"No, I didn't expect that I would always take a high look before, and I would never make any comments in the live broadcast room, but now I can't hold back anymore.

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Lin Buer really disappointed us. It turns out that Xia Guo's player is such a timid guy. Seeing John Xungang become so tall.

He actually abandoned Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser and his teammates. I'm afraid his teammates don't know where Lin Buer is fleeing now.


This coward I don't want to watch his live broadcast in the future. "" Xiba, stop talking nonsense there, the live broadcast room is still broadcasting now.

Just wait and see, I always feel that Lin Buer will never look like what you imagined, Lin Buer is a good friend of our kimchi country.

I think Lin Buer will never abandon our kimchi country players, don't worry.

Our kimchi country will never stand on the wrong team. Believe me, I believe in the vision of our kimchi country. Come on, we think Lin Buer will definitely come back. "

"Fake, what do you think, Kimchi Xiaoguo is still talking here, what's the use of these useless words, you have to respect the facts, understand? Are you a few...

Chapter 270 Evacuate the People

Where do you weave beautiful dreams for yourself?Don't you think Lin Buer has no hope of coming back now, she has already escaped.

You put all your hopes on Lin Buer, you are really an ignorant little man, no wonder your kimchi country is always so small.

It is because your current thinking will never keep up with the progress of our beautiful country, you know?If you want to have a good relationship with John Xungang, a contestant from our "[-]" Liguo.

I'm afraid it's not the way it is now. Forget it, it won't work if you say anything now, so let's build a good relationship with them Xia Guo.

At that time, you will know how Xia Guo's players abandoned you. Lin Buer will never return to the live broadcast room, so don't worry. "

"Xiba, how dare you say that about our kimchi country? We think that Lin Buer of Xia Guo will not abandon Bai Yuekui, and you of Jin Xiaoser can take care of it.

I will definitely not look too far away. Although our beautiful country is small, it will definitely not be crushed by your beautiful country, since we have already made Xia Guo our ally and friend.

We will definitely not be with you contestants from the beautiful country. I think Lin Buer will definitely return to the live broadcast room to watch. You will know the vision of our kimchi country by then.

Are you short-sighted? "In the command room of Kimchi Kingdom, I saw the onlookers in the live broadcast room, talking about Lin Buer's words there.

They couldn't sit still anymore, they always felt that those people looked at Lin Buer like that, he was useless, how could Lin Buer run away?

Lin Buer will definitely think of all ways to crush John News Steel, and will never let John News Steel be so rampant, and the onlookers in the live broadcast room are useless no matter what they say.

Because the live broadcast is still on after all, Lin Buer will definitely come back now, and those people in the command room of the kimchi country are watching the live broadcast.

None of them thought that Lin Buer would give up Jin Xiaose, Bai Yuekui and the others now. Lin Buer was watching the scene below Chaoge City in the Tiangong.

Seeing that Chaoge City is already under the leadership of Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, a few of them auspiciously have already evacuated all the common people in Chaoge City for him... ..

It seems that the Liming people in Chaoge City are safe for the time being, so Lin Buer is relieved, Lin Buer is always thinking of some way to lure John Xungang out.

Don't let him fight with himself in Chaoge City, otherwise it will definitely affect those people in the entire Chaoge City, "Wuxin Saint.

Why do you also see that Chaoge City is in catastrophe now? If I rescue you and help you calm down the current crisis in Chaoge City, how can you thank me? "

Lin Buer has been seeing a phantom online in the Tiangong, and has been saying these words to Lin Buer, Lin Buer frowned, not knowing who is behind this phantom 1.7.

Looking at his appearance, the voice he spoke should be the God in the Heavenly Palace, but it turned out to be the honor of the God. Why didn't he meet his real body, but use his phantom and the words he said to talk to himself? ?

Could it be that the God in the sky also wants to negotiate conditions with himself? Lin Buer didn't know what to think in his heart, but Lin Buer still felt that...

Chapter 270 Self-inflicted Evil Is Unforgivable

This matter needs to be clarified. They cannot just promise to go to the gods at will. Once they agree, they must keep their promises.

