Otherwise, Chaoge's Qi has been completed, and if it is really destiny that Chaoge City's Qi is approaching, then we can take the Renhuang Seal and return to our Qingqiu to use the skills in the Renhuang Seal

Could it also make the gods fear our monsters? If the human Huang Yi can be owned by our monsters, then their gods will definitely be afraid of our monsters.

And it will definitely not be like now, you will be bullied and bullied by Nuwa empress, you know?You must not be careless about this matter.

The matter of the Human Emperor's Seal is in your hands. When you see Lin Buer, you must use all your tricks, and you must also get the Human Emperor's Seal. The two of us will bring them back to Qingqiu.

For our entire demon clan, it has the effect of turning the world around." When Bai Qian heard what Da Ji said to her during the day, Bai Qian expressed his inner thoughts.

I just want to use Daji's beauty to let him use his seductive techniques to confuse Lin Buer after seeing Lin Buer, and coax the seal of the emperor out of Lin Buer.

In this way, I can get the Human Emperor's Seal and return to Qingqiu. If I use it well, then wouldn't their Protoss be subverted by the Monster Race, and the Human Emperor's Seal is 0...

All the luck belongs to their Yaozu, Bai Qian thought of this.

She felt that this matter had a chance to succeed, because Bai Qian also knew that Lin Buer might not be able to give up Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaose, and would definitely return to Chaoge City again.

Rescue Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser from John Xungang's hands, absolutely not let John Xungang crush Bai Yuekui, "See if you hear me.

Now those two vixens are discussing something in the city of Chaoge City. They still want Lin Buer to send the Renhuang Seal to Daji again. How is this possible in 1.7?

How could Lin Buer be confused by a vixen like her." "That's why these two vixens are wishful thinking there, if Lin Buer really wants to go back to Chaoge City.

That's also because of the existence of Bai Yuekui, he absolutely can't just throw Bai Yuekui at Chaoge casually, and he still wants to regain the beauty of the Emperor's Seal from Lin Bushou".

Chapter 260 The sixth is powerless to refute

"It's hard to say, you haven't seen that Lin Buer has already broken through Renhuangyin's Zhenzi Jue, I think it won't take long for Lin Buer to break through Renhuangyin's other skills.

Don't even think about it, now that Chaoge City is so strong that Lin Buer can take advantage of such a good opportunity to go to Chaoge City to get some treasures back.

I think Lin Buer will never give up, such a good opportunity, can he create some treasures for Xia Guo, can't he? "But now Lin Buer has indeed left 09 with the seal of the emperor."

I don't know where he went, you didn't see Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser, Lei Wujie and the others panicked, now Bai Yuekui is directing Jin Xiaoser.

Lei Wujie managed to prevent the Liming people in Chaoge City from being beheaded by John Xungang, so now if Bai Yuekui reacted, Lin Buer would disappear.

I'm afraid he's sad now, I don't think Lin Buer may be able to come back, so don't wait there. "

"How is it possible? How could Lin Buer not come back? Stop talking nonsense there, and don't let the onlookers in the entire live broadcast room worry.

I think it is absolutely impossible for Lin Buer to give up if he comes back, and it is absolutely impossible for Bai Yuekui to forgive John Xungang from the beautiful country. Lin Buer is not that kind of person.

You haven't seen how arrogant John Xungang of the beautiful country is now, he roared unscrupulously in the mid-air, it seems that he is also there impatiently looking for the trace of Lin Buer. "

"Not necessarily, let's wait and see, I may not be able to get away with it, I think Lin Buer has absolutely nothing to choose this time, unless the only ones he can't let go are Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser and the others.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Lin Buer to come back, and if I were Lin Buer, I would never come back.

Why do you come back with treasures as good as Human Emperor Luck now? There are so many treasures in Chaoge City, they are not as good as a single Emperor Seal in his hand."

The people in Lin Buer's live broadcast room watched Lin Buer's live broadcast, and they are now anxiously looking for Lin Buer's figure there.

They don't know where Lin Buer has gone, and whether Lin Buer can return to Chaoge City again. Now they are really sweating for Lin Buer.

It seems that most of their onlookers still hope that Lin Buer can disappear from this live broadcast room, and then return to Xia Kingdom with the emperor's seal.

As for Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser, they are auspicious people who have their own will, and they are basically able to take care of themselves.

Don't worry too much, but there are also many onlookers who feel that Lin Buer is definitely not the kind of ungrateful person, and will definitely come back to save Bai Yuekui.

