Don't you just think about these tricks to seduce people in your mind, and don't you take into account the future fate of our demon clan at all? "

Bai Qian saw that Empress Daji was absent-minded when she spoke, and he was still looking around outside Chaoge City, so he knew that Daji didn't take this matter into consideration at all.

The rise and fall of their demon clan had nothing to do with Daji, Bai Qian was there to reprimand, Daji was thinking about whether her cursing could pull Daji out of his thoughts.

He must be made to consider the future rise and fall of Yaozu, "Alright Aunt Bai Qian, don't talk about me in that 09, I don't want to be like this either.

But I really don't understand now, why you are all targeting Lin Buer there, whether it is Empress Nuwa, Yuan Yuan Tianzun or you are all telling about Lin Buer.

I always feel that Lin Buer is not like what you said, you didn't see that now Lin Buer has stepped into the Dao of Heaven, and his status is above you and me.

I think if we can keep Lin Buer in Chaoge City, he will definitely help us get rid of this bad luck in Chaoge City, when Daji just finished speaking from Aunt Bai Qian.

From the tone of Aunt Bai Qian's words, she could already feel the anger in Aunt Bai Qian's heart, but Daji didn't know why they were all targeting Lin Buer.

Isn't it the Emperor's seal that was given to Lin Buer?What's so great about playing Huang Yin alone? Empress Nuwa and Aunt Baiqian are all fussing here.

Now Daji doesn't know how to explain to them, but seeing the affectionate Daji who is angry with Aunt Baiqian there, she knows that she must not go on talking.

Otherwise, Aunt Bai Qian will definitely be furious. If Lin Buer really returns to Chaoge City, Aunt Bai Qian will not give Lin Buer a good face.

Wouldn't it be very embarrassing for me like that, "Daji, what are you thinking about in your head? Don't you see that now Lin Buer has obtained the Emperor Seal.

He has already escaped from Chaoge City, and there is no movement of him now. You are still counting on Lin Buer to return to Chaoge City again to help you deal with John Xungang from the beautiful country.

what are you thinkingI think it's impossible for this to happen at all, so don't think about me there, and the Yaozu can't just stand by and watch.

Let John Xungang do whatever he wants in our Chaoge City, so you don't mention Lin Buer in front of me in the future, do you know that?When I think about him now, I get angry with embarrassment.

Unless you take back the Renhuang Seal from Lin Buer, if you dare to mention Lin Buer in front of me in the future, if I see Lin Buer, I will definitely not be merciful.

It's not that you don't know the strength of our Qingqiu. How can I let Lin Buer get involved in Chaoge City, unless you can obey my will.

Bring me back the seal of Renhuang from Lin Bu's second hand, and the two of us will not stay here in Chaoge City for so long, such a good baby.

You actually gave up palmistry to Lin Buer, you are getting more and more courageous. " Bai Qian said while watching the movement outside Chaoge City.

I'm afraid that John Xungang's mistake will lead to the destruction of Chaoge City.

Chapter 260

"Aunt Bai Qian, why do you and Empress Nuwa both want the Emperor's Seal? What's the use of the Emperor's Seal? I still don't know.

I just think that the Seal of the Human Emperor is just an ordinary treasure. In the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City, even the Human Emperor doesn't bother to look at him.

What kind of use does he have? You haven't told me why you and Empress Nuwa are so angry. They are all thinking about why I gave Lin Buer the seal of the emperor.

If Lin Buer likes that worthless and inconspicuous thing, just give it to him, but you are still angry with me here, I really don’t know what you think.”

After Daji finished speaking, she immediately looked at Bai Qian and knew about it, and she should have known it.

He just wanted to understand what kind of use the Human Emperor's Seal was for Bai Qian or Nuwa Empress, and why he had given the Human Emperor's Seal to Lin Buer when he heard about it.

Their reaction was so strong, it seems that this is definitely not as simple as I thought in my heart, so Daji dared to ask Bai Qian.

As soon as Empress Daji finished speaking, Bai Qian beside her was furious. She really didn't know what this little fairy was thinking about all day.

Don't you just think about Lin Buer all day long, and don't even think about it, relying on Lin Buer, now that you have the emperor's seal in your hand, can you still fall in love with you, a vixen?

It's wishful thinking, to actually get the Emperor's Seal in his hand, Lin Buer must have escaped from Chaoge City, and now John Xungang's appearance is so terrifying.

He must have devoured the spiritual power and cultivation of those strange beasts. Master Lin Buer didn't want to fight against him. If it were him, he would think so too.

