It seems that he just wanted the Emperor's Seal. Lin Buer thought that he didn't have all the tools to break through the Emperor's Seal, so how could he let the Emperor's Seal fall into your hands.

"I don't care what kind of Supreme God position you are, or I am a heavenly position, even the Human Emperor's Seal is in my hands now, it is my thing, I can take it out if I want.

If you don't want to show it, you can't help me. You are not a high god in this heavenly court. Why don't you even dare to show your real body and use your phantom to yell at me there.

Show your real body if you have the ability, and I want to see where you are, the God of God, and you are here to deceive me with the Seal of the Human Emperor."

In the mid-air, Lin Buer felt that this magical and strange creature was sneaking around there, but he just wanted to get the Seal of the Emperor from his hand.

Lin Buer felt that this matter was too strange. If he was really on the throne of God, then how could he do such a despicable thing? He must be deceiving himself there.

Chapter 270 Four Stay in Heaven

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Buer to hand over the Human Emperor Seal to him, but Master Lin Buer really felt his powerful strength.

Knowing that his divine power and honor should be higher than his own, that kind of powerful crushing power is beyond Lin Buer's reach now, if Lin Buer can really break through all the skills of the Human Emperor Seal after.

What chance does this God have to speak in front of him now? "How can you be unintentional saint, what you imply is that you are not willing to hand over the seal of the emperor.

Then don't blame me for being rude to you, I will definitely not let you stay in the Tiangong, you should go back to Chaoge City, this place is not suitable for you at all.

Tell you the seal of the emperor, I am bound to get it sooner or later, you will hand it over to me, you know?If you don't hand it over, don't blame me - I will show no mercy to you.

I am a majestic god, how can you allow me to have another theory with me again! "Lin Buer's voice was just - when the summer was just falling.

Lin Buer just had some hesitation and hesitation in his heart, and he didn't know how to think of a way to deal with Yan Xia's so-called Shangshen.

Lin Buer was at a loss. At this time, the upper body suddenly uttered wild words, as if he wanted to block Lin Buer's way, if Lin Buer didn't listen to what the god said.

Hand over the emperor's seal to him.

I'm afraid this so-called God is going to fight with Lin Buer. When Lin Buer heard this, he couldn't help but smile inwardly. How could this God be allowed to make trouble here in the heavenly court.

If something really happened, I'm afraid all the gods in this heaven would know about it. Lin Buer thought of this, if this god really wanted to fight with him.

That's okay, Lin Buer wanted to see what the origin of this Shangshen was, and he kept muttering in his heart about this so-called Shangshen Lin Buer.

The gods in this God Realm are all magnanimous, and they have never encountered such an upper body, which made Lin Buer suspicious. The god hiding behind the phantom is actually the leader of Tongtian.

Because Empress Nuwa saw Daji in Chaoge City before, Master Tongtian had already seen Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun talking about the way of heaven from a distance.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Discussing the reappearance of the powerful divine light soaring to the sky, Master Tongtian also felt the power of this powerful divine light, and overheard the words of Nuwa Empress and Yuan Tianzun from Daji's mouth.

This kind of powerful divine light online is due to the powerful divine light displayed by the precious human emperor seal in the underground palace of Chaoge City. This human emperor seal can actually turn things around.


Moreover, being able to use all the luck on one's body, changing all the luck can increase one's dignity and improve one's divine power.

When Master Tongtian, who was eavesdropping behind his back, got the great news, he was ecstatic, and he was thinking in his heart that he must get this, the powerful baby Renhuang Seal.

Because this Human Emperor's Seal can gather all the luck and add to the body, and it has the effect of hitting the magic whip, so if Brother Liu gets the Human Emperor's Seal in the entire Heavenly Palace.

Then he is the summer of ten thousand immortals alone, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be suppressed by the original Tianzun at that time, because there are several people in the entire Tiangong.

Chapter 270

The original Tianzun's position is higher than that of the Tongtian leader, so the Tongtian leader has always been afraid of the Yuanshi Tianzun's seat, so the Tongtian leader thought that if he could snatch the seal of the emperor from Lin Buer's hands.

Then after all the good fortune is added to his body, he will never dare to make trouble in front of him. Thinking of this, he made up his mind to find out the traces of Lin Buer.