Can't let Bai Yuekui fall into the hands of John Xungang, "Lei Wujie, come quickly and see what the people in Lin Buer's live broadcast room 997 are saying?

Is Lin Buer that kind of person?I think Lin Buer will definitely come back to find Bai Yuekui and us, he will never let John Xungang kill us, don't worry.

I can be optimistic about Lin Buer's character. He will never give up on us. If you look at what those people said in the live broadcast room, I am a little angry and I can't refute them. "

Jin Xiaoseguang saw what the onlookers said in Lin Buer's live broadcast room, and he immediately found Lei Wujie to discuss this matter with him. It is really impossible for Bai Yuekui to know.

Chapter 260 VII Logic Irregularity

If Bai Yuekui knew that the onlookers in the live broadcast room were not optimistic about Lin Buer, he felt that Lin Buer would not be able to come back to save Bai Yuekui.

Then Bai Yuekui will be heartbroken, he is still there to dredge those Liming people in Chaoge City, it seems that it is almost the same.

There is now an emptiness outside Chaoge City.

Only John Xungang from the beautiful country was left there, roaring loudly, "Jin Xiaoser unexpectedly Bai Yuekui still doesn't know that the people in the live broadcast room are saying these words.

So you should not talk to Bai Yuekui about this for the time being, if Bai Yuekui hears what the onlookers in the live broadcast room say.

Bai Yuekui must be very sad. He is waiting for Lin Buer outside Chaoge City. Looking at him, he will never believe what the people in the live broadcast room said.

But Bai Yuekui still felt a little uneasy when he heard about it. I feel that Lin Buer will also return to Zhao Kecheng. Just watch, it will definitely not be like the unwarranted guesses of those people in the live broadcast room.

Didn't you hear those people in the live broadcast room still say that Lin Buer seems to be running after that vixen, how do you think Lin Buer can have a crush on Daji.

He doesn't know what he is discussing with Bai Qian now, and there must be nothing good. Haven't you seen the expressions on Daji and Bai Qian's faces now?

I think if the two of them are together, what good will the two fox spirits do? It seems that they must be going for Lin Buer, or it is now that Daji regrets giving Lin Buer the seal of the emperor.

Maybe he still wants to take the Emperor's Seal back from Lin Buer. "." Lei Wujie saw the onlookers in the live broadcast room saying what Lin Buer said.

In fact, Lei Wujie knew that Lin Buer would return to Chaoge City sooner or later, but now he didn't know where Lin Buer had really escaped. He should find a way to stop the beautiful John Xungang.

In this way, he will hurt the common people in Chaoge City. Now Lin Buer probably doesn't know that Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaose have led him and Jin Xiaose to leave Chaoge City.

Those Limin people have been evacuated, even if John Xungang does something now, I am afraid that the lives of those Liming people should be temporarily saved.

He was afraid that John Xungang would destroy the entire Chaoge City in a single thought, then he would definitely not be Bai Yuekui, and there were still things he could do.

Now I have done everything I can to help Lin Buer, but I don't know where Lin Buer has gone, which is really worrying.

Lei Wujie saw those onlookers in the live broadcast room saying what Lin Buer said, and he was afraid that Bai Yuekui would get angry when he saw the content in the live broadcast room, which would make Bai Yuekui feel frightened.

Because the onlookers in the live broadcast room also said that Lin Buer had fled to Chaoge City with the Renhuang Seal, and if he couldn't do it well (Nonuo Zhao), he wanted to exchange some treasures from that vixen.

how is this possible?Lin Buer will never hide anything from Bai Yuekui, even if he wants to return to Chaoge City again, the palace will definitely discuss with Bai Yuekui.

From a logical point of view, this matter does not work at all, and I don't know what the onlookers in the live broadcast room think, what kind of person they think of Lin Buer, "' ‖Lei Wujie, don't worry .

Chapter 260 Eight Unbearable Language

I can remember everything you told me. Although I speak freely, can I just talk nonsense about Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui?

I can't let Master's wife get angry because I'm still waiting for Master's wife to say more good things in front of Master and let Lin Buer teach me some skills. Look at Lin Buer who can break through his heavenly dignity now.

I think it won't take long for Lin Buer to increase its tonnage, even if it allows me to step into the position of a saint. "

When Jin Xiaose heard the words that Lei Wujie asked her, Jin Xiaose looked back, and Lei Wujie knew that now Lei Wujie must feel that his mouth likes to talk nonsense.

