The current killing ability is so strong, and I am afraid that he is not his opponent now. Bai Yuekui is a little angry when he thinks about it now, and he doesn't know what to do.

It would be okay if Lin Buer appeared in front of him immediately, but if he hesitated a little when he came out, John Xungang from the beautiful country would really do what Lei Wujie said.

Chapter 278 Cultivation of Immortals

It would be terrible to crush the bad things into fine powder. Lei Wujie, Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoser all knew that Chaoge City's vitality hadn't improved yet and hadn't completely disappeared.

Now if it is really destroyed by John Steel in the beautiful country, how can it work?The more Bai Yuekui thought about it, the more anxious he became. He really wanted Lin Buer to appear in front of his eyes immediately.

"Bai Yuekui, don't worry there, it's useless to worry about this matter, you didn't see that the onlookers in the live broadcast room are more anxious than you.

Now the only people in the beautiful country are gloating over there, they wish Lin Buer would show up, so that all the treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace might really return.

They owned the beautiful country, and Lin Buer would definitely not be able to complete the task Wu Nian'an entrusted to him. Seeing that he was going to return to Xia Guo in such a disheveled manner, Wu Nian'an, the command room of the National Games.

Just deal with him as you like, Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, in my opinion, Lin Buer may not be able to really do what the onlookers in the live broadcast room said.

Going back to Xia Guoguo will only mean that he absolutely cannot go back, because we are still here, can he go back?How could he give up on us?

This is definitely not Lin Buer's character, is it? "Bai Yuekui expressed his worries and thoughts to Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie in front of him.

Because Bai Yuekui knew that Lin Buer might not really be what those people in the live broadcast room said, but now Lin Buer didn't appear in front of them.

Bai Yuekui always felt uneasy, wondering if something happened to Lin Buer and blocked him there, so he couldn't return to the live broadcast room smoothly.

Or he hasn't thought of any good way to deal with John Xungang from the beautiful country. Anyway, in Bai Yuekui's opinion, Lin Buer may not be able to return to the command room of Xia Guo Guoyun, if he really does go back ten.

Then Wu Nian'an will definitely send a message to tell him, and now he has not received a single message, obviously Lin Buer should not have gone back, "` ‖Master, I think you should have some confidence in Master Lin Buer, okay?

Don't look down on Lin Buer. No matter who in the live broadcast room is talking about Lin Buer, I always think you shouldn't think so. Do you know that you should have enough confidence in Lin Buer?

Lin Buer will never abandon you, don't worry, as far as I know, if Lin Buer wants to leave, at least he will (deservedly) take you with him, even if we are left behind Chaoge City.

Lin Buer will also take you, Tao Zhiyao, how could he be willing to leave you in Chaoge City alone. "

"It's my wife, you just listen to Jin Xiaose, you didn't see that Jin Xiaose really hit the point when he said this time, every time he said something, I would get angry.

I quite agree with what he said this time. I think Lin Buer will never abandon you. You just wait for Lin Buer to appear here with peace of mind.

I think Lin Buer should have gone there to practice his Human Emperor Yin Gongjue like last time, and now Lin Buer has seen that John Xungang of the beautiful country has mutated into this state.

Did Lin Buer feel pressured, that's why he thought about hiding in a remote place to practice. It won't take long for me to feel that he can come back. Don't worry, just wait here steadily with.

Chapter 270 Eight Immortal Practice

It would be terrible to crush the bad things into fine powder. Lei Wujie, Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoser all knew that Chaoge City's vitality hadn't improved yet and hadn't completely disappeared.

Now if it is really destroyed by John Steel in the beautiful country, how can it work?The more Bai Yuekui thought about it, the more anxious he became. He really wanted Lin Buer to appear in front of his eyes immediately.

"Bai Yuekui, don't worry there, it's useless to worry about this matter, you didn't see that the onlookers in the live broadcast room are more anxious than you.

Now the only people in the beautiful country are gloating over there, they wish Lin Buer would show up, so that all the treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace might really return.

They owned the beautiful country, and Lin Buer would definitely not be able to complete the task Wu Nian'an entrusted to him. Seeing that 010 was going to return to Xia Kingdom in such a dismal manner, Wu Nian'an, the command room of the National Games.