It's better to leave this place as soon as possible, after all, now that the emperor's seal has been obtained, what happens here has absolutely nothing to do with him.

"Daji, let me ask you, even though you don't know what the Seal of the Human Emperor means, so this time Empress Nuwa summoned you to the Heavenly Palace to discuss matters.

What exactly did I tell you?Tell me about it, and I'd like to hear why Empress Nuwa is looking for you. "." Daji heard Aunt Bai Qian asking about this matter.

He was furious in his heart, because it was meaningless to him to talk about these words with Empress Nuwa in the sky this time, because Empress Nuwa was furious.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have suffered such a serious injury. Now that I think about it, Daji is still very angry. Hearing Bai Qian's question, he said casually to Aunt Bai Qian.

"` ‖Don't mention it, Aunt Baiqian, this time Empress Nuwa saw me go to the Tiangong to discuss matters, I went for nothing this time." Empress Daji was very angry when she thought of this matter.

She just casually talked to Aunt Bai Qian, and when Bai Qian heard what Da Ji said, he felt suspicious (Nuo Nuo Zhao) because he knew that Empress Nuwa had seen Da Ji this time.

But there is a very important thing to go up with him, otherwise it would be impossible to summon him so anxiously, how could this be a waste of time, it must be that Empress Daji misunderstood what Empress Nuwa meant.

It seems that this vixen didn't take what the Empress Nuwa said to her heart at all, she must figure it out, and don't delay Empress Nuwa's will, she will definitely be punished when the time comes.

Chapter 260

Thinking of this, Bai Qian immediately asked Daji, "Daji is wrong, Empress Nuwa summoned you to the Heavenly Palace to discuss matters this time, I don't think it will be that simple.

Tell me quickly, what did Empress Nuwa tell you this time, and why I feel that something is wrong, and I definitely won't let you go through it for nothing.

You must have misunderstood or delayed it because of something. You must not disobey the orders of the Empress Nuwa, you know?That way you'll keep your eye on the sky.

At that time, if you spoil the good deeds of Empress Nuwa, she will definitely not let you off lightly. Now your courage is getting bigger and bigger. "After Bai Qian finished asking.

Immediately looking at Daji next to her, "Auntie is fine, it's just that Empress Nuwa told me that Chaoge City 997 is about to get angry and asked me what's going on.

I didn't say anything, and I saw the divine light outside Chaoge City soaring into the sky, heading straight for Jiuxiao. At that time, Yuan Tianzun was also beside Nuwa Empress.

Neither of them knew where this divine light came from, so Shuikou Nuwa Empress asked me about the current situation of Chaoge City, and I casually told Nuwa Empress.

After I gave Lin Buer the precious seal of the emperor from the underground palace of Chaoge City, Auntie, you never thought that when Empress Nuwa heard what I said.

Empress Nuwa had the same expression as you just now, she was furious, and Empress Nuwa threw me down from the sky without seeing me, and almost killed me.

When I was about to leave, Nuwa Empress also told me to take the Renhuang Seal back from Lin Buer's hand, Aunt Baiqian, it's not like you don't know.

Now that I have given the Renhuang Seal to Lin Buer, there is no reason to want it back. This is simply unreasonable, so I can only temporarily agree to Empress Nuwa.

Anyway, I didn't want to come back, but I have already given the Renhuang Seal to Lin Buer, so there is no reason to go back on my word."

Empress Daji, Aunt Baiqian was still there to be clever and learned his things from Aunt Baiqian from beginning to end, and she always felt these things that Empress Nuwa (ajbh) said now.

There is simply no way to do it. He has already given the Seal of the Emperor to Lin Buer, and it is absolutely impossible to get it back from him.

When Bai Qian heard what Empress Daji said, she almost pissed him off, because Bai Qian knew that what Empress Nuwa said was true.

Now it seems that Brother Chao's fate is really close to the end, and he was screwed up by this vixen, and he was able to give up the emperor's seal that changed bad luck into luck.

Then it's no wonder that Chaoge City's luck is not improving, isn't it all destroyed by the vixen Daji?If he is really able to obey Empress Nuwa's orders.

Taking back the Renhuang Seal from Lin Buer's hands, I am afraid that the current situation can be changed, otherwise this matter is a foregone conclusion, and there is no possibility of changing it at all.

"Daji wants me to tell you that your courage is getting bigger and bigger. Do you know that the Human Emperor's Seal is an ordinary treasure in your eyes, but do you know that there are huge universes and secrets hidden in the Human Emperor's Seal.