Lin Buer frowned, and asked the phantom in confusion, "Oh, why are you still talking to me in a sneaky way, I just want to see what's wrong with your body.

Could it be that you are a majestic God, and you don't even dare to show me a body of heaven, and now you are telling me some conditions behind your back, and I don't know who you are.

Besides, even if there is any danger in Chaoge City, and their Emperor Daji and Bai Qian are there to suppress it, I don't think anyone can help.

Even if those two vixens don't want to make a move, the Emperor will never allow any mistakes in Chaoge City in 09. I think even if there is any crisis in Chaoge City.

The power of the law of my heavenly sage is enough, so I don't bother you to make a move. I don't know that you are using your phantom to tell me online, what is the condition?

Who are you?Can you show your body and let me see what's going on? "Lin Buer always felt that the phantom behind this made Lin Buer a little puzzled.

I always feel that there is a powerful divine force pushing my thoughts, and it seems that there is a powerful and powerful force behind this phantom.

Not knowing who was showing his phantom, and discussing the conditions with himself, Lin Buer thought in his heart that it doesn't matter even if it is so bad that his safety is in danger.

Now that the Human Emperor's Seal has been obtained, even if brother Zhao becomes real and will be destroyed by John Xungang, then he can rescue Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoserei, Wujie and the others.

There should be nothing wrong, now that Xu Yong is talking about conditions with himself behind his back, he must have something he wants in him, Lin Buer is thinking in his heart.

I don't have anything in my body right now, a fool who can only be watched by a god, what kind of conditions does he want to talk to me about?

"Oh, Lin Buer, you really don't want to negotiate terms with me, so forget it, and you don't even want to see what the player John Xungang from the beautiful country outside Chaoge City is like now.

Do you have any ability to suppress it, just use your power of the law of heaven? Once the two of you make a move, have you ever thought that the entire Chaoge City will be destroyed in your hands.

How can that work?Although Chaoge City is close to luck now, Chaoge City is definitely not close to luck now. She still has some luck in her hands.

So you can't destroy Chaoge City right now, this is the fate of Chaoge City, you absolutely can't change this secret. "

When Lin Buer heard what that phantom said 997, Lin Buer knew that what he said was not bad at all, because Lin Buer knew about Chaoge City.

After all, he is in control of all the secrets in Chaoge City now.

Lin Buer also knew the future fate, so he knew that Chaoge City's vitality had not been completely exhausted, but he didn't expect that the phantom in front of him could know it like the palm of his hand.

It seems that this matter really remains to be seen. It is definitely not that I exhausted the energy of combining this move, but that Human Emperor himself committed an unforgivable crime and was destroyed in Daji's hands.

Even if the Renhuang seal is in his own hands now, I am afraid that Jiang Ziya's is now.

Chapter 270 Second God's Discussion

Xiqi's army has not yet advanced in Chaoge City, and now that Chaoge City's vitality has not been completely exhausted, if it is true that John Xungang of the beautiful country will do it himself.

I'm afraid now that I know the power, I'm afraid she will be able to destroy Chao Gecheng in a short time.

How can that work?This is definitely not their luck in Chaoge City. Doesn't this mean that the fate of the future has been changed by John Xungang and himself?How can this work?

Now Lin Buer knows that this matter is not a child's play, and this matter is definitely not destroyed in his own hands, what should he do now?

Right now, the reason why Lin Buer came to Tiangong to watch the terrain of Chaoge City was because Lin Buer wanted to find a stable place to bring John Xungang there.

Beheading or just suppressing John Xungang's qi and liquid there, so that his body can return to its previous state, can also rely on the power of the law of the saint of heaven.

It must be able to return John Xungang's mutated body to its previous state.

Moreover, relying on Lin Buer's current body of a sage of heaven, he can also absorb the spiritual power and cultivation of those Shan Hai Jing strange beasts that John Xungang has devoured now.

It is possible to go back and let him return to his previous state again. Lin Buer just wanted to find a good strategy in Tiangong.