Just deal with him as you like, Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, in my opinion, Lin Buer may not be able to really do what the onlookers in the live broadcast room said.

Going back to Xia Guoguo will only mean that he absolutely cannot go back, because we are still here, can he go back?How could he give up on us?

This is definitely not Lin Buer's character, is it? "Bai Yuekui expressed his worries and thoughts to Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie in front of him.

Because (ajbi) Bai Yuekui knew that Lin Buer might not really be like those people in the live broadcast room said, but now Lin Buer didn't appear in front of them.

Bai Yuekui always felt uneasy, wondering if something happened to Lin Buer and blocked him there, so he couldn't return to the live broadcast room smoothly.

Or he hasn't thought of a good way to deal with John Xungang from the beautiful country. Anyway, in Bai Yuekui's opinion, Lin Buer may not be able to return to the command room of Xia Guo Guoyun, if he really does.

Then Wu Nian'an will definitely send a message to tell him, and now he has not received a single message, obviously Lin Buer should not have gone back, "Master, I think you should have some confidence in Master Lin Buer, okay?

Don't look down on Lin Buer. No matter who in the live broadcast room is talking about Lin Buer, I always think you shouldn't think so. Do you know that you should have enough confidence in Lin Buer?

Lin Buer will never abandon you, don't worry, as far as I know, if Lin Buer wants to leave, at least he will take you with him, even if he leaves the two of us in Chaoge City.

Lin Buer will also take you, Tao Zhiyao, how could he be willing to leave you in Chaoge City alone. "

"It's my wife, you just listen to Jin Xiaose, you didn't see that Jin Xiaose really hit the point when he said this time, every time he said something, I would get angry.

I quite agree with what he said this time. I think Lin Buer will never abandon you. You just wait for Lin Buer to appear here with peace of mind.

I think Lin Buer should have gone there to practice his Human Emperor Yin Gongjue like last time, and now Lin Buer has seen that John Xungang of the beautiful country has mutated into this state.

Did Lin Buer feel pressured, that's why he thought about hiding in a remote place to practice. It won't take long for me to feel that he can come back. Don't worry, just wait here steadily with.

Chapter 270 IX Luck Survival

Bai Yuekui, I know that you are also worried that John Xungang of their beautiful country can trample on Chaoge City, Bai Yuekui, I don't think you know it.

Because Chaoge City's luck is not yet exhausted, so he has a little bit of luck here.

John Xungang may not be able to do this, but if there is any crisis in Chaoge City, Daji and Bai Qian will definitely not stand idly by.

Presumably, the Emperor will be notified as soon as possible, can the Emperor spare John Xungang? "Lei Wujie saw now that Bai Yuekui was bleeding, showing some worried expressions.

I knew that Bai Yuekui must be worried about Lin Buer and they didn't know where Lin Buer went.

Because all the onlookers in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room are sitting there and slandering themselves wantonly, Bai Yuekui is now also in a state of confusion.

He didn't know whether he should trust his own judgment or the slander of Lin Buer from the onlookers in the live broadcast room, so Lei Wujie expressed his opinion to Bai Yuekui.

Because in Lei Wujie's eyes, he knew that Bai Yuekui should be able to trust Lin Buer now, and he would never trust those people in the live broadcast room.

Slandering Lin Buer Master Lin Buer would definitely not be the kind of person who can escape with the luck of the emperor, leaving Jin Xiaose, Bai Yuekui and himself in Chaoge City.

So Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser just wanted to persuade Bai Yuekui to calm down and wait for Lin Buer to come back in Chaoge City.

No matter what John Xungang's mutation looks like now, or what his anger looks like now, Chaoge City's aura has not completely disappeared at all.

Then John Xungang will definitely not be able to draw his sword to cut anything. If John Xungang really wants to attack these Liming people in Chaoge City, I am afraid that Daji and Bai Qian will never stand idly by.

He would never let Chaoge City fall under the pressure of John Xungang, it's time for Bai Yuekui to hear what Lei Wujie said to him.

Bai Yuekui also knew that now Lei Wujie was here to calm his emotions, because Bai Yuekui believed that Lin Buer would never be like those people in their live broadcast room.

