demon clan, and what he thinks about every day is the short-sighted things in front of him, which makes the daytime feel an unprecedented 1.7 emptiness.

I don't know how to explain these things to Daji. It seems that he must explain the things here to Daji before he can feel the importance of the seal of the emperor.

Only then can I completely sink my heart and cheat the Emperor's Seal back from Lin Bu's second hand.

"Daji, your courage is getting bigger and bigger, and now you don't even care about what Empress Nuwa said to my aunt Baiqian.".

Chapter 260 Rise and Fall Are Inevitable

Daji, don't tell me you're only thinking about Bo Yikao and Lin Bu Erhuang, don't you think about the future fate of our monster clan?

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