You always think that Lin Buer's brain is not enough, but have you ever thought of Lin Buer?

Chapter 260 Four

He was able to get all the seals of the human emperor. It is because his brain is not working well, or your mother Daji is too stupid. Do you know that you handed over the seals of the human emperor to Lin Buer.

It's just that the luck of the entire Chaoge City was just transferred to Lin Buer. At that time, brother Chao Chengqi will not come in, just like your baby girl said, the luck will be gone.

You still want Chaoge City to turn around, isn't that just a joke?Hurry up and take the Renhuang Seal back from Lin Buer's hand.

Otherwise, your energy in Chaoge City is really close to this Chaoge City, and you just hand over to Lin Buer to them~Xiqi's Jiang Ziya?

Daji, you don't want to think about it. If the Emperor finds out about this matter, do you think the Emperor will let you go?Even if - the emperor loves you again.

I'm afraid you've handed over his world, do you think that as the emperor, he can still let you enjoy a comfortable life in Chaoge City?Did Nuwa-Niangniang say something wrong?

You don’t understand anything at all now, and you actually gave Lin Buer all the most important things in Chaogecheng, so it’s no wonder that Empress Nuwa is angry.”

As soon as Aunt Baiqian's words fell, Daji who was on the side was stunned. He never knew that among the treasures in the Emperor's Underground Palace, the most valuable one was the Emperor's Seal. He saw the Emperor's Seal.

It is simply the most inconspicuous baby, so why is it the most valuable?But now he gave such a good baby to Lin Buer.

If I want to come back again, wouldn't I let my face be swept away, then Lin Buer will never talk to me again, so what should I do?

Seeing that Aunt Baiqian and Empress Nuwa were so angry, Daji knew about it, and it seemed that she really had to obey Empress Nuwa's orders.

Absolutely not to be tolerated, that is a little vixen in the Protoss, how can he fight against the Nuwa Empress, and then he will be punished by heaven.

Now Empress Daji recalled Lin Buer's elated expression at the moment when she got the Emperor's Seal, and now Empress Daji seems to have reacted a little bit.

It turned out that Lin Buer had always known that Renhuang Ye contained such a great universe that could change people's luck. So, what Nuwa Empress and Aunt Bai Qian said was right.

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If Lin Buer got the Renhuang Seal, it would be equivalent to giving Lin Buer the spirit of the entire Chaoge City, and wouldn't it be the same as surrendering the entire Chaoge City Yegong to Lin Buer?

How can this work?If Renhuang really found out about this, then if this matter is brought to light, Renhuang will definitely not spare him lightly, and change the hands of Renhuang's country.


The Emperor had no choice but to kill him, "What can I do, aunt? You must save me, this time you must not offend the Emperor, let alone Empress Nuwa.

These two are people I can't afford to offend. Whether they are in the God Race or the Human Race, they all miss me from above. How can a little vixen from the Monster Race be their opponents.

Maybe I really made a big mistake this time, but now that I have handed over the Human Emperor Seal to Lin Buer, how can I repent, and Lin Buer has disappeared in this Chaogecheng? It seems that this matter We have no way to turn things around, so what can we do?If Empress Nuwa really blamed me how much.

Chapter 260 Five Sloppy

I think the hundreds of years of Taoism I practiced in Qingqiu will be destroyed in one day? "Besides, it may be too late to hear Empress Daji's voice of repentance now.

He has now given the Renhuang Seal to Lin Buer. If he really wants to change the current situation, he can only cheat the Renhuang Seal back from Lin Buer.

But now Lin Buer has disappeared outside Chaoge City. It is not easy to find Lin Buer. "Ninety-seven" is more difficult than going to heaven, unless Lin Buer can return to Chaoge City in person.

With Empress Daji's charm technique, it is possible to deceive Lin Bushou to get the Emperor's seal back, "Okay Daji, it's too late for you to regret it now.

Let's wait until Lin Buer appears. If Lin Buer really appears in Chaoge City, no matter what means you use, you must coax the Seal of Human Emperor back from Lin Buer's hands.

That would change the fate of the entire Chaoge Yin Shang. Jiang Ziya must not be allowed to lead the Xiqi army to attack the Yin Shang. Wouldn't your glory be destroyed by Jiang Ziya and the others?

It is absolutely impossible to let the emperor's seal fall into Lin Buer's hands. Do you know that you must take the emperor's seal back from Lin Buer's hands.

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