With those words, he will never give up on himself, and Lin Buer will come back sooner or later, and he will never let John Xungang from the beautiful country continue to do whatever he wants in Chaoge City.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

I am cursing Lin Buer here and want to come, if John Xungang continues like this, it won't take long, and Lin Buer can bear it.

He would never allow John Xungang's swearing voice to exist, "Don't worry, Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser, I know that you two are all for me, so I'm worried about Lin Buer's safety.

0. 0

I believe that Lin Buer will never be like what those people said in the live broadcast room. He will not come back, and I know he will never give up on us.

It won't take long for Lin Buer to come back.

If, as the ignorant people in the live broadcast room said, Lin Buer had already returned to the Kingdom of Xia with the Renhuang Seal, then how could Wu Nian'an not send us a message?

Now there is no news from Xia Guo's command room. It is obvious that Lin Buer has never returned to Xia Guo, let alone hiding in Chaoge City.

Because those two vixens are still looking at Chaoge City outside Chaoge City, what happened now?

Chapter 280 Offending Chao Ge

You two think about those two vixen Daji and Bai Qian, how could they allow John Xungang from the beautiful country to run wild in Chaoge City?

Thinking about their Yaozu, with their power, it is absolutely impossible for John Xungang to act mischievously in Chaoge City and bully the people in Chaoge City. "

Bai Yuekui heard Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaose persuading him there.

Bai Yuekui called "[-]" from a distance to measure the movements of the two vixen Bai Qian and Daji who had been watching from above Chaoge City, watching their expressions.

Bai Yuekui knew that the two of them would not be able to bear the arrogance of John Xungang in the beautiful country, if John Xungang dared to offend Chaoge City.

Then these two fox spirits, Bai Qian and Daji, will never let the young man continue to behave like this. The two of them will definitely make a move, relying on the supernatural powers of Bai Qian and Daji's monster clan.

Then the beautiful John Xungang is no match at all, even if John Xungang has mutated into a half-human half-demon, then in front of Bai Qian and Daji.

It's just a demon clan, so how can he be the opponent of Yaozu Baiqian?

Thinking of this, Bai Yuekui actually felt that if Lin Buer really returned to Chaoge City now, it would be because of the relationship between Lin Buer and that vixen Daji.

It is very likely that they will join forces with Daji and the two vixen to deal with the contestants from the beautiful country in front of them.

In that case, John Xungang would not be able to withstand the crushing power of the demon clan at all, and John Xungang would definitely be defeated by Bai Qian.

In this way, Lin Buer didn't need to make a move, and Bai Yuekui was very happy when he thought of it. This way, he undoubtedly helped Lin Buer a lot.

After solving all the current dynamics of John Xungang in the beautiful country, John Xungang from the beautiful country will be thrown into the face in the live broadcast room at that time, the contestants of the beautiful country.

John Xungang couldn't even beat the two vixens, and he still wanted to know how he wanted to get along in the live broadcast room, and the incomprehensible things that the people who came to the beautiful country said now.

At that time, there would be no possibility of taking it back, Bai Yuekui felt elated when he thought of it.

I thought that as soon as Lin Buer appeared, I would discuss with Lin Buer to join forces with Daji and Bai Qian in Chaoge City to deal with John Xungang in the beautiful country...

Then Lin Buer would be able to defeat John Xungang of the beautiful country without freezing his hands.

Bai Yuekui was elated at the thought of this moment, and in an instant, his previous worried thoughts disappeared, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie next to him saw it for real, so they didn't know what happened to his teacher's wife Bai Yuekui and what she was talking about there.

Lin Buer has now disappeared in Chaoge City and those people in the live broadcast room are swearing at Lin Buer's escape. Bai Yuekui is still there happy, can he accept it?

Could it be that Bai Yuekui was confused by the people in the live broadcast room in 1.8?Or was he intimidated by the mutated figure of John Xungang in the beautiful country in front of him?

"Bai Yuekui, what's the matter with you? Why are you laughing there for no reason? Do you know that your expression now frightens me and Jin Xiaose.

The two of us have been watching you for a long time. What happened to you, or were you hit by Lin Buer's escape?

Chapter 280 One Monster Clan Confrontation

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