After getting the seal of the emperor, the leader of "Nine Nine Seven" Tongtian knew that this matter must not be discovered by Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun, because now Yuanyuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress are also looking for Lin Buer.

Even if they can't get the Human Emperor Seal from Lin Buer, they definitely want to use Lin Buer's power to change the luck of the Protoss and Human Race.

It is absolutely impossible to let Chaoge City be destroyed in one fell swoop. The Master Tongtian knows that if the Human Emperor's Seal falls into it, Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun will be in the hands.

Then in the future, it is absolutely impossible for me and my hand Xia's family to appear in the heavenly court so smoothly with the luck of the emperor's seal.

Then the status of Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun in the entire heaven will be far higher than myself. Thinking of this, Master Tongtian felt that it must be in the hands of Lin Buer.

Before the original Tianzun and Nuwa Empress find the seal of the emperor, get it first, as long as the seal of the emperor is in hand, he will know the status and luck of the heavenly leader in the heavenly palace.

It will be promoted in an instant. When the Nuwa Empress and the Yuan Tianzun left, the Master Tongtian also quietly used his power of law to push away a tree of clouds in the sky.

The moment he pushed aside the clouds, he also leaned over and looked outside Chaoge City, wanting to find out where Renhuangyin and Lin Buer were going immediately.

In order to control it in my own hands, I didn't expect it to start at the moment the leader of Tongtian lifted the cloud.

I have already seen the mutation of John Xungang, a player from Chaoge City Xia Meiguo, and I saw the current holder of the Human Emperor Seal, the Wuxin Saint, transforming into a beam of light.

Flying towards the direction of Tiangong, at this time, the leader of Tongtian was secretly happy in his heart, now it is so easy to find the traces of Renhuangyin and Lin Buer.

You can find the traces of Lin Buer, it seems that all the effort is wasted, as long as Lin Buer comes to the sky, then it will be a matter of time for Ren Huang Ye to get it.

Although Lin Buer is the position of heaven, but he is a position of God, how dare Lin Buer disobey his dispatch?When Master Tongtian thought of this.

I have already seen Lin Buer, transformed into a streamer of light in the mid-air, looking down at Chaoge City, just thinking about how to use some method to steel John Xun of the beautiful country as soon as possible.

The mutated appearance is now crushed into the previous state by him. It is absolutely impossible for John Xungang to always show such a face. The entire Chaoge City may be destroyed in John Xungang's hands.

How can that work?Because Chaoge City's 1.7 technology has not advanced, so this matter must not be ruined in his own hands. Master Tongtian sees all this in his eyes.

You know what Lin Buer is worried about now?The leader of Tongtian thought that John Xungang of that beautiful country had devoured the spiritual power and cultivation of the Shan Hai Jing alien beast.

To make his body like this, I am afraid that you have to rely on the power of his God's law.

Chapter 270

Only then can John Xungang's current appearance be re-suppressed by the spiritual power and cultivation base of those Shanhaijing beasts in his body, and only then can John Xungang return to his previous state.

It seems that if this matter is done to help Lin Buer himself.

Then Lin Buer will definitely hand over the Renhuang into his own hands. At this time, the leader of Tongtian is also thinking that this matter really cannot be known by Nuwa Empress and Yuanyuan Tianzun.

That's why Master Tongtian showed his phantom in the sky and said these words to Lin Buer. Master Tongtian thought to himself, as long as he succeeds in getting Ren Huangyun from Lin Buer.

Then everything is not a problem, no matter after being among the protoss, his prestige should be far higher than Nuwa Empress and Yuanshi Tianzun.

09 Absolutely can't let the arrogance of Yuan Tianzun suppress one's position of Tianzun, the existence of Tianzun is also the existence of Tianzun, Yuanyuan Tianzun will always be like a superior person.

Even Empress Nuwa would discuss with Yuan Tianzun in advance about anything, instead of meeting with herself, so this made Master Tongtian very angry.

Thinking that the Seal of Renhuang in Lin Bu's second hand can change such luck, for Master Tongtian, he especially wants to have such a powerful magic weapon.

"I don't care what god you are, I said that this person, Huang Yan, will never be handed over to you. If we have the ability, we will compete.

I'd like to see if my power of the law of Heavenly Venerable can crush your high god's position, don't keep lying to me with your high god's position.