Unexpectedly, he encountered this phantom reappearance in front of him, and the words he said to himself, in Lin Buer's view, he was just making conditions for himself.

Relying on his position of Heavenly Dao, he should be able to crush John Xungang now.

The mutated body should be an easy task, but now it is necessary to find a place outside Chaoge City that will not endanger the safety of those Liming people in Chaoge City.

"Why didn't Lin Buer think clearly about what I said to you just now, if you think about it clearly, the two of us can have a good discussion.

Let me help you calm down the current affairs in Chaoge City.

The two of us can exchange, you see, I will definitely keep Bai Yuekui, and Jin Xiaoser and the others will never be beheaded by John Xungang from the beautiful country.

If you, Lin Buer, agree to this matter, then we have reached an agreement, and I only need the Human Emperor Seal on your body in exchange, and I don't want the rest. "."

At this time, Lin Buer heard the words said by the phantom in the sky and himself, and now Lin Buer finally understands that even their protoss are lucky to be the seal of the emperor.

It seems that it is necessary to use the fastest time to break through all the powers of the seal of the emperor.

They want to obtain the Emperor's seal on themselves, so for them, the luck of those Emperor's fate is also in their own hands early.

Whether it is their human race or the two vixens from Chaoge City who got the seal of the emperor, it has nothing to do with me, "` ‖Why do you gods also want the contract of the seal of the emperor now (Nuo Nuo Zhao)?

Could it be that now that your protoss are already superior, why do you still want to obtain the luck of the emperor?Even if the seal of the emperor falls on us.

It's not that there is not much loss to you, and it is much better than being in the hands of that monster. Why do you still have the seal of the emperor?

Forget it, I won't discuss anything with you, my Heavenly Dao will definitely be able to change the current situation in Chaoge City, don't forget.

Chapter 270 Three Extreme Behavior

I know that although you are the Supreme Gods, but now the fate of the emperor is in my hands. If I have the seal of the emperor, can I not change the fate of Chaoge City?

What are you discussing with you here, you don’t even let me see your real body now, I don’t know who you are now and I have nothing to discuss with you.”

When Lin Buer finished speaking these words, he watched the state of the phantom in the sky. Seeing the appearance of the phantom, Lin Buer felt that he was even the honor of the Supreme God.

It may not be an upright God, looking at him, he is just peeping at the Human Emperor Seal in his hand, seeing the current divine power of the Human Emperor Seal, he wants to take it for himself.

Bai Yuekui secretly guessed in his heart, but he didn't expect that the power of the Human Emperor's Seal would even covet the Supreme God in the Heavenly Palace in that 997.

It seems that I have to use the fastest power of the laws of heaven to break through all the powers of the Human Emperor Seal, even if the Human Emperor Seal falls into someone's hands.

Then it is meaningless to them, because after breaking through all the powers in the seal of the emperor, the luck technique of the seal of the emperor is also in the palm of his hand.

"Why Wuxin Saint, I am not even a high god enough to negotiate with you, a person of heaven? I just want the seal of the emperor in your hand, so what?

Don't forget your Heavenly Dao position, there is no way to mention my Shangshen's position, what capital do you have to discuss with my Shangshen here.

This Human Sovereign is basically a sacred object in the heavens, and you can take it as your own with a position of Heavenly Dao. Hurry up and hand over the Human Sovereign Seal to me! "

Lin Buer had already seen the phantom in mid-air, and was speaking these words to himself in a stern voice, Lin Buer secretly murmured in his heart that he didn't know where such a god came from.

He actually used his Supreme God position to crush his own Heavenly position, but did he just want to get the Emperor's seal from himself?He was still there brazenly saying that he had something to discuss with himself.

Lin Buer secretly guessed in his heart that if this is a person with extreme moral character, it is absolutely impossible to use his phantom to discuss the Emperor's Seal with himself here.

He (ajbh) can openly show his real body to discuss with himself. He never thought that a person with a high god position would shout at him there, using his high god position to crush his own way of heaven.

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