But Jin Xiaose knew it, how could he talk nonsense about this matter?

The onlookers in Bai Yuekui's sad live broadcast room must not be allowed to say whatever they want, right? He and Lei Wujie know what kind of person Lin Buer is.

Of course, Bai Yuekui also knew Lin Buer very well, and it was absolutely impossible for him to hold the Renhuang Seal.

To run away, he must be thinking of some way to deal with the current arrogance of the beautiful country John News Steel, watching the beautiful country John News Steel mutate into this look.

Lin Buer, can he not be in a hurry?Lin Buer must have figured out a way to go, and it will definitely not be like what the people in the live broadcast room said.

How is it possible that Lin Buer escaped (ajbh)?Bailanju Villa, where Lin Shide just finished his breakfast.

Inadvertently, he also looked back at the situation in the live broadcast room. Before that, he felt that Lin Buer was capable enough to crush John Xungang from the beautiful country.

So he wasn't worried about what would happen to his son Lin Buer at all. He thought that Lin Buer would return to Xia Kingdom with the Renhuang Seal in a short time.

Lin Shide was still eating leisurely at his dining table. His breakfast was just when he returned to the live broadcast room unintentionally and took a look.

In an instant, he lost his appetite for breakfast, and now Lin Shide saw that the screen in the live broadcast room was being typed densely by the keyboards of the onlookers.

After making a lot of unbearable words about Lin Buer, Lin Shide thought in his heart what happened to the onlookers in the live broadcast room, why they always aimed at Lin Buer?

Thinking about it now, it was because Lin Buer won the ninth-level national treasure, the Human Emperor Seal, otherwise they would never have come to suppress Lin Buer's arrogance, relying on his son's ability to leave early.

How could it be possible to leave when John Xungang mutated?Seeing that John Xungang in the beautiful country has turned into this, Bai Zhenhai is particularly worried about Lin Buer.

He didn't know where Lin Buer had gone, but he knew his son very well, and felt that Lin Buer would never run away like those people in the live broadcast room said.

He must have thought of some way to deal with John Xungang. Looking at John Xungang's unreasonable roar in mid-air, he knew that his arrogance had reached its peak.

It shouldn't take long for Lin Buer to return to the live broadcast room to crush John Xungang, who crushed the beautiful country. Lin Shide knows it well, how can he not know what his son is like?

Facing the unprovoked provocations of those people in the live broadcast room and saying those inappropriate things, Bai Zhenhaizi just watched it.

Chapter 260 IX Cursing Everywhere

"Lin Buer, you coward, where did you go, did you just run away with your Emperor Seal, you cowardly fellow.

Sure enough, we didn't misunderstand you, you are not my opponent at all, even though you have broken through the dignity of the heaven, you may not be able to beat me.

The luck of our beautiful country will always be higher than that of your Xia country. Don't think that you, Lin Buer, are now showing off your power here by deceiving the emperor's seal in the hands of that vixen.

You are no match for our beautiful country at all, you know?Cowardly as a mouse, come out if you have the ability." John Xungang is outside Chaoge City.

He searched every corner of Chaoge City with his eyes, and was still in mid-air, constantly looking there, but he couldn't find Lin Buer.

John Xungang ignored it there, shouting in mid-air, Lin Buer just wanted Lin Buer to appear in front of him quickly, the current John Xungang is not like before.

Seeing Lin Buer's way of heaven, under the pressure of respect, John Xungang was frightened out of his wits, but he didn't expect Lin Buer to be in front of him now.

It's just as small as an ant, and he can crush Lin Buer to pieces by stretching out his hand casually. Now he doesn't take Lin Buer seriously.

Lin Buer must have been afraid of his mutated appearance, and then with his human emperor seal, Tao Zhiyaoyao, John Xungang thought of this, ~his arrogance was extremely arrogant.

The arrogant look and words sprinted across the live broadcast room, "Look at John Xungang from our beautiful country, he is so tall and mighty, how come you all underestimated our players from the beautiful country before.

I always feel that Lin Buer, the player from Xia Kingdom, is the only one. Now how many of you dare to stand up and support Lin-Buer Lin Buer.

He is a coward and a coward. I didn't expect that after seeing John Xungang of our beautiful country grow into such a powerful person, he would run away with his Emperor Seal.

Isn't he just relying on the power of the Human Emperor's Seal now, even the Human Emperor's Seal can't restrain John Xungang from our beautiful country at all."

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