Don't you just want to get the Seal of the Emperor from me?I will absolutely not agree to this matter, this human emperor seal is not something you can control.

If I tell you that I will not hand over this Emperor Seal to anyone, you should give up on it. "Lin Buer was very angry when faced with the clamor of the Master of the Supreme God.

Because Lin Buer never thought that a person who was in the position of God would actually crush him there, how could it be possible?Anyway, this Human Emperor Seal would never be handed over to her.

Lin Buer also guessed in his heart that this god dared not show his true face, so he must remember something in the heavenly palace.

He was so afraid that he didn't dare to fight with him in the Tiangong, so Lin Buer didn't care what he said to him now.

Anyway, Lin Buer knows that as long as he concentrates on cultivating temporarily here and breaks through all the skills of the Human Emperor Seal, even if he gets an empty seal, it will be of no use.

"Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser, don't you think that if Lin Buer doesn't come back now, there will be a big mess, you didn't see John Xungang from the beautiful country shouting in mid-air.

Lin Buer 010 From the looks of it, if Lin Buer doesn't come back, I'm afraid he's going to step on Chaoge City, what should we do?John Xungang in the beautiful country is so arrogant now.

I'm really afraid that if he makes a mistake, he will really destroy Chaoge City, that's not acceptable, Chaoge City's vitality has not improved yet, so it can be destroyed in the hands of John Xungang. "

Lei Wujie was very worried, because he had heard John Xungang from Beautiful Country insulting Lin Buer in mid-air, and even Lin Buer could stand the scolding voice of John Xungang.

It seems that Lin Buer must be hiding, or thinking of some way to deal with John Xungang from the beautiful country, now is not the time.

Chapter 270 Seven Stepping on the Ground

That's why Lin Bu'er didn't come out, but if Lin Bu'er doesn't show up now, I'm afraid that the summer of John Xungang's anger can really level the entire Chaoge City.

But what to do?Lei Wujie's anxious Xia immediately yelled at Bai Yuekui, afraid that if this matter is really what he imagined, how can it be done?

Wouldn't the lives of so many people in Chaoge City be destroyed by John Xungang, a contestant from this beautiful country? "Yes, Bai Yuekui, take a quick look.

John Xungang's arrogance is so arrogant, I can't stand him cursing me there, if he scolds Lin Buer in the live broadcast room, I will never spare him.

Even if I can't beat him, I won't let him abuse him arbitrarily there, Lin Buer just watch, Bai Yuekui, I'll teach John Xungang of Xia Meiguo a good lesson in a while.

Let the players from their beautiful country see that the players from our Xia country and Kimchi country are not inferior, and they will definitely not be intimidated by his arrogance. "

"Oh, Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, why don't I want Lin Buer to show up quickly, but I don't know where Lin Buer has gone now.

You didn't see that I just watched the onlookers in Yixia's live broadcast room in Lin Buer's live broadcast room, and I was worried for Lin Buer.

And some of their words are particularly ugly. I just don't want to talk to you because you two are worried. I can't stand it anymore.

Look at what the onlookers in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room are saying now, they all say Lin Buer, tell me where Lin Buer went.

He doesn't tell me where this brat goes now, and I don't even know his current situation.

Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, do you think Lin Buer will really be like what the onlookers said in the live broadcast room, he took the man Huang Yi into his hands and fled away, leaving us all in Chaoge City.

This would be too unethical, if Lin Buer dared to do this.

You see, I don't clean up well when I go back. "He". Now Bai Yuekui has seen those words in the live broadcast room without any reason, and Bai Yuekui didn't believe it before.

It's just that Bai Yuekui is a little shaken now, because John Xungang from the beautiful country scolded Lin Buer angrily in mid-air, and Lin Buer didn't come back.

This is so unbelievable. According to his understanding of Lin Buer, he would never let Lin Buer be said by those onlookers.

Not to mention John Xungang insulting him here, how is this possible?Unless there is a possibility that Lin Buer really escaped as the onlookers in the live broadcast room said.

The more Bai Yuekui thought about it now, the more angry he became. Bai Yuekui wondered if Lin Buer had really thrown himself and Jin Xiaoselei Wujie in Chaoge City, how could it work?

I ran away with the Human Emperor's Luck, throwing such a dangerous thing to myself, and how can John Xungang clean up the mess of John Xungang.

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